No Safeword: Matte - the Honeymoon

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No Safeword: Matte - the Honeymoon Page 10

by Candace Blevins

  He stroked her cheek. “I want you to keep up a narrative as the water goes in. I want to know about every cramp, every spasm, and every calm period between. If you need me to slow the water for a few minutes, or even stop it, ask nicely and I will. However, you need to learn to differentiate between mere pain and a true need to go slow or stop for a few minutes.”

  He leaned in and kissed her forehead. “Normal cramps today will feel worse than those you’ve probably termed severe in the past. I know your body will occasionally need some time to adjust before adding more, and I’ll have to depend on you to tell me when to slow down. I also have to trust you won’t ask for it too often.”

  He sat up and his voice went from kind to brisk. “Once both quarts are in, you’ll hold them for either thirty or forty-five minutes. If I think you’ve over-dramatized the pain, you’ll hold it forty-five minutes. If I think you’ve worked with me to get the water in, you’ll hold it thirty minutes.”

  He stood and helped her up. “Master James’ standard time for this particular formula is one hour, but I figure since this is your first experience with a recipe designed to enhance cramping, we should keep it short.”

  He walked her to the chin up bar, bent her over at the waist, and connected the rope hanging from the bar to the end of her armbinder. Sam grunted as he raised her arms, and she bent farther forward to try to relieve her shoulders, but nothing really helped.

  A spreader bar went between her legs, and Sam occupied her mind by adding up the weights on the barbell beneath her. She estimated it held around three hundred pounds, and wondered why he’d put it there. Ethan didn’t do anything without a reason.

  She thought she had her answer when he used rope to connect her ankles to the barbell. She could lift her feet a little, and scoot them forward, but couldn’t move them back. He settled more weights beside each foot, used them as anchor points as well, and suddenly she couldn’t budge either foot.

  He fastened a broad weightlifting belt loosely around her abdomen, ran a rope through it, and tied it to the barbell as well. She noted there was at least eight inches between her stomach and the front of the belt, plenty of room for her belly to bulge from the enema.

  Also, her back was now arched sharply down — not a chance she’d do the angry-cat thing today.

  He must have known what she was thinking because he said, “This isn’t further consequences for bowing up yesterday. It’s merely to hold you still for the enema. I’ve seen how you can relieve the cramps a little by moving around, and I’ve chosen to take away your options.”

  He added a strap under her hips, and tied it off to the chin-up bar as well, assuring she couldn’t bend her legs to gain relief on her over-arched back.

  He stepped in front of her and squatted until they were eye level. “This will be one of the most painful consequences I’ve given you. Your ass is mine, and I’ll put whatever I want in it, whenever I want, as long as you aren’t working. You agreed to this, and you haven’t taken it back in writing. You don’t have a safeword today. Unless I think there’s a true health problem, and not just pain, you’ll take the entire two quarts, and you’ll hold it for at least thirty minutes — longer if you don’t cooperate.”

  Ethan poured the first pitcher into the bag, released the clamp until some water shot out of the nozzle, closed the clamp, and proceeded to lube the odd looking nozzle.

  It took a few seconds for him to poke the first balloon into her tender bottom-hole, but it didn’t take long for him to pump it up inside her. The pressure on her inner rectal muscles was intense, but she managed to keep quiet. However, when he blew up the outer balloon, and it pulled the inner one closer and put even more pressure on her anal muscles, she begged him to stop. He pumped it a few more times, and then gently tugged it, to be sure it was in place.

  The full realization of her predicament hit home, and Sam’s heart thumped against her rib cage. Always before, she’d held the enema because she didn’t want to make a mess, and she didn’t want to disappoint him, but the option was always there to release it if the pain grew to be more than she could handle. Today, though, she’d take as much liquid as he put into her, and she’d have no way to expel it until he was ready for her to.

  No matter her icy terror though — the fullness surrounding her ass and the uncompromising bondage had her pulse racing and her clit throbbing. She both looked forward to the water filling her, and dreaded the cramps Ethan promised.

