For Better or Worse

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For Better or Worse Page 11

by Jennifer Johnson

“Great. He bought me a lot of stuff.”

  “You want to show me?”

  “Not right now. Mom …”

  Kelly watched her oldest child. Zoey’s light blue eyes shone with peace. Her hair, no longer a much-too-dark shade hung in auburn waves past her shoulders. The freckles that splattered her nose gave her a youthful look, but the swelling of her belly was proof that Zoey would grow up whether she was ready or not. But Zoey had grown up so much since Tim’s death, even more since her pregnancy. Kelly knew the bitterness Zoey struggled with had been subsiding over the last few months. She’d prayed constantly for Zoey’s reconciliation with God.

  “Mom, I’ve made peace with God.”

  Bliss, pure and profound, poured over Kelly like a rush of water. She closed her eyes, allowing the answer to her heart’s deepest prayer for the last three years to penetrate her soul. Praise You, Jesus. Praise You.

  “I still don’t know why God let Daddy die.”

  Kelly grabbed her daughter’s hand. “I don’t either, sweetie.”

  “But I know all things work together for good—”

  “To those who love God.” Kelly finished part of the scripture. “You’ve been reading Romans?”

  Zoey shrugged. “I read through Romans a few weeks ago after my homework one day. Besides, you used to say that scripture all the time after Daddy died.”

  “I didn’t know you were listening.”

  “I listen, even when you don’t think I am.”

  Kelly studied her daughter. Contentment wrapped her features, and Kelly could hardly hold back her shouts of praise to the Lord. Why hold it back? “Praise the Lord!” she shouted.

  Zoey jumped and placed her hand on her chest. “Mom, you scared the life out of me.”

  Kelly stood up and walked around the table. She embraced her oldest child, her firstborn. “Zoey, your life is back in you. And that is reason to shout.”


  It had been over a week since Kelly had gotten sick at school, and she was still battling the virus. She’d never run a fever, but her stomach would settle for only a few hours a day, her body ached, and the fatigue was nearly debilitating. Daily, she barely made it in the door from school before she’d hit the couch.

  Harold had been sweet, taking the girls where they needed to go, doing some of the laundry. And Zoey had been doing most of the cooking, but tonight they were planning a movie outing, and Kelly wanted to fix a nice lasagna dinner for the family. Willing herself to feel better, she dumped the hamburger into a skillet and let it start cooking. She quickly diced an onion and green pepper and mixed them in with the cooking meat. The smell, one she normally loved, filled her nostrils, and Kelly gagged.

  This is ridiculous. I refuse to be sick any longer. Praying for strength she got out the tomato sauce, tomato paste, and various spices to make the sauce. She ignored her body’s protests to the food and continued cooking until the lasagna was covered in aluminum foil and placed in the oven.

  “Girls, you need to get ready,” Kelly called through the house as she headed toward the bathroom. “We’re leaving after dinner.”

  “Harold said we could go to my movie,” Candy said as she walked into Kelly’s room. “I know.”

  “I can’t wait to see Harold’s face when it starts,” Zoey called from the other room.

  “Me, too,” Brittany added.

  Candy placed her hands on her hips. “All of my friends have gone to see it. It’s supposed to be a good movie.”

  Kelly smiled. “I’m sure it is.” She patted Candy’s shoulder. “I think your sisters just find it humorous that Harold is going to watch a musical about high school students.”

  Kelly’s stomach rumbled. The smell of frying hamburger meat mixed with onions and green peppers seemed to cling to her. “I’m going to take my bath,” she said to Candy, determined not to show her family that she still felt sick. Besides the next day was Valentine’s, and she knew Harold had a special dinner planned for the two of them. She had to feel better.

  She started the hot water then pulled a towel and washrag from the cabinet. She slinked into the tub, hoping the water would soothe her nausea as it had the past several days. Lying all the way back, she closed her eyes and relished the warm water. Grabbing the timer beside the tub, she turned it to fifteen minutes. By then, she knew her stomach would be all right.

  As she expected, the soak helped, and Kelly dressed and fixed up for dinner and a movie. She knew Harold had gotten home; she could hear him talking to the girls in the other room. She opened the bedroom door and saw Harold sitting beside Zoey at the table. They’d discovered that her simple man was quite adept at numbers, and he often helped the girls with their math, especially Zoey since she was homebound.

