No Safeword: Matte - the Honeymoon

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No Safeword: Matte - the Honeymoon Page 12

by Candace Blevins

  He pushed her bathing suit top to the side and pulled both breasts out. No one was on their section of beach, and his body would block the view of anyone walking or running.

  He set her book on the table and casually said, “Hands laced behind your head.”

  She obeyed without hesitation, and he leaned forward to give her a kiss on the forehead.

  “I’d already planned sleep deprivation for tomorrow night, so the triple penetration along with whatever else I end up doing overnight will play along nicely.”

  She gave him a half smile and said, “You’re trying to help us get back on Chattanooga time faster, aren’t you?”

  He tilted his head and smiled. “Can’t get anything past you, but don’t think it will be simple sleep deprivation.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Of course not. Sir.”

  He pinched and twisted both nipples again. “Watch your mouth, Samantha.”

  She gasped in pain, but quickly said, “Sorry, Master.”

  “As it turns out, I like the idea of doing most of these things, so we may start a little earlier than I’d originally planned.”

  He leaned forward, brushed his lips against her ear. “You aren’t allowed to come until further notice. I don’t know when I’ll give you release, but if I want you to beg, I’ll tell you.”

  He saw the goose bumps on her shoulder and arm, and heard her breath catch. He knew she loved being reminded of his power over her, and her reactions almost always made him want to fuck her senseless.

  She nodded her understanding, took a breath to regain control of herself, and looked out over the ocean.

  “I wonder if we can rent some sea kayaks at the last minute?”

  He twisted at the waist and looked out over the ocean a few seconds before turning back to her. He fully understood she was looking for a way to keep him from torturing her all day with denial, but he’d enjoyed their kayaking trip, and loved the idea of going again before they went home. He’d have the rest of their lives to tease her unmercifully and deny her orgasms, but only one honeymoon to play on the ocean.

  “That sounds nice, actually. I have the number in our luggage. I’ll get it and make the call.”

  They rented two, one-person sea kayaks, and the first thirty to forty minutes were spent paddling so fast they practically flew across the ocean’s surface. It seemed they both wanted to work some energy off.

  Ethan wasn’t paddling as fast as he could, but wasn’t much under it. He knew Sam was strong, but she never ceased to amaze him, the way she kept up with him.

  When his arms began to tire he backed off first, balanced the paddle across the kayak, and coasted to a stop. Sam did the same beside him, and they sat and watched the waves ripple across the vast expanse of ocean as the clouds drifted above them.

  “I think I’ll miss the salt smell most of all,” Sam said.

  “As much fun as we’ve had, I think I’m ready for home, though.”

  “Me, too,” Sam agreed. “I’m looking forward to getting the house set up the way we want, and making sure it reflects your personality, and not just mine.”

  “We’ll still have some time to play before we have to go back to work.”

  Sam lifted the oar, turned her boat so she was facing Ethan, and then proceeded to try balancing the oar on one finger as she said, “Yeah, but I don’t think our friends will leave us alone too much longer.”

  “And I’m going to want to go to the dojo and check in with Tom.” Ethan grinned as he watched her make micro adjustments until the oar was perfectly balanced.

  She looked up abruptly. “I’ll want to go, too.” She shook her head. “I’m betting we hit the ground running, and don’t have any carefree lazy days before we go back to work.”

  A dolphin surfaced between them and Sam gasped in surprise seconds before her eyes lit up with pleasure. The frisky juvenile moved closer to her, and Ethan would have sworn it was the same young dolphin they saw the last time.

  His eyes scanned the water around them, and he saw several more about ten feet away.

  “There’s more to your right,” he said in a low voice.

  She gently rested her oar back on her kayak. “This is the same one, Ethan. He was young, and he had that little white area of discoloration just above his snout.”

  Sam watched the dolphin in awe, and Ethan didn’t say anything when she dangled her hand in the water. She wasn’t actively trying to touch the dolphin, she was just resting her hand in the water.