  The water wasn’t as cold as she’d expected. It was cooler than she was used to, but the temperature wasn’t so bad. However, a cramp hit almost immediately, which was unexpected. She tried to move to accommodate the cramp, but her shoulders screamed and her torso was held firmly in place.

  Within a minute, she’d broken out in a cold sweat and was screaming as almost nonstop cramps twisted her insides.

  She lasted as long as she could before she begged, “Please Sir! Please give me a minute!”

  He adjusted the flow down, but didn’t stop it. She took several deep breaths as the cramps lessened enough for her to stop screaming. She’d had no idea just how bad this would be. Part of a wall was mirrored, and she looked into it to see how much of the bag was gone, and her heart stuttered as she realized it still looked full.

  Her time wouldn’t begin until all the water was inside her, and the cramps weren’t going to stop completely. She’d had enough time to catch her breath, and the sooner all the water was in, the sooner he’d allow her to expel it.

  “Thank you, Sir. I think I can handle more again.”

  He released the clamp a little, but the cramps didn’t grow too much worse this time. She had a good thirty seconds of intense-but-bearable cramps before the excruciating ones began again and she hopelessly fought her bonds in an attempt to move and accommodate the water and spasms. She screamed and yelled, but didn’t ask him to stop another time until she absolutely couldn’t bear another second.

  He immediately slowed it when she asked, and when she looked in the mirror, she thought half the bag might be gone.

  He filled the open-topped bag to the top again while she was catching her breath. Her body reflexively tried to expel the enema, but the nozzle held it in. She couldn’t get rid of it, and he was going to keep putting more, and more, into her.

  Another severe cramp hit even though the flow was stopped, and she screamed in agony, and followed up the scream by begging him to please rub her stomach.

  He squatted before her again and stroked her cheek. “I’ll rub it towards the end if you still want me to, but not yet. It’ll get a lot worse towards the end, Samantha.” He kissed her forehead. “Tell me what you’re learning?”

  “My ass belongs to you, and you can put anything in it you want. Sir.”

  He nodded. “That’s right. I’ll ask you to say it several more times. It will please me to hear you saying it without being prompted.”

  He stood, walked behind her, and stuck two fingers in her pussy. “You’re soaking wet, my beautiful wife. I know you aren’t enjoying this, but find it interesting your body is turned on by it.”

  He put both fingers in his mouth, pulled them out slowly, and stepped back to the enema bag. “I trust you’re ready for me to open the clamp again?”

  Not really, but the sooner the water went in, the better. “Yes, Sir. Thank you for the small break.”

  Sam didn’t think they’d ever make it to the end. It seemed every time the bag neared the halfway point he’d fill it again, but he filled it so many times, she must have been mistaken about where the midpoint was on the flexible bag.

  She turned his phrase into a mantra, and repeated, “My ass belongs to Ethan. He can put anything in it he wants,” as a way to help her through the ordeal.

  He massaged her belly towards the end, which helped more than she could have possibly imagined, and she thanked him profusely — in between begging for the pain to stop.

  When she finally heard the gurgle of the last of the water, she wante
d to collapse in relief, but the cramps and bondage still had her hopelessly attempting to writhe in pain while her restraints held her firmly in place.

  Ethan clamped the end of the nozzle and disconnected it from the tubing. She felt as if she had a tail hanging from her ass now, but the cramps hurt bad enough she didn’t really care.

  He rested his hand on her shoulder and met her gaze in the mirror. “We had to stop more than I’d hoped, but I think you were genuinely trying to work with me, so your thirty minutes starts now. Feel free to scream as much as you want, but no words can leave your mouth unless there’s a serious problem I need to know about.”

  He stepped in front of her, obviously expecting her to acknowledge the order, so she nodded once before closing her eyes and sucking air into her lungs in an attempt to get on top of the pain.

  She searched the mirrors for a view of the room’s wall clock, and realized he’d draped one of her scarves over it.