  “I don’t understand this part,” Zoey said.

  “Remember. You have to use this formula.” Harold pointed to the book. “You punch it into the calculator like this.”

  Kelly leaned against the doorframe and watched her daughter pay attention to every word Harold said. The teen had done a full one-eighty since she’d recommitted herself to the Lord. Her belly had blossomed just a bit, and it would be only a matter of weeks before she’d have an ultrasound. Kelly prayed Zoey’s faith would stay strong after the birth of the child. It had been difficult enough to have a baby at twenty with a husband. Zoey would only be eighteen without a father present at all.

  “Harold, I need help when you’re done with Zoey,” Brittany said as she walked up beside them.

  Harold grimaced, and Kelly remembered he’d said Brittany’s Algebra II class was the hardest material for him to figure out. “I hope I can help you. I thought that boy was helping.”

  “Micah’s a jerk,” Brittany growled as she flopped into the chair beside Harold. “He kept calling me Amazon Girl today, even after I told him to stop.”

  Kelly watched as Harold patted her hand and said, “I think he’s flirting with you.”

  “No he’s not. He’s a jerk.”

  No one had noticed Kelly yet, and she drank in the interaction between her husband and daughters. God, Harold is such a blessing.

  “Hey, Harold.” Candy skipped to the table and wrapped her arm around Harold’s shoulder. “Mom says the movie starts at seven thirty. I can’t wait.”

  “Me neither,” Harold murmured, and Kelly almost burst into laughter. She knew the man would rather have his teeth pulled than see that movie. But he’d do it for Candy. Just as any dad would.

  In due time, Harold would be the one who’d walk the girls down the aisle to their waiting fiancés. He would be the grandfather to their children. He’d be the one they’d turn to for advice or help. Like Zoey, she didn’t understand why Tim died, and she’d never want to take away from his memory. But thank You, God, for bringing Harold into our lives. He’s such a blessing.

  “Penny for your thoughts.”

  Kelly looked at Harold. She’d been so engrossed in her prayer she hadn’t realized he’d noticed her watching them. She strolled to the table and kissed the top of his head. “I was just thinking about how thankful I am to have you.”

  Zoey and Candy rolled their eyes, while Brittany made a gagging motion. Kelly pointed at Zoey’s homework. “Especially since you can do math.”

  “That’s true.” Brittany nodded. “We definitely need you for the math. But that’s it.”

  “Oh really.” Harold jumped out of his chair and grabbed Brittany in a headlock. She squealed as he rubbed her head with his knuckles. “Tell me I’m wonderful.” He continued to rub her head. “Come on.”

  Candy giggled and tried to jump on Harold’s back. Brittany squealed even louder. Kelly and Zoey bent over in laughter.

  “Your sister’s trying to help you, but she can’t take me.” He continued to rub Brittany’s head. “Come on, Britt, tell Harold he’s the bestest. Nobody’s as good as Harold.”

  “Fine. You’re the best,” Brittany squealed.

  “I can’t hear you.” Harold rubbed her he
ad again.

  “You’re the best, you big meanie.”

  Harold let her go, and Brittany punched his arm. “Look at my hair.”

  “My turn,” Candy yelled, and Harold wrapped her up in a headlock and rubbed her head.

  The oven timer went off. Kelly wiped the tears of laughter from her eyes as she walked into the kitchen. “Okay, you bunch of monkeys, it’s time to eat.”

  “Mmm, food.” Harold let go of Candy and pounded his chest with his fists. “Monkey hungry.”

  Zoey shook her head, and Harold messed her hair a bit, as well. Again, Kelly praised God for her family.

  Harold nearly fell out of the chair when Kelly walked into the living room. His bride of less than two months stood before him wearing an all-black, silky dress. Two tiny straps touched her shoulders and held the fabric in place. The neck scooped down, but in a way that didn’t show the world any of her chest. The skirt kind of flowed at the bottom, touching her knees when she walked. Wow, she has great legs.

  He looked back at her face, noting the pleasure in her gaze. She liked that she had this kind of effect on him. He drank in her dark hair, piled up on the top of her head in a messy way that was so attractive. Little strands of hair rested on her neck, and he longed to switch places with one of those strands.

