Forged of Steele Bundle

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Forged of Steele Bundle Page 10

by Jackson, Brenda

  She grinned. “Okay, I admit that wasn’t a smart idea, but like I told Mom, our last two periods of the day are boring.”

  Chance folded his arms across his chest and regarded her directly. “And I’m sure your mom told you that it doesn’t matter how boring the classes are, you and Marcus belong in school.”

  Tiffany’s expressive eyes filled with remorse. “Yes, sir, and Marcus and I talked about it. We didn’t intend to get you and my mom upset with us, but Mom thinks I’m too young to start dating and you—”

  When it seemed that she had encountered some difficulty in finishing what she was about to say, Chance lifted an eyebrow. “I’m what?”

  She leaned in closer and squinted her eyes against the smoke coming from the grill. “Don’t take this personally, Mr. Steele, and Marcus says you’re a nice dad and everything, but at times you can be too overbearing where his education is concerned.”

  Chance couldn’t help but laugh. He was being told that he was overbearing by a fifteen-year-old girl! She might have inherited her high confidence level from her father but her directness had definitely come from her mother. “Marcus thinks I’m overbearing, does he?”

  “Yes, and you don’t have to be, you know. Marcus is one of the smartest guys I know. In fact, the way we became such good friends is because the teacher had him help me on a class assignment that I was having problems with. He wants to go to the best college one day, just like you want him to. You’re just going to have to trust him to do the right thing. And he will because he wants those things for himself as well as for you.”

  Chance’s smile widened. Tiffany’s expressive eyes had gone from being filled with remorse to being filled with sincerity and he liked that. He also liked what she was saying, and had to admit that his curiosity was piqued about something. “And where will all this leave you, Tiffany?”


  “Yes, you. Where will that leave you when Marcus goes off to college two years from now?” Assuming your relationship lasts that long, he wanted to add.

  Tiffany shrugged. “When he leaves I’ll have another year of school to complete and then I’ll be leaving for college myself. I doubt it will be to the same college Marcus will be attending since my grades aren’t nearly as good as his, but it won’t matter. Marcus and I have decided that the best thing for us to do is to make sure we both get a good college education. Then we will return home afterward and be together.”

  Chance’s eyebrows drew together in surprise. The last time he and Marcus had talked, his son had threatened to hang around Charlotte and go to a local college. He released a satisfied sigh. He was certainly glad to hear this recent turn of events and was about to tell her so when they heard his truck pulling into the driveway, which meant Marcus had returned.

  “Mr. Steele, Marcus and I can finish cooking if you want to go into the house and keep my mom company. I’m sure she’s bored making the potato salad.”

  Thoughts of being inside the house alone with Kylie had his mind reeling. “You think so?”


  He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “Have you told your mom what you and Marcus have decided about your futures?”

  “No, not yet.”

  “Do you mind if I do?”

  “No, I don’t mind. It’s not like me and Marcus won’t be girlfriend and boyfriend until he leaves for college, because we will. But we won’t let anything interfere with him going away to a good university, I can assure you of that. We want what’s best for our future.” Then with a smile on her face she said, “I’ll go help Marcus with the sodas.”

  Chance watched her walk away, thinking he really liked Tiffany Hagan.

  “So what do you think?” Tiffany whispered to Marcus while helping him unload the soda from the truck.

  Marcus grinned. “I think my dad likes your mom. In fact I have a feeling that they may have seen each other another time in addition to that day he visited her flower shop.”

  “What makes you think that?”

  “Because they’re too friendly with each other to have met only that one time. And then there was this private joke they shared.”

  “What private joke?”

  “It had something to do with hamburgers.”

  “Hamburgers?” Tiffany raised a confused brow. “So you think he likes her?”

  “He definitely notices that she’s a woman, which is more attention than he’s given other ladies, including those at church who are always vying for his and my uncle Morgan’s and my uncle Donovan’s attention. They know it’s a lost cause with Uncle Bas since he’s already engaged.”

  After placing the soda cans in the cooler, Marcus continued. “When we pulled up today and I saw your mom for the first time, I commented on how pretty she was and he agreed with me. And he kept staring at her with this funny look on his face. He’s been smiling a lot since he got here. I don’t recall ever seeing my dad smile this much.”

  Marcus then gave Tiffany a questioning glance. “You do think we’re doing the right thing, don’t you? Making our parents think something is going on between us so we can get them interested in each other?”

  Tiffany nodded her head. “Yes, I think we’re doing the right thing. I have to admit that at first I was doing it just to get Mom off my back because I thought she needed a life, but today she was actually humming. She was humming because she’s in a good mood, and I think the reason she’s in a good mood is because of you and your dad’s visit. Seeing her that way made me realize just how lonely my mom probably has been. All she’s ever had is me. Like I told you, I don’t ever recall her dating anyone. In a few years I’ll be leaving for college and she’ll be all alone if she doesn’t meet someone and get serious about him.”

  Marcus nodded. “Yeah, Dad will be all alone when I leave for college, too, in two years. He has his parents and his brothers and cousins but it won’t be the same. He needs to get involved with a nice lady like your mom. I really like her.”