  Okay, so he didn’t want her watching the clock. She was left with the option of trying to count time, or to just forget about it, submit to the experience, and go inward.

  If she could manage the latter, it would be easier, but she wasn’t sure she could find a way to embrace this particular pain. Still, it was worth a shot.

  Sam tried every trick she knew — deep breathing, accepting and welcoming each spasm as her insides twisted and contorted. She tried embracing the agony as an essential lesson…but nothing worked. She couldn’t find a way to ride the pain, to manage the cramps, or to accept the invasion. She wasn’t just full of water, but the water felt as if was warping and deforming her insides. The cool water now felt cold, and she could feel every inch of her distended colon winding through her abdominal cavity.

  Ethan stepped in front of her, rock hard, but even the knowledge this was turning him on didn’t help.

  She almost didn’t hear the command to open her mouth, but when the tip of his cock touched her lips, the words finally computed and she opened.

  He wasn’t looking for a blowjob, and before long he was pushing against the back of her mouth. She drew in as much air as she could just before he sealed off her airway, and he didn’t back off when she gagged.

  “My throat. My mouth.” His voice was gruff, but it sounded a million miles away.

  Her chest and shoulders burned from the armbinder, and the lack of oxygen just added to it. Her insides jerked and contracted, and the spasms seemed to travel up her digestive system and make her gag even more.

  He pulled back, and all the way out, only to step around her and jam his cock into her pussy. She was wet, but wasn’t stretched and ready for him and it was an invasion. She couldn’t move her feet, couldn’t arch her back, couldn’t shift forwards. She had to stand in place and take it, and she squeezed her eyes closed to keep from showing him how much she didn’t want him inside her right now.

  “Don’t fight it, Sam. This is me and you. I know you’re hurting, and I know you were full before I jammed my cock in you.” He pulled out, pushed back in, and she felt the water ripple throughout her abdomen. “I know your shoulders ache, and the water sloshes and moves every time I shove myself into you.” He pulled out and pushed in again.

  “But this is my cock in your pussy. You wanted me in your pussy instead of your ass just about all day yesterday. You finally have what you wanted.”

  He reached for her hips and held her steady as he picked up speed, which took some of the pressure off her shoulders, but didn’t help much with the water jostling inside of her.

  “I’m not going to tell you how much time you have left. However, if you can orgasm before your time’s up, I’ll release you and let you go to the bathroom early. If you can find a way to gain pleasure from my using you like this, you’ll have learned your lesson and will deserve clemency.”

  Another dozen times in and out, and he growled, “I fully intend to come before your time’s up though, so I suggest you hurry.”

  He picked up speed again and, almost as an afterthought, added, “You have permission to come, you don’t have to ask.”

  Sam could tell by his breathing he was on the edge of his own control, which meant he wasn’t trying to make himself last. He’d probably been beyond horny the entire time he injected the water into her, and then while she’d been holding it.

  Closing her eyes, she tried to focus her attention on the feel of his cock sliding in and out, in and out. Her insides continued to twist and writhe, but she tried to see them as the sideshow, and his cock as the main attraction. She was very close to coming when she heard his breathing change, and knew he’d be jetting into her any second.

  A violent enema spasm hit, but instead of working against her, it worked with her, and the added pain pushed her over the edge. Her vision narrowed as her body tried to writhe in bliss now, but her bonds still held firm. She screamed and soared and felt Ethan’s motions stutter as he fucked her through the orgasm.

  The enema cramps intensified the jerks and spasms in her pussy, and the orgasm took on a life of its own until she was awash in a sea of sensations, floating through the universe with only Ethan to anchor her to reality.

  Ethan’s low-pitched yell filled the room, and Samantha’s screams of ecstasy joined his in perfect harmony.

  When Sam’s orgasm finally played out, she hung limp from the chin-up bar, unable to hold herself up, or care that her shoulders were screaming in protest.

