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Witness to Hope Page 182

by George Weigel

  John the Baptist

  John XXIII, Pope (Angelo Roncalli)

  Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification

  Joint International Commission for the Theological Dialogue Between the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church

  Joint International Pentecostal/Roman Catholic Dialogue


  Jospin, Lionel

  Judas Maccabee

  “Justice in the World” (Synod of Bishops)

  Justification, Doctrine of


  Juvenaly, Metropolitan

  Kabongo, Emery

  Kaczmarek, Czesław

  Kaczmarek, Lech

  Kaczorowska, Emilia, see Wojtyła, Emilia Kaczorowska

  Kaczorowska, Joanna

  Kaczorowska, Maria Scholz

  Kaczorowski, Feliks

  Kádár, János

  Kajsiewicz, Father

  Kalinowski, Jerzy

  Kalinowski, Rafał

  Kalwaria Zebrzydowska (shrine)

  in 1979 pilgrimage

  Kamiński, Stanisław

  Kane, Teresa

  Kania, Stanisław

  Kant, Immanuel

  Karadžić, Radovan

  Karekin I Sarkissian, Catholicos of All Armenians

  Karoń-Ostrowska, Anna

  Kasper, Walter

  Kasprowicz, Jan

  Katolicka Agencja Informacyjna (KAI)

  Katyn Forest massacre (1940)

  Kaufman, Michael


  Keeler, William



  and assassination attempt on Pope

  Khan Shah, Wali

  Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah

  Khristoradnov, Yuriy

  Kierkegaard, Søren

  King, Martin Luther, Jr.

  King-Spirit (Słowacki)

  Kirkland, Lane

  Kirkpatrick, Jeane J.

  Kissinger, Henry

  Kiszczak, Czesław

  Kliszko, Zenon

  Kluger, Jerzy

  grandmother Huppert

  Knesset, Israeli

  Knox, James

  Kobak, Ola

  Koch, Edward

  Kochanowski, Jan

  Kohl, Helmut

  Kolbe, Maximilian Mary

  beatification of

  canonization of

  Kolbe Church

  Koliqi, Mikel

  Kolodziej, Marian

  Kolvenbach, Pieter-Hans

  Kondrusiewicz, Tadeusz

  König, Franz

  Wojtyła’s election as pope and

  Kordecki, Augustyn

  Kordian (Słowacki)

  Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of (North)

  Korea, Republic of (South)

  Korec, Ján Chryzostom

  Kościelniak, Zdzisław

  Kościuszko, Tadeusz

  Kostka, Saint Stanisław

  Kotlarczyk, Maria

  Kotlarczyk, Mieczysław

  Kotlarczyk, Zofia

  Kovlikov, Valery

  Kowalska, Faustina

  Kowalski, Józef

  Kozal, Michał

  Kozka, Karolina

  Kozłowiecki, Adam

  Kozłowski, Karol

  Kraków, Poland

  “Black Sunday” in

  as crossroads of Europe

  Jewish community of

  Macharski installed as archbishop of

  Synod of, see Synod of Kraków

  Wojtyła installed as archbishop of

  Wojtyła’s “fit” with

  Wojtyła vs. communist regime in

  see also specific sites

  Kraków, Poland, papal pilgrimages to:

  of 1979

  of 1983

  of 1987

  of 1997

  Krakowska Gazeta

  Krąpiec, Mieczysław Albert

  Krasiński, Zygmunt

  Krenz, Egon

  Kristallnacht (1938)

  Krol, John

  Królikiewicz, Halina, see Kwiatkowska, Halina Królikiewicz

  Królikiewicz, Jan

  Kudliński, Tadeusz

  Kukliński, Ryszard


  Kung, Cardinal, see Gong Pin-mei, Ignatius

  Küng, Hans

  Evangelium Vitae criticized by

  Kurchaba, Fylmon

  Kurdziałek, Marian

  Kuroń, Jacek

  Kurowski, Tadeusz

  Kurzeja, Józef

  Kusak, Kazimierz


  Kwaniewski, Aleksander

  Kwiatkowska, Halina Królikiewicz

  Kwiatkowska, Monika Katarzyna

  Kwiatkowski, Tadeusz

  Kydryńska, Maria

  Kydryński,, Juliusz

  Kyril, Metropolitan of Smolensk

  Laborem Exercens (On Human Work) (John Paul II)

