Book Read Free

Gut Feeling

Page 13

by Victoria Browne

  ‘Yeah, thank God for Eddy. I thought Dylan was going to get nasty.’

  ‘Me too. That Rees guy was pushing me away from you, but I don’t think he knew what was happening until you shouted.’ Gemma looked at Rachel with concern. ‘You sure you’re OK? We can go back to the hotel—’

  ‘No, let’s just stay here. There are plenty of people around and anyway Eddy and Rees wouldn’t have let anything happen—I hope anyway. Plus the cabs are just at the end of the road so we can get home.’

  ‘I’ll call Zane,’ Gemma suggested.

  ‘No no, really it’s fine, I’m fine.’

  ‘No no let me, he can come and meet us after his shift. He wanted to come out anyway, but I told him it was just girls so he won’t mind really.’

  Rachel smiled. ‘Go on then, call him and I’ll get us all a shot to get this night back on track.’

  Gemma told him to finish work then come to meet them but Zane had taken his apron off before Gemma had told him the whole story. Zane told his uncle he had to leave work early and made Antonio drive him into Ibiza town. As Gemma turned to go back inside she heard someone call out to her. Stunned she looked over the road to see Eddy standing on his own eating a kebab.

  ‘It’s OK, he’s gone. Rees took him back to the hotel. Is Rachel alright?’ Eddy stood opposite her chewing a piece of meat. ‘He was drunk. Don’t think he would have hurt her, just gets a bit out of it when he’s had too much to drink, yer know?’

  ‘Well, that’s debatable. At least you were there. D’you want a drink with us.’

  ‘Na, said I would get back to meet Rees, but tell Rachel I said sorry for what happened.’

  ‘Just one and you can tell her yourself.’ Gemma smiled gingerly.

  Gemma returned to the table at the same time as Rachel was placing shot classes in front of everyone. ‘Down the hatch girlies,’ she shouted over the music.

  ‘Rach, look who I found loitering outside.’

  Rachel swung round, stumbling slightly. ‘Eddy,’ she looked past him with wide, anxious eyes.

  ‘It’s OK, Dylan ain’t here, Rees took him to the hotel I was going to—’

  ‘Down this, I’ll get another.’ Rachel thrust a shotglass into his hand and rushed back to the bar.

  ‘I’ll get them,’ he shouted, then downed the drink and rushed after her.

  He followed her into a mass of drunken people, pushing to gain a position at the front of the bar; he shouted to her, telling her to let him pay, but by the time he had pulled his wallet out Rachel had managed to wangle her way to the front and was leaning over the bar shouting her order to a Spanish barman.

  With another shot for Eddy and a replacement for herself they both knocked the clear liquid back then laughed at Rachel’s reaction to the sour taste. Standing away from the busy bar and a few feet closer to their table Eddy apologised to Rachel for Dylan’s behaviour.

  ‘It’s not your fault, Ed, the guy is a dickhead. You know him long?’ she asked then hicupped.

  ‘Na, not really, I met him through Rees. They work together on a building site.’

  ‘Is that what you do?’

  ‘Me? No… I’m a debt collector.’

  ‘You’ve got the muscles for it.’ She surveyed his strong solid arms and glimpsed down at his stomach; she could see the muscle lines through his tight T—shirt.

  ‘Thanks,’ Eddy looked away.

  ‘So do you have any brothers and sisters?’

  ‘One sister.’

  ‘Older or younger?’

  ‘Five years younger—she’s twenty-three and is moving into my flat probably as we speak.’


  ‘She’s been through a lot in her life and I thought if she moved out it may give her some confidence.’

  Rachel looked confused.

  ‘She has an illness—it’s complicated but the long and short of it is that her joints dislocate all the time.’

  ‘Ooow painful.’

  ‘They said she would be in a wheelchair by now but she’s somehow managing to control her dislocation.’

  ‘Wow, that’s good.’

  ‘I know, she is amazing. Always laughing never whinges just gets on with it. She now wants to get a job and some normality back in her life but her confidence is well low.’

  ‘It must be hard. Has she got a boyfriend?’ Rachel enquired politely. She studied Eddy’s face and noted the genuine concern for his sibling. His jawline was tense and the muscle pulsated out from the sides, his face was serious as he spoke.

