Designed for Love

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Designed for Love Page 14

by Roseanne Dowell

  "I love you," he said it first.

  My eyes fluttered open and I looked at him. Our gaze held for a moment.

  "I said I love you."

  "I...I...are you sure? I mean. Oh, God, I don't know what I mean. I love you, too." Could it be? Had he really said he loved me? More importantly, did he mean it? Not that it mattered I just said it back. Could this be happening to me? What about my career? This was too soon. Everything was happening too fast. But part of me didn't care. I couldn't deny it. I loved him. He loved me. What more could a girl want?

  "So then it's official?"

  "What's official?" What was he talking about? I was confused.

  "We're engaged."

  I tried to sit up. "What do you mean we're engaged?" Not that the idea repulsed me. Far from it. In fact, I liked it. Liked it a lot.

  "Well." He pulled me down and traced circles around my nipple. "The way I see it, you told Nick we're engaged. I told Kathy, various workers heard me. We love each other, its official."

  I rose up on my elbows. "Why, Mr. Rhett, is that the proper way to ask a lady for her hand?"

  Bill broke up laughing. "Well, Miss Scarlet, I reckon it ain't." He pulled me on top of him and rolled both of us to the other side of the bed, then slid out, and got down on one knee. "Miss Scarlet, will you give me the pleasure of your hand in marriage?"

  God, I loved this man more than anything in the world. Maybe it was fate that we met. Whatever it was, I couldn't be happier. I stuck out my lip in what I hoped was a pouty look. "Why, Mr. Rhett, ah'm not sure. Ah mean after all, this is kind of sudden an all."

  I saw the confusion on Bill's face, the hurt, the doubt. Suddenly, I pulled him up on the bed.

  "Well, fiddle-dee-dee, why not? Ah mean after all you do love me, right?"

  He pulled me to him and snuggled against me. "With my whole heart and soul."

  "Well then, ah accept." I leaned down and stroked his chest, moving my hand down to his stomach. My lips captured the groan that escaped his mouth.

  "I swear, woman, you're going to be the death of me. But what a way to die."


  I stood next to Bill in the reception line. I still couldn't believe it. Here we were in Gladys's great room. Even I had to admit it turned out better than I hoped.

  Elegant, expensive, yet it had a homey feel to it. Never would have thought such cold colors could look so elegant and homey at the same time.

  It had a comfortable, lived in feel to it. Not like a museum where you were afraid to touch anything. Even the furniture invited you to sit on it. Of course, the warm marble floor and antique brass helped. But mostly, it was Gladys's personal items. Family photos, warm pictures. Special little touches like the quilt on the couch that Gladys's grandmother made. Not to mention, she'd found a great artist, Margaret Geyer and photographer, Roger Dowell. Their pictures really added the warmth and spark to the room that was otherwise lacking.

  So, here I stood next to my new husband, receiving our guests. I was surprised when Gladys offered her home for our wedding reception. I looked across the room at Gladys and Nick.

  They hadn't changed a bit. They still couldn't keep their hands off each other. Thankfully, they weren't locked in one of their amorous embraces that caused even me to turn red. At least, not yet, they weren't. Who knew what might happen before the night was over.

  I had a sneaky feeling a wedding announcement from them wasn't in the too distant future. Nick sure was smitten with her. Funny how life works. From a ladies' man to part of a couple. I never would have guessed the first time I saw them together that it would turn serious between those two.

  I shifted from one foot to the other. Already, my feet were killing me. I wished it was time to sit down and eat. Although, between my family and Bill's, I doubted we'd do much eating. A lot of kissing, more than likely. And knowing that bunch, they wouldn't be satisfied with little pecks on the lips. Oh, no, not them.

  They'd expect long passionate kisses. What was it about people that they enjoyed watching a bride and groom kiss? Seriously, wouldn't they rather be kissing their own mates? Apparently not. I'd been to enough weddings in the family to know different.

  Not that I minded. Hell, I'd use any excuse to kiss Bill. Problem was, every time we kissed, I wanted to go farther. Unfortunately, that would have to wait until later. Much later.

  But look out then, Mr. William Johnson. If he thought I was aggressive and wild before, he ain't seen nothing yet. I couldn't hold back my smile or my blush.

  Bill leaned down and whispered in my ear. "Penny for your thoughts. You look like the cat that swallowed the canary."

  "Why, Mr. Rhett, ah do declare you say the silliest things."

  "That may be true, but your face is as red as your name, Miss Scarlet."

  "I just bet it is." I wished I had a fan to hide behind. I'd show him a thing or two about blushing.

  "Aren't you going to share it with me?"

  I put my hand under his jacket, behind his back and slid it inside his pants. "Later, baby, I'll share it all with you." I almost burst out laughing at the shocked look on his face.

  "Woman, you tempt me to take you upstairs to bed instead of to the dinner table. They better call us soon, or I just might oblige."

  "I can't think of anything I'd like better."

  "Ladies and Gentlemen, it's with great pleasure I introduce, for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. William Bradford Johnson." The Dee-jay interrupted.

  "Guess it'll have to wait until later." I whispered. "But then, Mister, look out."

  "I can hardly wait." Bill led me through the hall to the head table.

  Just as I expected, we no more got to our seats and the clanging on dinner plates started. Bill pulled me to him. "Shall we give them something to applaud?"

  Heat spiraled through my body as his lips claimed mine. Already, I was drowning in a sea of passion. My mouth opened to accept his tongue. I savored the taste of him. Somehow I'd get through the evening. After all I'd have a lifetime to love to him.


  Multi-published author, Roseanne Dowell, former school secretary and writing instructor, is an avid reader and writes various types of romance – paranormal, contemporary and mystery. Living in Northeast Ohio with her husband of forty-nine years, she has six grown children, fourteen grandchildren and one great grandchild. Roseanne spends her time between writing, quilting and embroidering. She's been published since 2006 with five releases this year and seven new releases coming in 2012. She also enjoys blogging, tweeting, facebooking and posting on various writers groups. To learn more about Roseanne check her website:

  Also Published by Books We Love

  Secrets, Lies and Love

  Time to Love Again

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