Wolf Tales IV

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Wolf Tales IV Page 16

by Kate Douglas

  The sentence slowly drifted off on a whisper. Lisa felt the moisture gathering between her legs at the soft, sensual promise in Tia’s voice. Her nipples puckered into tight, jutting points.

  She glanced toward Tinker. His cock jutted straight out in front of him, almost as if he aimed it at the women. It continued to grow harder and darker as she watched. Lisa knew exactly what he was capable of, and the memories made her sex clench and her stomach muscles tighten.

  Her mouth watered in anticipation, and she licked her lips. Tinker responded with a frustrated groan.

  Shifting her glance away from temptation and moving it in Luc’s direction, Lisa’s mouth went dry. He was hard as well, his cock curving upward until it brushed against his belly. It was beautiful and perfectly formed, and she wondered how it would feel to have him inside her. To have both Tinker and Luc taking her at the same time, two perfectly beautiful men in her bed, inside her body.

  Tinker cleared his throat. “Uh, Lisa? You’re broadcasting, sweetie. Not sure if Luc and I can take it.”

  Lisa groaned and covered her eyes with her hand.

  Luc reached down and cradled his sac in his palm. Tia leaned close and grabbed his wrist. “Uh-uh. No touching. Frustration, remember? Build the power.”

  Luc frowned. “You fight dirty, woman. How much power do you need, anyway?”

  Tinker shrugged. “Anton’s not all that far away. A few hundred miles at most.” He sounded hopeful.

  “Doesn’t matter.” Tia laughed. “We need to build up as much frustration as possible, and we have to do it fast. No touching. You can look, though. Look all you want.”

  Lisa took her cue from Tia. Everything about the blonde fascinated her, and she didn’t hesitate now. She rose up on her knees, spreading her legs apart in open invitation. The dark curls over her pubic mound were wet with her arousal, and she lifted her small breasts in her palms as added incentive. When Lisa flicked her own nipples with her thumbs, both men groaned.

  Tia knelt in front of her and leaned close. Her body was slim and muscular, her pubic mound completely bare. Lisa licked her lips, imagining Tia’s flavors, imagining the smooth skin beneath her tongue and the damp folds of her sex.

  Tia’s full lips parted, her tongue swept her own lips first, then swirled around the tip of Lisa’s left breast. She sucked hard, nipped gently with sharp teeth, then moved to the right.

  Her thoughts slipped unobtrusively into Lisa’s mind. I hope this is okay with you. We need to give the guys a show. Make it hot and fast, okay?

  Lisa had to bite her tongue to keep from laughing out loud. Works for me. Tia scooted closer and rubbed her full breasts against Lisa’s. Lisa gasped and arched into Tia’s touch. Works really well, if you want the truth. She almost cried out when their nipples touched and rubbed together. So much sensation, so much desire, enhanced by their audience. There was something wonderfully decadent about sex with Tia while the men watched, especially here in the open with the risk of capture hanging over them.

  Tia slipped her fingers down Lisa’s right side, then stroked over the smooth curve of her buttock. She trailed lightly up and down the tight valley between Lisa’s cheeks, pausing only briefly to press against her anus, teasing that sensitive ring of nerves before moving lower, dipping slightly inside Lisa’s moist sex.

  Lisa moaned. She huffed in and out in short, sharp gasps. Hot and aroused, she knew her climax was only seconds away without Tia ever even touching her clit. Lisa backed away, moving out of Tia’s reach and breathing hard.

  “Your turn. I don’t want to come.” Lisa laughed, shaking her head. “Well, actually I do, but I think that would screw up the whole purpose of your experiment. Lie down.”

  Tia did as she was directed, lying back on the soft grass with her knees raised and her legs parted. Lisa crawled over her, settling herself between Tia’s thighs as if she were a man, her hands flat on the ground on either side of Tia’s breasts. When she touched her pubic hair against Tia’s cleanly shaved mons, both women sighed.

  They were both damp, both aroused. Lisa pressed against Tia, then lay over her so that their breasts touched, nipple to nipple. Tia lifted her hips, obviously frustrated by the pressure of Lisa’s sex against hers. Lisa didn’t move. She held her position, their nipples touching, mouths mere inches apart, and then she slowly worked her way down Tia’s body, kissing here, nipping there, until Tia squirmed and twisted beneath her.