  When they reached the backyard, Marcus glanced around. “Speaking of our parents, where are they?”

  Tiffany’s face glowed with excitement when she said, “My mom is inside making the potato salad, and I suggested to your dad that he go inside and keep her company, and that you and I were capable of doing the cooking.”

  Marcus smiled down at her. “It seems our plan just might be working.”

  Tiffany tipped her head back and looked up at him, returning his smile. “Yes, it certainly appears that way. Now it’s going to be up to us to make sure they get to spend more and more time together.”

  Chance strode into Kylie’s house, rounded the corner that led from the utility room to the kitchen and stopped dead in his tracks. For the first time in his life, he forgot how to breathe.

  Kylie was standing on a stool trying to get something out of a top cabinet. Stretching upward, the sundress she was wearing had raised, showing off a pair of luscious hips and those legs of hers that he admired so much.

  His conscience gave him a hard kick. He shouldn’t be standing in the middle of her kitchen ogling her this way. The truth of the matter was that he couldn’t help it. The tantalizing sight of her had captured his attention and wouldn’t let go. Pure, unadulterated hunger filled his gaze, keeping him focused primarily on her. She had a gorgeous body and, with the fantasies playing around in his head, he could just imagine his hands all over it, followed by his mouth.

  He inhaled deeply when he felt his body getting hotter by the second. The need to escape back outside suddenly overwhelmed him. He had to get out of there, right now, this very instant, before he went up in flames or—even worse—before he did something outside of his control like cross the room, snatch her off that stool and take her into his arms and kiss her senseless.

  Kylie wasn’t certain if she’d heard a sound behind her or if her own body had alerted her to the fact that Chance was near. Whichever it was, she turned around so fast that she almost slipped off the step stool and had to fight to
regain her balance.

  Within an instant she was gathered into strong arms, avoiding a possible fall.

  “You okay?”

  The soft husky words from Chance’s lips that fanned against her temple raised her temperature ten degrees. “Yes, I’m okay. You startled me. I hadn’t heard you come in.”

  Instead of offering her any kind of explanation, he simply nodded as he held her body in his strong arms. For the next couple of seconds her mind questioned the sanity of them standing in her kitchen that way. What if the kids walked in?

  She panicked at that possibility. “I’m okay, Chance. You can put me down now,” she said, although she knew her voice lacked conviction.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” he asked, his tone deep and rich, and his gaze remaining steadily on hers.

  No, Kylie thought. She wasn’t sure. Desire, the likes of which she’d never encountered before, raced through her, igniting her awareness, her attraction and her fire. Her eyes locked with his and at that instant she felt safe and protected in his arms, even with the feel of his body growing hard beneath her, which reminded her of the kiss they had shared Friday at the car wash.

  With her teeth she caught the edge of her bottom lip, thinking she was just where she had dreamed of being last night—in his arms. Would it be so terrible if she stayed there just a little longer?

  “Where are the kids?” she asked softly, tilting her head back and not breaking eye contact.

  “Outside, cooking the rest of the meat.”

  “That should take at least five minutes.”

  “I’m counting on at least ten,” he said.

  She felt him sliding her down his body, lowering her feet to the floor. But he kept his hand at her waist, not intending for her to go anywhere out of touching distance. When she was standing, her legs automatically parted slightly to gain her balance; ironically it was just enough room for him to pull her close and place his thigh between them. She felt him again, the hardness of his erection that was resting between her legs.

  “Why didn’t you let me know that you had come inside?” she asked as intense heat shot up her core.

  An apologetic smile touched his lips. “I couldn’t have spoken even if I had wanted to, Kylie. Seeing you on that stool like that had me barely breathing. Has anyone ever told you that you’ve got one hell of a nice figure?”

  She tried not to be touched by the thought that he liked the way her body looked. “Yes, but it never really mattered.”


  “Until now.”

  He bent toward her. “You’re sure?”


  He intended to be certain of that. Moving his hand to the swell of her hips, he gently pulled her closer as he leaned down and slanted his mouth over hers. She tasted sweeter than he remembered and he was helpless to do anything but deepen the kiss. He knew the exact moment she placed her arms around his neck, bringing their bodies closer into a locked embrace.

  What he was sharing with her was a degree of passion he hadn’t shared with any woman in over seven years, and he was desperate for anything and everything she was offering. He suddenly felt it, a primitive need to bind her to him in the most elemental way. But he also knew he wanted more from her than just her body. He wanted her mind and soul as well.

  The sound of their kids’ laughter came through the closed window and they parted quickly, but he didn’t release her. Resting his forehead against hers, he breathed in deeply, seeing the passionate look in her eyes and knowing it mirrored his own.

  He motioned his head toward the back door. “You don’t think they’re outside burning our dinner, do you?” he asked, making an attempt at gaining control.

  “I hope not,” she replied, trying to breathe again normally.

  “I came inside to keep you company. Tiffany suggested it.”

  “Did she?”

  “Yes. Is that a bad thing?”

  “Only if it meant doing so would give her more time alone with Marcus.”