  The juvenile joined the group, swam a couple of high-speed circles around them, and returned to Sam. He surfaced right next to the kayak and chattered at her.

  “He’s trying to talk to you, I think.”

  “I wish I knew what you were saying, fella.”

  The dolphin darted in front of her, turned to look at her, returned, and chittered at her again.

  “Sam, I think he wants us to follow.”

  She tilted her head, considering, and began to paddle behind him when he swam. Ethan followed, and noted the other dolphins were swimming alongside them.

  Before long, Ethan was pushing his way through the water with all of his strength, and still having a hard time keeping up with his wife.

  When the dolphin stopped, Ethan looked down and almost couldn’t believe his eyes.

  “Sam, look down!”

  They’d stopped over a reef inhabited by hundreds of colorful fish. Sam opened the compartment in the front of her kayak and pulled the snorkel and mask out. “I think we pretty much have to get in the water, don’t we?”

  The dolphin gave Ethan a wide berth at first, but once he saw how comfortable Sam was with him, it seemed to accept him as well.

  “It’s kind of like having our own personal tour guide,” Sam said as the dolphin led them around and over the reef, and practically pointed out interesting topography and creatures.

  “If the water were six feet lower, this would be a decent sized island,” Ethan remarked.

  “Yeah, shallow water this far out is kind of bizarre, isn’t it?”

  They’d kept their island close enough so they didn’t lose sight of it, but they were still a long ways out.

  Sam watched the dolphin spin in a deliberate circle, and she chuckled and did the same thing.

  Ethan relaxed upright in the water and let his lifejacket support him as he watched his wife mimic the dolphin. They did forward flips, backwards flips, and corkscrews across the top of the water. Sam was a strong swimmer, and she took off freestyle, and the dolphin swam right alongside her, as if they were a team.

  When she stopped, she turned to Ethan, her eyes lit up like a child’s on Christmas morning.

  “Even the animals know how special you are, Samantha darling.”

  She rolled her eyes at him, smiled in joy, and turned to her new friend. “Thank you. I’m honored.”

  The older dolphins had stayed fairly close, but hadn’t interacted with them. However, now they swam closer, and one of them came within a few feet of Ethan. He wasn’t sure what to do to keep from spooking it, so he just froze, and smiled with his mouth closed. Sometimes dogs saw teeth as a threat when you smiled at them, and he had no idea if dolphins would or not.

  Remembering Kai’s warning, he said, “It’s not good for them to get too comfortable around humans, Sam.”

  “I’m not so sure I buy it. I mean, they seem so smart, and they stayed away from you at first. I don’t think they’ll swim up to just any human.”

  She swam to him and they kissed, and Ethan saw two of the dolphins copying them out of the corner of his eye. He burst into laughter and Sam turned in time to see them kissing and snuggling, but with fins instead of arms.

  Ethan would have sworn the whole pod laughed, and he decided to just go with it and enjoy the moment.

  They spent a lot of time in the water, but Sam eventually pointed out they should probably head back soon. Ethan had been thinking the same thing, but hadn’t wanted Sam’s magical time with the dolph
ins to end.

  They stowed the gear they’d pulled out, maneuvered back into the kayaks, and began making their way back to land.

  The dolphins stayed with them until they were about twenty yards from shore, and Sam stopped rowing to wave to them as they swam the other direction. The juvenile broke off from the pod and came back to them, made a few circles around their kayaks, and jumped high into the air as he swam away a final time. Ethan would have sworn he waved his flipper when he jumped.

  Sam eyes were moist as she turned to him. “That was magical. I’m almost speechless.”

  He pulled up beside her, stroked her cheek, and leaned sideways to give her a quick peck on the cheek. “I told you. They know how special you are, too.”

  They’d brought clothes to change into, and Sam pulled her hair into a French twist, put a little eyeliner on, and decided the sun had given her enough highlights she didn’t need makeup.

  They had dinner and desert outside, on a deck with the sea breeze cooling them as the sun set in an explosion of colors.

