No Safeword: Matte - the Honeymoon

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No Safeword: Matte - the Honeymoon Page 8

by Candace Blevins

  Sam jerked and yelped as the head broke through, but she didn’t rise.

  “You can hold the bar now. I know that wasn’t easy.” He pushed in slowly, talking as he invaded her ass. “I’d like to think you stayed put to please me, and not to avoid punishment.”

  He stopped talking as he resituated his legs and pushed all the way in. Sam’s hands gripped the bar, with her elbows locked and her arms cradling her face. She whimpered as he pressed the final few inches home and then used his fingers to spread her ass cheeks and delve even deeper.

  A gasp escaped as he pulled out a few inches, and she whimpered again when he pushed back in. God, she was being such a baby, but she was so damned sore. She’d been well prepared to take his size, but she was raw from the friction. He would always be a tight fit, but if she could relax more, maybe it wouldn’t hurt so bad?

  He pushed in and held again, and Sam tried to relax around him.

  “Stand up, Samantha.” His voice was kind, but she knew it could change in a heartbeat if she hesitated too long. He helped situate her so her back rested on his stomach, and her head was on his chest. He lifted her as he stood, and Sam yelped and gasped as her weight shifted onto her asshole, and his cock lodged even deeper. She reached her arms up and wrapped them around his neck, but his chest rumbled with displeasure and she let go.

  He’d wrapped his arms around her chest, and was supporting most of her weight, but the position had her totally out of control and she fought to keep from grabbing something else.

  Unsure of what to do with her hands, she settled them over the tops of his muscled forearms.

  “Put your feet on my thighs.”

  He bent his legs a little, and she breathed a sigh of relief as her legs took some of her weight off her asshole.

  “Aim your feet in, like you’re pigeon toed. Don’t dig your heels into my thighs.”

  Sam had to bite her tongue to keep from telling him not to jam his cock so far into her ass. She adjusted her feet and he slowly relaxed his hold on her torso.

  “You’re doing great. Now, lean forward and put your palms on the mirror.”

  The forward motion brought her an inch or so off his cock, and she gasped at the friction, but he merely moved his hands to her ankles and said, “Arch your back, Samantha. You should’ve learned by now not to bow your back up like an angry cat when I’m fucking you.”

  “I’m sorry, Sir. I’m just off balance and trying to find a position I can maintain.”

  She moved one hand to the bar, and the other was on the way to joining it when he shoved his hips forward and jolted her entire body towards the mirror so she had to move the upper hand back in place quickly.

  “I told you to brace your hands on the mirror. I said nothing about holding onto the bar.” His voice was practically a growl and Sam’s stomach flip-flopped at his intensity.

  “I’m so off-balance, Sir! This position isn’t working for me.”

  “Deal with it. This is an exercise in trust, Samantha. Keep your hands and feet where they belong. I’ll support your ankles and make sure they stay on my thighs.”

  He settled a little deeper into his squat and leaned back a little. His grip on her ankles increased as he used her weight to counterbalance his own.

  “And now, my darling wife. Fuck yourself on my cock. Ride me.”

  Sam’s gaze met his in the mirror as his words sank in. She gave an experimental push to her thighs, leaned forward on her hands a little more, and figured out what it would take to push up, and then let gravity take her back down.

  He allowed her a few dozen slow strokes before ordering, “Faster. Your primary concern should be pleasing me, but you only seem intent on causing your asshole the least amount of pain.”

  Well, yeah. God, every trip up and back down just fucking hurt. However, she wasn’t ripped or torn, she was just raw and tender – as if someone had fucked her with a sandpaper dildo. If it hurt this bad now with plenty of lube, how would it feel towards the end, when the coconut oil wore thin?

  Sam picked up speed as she considered strategy. She needed to get him off as quickly as possible, which meant paying attention to what felt good to him, even if it hurt her…because in the long run, the faster she got him off, the less she’d hurt.

