Wolf Tales IV

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Wolf Tales IV Page 4

by Kate Douglas

  For all their artistic grace and beauty, in spite of or because of their obvious strength, she couldn’t allow herself to forget these were still the hands of a stranger.

  Lisa glanced up and looked into Tinker’s eyes. Darkest amber with shining fire, there was no threat in them, no coercion. He stared back at her with patience and good humor, and a need every bit as strong as her own. She didn’t know him. Didn’t know anything about him, but looking into Tinker’s eyes, Lisa felt as if she looked into the mirror of her own soul.

  She chose then to listen to her libido rather than her brain. To follow her woman’s instincts rather than any bit of common sense that might exist among her suddenly foggy thoughts. Lisa released her death grip on the doorknob, wiped her sweaty palm on her jeans, and, moving in slow motion, slipped her fingers into his. Tinker smiled and pulled her closer, a slow, steady tug on her hand. Lisa knew that if she didn’t want what he offered, he would turn her loose, no questions asked. Knew it as if he’d spoken the words aloud.

  He pulled her into his embrace as if they’d been lovers forever. Pulled her close against his body until she felt the thick length of his erection pressing into her belly, smelled the clean, masculine scent of him, tasted the flavors of the man when his lips found hers.

  She sighed against his mouth and parted for him, took his tongue into her mouth the same way she wanted the rest of him. She sucked hard, drew him in deep. Tangled her tongue with his as his big hands cupped her buttocks and lifted her against him, pulling her even closer, higher, until her toes left the floor and she was weightless, caught in his strong arms, held by his mouth, his hips, his power.

  He scattered kisses along her jaw and throat. Then he lifted Lisa into his arms as if she weighed absolutely nothing and turned, scanning the small room.

  She made her decision in a heartbeat, raised her hand weakly, and pointed to a doorway leading to the back of the cabin. “That way. My room is down there. The last door on the right.”

  Chapter 3

  Tinker grunted in reply, then carried Lisa quickly down the narrow hallway, into her small bedroom. Her queen-size bed almost filled the room, but it was the biggest she’d been able to get inside such a small space.

  Lisa’d never shared this bed with a man, not in the two years since she’d worked at the sanctuary. Her sexual liaisons had been infrequent, always with women visiting the sanctuary, sometimes here but generally deep in the cool, dark forest where they could find release under the open sky.

  Now this man who was virtually unknown laid her carefully on the quilted spread and sat down beside her. The sense of intimacy with a stranger was almost Lisa’s undoing. She felt the edge of the mattress dip with his weight, felt the heat from his body touching hers. He was a big man, huge, actually, with broad shoulders and powerful thighs to match his height; but as big as he was, he was infinitely gentle with her.

  First he untied her boots and slipped them off, along with her thick socks. He spent a moment rubbing and massaging her toes and the soles of her feet, sending shivers up her legs, over her thighs, and straight to her crotch.

  He pulled her tank top over her head and gently tugged the loose knot of her hair free. It cascaded down her back in thick tangles almost to her waist, and he spent long moments arranging it over her breasts and across her belly, tickling her navel with a loose curl until she broke into giggles.

  He’d managed to cover her nakedness with her hair. A simple thing, but it eased her sense of vulnerability, made her more open to his touch.

  Each movement he made was a sensual caress, his touch so gentle it raised shivers over her skin. She felt no fear, no concern at all that she’d barely met him. Instead, Lisa felt her arousal growing, experienced a sense of wonder that a man—this man—could take her to such heights with nothing more than his teasing little touches, his gentle strokes, and his soft laughter.

  She never wore a bra for the simple reason that her breasts were too small to need one. She wondered if such a big man would be disappointed by her relatively flat chest, dominated as it was by two sharply erect nipples.

  Tinker brushed her hair aside and bared her completely to his frank and obviously admiring gaze. He stared at her for a long moment without saying a word, but the light in his eyes spoke volumes. His warm palm cupped her right breast, and then he groaned, leaned close, and suckled first one nipple, then the other. Lisa felt the suction from his lips flash like a bolt of lightning from her nipples to her clit. She arched her hips in response.