  “This is our last vanilla night on the island, and it’s been perfect.” Sam sighed in content as she watched the shifting colors in the sky and ocean.

  They slept in each other’s arms that night, and awoke to rain the next morning — the last full day of their trip.

  “You know, I don’t mind the rain,” Sam said as they stretched and watched the deluge crash in sheets as the wind blew the rain against the large wall of windows.

  Ethan reached for her from behind and kissed the spot just under her ear. “I don’t either. We’d planned to do a good bit of our packing this morning, and this is just another view of the beach and ocean.”

  They spent the morning packing everything except for the things they’d wear the next day.

  Ethan gathered all of the toys and organized them, saying they’d go in the box the next morning, so they could drop them off at the UPS Store on their way to the airport.

  “I’ll be using a lot of them this afternoon and tonight,” he promised.

  Chapter Eleven

  Sam had donned yoga shorts and a loose tee when they’d awakened, and was on pins and needles waiting for Ethan to tell her to strip.

  She had no idea what time he intended to get started, but her nerves and libido wanted him to do so sooner rather than later.

  Everything was packed except their toiletries, the clothes they’d wear home, and the toys. She stood watching the rain come down as Ethan loaded the dishwasher and talked about what they could do with the remaining food, to eat it for dinner and then breakfast.

  She heard him walk up behind her, but she didn’t turn to look at him. He wrapped his arms around her and gently tugged her back until she leaned against him.

  “I’d originally planned to move some of the mats into the bare-bones room for our spar, but I think I might like to fight out on the beach, in the rain.

  Sam’s lips curled into a smile as she remembered the first time they’d fought for his dominance. “Primal. Wild. Just like our first time.”

  She felt his lips on top her head. “I knew you’d get it.” He gently stood her back up, and supported her as he stepped away, until he was sure she was no longer leaning against him.

  “But first, I want you over my knee.”

  He pulled a kitchen chair away from the table, turned it to face the great room, sat in it with a bit of pomp, and said, “Strip. Fold your clothes neatly on the kitchen table as you remove them.”

  Sam pulled her shirt off, folded it, and reached for her shorts. They didn’t take much to fold either, and she removed her panties, folded them in half, and settled them on top of the stack.

  “Good. You’ll find the coconut oil on the counter by the fridge. Bring it to me, please.”

  He accepted it from her, removed the lid, and motioned for her to position herself over his lap.

  Sam both hated and loved the act of bending over his lap. It was humiliating; something a child might be forced to do. However, her insides practically vibrated in anticipation of what was to come. She’d asked for this on the bed over his lap, and having him push it to make her more uncomfortable soothed her worries about not enjoying the evening. He was going to use her suggestions in a way that suited his desires, and she was more than happy to please him as she draped her body over his lap and propped on her toes and fingertips.

  He slathered coconut oil on her bottom and the backs of her thighs, and she knew he intended this to hurt even more than usual.

  Ethan’s hands were huge, and meaty, and managed to both sting and thud at the same time. She loved the intimacy of his hand striking her, but knew she’d asked for one of the most painful ways he could spank her — and the addition of the coconut oil would make it hurt even worse.

  She felt him lean sideways to put the jar on the floor beside them, and braced her toes and fingers on the floor, determined to hold position.

  “You don’t have to worry about staying in place today. I’ll take care of it for you.” He patted her bottom. “You aren’t going anywhere until I say you can. Now, ask me to spank your bottom with my hand.”

  “I already asked you, Sir,” she said with a smile. “In writing.”

  “I know you’re just being cheeky and not meaning disrespect, but you’re skating the line.”

  “Sorry, Sir.” Her toes pushed against the floor, her calves strained, and she tried to maneuver her position so she didn’t feel so out of control and off balance. It didn’t work, so she kept her toes where they were but relaxed her calves. “Please spank my bottom with your hand, Sir.”