  “Damn, you’re so bad, woman.”

  Lisa ran her tongue lightly around Tia’s navel. “Yeah. I know. I’m especially good at bad. Or something like that. Ask Tinker.”

  “I don’t have to ask him. Just look at the poor man. In fact, look at both of them.”

  Lisa twisted around and laughed out loud. Both Tinker and Luc sat with hands tightened into fists to keep from touching their cocks or maybe each other. “Well, as much as I’m enjoying myself, I imagine it’s about time we try and contact your wizard. Any longer and I’m afraid one of them might explode.”

  Before Tia could answer, the air began to vibrate with the pulsing roar of two helicopters. Without thinking, all four Chanku suddenly shifted.

  When the two choppers passed overhead, four large wolves stood their ground and watched. One of the helicopters peeled off from the other, then circled around and hovered overhead. As one, Tia, Luc, Tinker, and Lisa melted silently into the forest. They watched through the leafy canopy as the helicopter hovered a moment longer, then turned and followed the first one toward the hunting lodge.

  Chapter 11

  Shit. This is horrible. They saw us!

  No, it’s great! Lisa wondered how one wolf calmed another. Tia looked absolutely frantic. Now they know we’re here, and they’ll definitely be hunting. We need to contact your wizard.

  Should we shift? Tia took deep, slow breaths in an obvious effort to calm herself down. He had us hold hands before.

  Tinker stepped forward. He was absolutely beautiful and already moved as if his bruises weren’t quite as painful. Our mental powers are stronger when we’re Chanku. And if sexual frustration adds to that power, I could probably reach the guys on the space station with a message right now.

  That’s for sure. Luc stood next to Tia, but he watched Lisa intently. When we get out of this mess, I want a replay of what you guys were doing. I really loved that nipple-to-nipple thing.

  Lisa couldn’t believe they were teasing at a time like this. You’ve got it. So long as I get to watch you and Tinker. She flashed a quick grin at Tinker. He looked a little bit shocked at her suggestion, which made it sound all the more interesting. To think she’d actually left him speechless gave her a rush of feminine power.

  Now, she said, cocking her head in Luc’s direction, we need to call Anton or we’re all going to end up as pelts on some jerk’s wall.

  That idea definitely got their attention.

  Tia lay down on her belly and spread her front paws wide. Anton had us hold hands. I think if our paws touch, we’ll get the same effect.

  Tinker shook his head to clear the buzzing in his brain. Whether from the blows he’d taken earlier or the rush of power when all four of them reached out to Anton Cheval, he wasn’t sure, but at least they’d succeeded.

  Now they merely needed to stay alive for however long it took to get the authorities on-site, and that was assuming Anton could expedite the search warrants. It definitely helped that Anton had lots of friends in high places, all of whom probably owed him something.

  That was amazing! Lisa looked as shaken as Tinker felt. Luc and Tia weren’t in any better shape.

  Definitely cool. Tia stood up slowly, shook, and stretched her front legs out until her nose practically hit the dirt. Her butt went into the air as she worked the kinks out of her wolven body. She was so sexy in this form, but it was the one way Tinker would never know her sexually. Open sex was reserved for their human bodies. Wolves belonged to their mates.

  Tinker wondered if they all still felt as horny as he did
. Reaching out to Anton Cheval hadn’t burned off one bit of his sexual frustration. He kept picturing the girls together, the way their nipples beaded up when they made contact. The visual actually made his own sensitive nipples ache. The fact that Lisa wanted to see him with Luc was even more of a turn-on. Damn, they had to get out of this mess soon or he was going to explode!

  Luc stood up, stretched, and shook himself like a big dog, then shifted. His body gleamed, and his muscles were pumped as if he’d been lifting weights. When he looked this way, it was hard for Tinker to keep his hands to himself, especially with images of Tia and Lisa joining Luc and Tinker in bed. He was going to have to do something about this driving need, and soon.