  She worked out the mechanics of how to ride him quickly while causing herself the least amount of pain. She had to push at just the right angle with her legs, and pull with her abs, since she couldn’t get any leverage with her arms. If she could hold the bar this would be so much easier, but he wasn’t going for easy, apparently.

  Before long her thighs and abs burned as bad as her asshole, but she didn’t let up. He was close, she just needed to go a little longer.

  “Okay, slow down. Very good, Samantha. A little slower, that’s it. Ahhh, your ass feels so good compressing my cock, squeezing and rubbing.”

  Sam wanted to cry in frustration as she realized he intended to keep her like this a long time. He’d stopped her just before he came, which meant he’d have her go slow until he regained control, and then would likely order her to speed up again.

  Her thighs and abs were on fire, and she tried to shift the angle to give them some relief, but her back bowed up as her body lifted and he warned, “It seems you need to spend some time hogtied later, to remind you how I want your back when I fuck you.”

  “I’m sorry, Sir. I’m just trying to find a different angle, to give my legs and abs some relief.”

  His eyes flicked to the clock before meeting her gaze in the mirror. “I suggest you find your second wind. We’ve been at this less than ten minutes, and you’re going to be here a while.” Sam’s heart dropped at his emphasis on the last word. But she took a breath and determined to pace herself. Knowing it wouldn’t end soon actually helped, as it gave her the mindset of endurance, instead of just trying to get it over with.

  Within five minutes she’d put the burn of her working muscles into the background. She concentrated on her breathing, and on managing her energy levels as she went faster to try to get him off, and then was ordered to slow down until he regained control.

  She was used to ignoring overworked muscles, but the friction on her ass couldn’t be ignored.

  Each time she was allowed to turn loose and fuck him without restraint, her own arousal grew enough to make the pain bearable. However, when she was forced to slow down, the raw agony came back like a runaway freight train.

  It took so much effort to push herself up his cock, and then maintain her balance as she slid back down and let it invade her once again. She’d long ago stopped trying to slow her descent to keep it from hurting her asshole so much. When she was going faster she could almost use the downward force to bounce herself back up, but when going slow she had to power through every ounce of lift.

  She’d lost track of how many times she’d worked him up only to be made to back off, so when he ordered, “Faster, Samantha. Ride me like a bitch in heat. Come’on. Move,” she thought he was finally going to allow himself to get off, and at long last bring this to an end.

  However, when he once again ordered her to back off, her breath stuttered and her eyes watered, and Sam realized with horror she was about to cry.

  She took a deep breath and tried to regain control, but the burn in her throat and chest wouldn’t be assuaged, and she burst forth in heavy sobs, unable to keep them at bay.

  “You have no idea how much this turns me on, seeing you in such terrible pain, and so tired, but pushing yourself to give me pleasure no matter how much it hurts. That’s it Darlin’, cry while you ride me. Hurt for me.”

  He lasted nearly ten minutes, but once again stopped her before he came.

  She was crying nonstop now, with tears streaming from her eyes.

  Before she realized anything had changed, he grasped both of her ankles with his right hand, reached up with his left arm to support her torso, and pulled her off his cock and rolled her over until he cradled her like a baby as he stood.

  It felt so good to relax into his arms, and she snuggled into his chest as he walked her through the house.

  When they reached the bedroom he stood her in a corner. “Lean forward, let the walls support you.”

  He reached to the side for something, but Sam didn’t dare turn to see what he was doing. He was all Dom right now, and expected complete trust and obedience.

  Her arms were gently pulled behind her, and a few seconds later she realized he was preparing to lace her into the armbinder.

  “Since we’ve completed your anal training, I think it’s about time we begin training you into these.”

  He smoothed the leather and began working the laces. “It wouldn’t have worked while I wasn’t living with you, but now that we’re in the same house we can lace you into them every night, if I want.”

  Sam’s arms tensed as she tried to fight the pull, but he popped her on the ass. Hard.

  “Submit to it, Samantha. Let the leather and laces support your arms. Relax your shoulders and allow it. Don’t fight it. Don’t fight me.”