  Labuś, Franciszek

  Laghi, Pio

  Lambeth Conference (1978)

  Larraona, Arcadio

  Lash, Nicholas

  Last Judgment (Michelangelo)

  Last Supper

  Lateran Treaty (1929)

  revision of

  Latin America

  Catholic Church in

  legacy of Vatican II and

  liberation theology and

  papal pilgrimage of 1985 to

  papal pilgrimage of 1988 to

  papal pilgrimage of 1996 to

  “Popular” Church in

  proposed Pan-American Synod for

  Latin American Pilgrimage of 1987

  Argentina segment of

  Chile segment of

  media and

  O’Higgins Park riot in

  Pinochet-John Paul meeting in


  Lau, Meir

  Law, Bernard Francis

  Law of the Gift

  see also self-gift, concept of

  Leadership Conference of Women Religious

  League of Nations


  papal pilgrimage of 1997 to

  Lefebvre, Marcel

  excommunication of

  Legionaries of Christ

  Lehmann, Karl

  Leisner, Karl

  Lejeune, Jerome

  Lékai, László

  Lenin, V. I.

  Leo I (the Great), Pope

  Leo III, Pope

  Leo XIII, Pope

  Letter to Children (John Paul II)

  Letter to Families (John Paul II)

  “Letter to Priests” (John Paul II)

  “Letter to Women” (John Paul II)

  “Let There Be Life” (pastoral letter)

  Lévinas, Emmanuel

  Levine, Gilbert

  Levy, David

  Lewaj, Mrs. Jadwiga

  Lewek, Antonin

  Lewis, C. S.

  liberation theology

  Marxism and

  papal Instructions on

  Vatican II and


  Liberto, Giuseppe

  Libre Belgique, La

  Libreria Editrice Vaticana

  Lichtenberg, Bernhard


  Light and Life movement

  Liguori, Saint Alphonsus

  Lincoln, Abraham


  Church in

  papal pilgrimage of 1993 to

  Lithuanian Supreme Soviet

  Liturgy of the Hours

  Liturgy of the Word

  Living Rosary groups

  Locke, John

  Logical Investigations (Husserl)

  López Portillo, José

  López Rodriguez, Nicolás de Jesus

  López Trujillo, Alfonso

  Lorayes, Araceli

  Lord’s Prayer

  Lorenzo Ruiz Institute

  Louis I, King of France

  “Lourdes Hymn,”

  Lourdusamy, Simon


  birth control and
  chastity and

  freedom and

  God and

  as “human act,”

  John Paul on

  lust and


  marriage and


  sexuality and

  in Wojtyla’s dramas

  youth and

  Love and Responsibility (Wojtyla)

  Loyola, Saint Ignatius

  Lozano Barragán, Javier

  Lubachivsky, Myroslav Ivan

  Lubich, Chiara

  Lublin Project

  Lucas, Robert

  Luciani, Albino, see John Paul I, Pope

  Luke, Gospel of

  Luli, Anton

  Lumen Gentium, see Dogmatic Constitution on the Church

  Lustiger, Jean-Marie

  Luther, Martin


  Joint Declaration and

  justification doctrine and

  see also ecumenism, ecumenical movement; Protestants, Protestantism

  Lutheran World Federation (LWF)


  “L’viv Sobor” (1946)

  McBrien, Richard

  McCarrick, Theodore

  McCarty, Teresa Benedicta

  Macchi, Pasquale

  McCorvey, Norma

  Macharski, Franciszek

  Maciel, Marcial

  MacIntyre, Alasdair

  MacKillop, Mary


  Madonna of Ludmierz

  Madrid peace conference (1991)

  Madrid review conference (1980-81)


  Magee, John

  Magnum Baptismi Donum (The Great Gift of Baptism) (John Paul II)

  Mahony, Roger

  Majdanek concentration camp



  Malecka, Teresa Mięsowicz

  Malecki, Piotr


  “Malines Conversations,”

  Maliński, Mieczysław

  Malone, James


  Maltese, Mario

  Maltese, Vittoria Janni

  Malula, Joseph

  Malý, Václav

  Małysiak, Albin

  Małysiak, Stanisław

  Manchester Guardian

  Mankowski (laborer)