  Chance gave her an incredibly sexy smile. “I didn’t think of that. But I guess there’s only so much they can do outside in the open.”

  Kylie smiled. “Thank heavens for that.”

  “And she happened to mention something to me that she said she hadn’t told you about yet.”

  “What?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper, hoping whatever it was would not make her fall dead in a faint. She had asked, and Tiffany, although upset with her for asking, had assured her that she was still a virgin.

  Evidently Chance heard the panic in her voice and an easy smile touched his lips. “Relax, Kylie, that isn’t it. Far from it.”

  “Thank goodness for that.”

  “I personally don’t think they’ve taken their relationship to that level, which is a good thing. In fact I’m a little more confused than before by what she said, although it pleases me.”

  “Dammit, Chance, don’t keep me hanging,” Kylie said in a near desperate voice. “What did Tiffany tell you?”

  “Our kids have decided that although they intend to remain girlfriend and boyfriend, they also intend to further their education by going off to college, after which they’ll return here and then decide their future.”

  Kylie blinked. “Are you sure that’s what she said?”

  “I’m positive.”

  She shook her head. “It doesn’t make sense. Earlier this week she was ranting and raving about how madly in love they were and nothing and no one would ever break them apart.”

  “I heard the same thing from Marcus. I guess they sat down and talked about it and in the end decided to take our advice. They were getting too serious way too fast.”

  “Whatever made them decide to slow things down, I’m extremely grateful for it. Do you think we still need to lay out the rules we came up with?”

  Chance nodded. “They may think this way now but it might be a different story tomorrow. Besides, either way, there’s plenty of trouble they can get into before Marcus actually leaves for school in two years.”

  And it was the kind of trouble Kylie was definitely familiar with. She agreed with Chance. It wouldn’t hurt to let the kids know exactly where she and Chance stood and how they planned on handling the situation of them being a couple.

  “Ready to go outside?” he asked.

  “Just about. I just need to find that lid for the bowl of potato salad. That’s what I was looking for when you came in.”

  “Then let me look for it.”

  Kylie watched as he crossed the room and, not needing a stool, reached up and opened the cabinet. He pulled out several lids. “Will one of these work?”


  He placed them on the counter then crossed the room to her. He reached out and caressed his finger against her cheek. “Thanks for the kiss, Kylie. I needed it more than you will ever know.”

  He really didn’t have to thank her. She’d needed it just as much as he had, although she wished she hadn’t. “I think we need to get back outside now.”

  As much as Chance wanted to stay inside with her, a part of him knew she was right. “All right. Is there anything else you need for me to do before I go?”

  A smile touched her lips. “No, but it might be a good idea for you to wipe your mouth. You’re wearing the same shade lipstick I’m wearing.”

  “Now that the both of you are well fed, there’s something Chance and I would like to discuss with you.”

  Both Marcus and Tiffany looked up from eating their ice cream. Marcus’s smile faltered somewhat and Tiffany rolled her eyes heavenward. “I knew this day was going too good to last,” she said. “What do you want to talk with us about, Mom?”

  “Your relationship.”

  “What about it, Ms. Hagan?” Marcus asked her in a respectful tone.

  Kylie glanced over at Chance, who nodded for her to continue. “Chance and I talked about the best way to approach the situation, especially since Tiffany isn’t old enough to date yet.�

  “But I should be old enough, Mom. The other girls at my school began going out with boys when they were thirteen.”

  Kylie frowned. “I’m not going to discuss what the other girls are doing, Tiffany. You’re my concern. And for me it’s not a particular age but a maturity level. I personally don’t think you’re ready to begin dating.”

  “If you had your way I would never date!”

  “That’s not true. You’re the one who has to prove to me that you’re ready. But Chance and I do understand you and Marcus would like to spend some time together, so we came up with what we feel is a workable solution.”

  “And what solution is that?” Marcus asked when Tiffany refused to do so.

  It was Chance who responded. “You and Tiffany can date only if the dates are chaperoned.”

  Tiffany glanced over at Marcus before looking back at their parents. “You mean that you’ll be coming with us to the movies? Bowling? On picnics?”

  “Yes,” Kylie answered. “So what do you think?” She braced herself for her daughter’s tirade.

  “I think it’s a wonderful idea,” Tiffany said, smiling.

  Kylie blinked. “You do?”

  “Yes. Since Marcus and I will be getting married after college, I think it would be good that all four of us get to know each other.” She smiled at Marcus. “Don’t you agree, Marcus?”

  He smiled back at Tiffany. “Right, and in the process we can prove to our parents just how responsible we are.”

  Kylie glanced over at Chance knowing he was just as confused as she was. Tiffany and Marcus were beaming. If anything, Kylie and Chance had thought their suggestion would be met with some pretty strong opposition.

  “Well, if everyone agrees with our plan then that’s great,” he said.

  “So how soon can we go someplace?” Tiffany asked excitedly.

  “Where would you like to go?” Chance asked.

  “Umm, I’ve never been camping and Marcus said you take him all the time.”

  Kylie rolled her eyes. “Tiffany, we’re not talking about a family outing. We’re talking about a date.”


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