  Lisa, Tia, and Tinker shifted. Luc was already walking barefoot down a narrow trail. “I say we move as humans to another part of the woods. They’re probably going to hunt us with dogs, and our human scent should confuse them, at least for a while. You guys okay with that?”

  Tinker grunted and grabbed Lisa’s hand. Tia followed. “How long do you think it’ll be before the authorities arrive?” Lisa’s fingers had a death grip on Tinker’s. He squeezed her hand, then pulled her close so he could wrap his arm around her waist.

  “As long as it takes,” he said. “Don’t worry. We’ll be fine. It’s going to be dark soon, and I doubt they’ll hunt at night. They’re probably up there at the lodge right now having cocktails and bragging about what brave hunters they are. We need to find someplace to bed down until the authorities show up.”

  They’d walked for maybe a half mile before Tinker spotted the cave beside a small creek. It was warm and dry inside, though scattered debris from high water littered the floor. Still, it was just large enough for four wolves who didn’t mind sharing body heat. Their feet were sore from walking along the path barefoot, but they’d left a human trail instead of wolf scent, which should help confuse the hunting dogs.

  Lisa peered in through the opening, then turned back to Tia. “I don’t know about you, but that looks to me like snake heaven. I am so not cleaning out that mess.”

  Tinker gently moved her out of the way. “Tell you what. Luc and I will handle the housekeeping; you and Tia find something for dinner.”

  Lisa slanted him a questioning look. “I take it you want us to trot on down to the local supermarket and pick something out at the deli?”

  “Remember how good that deer tasted? You didn’t mind fresh meat the other night.” Tinker swept Lisa’s hair back from her eyes. It seemed almost permanently tangled with all the shifts they’d done. She hadn’t even attempted to tie it into a knot.

  Lisa blinked. “I keep forgetting. I’ve got a whole new set of options now, haven’t I? Fine. You clean house, and Tia and I will shop…if you can call it that.”

  The women shifted and trotted back into the woods. They had their noses to the ground, their tails waving like silken plumes behind them. Luc shook his head as the men watched them leave. “They’re both gorgeous, aren’t they? I swear, if we don’t get out of here soon, I’m gonna…”

  Tinker laughed. “Me, too, Luc. Me, too.” He glanced at his packmate standing thoughtfully beside him, naked and obviously as aroused as Tinker, and thought of suggesting they ease each other’s discomfort. Lisa’s request that she be able to watch them slipped into his thoughts, and Tinker’s erection grew even more painful.

  No, it was better to wait. He willed his libido to take a break and followed Luc back to the small cave. Damn, he hoped Lisa was wrong. Tinker really hated snakes.

  Lisa wondered if she’d ever get used to the thrill of the hunt. Her human side totally despised the thought of killing any living thing, but her Chanku instincts won out when she and Tia scared up a couple of fat rabbits.

  They fed immediately. There was no question of eating first before finding game for the men. Lisa was hungry, and the rabbit’s body was warm and tender. It filled the emptiness in her belly. She scraped her bloodied muzzle in damp grass alongside a creek, then waited while Tia finished gulping down her meal—bones, fur, and all.

  They hunted along the creek where the grass grew tall and green, and managed to catch a couple more rabbits without going too far from the men. Carrying their prey in strong jaws, the women turned and trotted back the way they’d come.

  Sort of the wolf equivalent of grocery shopping, right?

  Tia’s amber eyes sparkled. Almost like takeout.

  If they hadn’t been trapped in a hunting preserve as the main attraction, Lisa might have thoroughly enjoyed herself. As it was, she trotted along the trail, wary of every sound and nervously wondering how the hell they were going to get out of this mess.

  It was all her fault, no matter how she looked at things. She glanced at Tia trotting beside her, the dead rabbit clenched in her jaws, and ached to think Tia’d put herself in danger, coming to the aid of someone she didn’t even know.

  Tia turned and looked at her. That’s not true, you know. We’re packmates. When you bonded with Tinker, you bonded with Luc and me. We have no alternative but to help you. You would do the same for us. Don’t waste your time on pointless guilt.

  Tinker said it’s rude to stomp around in people’s heads.

  Tia’s mental shout of laughter rolled through Lisa. Yeah, well, no one ever accused me of not being rude. Besides, you’re broadcasting on an open channel. C’mon. The guys will be starving by now.