  Ethan quickly untied her and walked her to the nearest bathroom. He turned her around, released the air in the nozzle, pulled it from her ass, and sat her on the toilet within seconds.

  The water gushed out almost before she was seated, and Ethan patted her back and headed for the door. “I’ll leave the door open. You have speech privileges back. Let me know if you need anything.”

  He turned and faced her as he stepped out of the room. “Formal scene’s over, sweetheart. You did good, and I’m proud of you.”

  “Can you bring my tablet, then, please?” Anything to take her mind off this. She had a feeling she’d be sitting here a while, and the cramps were worse now that things were moving again.

  “Of course. I’ll be right back.”

  Chapter Ten

  When Sam awakened around ten o’clock, she was ravenous. Ethan had promised a huge breakfast before she’d fallen asleep, and she was more than ready for it.

  A stop in the bathroom assured her she could travel, so she took a three-minute shower, put her hair in a ponytail, and donned shorts and a t-shirt before going in search of him.

  She stopped just outside the doorway of the workout room, and watched him do several dozen one-armed pull-ups. He was truly beautiful, and she could watch him all day…except she was about to starve.

  “You promised me a huge breakfast,” she said as she stepped into the room.

  He dropped to the floor and grinned. “I did, and it looks like you’re ready to go.”

  She nodded and he reached for a towel. “I won’t take the time to shower, then. Just let me change shorts and put a shirt on.” He stepped to her and gave her a gentle peck on the lips. “How do you feel?”


  They were pulling out of the driveway within five minutes, and in another five minutes were seated at a busy mom-and-pop pancake and waffle place. Sam ordered a Belgian waffle, blueberry pancakes, hash browns, some scrambled eggs, and a fruit bowl. Ethan decided he wanted the same, and the waitress wrote it down without commenting.

  Sam ate all but half of her Belgian waffle, which Ethan finished off for her. He gave her the pineapple from his fruit bowl though, so she figured they were close to even.

  “Told you I was starving.”

  He nodded agreement. “Did you get enough?”

  “For now.”

  When they left the restaurant, Sam discovered Ethan had made plans for them to take a boat ride, and the literature promised views of lots of wildlife, including dolphins. Under normal circumstances she wouldn’t have enjoyed sittin
g for so long, but she was tired, and it was a perfect way to spend a lazy afternoon.

  She took a short nap when they returned, and found one of her evening dresses hanging from the top of the bathroom door when she awakened. The note said to put it on if she felt up to an evening out, or to put some comfy pajamas on if she’d rather order in. She’d been pretty zapped before her nap, but was feeling much better now, so she put her hair up, had some fun with her makeup, and slipped into the dress.

  He took her to an ultra fancy restaurant, and refilled Sam’s wine glass until she was well beyond tipsy.

  She expected Ethan to ravage her when they arrived home, but he undressed her, made her drink a glass of water, and rubbed her back until she fell asleep.

  She awoke first the next morning and slid under the covers. He was soft when she pulled him between her lips, but within seconds he groaned in pleasure and began to fill her mouth.

  She intended to get him off, but he stopped her a few minutes into it, flipped her on her back, draped her legs over his shoulders, and gently worked her clit with his lips and tongue.

  Sam’s eyes rolled back into her head and she forgot to breathe for several heartbeats. However, after a few minutes she realized he’d stopped her from giving him a blowjob. He hadn’t used her last night, and now he wasn’t letting her pleasure him.

  She raised up on her elbows and watched a few seconds before coming to a decision.

  “Time out, Ethan.”

  He tilted his head to look at her, but kept her clit in his mouth. His tongue ran across it a few times and she had to fight to keep her eyes from rolling back in her head again.

  “I was giving you a blowjob, and you stopped me.”

  His eyes agreed with her, and then he stopped looking up and went back to work.

  She gently bopped him on the head. “Don’t ignore me. I’m trying to talk to you.”

  He inserted a finger into her depths, and then another, and Sam fell back, her legs tensed on his shoulders, and she lost control of her body as an orgasm crashed into her with no warning.


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