  ‘Na, that’s the problem. She had a boyfriend when she was younger but after a year he dumped her and said he was embarrassed by her.’

  ‘No… the arsehole.’

  ‘Tell me about it. I wanted to kill the fucker, but my mum said it would make things worse.’

  ‘Probably would. What kind of job does she want?’


  ‘I can see if there are any jobs in my firm. Where do you live?’

  ‘Epsom Downs, by the race track.’

  ‘Can she get to London from there?’ Rachel asked, thinking hard.

  ‘No the commute may be too much at this stage—that’s the problem—and she doesn’t want to work at the local supermarket in case any of her mates see her.’

  Rachel racked her brains for a moment then snapped her fingers. ‘Hey, how about a job behind the bar at the race track? It’s very respectable and she may meet some wealthy gentlemen too. I know the manager there, I hold lots of events at the race course and I know they are on the lookout for good staff.’ She beamed at Eddy, happy that she may be able to help.

  ‘Sounds good to me, so does this mean I get your number and we will have to stay in touch?’ He winked at her, sending shivers down her spine.

  She tried not to giggle like a schoolgirl with a crush.

  ‘Er… looks that way.’

  They made their way back over to the table talking and dancing until Gemma looked up to see Zane standing by their table. He gathered her up into his arms, bending to kissed her then said hello to everyone.

  ‘You OK? The Englishmen over here are no good. They get drunk and act like pigs.’

  ‘It’s OK, Zane, they’re no different in England. Sit down, have a drink, we’re going to move.’ Rachel pulled a stool out for him. ‘This is Eddy—he saved me.’

  ‘You know this pig who did this thing?’ Zane looked sharply at Eddy.

  ‘Unfortunately I do.’

  ‘You have bad taste in friends.’

  ‘I wouldn’t class him as a friend,’ Eddy corrected him.

  ‘But you are on holiday together, no?’

  Rachel jumped in, wanting to put an end to the conversation. ‘He is a friend of a friend, Zane. Forget it, I’m fine. Eddy protected me.’

  ‘OK, well your friend has bad taste in friends.’ Three lines appeared across Zane’s forehead.

  ‘You’re not wrong there, mate.’

  ‘Anyway,’ Ash interrupted ‘Where to next?’

  Rachel quickly turned to Eddy and asked him if he could afford to go to the big club, remembering Dylan’s comments that it was too expensive. Eddy said he didn’t have a lot of money left but told Rachel to go without him.

  ‘Everyone up for this club then?’ Ash asked in a loud drunk voice.

  ‘Let’s find somewhere round here,’ Rachel replied.

  ‘Thought you wanted to go—’

  ‘Er well, I’ve changed my mind.’

  Ash looked at Eddy then at Jules and laughed. ‘Jules, Gem, Zane, you lot OK with staying round here?’

  There was a movement of heads up and down—everyone was in agreement.

  * * *

  The group moved from bar to bar then settled for a small club at the end of a cobbled lane a stone’s throw away from the taxi ranks. Zane and Eddy waited at the bar, putting any bad feelings behind them as they stood together drinking shorts and discussing the finer things in life, Rachel and Gemma’s posterior’s being the c
ommon topic of choice.

  Rachel danced over and pulled Eddy onto the dance floor just as he was taking the last sip of his fourth brandy.

  ‘Come on dance, dance,’ Rachel shouted, pulling him towards her.

  Eddy gripped her waist, his strong arms wrapping themselves around her like a snake ready to crush its prey, then leaned his head down to kiss her. She didn’t try to stop him; she had been waiting for him to make a move ever since they had spoken earlier by the bar. She let herself get lost in the moment, closing her eyes as his thick tongue moved hers from side to side; she noted how large and soft his lips were and how safe she felt wrapped up in his strong arms.

  A drunken couple, who were eagerly groping at each other, knocked into them, breaking the spell and bringing Rachel back to reality.

  Eddy looked at her and smiled then touched the side of her face. ‘Sorry,’ he said so quietly she could hardly hear over the music.

  ‘Don’t be—I liked it.’

  ‘I would invite you back to my hotel but I doubt you want to bump into Dylan, would you?’

  ‘Er no, I don’t ever want to see him again.’

  ‘Nor me, once I’m home I’m avoiding him like the plague.’