  The first strike felt almost full strength, and if he hadn’t held her down she’d have popped up and off of his lap. “Sir! I thought this was about me enjoying it!”

  “No, this was about me asking you what you’d most like. I didn’t say anything about arranging things for your enjoyment.”

  His hand came down another half dozen times, all at once with no break, and she was frantic with pain when he stopped.

  Sam gasped for much-needed oxygen, and was just beginning to breathe normal when he lifted his hand again. She braced for more pain, but he caressed her bottom, soothing the hurt.

  When she relaxed he started again, but without as much muscle, and before long she was moaning and wishing for more.

  He gradually ramped up both the speed and the power behind each blow. Sam had forgotten just how loud a hand spanking could be — the sound of flesh repeatedly striking flesh. She could feel the skin and muscle flattening and rippling every time his hand landed. The outer layers of skin stung, and the inner layers of tissue absorbed the impact. So many types of impact play provided either thud or sting, but Ethan’s hand delivered both simultaneously, and her body always soared from the dual sensations. She was still bruised from her run-in with the stainless cane, and he’d caned her again since. His large hand spread the impact around, and struck numerous bruises from the cane with each collision.

  The fire inside of her seemed to grow with each impact, and he worked her ass and the backs of her thighs until she knew the entire area had to be bright red. Her backside was blazing hot, but he didn’t let up, and in fact kept gradually increasing the amount of muscle.

  As her arousal blossomed, she began trying to squirm. Her legs were together, and if she squirmed just right she could press her clit into his leg. She didn’t dare come without permission, but she rode to the edge several times, and backed off before she tipped over into bliss.

  When he at last slowed, and then stopped, he stroked and smoothed the area for several long minutes before he spoke.

  “I let you pleasure yourself, even though you didn’t have permission. If you’d have orgasmed we’d have had a problem, though.”

  “Thank you, Sir, for allowing it. I knew not to come, so I didn’t.”

  “Well, we’re about to have a little lesson in orgasms. You’re going to come on command eight times. I’ll spread your legs and make sure nothing touch
es your clit, and you’ll come from a spanking alone. Next, I’ll get you off vaginally, and then you’ll come with attention to your clit and nothing else, and then your ass.” He patted her bottom and helped her stand. “And then I’ll wash my hands and we’ll do them all again.”

  He took her to the workout room, attached a sex-sling to the chin up bar and leaned her over it, so her hips and shoulders were supported. He buckled her wrist cuffs on and attached them to the sling as well, and then secured her ankle cuffs and connected the spreader bar.

  Her heart drummed in her chest as he circled her, observing. “You requested bondage to keep you in place, and since I’m feeling considerate, I should probably tie you into the sling so you can’t lift your torso.”

  He collected some rope and wound it through the sling’s hardware on the right side, then the left, and back to the right. Sam didn’t point out how, while this strapped her into the sling, it wouldn’t keep her from standing. The sling hung from straps, so if she stood she’d just take it with her.

  Of course he realized this, because his next step was to run a rope through the bottom of the sling and connect it to the center of the spreader bar. Her heart went from double-time to triple-time, and her flaming bottom and thighs tingled with the promise of more spanking.

  He touched the small of her back. “Do I need to remind you to keep it arched?”

  His hand was hot from spanking her, but she didn’t comment on it, merely said, “No, Sir, but thank you anyway.”

  He took position behind her as he chuckled and said, “You’re very welcome.”

  The mirrors gave her several views, each from a different angle. Her gaze traveled to every one, and settled on the best view of his face.

  His hand struck the back of her left thigh, then right thigh, with just the right amount of force, and she closed her eyes and moaned in pleasure.

  His chuckle was more than a little cocky this time, and he began in earnest. The blows alternated, with one each on the right and left for a while, and then changed to three on one side, followed by three on the other.

  Sam’s eyes were closed now, her back arched so her bottom was as high as she could manage. He was only striking her thighs, and she knew it was so he could be sure the orgasm was from the impact alone, and not because of sensations of the impact around her pussy.


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