  It’s cloudy. Getting dark early. Luc bolted down the last of the meal his mate had brought him, then shifted and walked back to the creek. He knelt beside it and washed himself. Lisa and Tia sat nearby, talking quietly. Both of them seemed exhausted after the rush of adrenaline, their hunt, and the long day.

  Tinker sensed Luc’s tension and knew it was worry for their women more than anything. On their own, he and Luc could probably figure out how to get over the electric fence or through one of the gates without any problem, but they weren’t willing to risk Lisa or Tia’s safety.

  Maybe after dark? He wished he knew what was going on with the authorities, when to expect some activity. It was hard to plan, harder to wait. Lisa stood and came up behind Tinker. She put her arms around his waist, lay her head against his back, and sighed. “I love you. If anything else bad happens to you because of my stupid idea, I’ll never forgive myself.”

  “Hey, I got myself captured. That wasn’t your fault.” Tinker turned around within Lisa’s embrace and kissed her. “I want you so badly right now I hurt.”

  “I want you, too, but I want us out of here just as much.” She glanced nervously over her shoulder at a sound in the woods. A pinecone dropping through the branches.

  Suddenly Luc stood up. “Here, take my hands and link. I think I sense Anton.”

  Once their hands were joined, the wizard’s voice was as clear as if he stood nearby. Tinker watched Lisa’s face as Anton Cheval’s words filled their minds. Everything was still so new to her. Hearing the voice of a man she’d never met must be unnerving, to say the least.

  Both local and federal law enforcement agencies are gathering at the gates along the west and south sides of the preserve. You’ve got a fairly well-known senator on-site. He’s paid a lot of money to hunt the four wolves he spotted on the flight in today. The incident commander knows there are four operatives inside the gates who need to get out undercover. I’ve told them you’re trained wolves with Pack Dynamics. Ulrich’s crew is well known among the upper echelons of law enforcement, and the information didn’t raise an eyebrow. Be at the southernmost gate on the western side in one hour. It should be fully dark by then. When the authorities rush the gate, get the hell out fast. They’ll be watching for four very well-trained wolves, so you should be okay.

  A senator, eh? Luc raised an eyebrow and glanced toward Tinker.

  Yes. And he’s very popular around that part of the state. It could get ugly, so you’ll want to be far away when all hell breaks loose. You know it’s going to get real messy when they find the body and realize the man was killed by a wolf
, since, as far as we know, you’re the only live ones on-site. Take care.

  Lisa couldn’t stop shivering. She figured most of it was from nerves, but for some weird reason her body still hummed with desire and sexual arousal. It was almost as if the adrenaline coursing through her veins from a combination of nerves and fear excited her as well. For whatever reason, for now she made a very nervous wolf. Considering the circumstances, nerves made perfect sense. Arousal didn’t, but she actually welcomed the sexual need. It took her mind off some of the things scaring her half to death.

  Hiding with the others in heavy undergrowth near the gate, she’d been listening to the barks and howls of the senator’s hunting dogs for the past ten minutes. They’d heard the first sounds of the hunt just after Anton’s message.

  Tinker’s only comment to Luc, aimed, of course, directly at Lisa, was that this must be what she meant by “winging it.”

  No one had expected the senator to take off at dusk to hunt, but the dogs wouldn’t be out on their own, which meant men with guns were close behind. The sound of the hunt grew closer. Neither Tinker nor Luc seemed all that concerned. Tia glanced occasionally toward the forest, though she appeared to be a lot more relaxed than Lisa.

  Tinker’s long tongue swept across Lisa’s shoulder. When she turned to look at him, the love in his amber eyes left her reeling. Overwhelmed by all that had happened in the past week, she took strength from the wolf beside her.

  Lisa’s trembling eased. Her arousal didn’t, and Tinker’s proximity certainly didn’t help. She concentrated on the gate just twenty feet away, illuminated under bright spotlights. The sound of the dogs grew closer, then once again faded as they changed direction.

  Another sound intruded—the low rumble of vehicles. The two men guarding the gate stepped out of their guardhouse and stood in the middle of the road. They seemed confused by visitors coming this time of night.


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