  She touched the diamond necklace that rested perfectly in the center of her neck. He noticed her neck kind of glittered. In fact, her arms and legs even seemed to shine. But it wasn’t just the glitter, Kelly looked fuller somehow. It was as if she were glowing in the most beautiful way.

  “Honey,” Harold stood up and kissed her cheek. “You are hot,” he whispered in her ear.

  He noted the redness trailing up her cheek, and he loved that she still thrilled at his attraction to her. Kelly twisted the bow at her waist. “I could hardly squeeze into this dress, and I just bought it two months ago.” “It sure looks awfully good.”

  Candy rushed into the room, and Harold backed away from his wife. Candy whistled. “Mom, you are hot!”

  Brittany walked in, as well. Harold watched as her eyes widened. “No doubt, Mom.” She turned to Harold and shrugged her shoulders. “Somebody’s going to have to beat the guys off Mom tonight.”

  Harold laughed. The younger girls proved always dramatic, and always fun to be around. He winked at the two of them. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of her.”

  “And I’ll take care of them.” Zoey stepped into the living room. She looked at her mom. “You look really pretty, Mom. It’s like you’re glowing.”

  Kelly touched her collarbone. The motion sent Harold’s attraction into overdrive. “I did put on some of your glitter.”

  “You look wonderful.” Harold looked at his watch. “And our reservation is in an hour. We need to get out of here.”

  “Okay. Have fun,” Zoey said.

  “Bye, Mom. Bye, Harold,” commented Brittany and Candy.

  As Harold guided his bride to the door, he could hear Brittany and Candy arguing over who got the TV first. He looked at Kelly and laughed at the worried expression on her face. “Don’t worry about them. They’ll be fine. I gave Zoey a TV schedule for the girls to follow.”

  Kelly’s expression softened, and she kissed his lips. “You’re a good dad to them.”

  “I want to be.”

  Harold opened the car door for Kelly. Since they were going on a nicer date, he’d parked the truck in the garage and they would go in Kelly’s car. He walked over to the driver’s seat and slipped inside. “You do look absolutely gorgeous.” He winked. “I’d be willing to skip dinner.”

  Kelly giggled. “Oh no. You’ve been excited about these reservations for weeks. We are going to The Moro Restaurant.”

  “I don’t even know if it’s any good.”

  “They serve steak. Filets. You’ll love it. And, I can’t wait to try the baked chocolate mousse. I’ve heard it’s absolutely divine.” Kelly leaned closer to him and rested her cheek on his shoulder. “It’s our first Valentine’s Day as husband and wife.”

  “I know. I can hardly believe it.” He glanced at Kelly. “What did you ever see in me?”

  Kelly laughed. “Are you kidding me? There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t praise God for giving me a man who not only loves me, but loves my crazy brood, as well.”

  “They’re my crazy brood now, too.”

  “Yes, they are.”

  Harold watched the road signs as they approached Wilmington. All week he’d looked forward to their evening together. He glanced at his wife. Her face looked pale. He noticed her breathing in through her nose and out her mouth. She wasn’t feeling well again. She’d been doing this for two weeks. “Kelly, I think you need to go to the doctor.”

  She shook her head. “I’m fine.” She looked at him and smiled, but he could tell the smile didn’t reach her eyes. “Really, I feel fine.”

  Harold parked the car, then walked around to open the door for Kelly. He touched her hand. Clammy. “Kelly, I know you don’t want to ruin our plans, but—”

  “I’m fine.”

  They walked into the restaurant. Live jazz music mixed with the conversation of several couples enjoying their evening. Harold looked at the dark yellow and a-little-bit-of-orange-mixed-with-a-little-bit-of-pink walls. The color reminded him of a salmon fillet before it had been cooked. The lights and pictures were fancy, not as fancy as the Dupont Hotel, but still nothing like he’d have ever gone to if he weren’t married to Kelly.

  He loved the circle pattern the place had going. Several of the tables had a secluded feel to them as a large, circular molding extended about a foot from the ceiling around the table. A fancy chandelier hung from the middle. The architectural design of the place was quite interesting.