  ‘You could stay at ours, you would have to kip on the sofa if you don’t mind doing that. Tomorrow we could hang out by the pool.’ Rachel paused. ‘Oh you don’t have any things with you and we are staying in San Miguel—it’s half an hour away from here. You should see it, it’s beautiful,’ she sighed.

  ‘It’s OK, I can buy a pair of swimming trucks and flipflops. Maybe I could buy a T-shirt and shorts. I could stay all day and take you to lunch or even dinner.’ Eddy waited for a reaction.

  ‘Sounds fab. Wait here, I’ll find the others.’ Rachel tried to hide her excitement then ran off to find Ash and Gemma to see if they were OK.

  Chapter 13

  Sunrays filled the room, lighting up the empty glasses that were still lined up along the breakfast bar. Rachel, Eddy, Jules and Ash had left Zane and Gemma alone and carried on the party back at the hotel room the night before.

  Eddy rubbed his head and stretched his arms out before attempting to stand up. Outside he could hear children playing as they screamed on their descent into the pool from the small diving board. He opened the balcony doors, walking over to the rail just in time to see what must have been one of the children’s mums telling them off for playing in the adult pool; the small blonde girl climbed carefully down and ran up to the lady, already crying, sucking her thumb with the other hand outstretched to the woman. Eddy laughed to himself and turned to walk back inside, seeing Ash holding her head in her hands.

  ‘Sore head?’ he asked.

  Ash jumped, looking up. ‘Eddy, you scared the life out of me. I forgot you stayed. Was the sofa OK?’

  ‘Yeah, no probs—I was too hammered to notice if I’m honest.’

  ‘Want a drink?’ Ash offered as she started clearing some glasses away.

  ‘Here, let me help. You stick the kettle on and I’ll wash up.’

  Ash made the coffee while Eddy washed and tidied things away, then after a quick shower he nipped out to find somewhere to buy swimming trunks.

  Ash dressed then sat reading a book on the balcony till she heard the sound of a key in the room door.

  ‘That was quick,’ Ash shouted out to Eddy.

  ‘What?’ said Gemma.

  ‘Oh Gem, it’s you. Sorry thought you were—’

  ‘Eddy, no just seen him in the shop downstairs.’

  ‘Good night then, Gemzie.’

  ‘Oh yes,’ Gemma laughed, walking towards the bathroom as Rachel walked out of the bedroom.

  ‘Where’s Ed?’ Rachel scanned the room.

  ‘Has he done a runner?’ Jules walked past Rachel.

  ‘It’s OK, he’s gone to the shop,’ Ash reassured her, smiling.

  ‘So he says,’ teased Jules.

  ‘So er… how long ago did he go?’ Rachel tried to sound breezy.

  There was a light knock on the room door and Rachel dived into the bathroom, frightening Gemma who was sitting on the loo.

  ‘Sorry, Gem, Eddy is outside.’

  ‘Er so why are you in here with me?’ Gemma looked up at her.

  ‘I look a mess, I’ve got to have a wash and stuff.’

  Rachel could hear Eddy talking to Jules outside. She stripped off her clothes and turned on the shower.

  ‘I take it your having a shower before me then,’ Gemma said as Rachel stepped into the cubicle.

  ‘If you don’t mind, honey. I’ll be quick.’

  ‘No no, you go ahead.’ Gemma flushed the toilet.

  ‘Ahhhh what did you do that for?’ Rachel yelled.


  ‘Shit shit—it’s freezing!’

  ‘Ooops sorry…’ Gemma giggled and ran out of the bathroom.

  * * *

  Eddy ordered them a bottle of sparkling rose wine from the menu. They sat in a restaurant at the top of the cliffs overlooking the bay. Below yachts were anchored up for the night; small waves splashed against the boats and rocks beneath them, creating a soothing sound of tranquillity. Small fairy lights sparkled in the twilight of the bay and a man stood in the corner of the restaurant playing an odd-looking guitar.

  Eddy ordered fish for both of them and they talked more in-depth about his sister Sarah. He came from a broken home, his dad beat his mum and left when he was only ten.

  ‘Sarah doesn’t remember anything about him; Mum removed all the photos and never spoke his name again.’