  He spent a long time on her breasts, licking and kissing, pinching the erect nipples between his fingers, rolling the tips between the rough pads of his fingers exactly the way she loved, until she panted and practically wept with the pleasure. Then his lips moved lower, following her rib cage to the waistband on her jeans.

  He unfastened the snap and zipper, slipped the pants down past her ankles, and then tugged them over her feet. She heard the sound of denim hitting the wood floor, the clank of her keys in the side pocket. She felt Tinker turn away from her and raised up on her elbows to watch him remove his shoes and socks.

  He carefully unbuttoned his white shirt and hung it neatly over a plain wooden chair beside the bed. His chest was broad, heavily muscled and smooth. Lisa ached to touch his brown skin, wanting nothing more than to spend the rest of the afternoon learning every ridge and muscle between the two dark raspberry nipples; but the moment he removed his pants, her attention went south.

  He wore tight-knit boxer shorts, the kind that hugged his thighs and ass and everything else. Right now the soft gray cotton stretched around and molded the huge package between his legs, outlining him so perfectly she saw the flare at the crown of his erection through the fabric. Much to Lisa’s dismay, Tinker left the shorts on when he turned back toward her.

  She forgot about his shorts the moment he knelt on the small woven rug beside her bed, pulled her legs over the edge, and gently pushed her knees apart. Forgot about everything but the hot, damp sweep of his breath as he put his face between her legs and inhaled her scent. She should have felt embarrassed to have this big, beautiful stranger in such an intimate position, but she didn’t. Couldn’t. Not when it was easily the most erotic moment of her life.

  Make that the second…no, the third… Each touch took her higher, so high it was difficult to breathe. The very tip of his tongue found her clit and barely touched it. He acknowledged its presence, then swept between her swollen lips with broad sweeps of the flat of his tongue. He lifted her buttocks in his palms and held her up to his mouth, nipping and biting, licking and suckling, and then teased her with open-mouthed kisses on the sensitive flesh of her inner thighs.

  Lost in a haze of mind-numbing passion, Lisa spread her legs wider for him. Tinker raised his head and grinned at her. He was slick and shiny around his mouth and chin, covered with her fluids, but he didn’t seem to mind. He licked his lips, and she was mesmerized by the sweep of his tongue. Her pussy clenched spasmodically, the inner muscles of her sex rippling as if he were deep inside her.

  Tinker nudged first one of her legs and then the other over his shoulders, opening Lisa even more to his view. Then he dipped his head and once more loved her with his mouth.

  Lisa heard soft pants and louder moans, and realized the sounds were coming from her throat, incoherent cries of pleasure, building as the sensations built until she realized her voice had become one long, shimmering wail of need.

  His tongue flicked over the surface of her clit and then swept deep between her folds, curling up once more to tease her unmercifully. He slipped a finger between her buttocks and pressed against her anus. Not hard, merely a persistent yet provocative pressure that increased as his tongue took her higher, as his lips and teeth drove her closer to the edge. Before long, Lisa hung by a golden thread of glittering arousal, swaying helplessly over a huge abyss. Her body hummed with anticipation. She sensed his determination to watch her fall, knew his intentions even before Tinker covered her clit w
ith his mouth, sucked and tongued her sensitive button just as the blunt tip of his finger finally gained entrance to her backside.

  Arching her back and pressing her heels against Tinker’s spine, Lisa screamed. Screamed again when he sucked harder at her clit, probed deeper with his tongue and his fingers. There were two in her now, two fingers pressing deep inside her body, stretching her sensitive virgin opening, taking her through a maelstrom of sensation. Higher, more intense, more and more until…

  She broke. The golden thread parted, turned her body loose, her soul free. Crying, sobbing, gasping for air, Lisa knew she couldn’t take anymore, knew her body had reached its saturation point, knew there was room for no more sensation.