  A guy, waiter, or whatever Kelly said they were called, showed them to their seats. He and Kelly settled into a booth, and the man handed them the menu for the day. The man walked away, and Harold took his wife’s hands in his. He looked at her. Her color did not look good. “Kelly—”

  “I’ll be right back.” Kelly covered her mouth and ran toward the restroom.

  Harold sat back in the booth and let out a long breath. Something always seemed to happen to put a damper on their time together. Zoey tells Kelly she’s pregnant before our honeymoon. I mess up Kelly’s surprise dinner. Now, she’s sick. Is it always going to be like this, Lord?

  His cell phone vibrated in his pocket. The word HOME flashed on the screen. Trepidation washed over him as he pushed ON. “Hello.”

  “Harold. She’s bleeding.”

  His heart started to race. “What?”

  “It’s Candy. She tripped over the rug. Hit her head. Zoey’s hurling.” Harold could hear screams and hacking sounds in the background. The television seemed to blare along with it.

  “Slow down, Brittany. Have you put something on Candy’s head?”

  “Yes. A rag. But she’s bleeding through it. I called Cam.

  He’s coming.”

  Harold could hear her start to cry. “It’s okay, Brittany. We’re coming.” “Please hurry.”

  “Just hold the rag on Candy’s head. Call me if Cam gets there first and has to take her to the hospital.”

  Harold raced toward the bathroom. He knocked on the door. “Kelly?”

  Brittany, the most sensitive of the three, didn’t handle crises well, and Harold knew the mixture of blood and vomit wouldn’t be good for her to handle alone.

  Kelly didn’t answer, so Harold knocked one more time, then walked in. Someone was vomiting in the last stall. Thankfully, no one was in there but Kelly. “Kelly?”

  “What are you doing, Harold? I’m fine.”

  “Candy hit her head. We’ve got to get home.”

  The door opened and an older lady walked in. She screamed when she saw Harold. He placed his hand on his chest. “Sorry, ma’am. We’re leaving.”

  Kelly stepped out of the stall. Her face was puffy from vomiting, and some of her makeup smeared down her c

  The woman frowned. She placed her hand on Kelly’s and glared at Harold. “You don’t have to go anywhere with him, young lady. I’ll take you somewhere safe. He can find another woman to torment.”

  Harold rolled his eyes and looked at the ceiling. “Believe me, ma’am. I have enough women tormenting me right now.”

  Kelly walked to Harold. She looked at the woman. “It’s okay, ma’am. He’s my husband. He didn’t hurt me. I’ve been sick.”

  Harold grabbed Kelly’s hand and nodded to the older woman. The woman scowled at him but he ignored her. “Come on. We’ve got to go.”

  “What happened?”

  “Candy must have fallen. Her head is bleeding a lot, and Zoey’s throwing up.”

  Kelly covered her mouth with her hand. “Oh no.”

  “Cam’s on his way to the house. They’re going to call if she needs stitches or anything.”

  “Oh no.”

  Harold guided Kelly toward the car. She didn’t move as fast as he would have expected. He could hear her taking deep breaths. Reaching the car, he pulled out his keys.

  “Oh no,” Kelly mumbled again. She turned away from him and vomited in the space beside their car.

  Kelly was vomiting. Zoey was vomiting. Brittany was panicking. And Candy was bleeding. So, this was life with a bunch of women? Being a bachelor had definitely been easier. Not that he didn’t love his girls. He loved each and every one of them. Whether they were happy, sad, laughing, crying, puking, bleeding. They were his girls, and he loved them.


  Kelly rested her elbows on the bar of the grocery cart. It had been a long day. Zoey had called several times asking about her schoolwork. Two more boys had gotten into a fight in her room. What is it with the boys and fighting this year? The nurse from Candy’s school had called to let Kelly know she’d given her daughter pain reliever for her head. It was only four o’clock, and Kelly was ready to call it a night.

  Willing herself to keep going, she stood to her full height and made her way toward the antiobiotic cream. Candy’s head wound three days before had resulted in a trip to the emergency room, but thankfully, only required three stitches and a regimen of cream application. Kelly frowned as she thought about the ugly bruise surrounding the cut above Candy’s eyebrow. Harold had been the one tending the wound. It was true that when Tim was alive he took care of all the girls’ cuts and scrapes, but since his death Kelly had played family nurse. But this time she simply couldn’t handle it. Her stomach churned at the thought of it.


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