  Eddy smiled, reassuring Rachel that he was fine talking about it. ‘We moved out and into a two bed council flat where we still live. When Sarah was eight, Mum moved into the living room so we could have our own bedrooms. I left school at sixteen and got a job. I gave Mum money and moved out at seventeen.’

  Rachel could tell that despite his family troubles they were close and loved each other deeply, something she never had the chance to experience. After a glass of wine Rachel plucked up the courage to tell Eddy about her own childhood and her parents’ death.

  ‘Rach I had no idea.’

  ‘It’s OK, I’ve come to live with it. Don’t be sorry, these things happen. My grandparents raised me and I never felt unloved so that’s the main thing.’

  ‘You’re braver than you look.’ Eddy stared at her with new-found admiration.

  * * *

  ‘Ash, order me another Sex on the Beach while you’re up there, darling.’ Jules waved her hand towards the open-fronted bar.

  ‘Why yes, oh great one.’ Ash walked up to the bar on the beach front and ordered three cocktails.

  ‘This holiday has gone way too fast for my liking, wouldn’t you say, Gem?’ Jules whispered, looking out over the dimly lit sea.

  ‘I know, I wish Zane didn’t work every night.’

  ‘Gem, that’s what he does. He’s not on holiday like you.’

  ‘OK, yeah, I know—I’m just saying.’

  ‘Now now, girls.’ Ash placed their drinks on to a small wooden table. As she sat down she noticed the sand move under the table and looked down. A small crab scuttled sideways across the sand Ash moved her foot but didn’t mention it, knowing that Gemma would have created blue murder and made them move seats away from their prime position. They waited for the night’s entertainment to start, the MC tapped the mike and Ash caught a glimpse of brightly coloured material from a costume hovering behind a screen.

  ‘So what do we think of Eddy then?’ Gemma asked.

  ‘All right for a bit of rough by all accounts, I’d say.’

  Jules took a sip of her cocktail and carried on. ‘Seems to have all his morals in good order.’

  ‘Um, Rach looks to be set on him.’ Ash looked up to the small lit cabin on the top of the cliff where Rachel and Eddy were eating

  ‘She’s in luurve with him,’ Gemma chimed and the girls all laughed.

  Silence fell; the MC cleared his throat and spoke into the mi
ke with a thick muffled Spanish accent. He introduced the first act and a group of small young girls no older than eight or nine ran on to the sand dressed in beautiful Spanish dresses; they looked exactly like small versions of the grown-up Spanish dancers, with red lips and blushed cheeks, their hair tied tightly back into buns and large fans in one hand. Midway through the dance, the adult dancers joined them and everyone clapped in time with the music. Gamma nearly stepped on the crab inadvertently and Ash winced then exhaled. Jules followed her gaze to the small critter scurrying away to safety and smiled.

  Rachel and Eddy finally emerged with a tray of fresh cocktails, sitting down to enjoy the rest of the show.

  ‘Missed much?’ Rachel whispered to Ash.

  ‘No, not much. How was dinner?’

  ‘Lovely—Ash, he is so nice. I’ve got so much to tell you. Oh and I said he could stay tonight—is that OK?’

  Ash smiled. ‘It’s fine by me and I’m sure the others won’t mine, honey.’

  ‘Do you like him, Ash?’ Rachel asked, needing reassurance.

  ‘He’s perfect from what I’ve seen so far. Makes me miss Dave, watching you two together.’

  ‘Sorry, Ash.’

  ‘Ha, don’t be. It’s lovely, you look good together.’ Ash glanced over to Eddy and smiled.

  * * *

  The last day was upon them. Eddy had stayed that night at the girls’ hotel and never left. Each day he found himself buying new items of clothing and Rachel finding a reason for him to stay.

  Eddy waved goodbye to Rachel and promised to call her when he returned home next week. They had swapped contact numbers and already arranged a place and time to meet. Watching the cab pull away Rachel felt a tear in her eye, quickly she composed herself and wiped her eyes.

  All the girls tried to cram as much as they humanly could into one day—swimming, camel rides and snorkelling. They even tried diving in the lagoon with a local man who let them use his equipment, teaching the girls one by one how to dive. Their suntans were now deep and rich from the daily application of oil, together with salt water from the sea. They watched each other beneath the crystal-clear water, weighed down by a heavy diving tank, swimming with the strange-coloured fish. The afternoon flew past and it was finally time to leave.


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