  Tinker gently freed himself from the grip of her legs, laid her back on the comforter, and then slipped his knit shorts down over his lean hips. If she hadn’t felt so enervated from the climaxes he’d just given her, Lisa might have run for cover. He was massive, his cock swollen and dark, a stream of white fluid spilling slowly from the broad head.

  She raised her head to look at him and saw naked desire in Tinker’s eyes. Amber eyes, just like hers. Like Mary Ellen’s.

  Like Bay’s.

  She wondered about that for a moment, wondered at the sense of communion she felt in their similarity, but when Tinker reached for his slacks on the chair beside the bed and grabbed a condom out of the pocket, her focus switched. Lisa watched, fascinated, as he held his cock in one huge fist and slowly rolled the condom over the broad crown and then smoothed it down the thick shaft.

  What a shame, she thought, to cover such a magnificent part of himself. Yet in the same thought was tender appreciation that he’d thought to protect her.

  They’d not exchanged any words, yet Lisa felt as if she knew more about Tinker McClintock than mere conversation might have divulged. He was a thoughtful and caring lover, he saw to her pleasure first, treated her gently, yet with respect. Now, with his need so great that his big body trembled, he still moved slowly, carefully.

  She thought of the way she’d been taught to approach the wolves at the sanctuary. Carefully. Quietly, with respect. Exactly the way Tinker McClintock treated Lisa Marie Quinn.

  Lisa raised her hips to meet him as Tinker grabbed his sheathed cock in his hand and directed the crown toward her sex. She choked back a moan when he touched her sensitive entrance, then bit her lips to keep from groaning as he slowly, inexorably, forced the broad head of his cock past her swollen lips. She tilted her pelvis for a better angle while Tinker pushed steadily deeper, stretching her just to the point of pain.

  Expecting more discomfort as he filled her, Lisa felt nothing but heat and hard male flesh sliding carefully into her moist and swollen sex. His hands trembled where he touched her; his beautiful face was twisted with the effort to ease gently into her body.

  Lisa felt awed by the control it must have taken him, to enter her this slowly when his hunger appeared so great, but he didn’t rush. Nor did he stop. Lisa forced herself to relax. She consciously welcomed his huge shaft inside, aware of the potential pain of entry on one level, the pleasure he gave her on another.

  Finally, panting as if he’d run a mile, sweat pouring from his face, Tinker leaned over Lisa and kissed her. “Are you okay? I’m kind of big. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  She couldn’t talk. Had to. Needed to tell him everything was fine, that it was better than fine. It was wonderful, and she wanted him to move now, wanted him to bring her back to that edge of arousal that was like a fire burning from the inside out.

  It took her a moment. Lisa swallowed, reached up, and touched his face. Finally she caught her breath. “How can I need you like this? I don’t know you.” That wasn’t what she’d meant to say at all, but she knew it was the truth. Knew she needed him more than air, more than food or water. Lisa traced the lines of his face with the tips of her fingers, touched the bead of perspiration running down his left cheek and brought it to her mouth. He tasted of salt and man, and she wanted to taste more of him, all of him.

  “You know me. Better than you realize.” He kissed away her confusion until Lisa forgot the question. Slowly he thrust his hips forward, pulled them back. Rocked back and forth, giving her time to adjust, picking up speed with each sway of his hips so that his heavy sac hit her butt with more force on each penetration.

  She was crying. Crying so hard she could hardly breathe, but Lisa knew she was smiling at the same time because this was the first man ever to show her stars, the first one to bring her to climax with nothing more than his cock in her sex. The age-old link of man and woman was finally working for Lisa Quinn.

  She felt the abyss yawning beneath her again. His size meant he dragged his length across her clit on every inward thrust, connected again each time he withdrew. Lisa thought he went deeper on each downward stroke, and she reveled in the solid pressure of his balls against her buttocks, the surprisingly silky sweep of his pubic hair over her mons. She trembled when the broad head of his cock pressed against her cervix. At that moment, he leaned close and took her nipple between his lips. Sucked hard as he pressed deep.

  A charge of pure sensation raced from breast to clit to womb, a shock unlike anything Lisa had ever felt. Shuddering, she hurled herself over the waiting abyss and screamed as her world exploded.