  She’d been in them a few times, but he hadn’t pulled the laces as tight as he worked them now and she had to step on her panic to keep it from taking over.

  When at last he stopped tugging and pulling the laces, he gently pulled her away from the wall. His strong arms made sure she had her balance, and he slowly walked her to the bed.

  “I’ve got you, Darlin’. Climb on the bed, and rest on your knees a second.”

  He made sure she was centered in the mattress and told her he’d only be gone a few seconds. She heard his footsteps fade as he went towards the kitchen, and then grow louder again as he returned. Her shoulders and chest ached, and she felt so self-conscious with her breasts poking out and up. Nudity didn’t normally bother her, but stretched and pulled and contorted like this, she felt so vulnerable.

  He returned with a huge glass of water, and a bowl. She was pretty sure the white stuff in the bowl was coconut oil, which meant he wasn’t finished with her ass yet.

  He held the straw in front of her mouth and encouraged her to drink, and alternated taking a drink himself while she took time to swallow and breathe.

  “Thank you, Sir. I think I’ve had enough.”

  In truth, swallowing was awkward with her arms pulled so far back. She’d managed it when she was thirsty, but would wait until he took the armbinder off to ask for more.

  Ethan casually smoothed more coconut oil over his cock before stretching out on the bed beside her.

  “Straddle me, Samantha. I’ll run some more lube inside you, and then you’re going to ride me some more.”

  Damn. She was really hoping he’d at least fuck her this time. It was so much easier to just accept the pain, rather than be forced to inflict it upon herself. But, he was making a point, and she deserved this and worse. She’d wanted someone who could make her submit, and she’d found him.

  “I love you,” she said, borrowing a page from his book and reminding herself, more than telling him.

  He smiled and caressed her hip with his non-greasy hand. “I love you, too. So much it scares me sometimes. But you’re still going to ride me.” He pinched her nipple, and then soothed it when she gasped in pain. “I love you enough to correct you, to enforce our agreement, and to make sure you know I own your ass.”

  He used his left hand to help her move in place, and reached up with his slick right hand and inserted one finger, quickly followed by two.

  “Oh fuck,” she complained. “Your fingers are so much rougher than your cock. Sir, please!”

  Her knee lifted an inch or two in reflex, but she realized her body was trying to run away, so she planted both knees firmly into the mattress on either side of his body, closed her eyes, shut her mouth, and concentrated on breathing. He was right — he owned her ass, and this was his way of reminding her, showing her.

  He worked his fingers another thirty seconds or so before gently pulling them out. A slick finger ran between her breasts and she opened her eyes to watch the finger move down to her stomach, and then wipe the coconut oil onto her abs, and up, onto her breasts.

  He smiled. “You look good shiny.”

  His look made her heart swell, and it didn’t matter she’d just said it, because she was saying it for a different reason this time.

  “I love you, Master.”

  “And I love you. Here,” he said, reaching for his cock with one hand and around her with the other to pull an ass cheek to the side. “Let me help.”

  Sam knew what he wanted. She maneuvered until her asshole was over his cock, and let him help line her up as she settled onto it.

  She tried to sit down on it, but her ass wasn’t opening up to let him in. Normally, he’d just grab her hips and pull her down onto him, but after she’d waited longer than she thought it should take him, she opened her eyes and wordlessly implored him to help.

  “I’ll help you get lined up, but you’ll have to make it happen. I want you to fuck yourself on my cock. You should be open enough, and goodness knows we’re both slick enough.” His voice went deeper, and there was no mistaking the command. “Relax your ass and impale yourself on my cock, Samantha.”

  Her shoulders and chest were quickly transitioning from uncomfortable to painful, and she had to be careful of how she balanced her torso. He didn’t rush her as she experimented with leg position and body angle, and she finally settled on a position that let her sit, push, and relax all at once, and the head went in.

  She gasped in pain and he groaned in pleasure.