  Mantino, Jacob

  Mao Zedong

  Marcinkus, Paul

  Marcos, Ferdinand

  ouster of

  Marcos, Imelda

  Margalit, Eitan

  Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark

  Maria, Mater Ecclesiae (Mary, Mother of the Church) (mosaic)

  Mariacki Church (Kraków)

  Marian Church

  Marian Year

  Marini, Piero

  Maritain, Jacques

  Mark, Gospel of


  adultery within

  in Cairo Conference

  celibacy and

  chastity in

  divorce and

  God and

  love and

  self-giving in

  marriage-preparation program

  Martí, José


  Martin, Diarmuid

  Martin, Jacques

  Martínez Somalo, Eduardo

  Martini, Carlo Maria

  Martin the Pole

  Marty, François

  Martyniak, Ivan

  Marx, Karl



  culture in

  liberation theology and

  Mary, Queen of Poland

  Mater et Magistra (John XXIII)

  Matlary, Janne Haaland

  Matthew, Gospel of

  Matulaitis, Jurgis


  Mauthausen concentration camp

  May, John

  Mayer, Rupert

  Mazowiecki, Tadeusz

  Mazurek, Alfons Maria


  adultery-within-marriage comments in

  African pilgrimage in

  assassination attempt in

  Cuban pilgrimage in

  European Synod in

  Gorbachev’s Vatican visits and

  health issue in

  John Paul’s “authoritarianism” criticized by

  Küng affair in

  1979 Polish pilgrimage in

  media: (cont.)

  1987 Latin America tour in

  1991 Polish pilgrimage in

  1993 World Youth Day in

  1995 U.S. visit in

  1997 World Youth Day in

  Sollicitudo encyclical and

  Vatican office of

  Wojtyła s election as pope and

  Medina Estévez, Jorgé Arturo

  Meilaender, Gilbert

  Mejía, Jorge

  Melady, Thomas P.

  Meliton, Archbishop of Chalcedon

  Mentorella (shrine)

  Mercier, Desiré


  “Message to the Church in China” (John Paul II)

  “Message to the People of God,”

  Messina, Antonia

  Messori, Vittorio

  Metaphysics (Wais)

  Methodius, Saint

  Metropolitan Curia (Kraków)

  Metz, Johannes


  “Cristero” uprising in

  Vatican establishes diplomatic relations with

  Mexico City, World Conference on Population and Development (1984) in

  Michałowska, Danuta

  Michalski, Krzysztof


  Michener, James

  Michnik, Adam

  Mickiewicz, Adam

  cited in John Paul’s inaugural Mass

  Middle East

  Vatican policy in

  Mięsowicz, Teresa, see Malecka, Teresa Mięsowicz

  Mieszko I, Prince of Poland

  Military Council of National Salvation


  Milošević, Slobodan

  Miłosz, Czesław

  Mindszenty, József

  Miserior (agency)

  Missionaries of Charity

  “Mission de France” (Wojtyła)

  Mit Brennender Sorge (Pius XI)

  Mitterrand, François

  Mobutu Sese Seku

  modernity, modern world

  Catholic Church in

  Christianity contrasted with

  communism vs. humanism in

  crisis of

  freedom in

  gift of the Spirit and

  morality in

  moral theology in

  philosophic inquiry in

  priesthood in

  Vatican II and

  World Youth Day Mass and

  Moi, Daniel arap

  Molla, Gianna Beretta

  Molla, Gianna Emanuela

  Moltke, Count Helmuth von

  Monastero “Mater Ecclesiae,”

  Mondale, Walter

  Monde, Le

  Mongella, Gertrude


  Monte Cassino, battle of

  Monterisi, Francesco

  Montevideo, Treaty of (1985)

  Montezemolo, Andrea Cordero Lanza di

  Montfort, Louis Grignon de, Saint

  Montini, Giovanni Battista, see Paul VI, Pope

  Moonlight Cavalier, The (fantasy-fable)


  modern culture and


  sexual revolution and

  sin and

  see also Humanae Vitae

  moral theology

  freedom and

  martyrdom and

  modern world and

  reality of evil and

  truth and

  Vatican II and

  see also Veritatis Splendor

  Moran Mar Basileius Marthoma Matheos I, Catolicos of the Syrian Orthodox Church of India


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