  Still Tinker filled her. Harder now, faster, his cock sliding easily through the slick walls of her clenching sex, his strength superior to that of the muscles trying desperately to hold him. Again she peaked, again her body convulsed with the powerful spasms of climax, and still he took her higher, plunged deeper, filled her completely.

  Completed the woman who had felt forever fragmented.

  Filled a life that had always been empty.

  Showed her love, gave her completion, treated her with tenderness and respect. All new, all so unexpected on this day where all had begun as every day before it.

  Everything except the memory of last night. The night she’d finally connected with her wolves. An omen? Perhaps. Later. When her mind was no longer fragmented, her body no longer caught in the rhythm of her climax. Later she would try to understand.

  Exhausted, sexually depleted yet still caught in the power of her orgasm, Lisa felt Tinker’s groan as much as she heard it, a deep, painful sound from deep in his chest. She wrapped her legs around his waist, tying them together as best she could, holding him close. Tinker stiffened in her embrace. She felt the pulsing energy of his ejaculation deep inside, and then something more. Something unbelievable yet magical, impossible but too real to deny.

  She felt his orgasm as if she were Tinker, felt the tightening in his balls as he pumped his seed into the condom’s reservoir, felt the constriction of her vaginal walls around his cock—only it was Lisa’s cock, Lisa’s balls, Lisa staring through his eyes, into the eyes of a woman he would love forever. His mate.


  The sensation passed, suddenly eclipsed as if a shade had been drawn over the images flashing through her mind. She lay back, wide-eyed, as Tinker fell forward, supporting himself with his elbows before rolling carefully to one side. He slipped out of her, removed the condom, and tossed it into the wastebasket next to her bed. Then he lay beside her and covered his eyes with his forearm.

  It took him a minute to catch his breath. Still breathing heavily, he tilted his head to one side, grinned at Lisa, and kissed her. She was hardly able to make her lips respond to his brief touch.

  Tinker rolled back over on top of her, using his elbows to keep his weight off her, and gently trapped her legs between his strong thighs. “Okay,” he said, smiling broadly. “Now that we have that out of the way…”

  Lisa reached up and touched his lips with her forefinger. “What just happened? Who are you?”

  Tinker’s smile slipped away. She felt his chest rise and fall against her breasts with his sigh. “I don’t know. What happened?”

  Lisa shook her head slowly from side to side. Her voice sounded scratchy, foreign
, but she finally managed to get her thoughts together. “The sex was…”

  “Magnificent?” Tinker smiled and kissed her, though she noticed he still had that guarded expression on his face.

  She couldn’t bite back the smile that spread across her face. Didn’t want to. “Well, yeah. Of course it was magnificent. Beyond that. I…” Lisa shook her head. It sounded crazy. “I felt like I was in…in…”

  “Ah.” Tinker grinned as if it all made sense, whatever it was. “We linked. I felt it but wasn’t sure if you’d recognize it or not.” His hand swept the tangled hair back from her forehead. The look in his eyes melted her heart. “If I needed any more proof of who and what you are, that was it.”

  “I don’t understand. What’s going on?” Lisa wriggled out from under Tinker’s heavy leg holding her thighs and sat up against the headboard. She pulled a pillow against her middle like a soft shield and wrapped her arms around it. Tinker propped himself up on one elbow, tugged the pillow out of her grasp, and traced patterns on her naked belly.

  This was not conducive to a serious conversation. “Are you going to explain what the fuck is happening? I really would like some answers.” She folded her arms across her chest, covering her breasts. At least she felt a little less naked this way. A little less vulnerable. She really wanted her pillow back.

  Tinker nodded, still smiling like the cat who ate the canary. “That’s the whole reason I’m here, you know. To give you answers. Mostly to questions you’ve never even known to ask.” He rolled over and scooted up to lean against the headboard next to Lisa. He stuffed her pillow behind his back. She felt the heat radiating off his big body, saw the pulse in the large vein at his throat, and it took all her willpower not to touch him again.


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