  “That’s it. Now sit the rest of the way down. I’ll let you stay down a few minutes until you get used to me again, but I’d like you to sit your sore little bottom all the way down on my cock, just as quickly as you can manage.”

  Nodding, she took a deep breath and then slowly released it as she sat. His cock slid deeper, and deeper. Invading her. Opening her.

  The extra coconut oil helped, but she was so sore, and so tired of having her ass filled.

  When the backs of her bruised thighs at last rested on his body, she relaxed her torso as much as possible in the restrictive armbinder.

  Ethan’s hand fell sideways on the bed, ran under the pillows, and came out with two sets of clover clamps.

  Sam closed her eyes as Ethan reached for her pussy lips and clamped the right side. She’d known what would happen when she realized one set had elastic between it, and she tried to keep from protesting as he ran it behind her lower back before pulling her left pussy lip away from her clit. The second clamp tightened down over the sensitive skin and pulled her other lip back until her clit was exposed to the cool air.

  “Your body is mine. Nothing is hidden unless I say it can be.”

  Sam nodded agreement, but kept her eyes closed as she waited for the sharp pain on her nipples.

  He didn’t make her wait long, and quickly put them on and pulled the chain between them.

  “Open your eyes. You don’t get to hide from me right now.”

  Sam opened her eyes and saw her caring, concerned, Master. He released the chain and she breathed a little easier as the pull on her nipples relaxed.

  “You knew it would be rough today. Are you holding up okay?”

  Sam tilted her head, considering. She wasn’t sure if he was giving her a way to end it, or merely asking if she needed help. Either way, while she hurt in more places than she could count, and wasn’t looking forward to being forced to start moving up and down on his cock…she didn’t want the ability to end it, either.

  “I’m tired, Sir, but not so tired I can’t go on. I know you’re pushing me, and apparently physical endurance is part of it, today. I want to please you, and if this is what you want, I’d be disappointed if I weren’t able to give it to you.”

  “Okay.” He smiled. “I love that you’re taking this for me, even though I know how much I’ve already put you through. You have permission to orgasm when I do.” He moved his hips a little and she squirmed
as his cock shifted inside her.

  “Now, move, my beautiful wife. Fuck your ass on my cock. I won’t hold back, and you don’t have permission to come until I do.”

  Sam pushed up, adjusted her legs a little, and sank back down on his cock. Her shoulders and chest hurt, her nipples were screaming, and her exposed clit craved attention. The additional friction on her asshole, combined with the burn in her legs and abs, was almost too much. However, the anticipation of being allowed an orgasm had her moving faster and faster as she watched his face for signs of pleasure. The chain beneath her breasts bounced as she moved, tugging her nipples with each rise and fall, but the pain only fueled her on.

  When Ethan finally came, Sam collapsed forward on his chest and let go as her body writhed and shuddered through her release. Ethan grabbed her hips and held her on him as he emptied into her.

  When at last they both stilled, Ethan gently lifted her from his cock and stroked her arms over the armbinder.

  “Please, Master, my chest and shoulders are killing me. Can we please take the armbinder off?”

  He sat her up, took both sets of clamps off, helped her turn around and straddle him, and began to work at the laces.

  “Your hands touch okay, but you have a long way to go before your upper arms are close enough for the armbinder to properly fasten at the top. I’ll wait until we get home to get an exact measurement and come up with a schedule, but you know it’ll be a lot of work getting you used to this, right?”

  “Yes, Sir. I know.”

  When the armbinder at last came off, he had her bend over and spread her ass cheeks so he could examine her sore bottom. “It’s red from all the activity, but I don’t see any signs of tearing,” he said as he stuck two fingers in and moved them around so he could get a good look.

  Sam gritted her teeth and held her breath. She knew he needed to check, but the clinical ignominy of it made her want to dig a hole and crawl into it.

  He flicked the flashlight off and set it on the side table.

  “I’d like to rub some arnica on your backside. Stretch out on the bed while I get it, please.”


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