"No, no, Lovey, he is not a writer," Miss Toklas insisted.
"I know he's not a writer, Pussy. I told you he's a critic."
"He is not a critic either, Lovey."
"Whatever Lattimore is, this afternoon he walked away right in the middle of my discussion with Robeson. A fascinating debate," GertrudeStein said, "for anyone with even the slightest interest in music."
"Robeson, the opera singer?"
"Yes, I asked him why he insisted on singing Negro spirituals when he could be performing requiems and oratorios. Do you know what that curiosity in a suit said? In that basso profundo voice of his, he replied, The spirituals, theys a belong to me, Missa Stein.'"
"Lovey, stop! You sound like a shoeshine boy. Have you considered that, maybe, for Lattimore your discussion with Robeson had nothing to do with music."
"Maybe it is Robeson who is the subject that Lattimore has no interest in, or maybe Lattimore has too much interest and does not want to let it show."
I suspect that Miss Toklas's intuition has always been above average, but after having to sit through the recitation of all those detective stories, it has sharpened into a bullet that never, never misses.
"Oh," said GertrudeStein.
"For goodness sake, Lovey, music? That is a bit of a stretch. When one looks at Mister Paul Robeson, the first thought that comes to mind is not music. Missa Stein, for a genius you ese a'ways plain wrong."
My Mesdames looked at each other, and their laughter rose up and consumed them. It climbed the walls, turned the corner, and followed me as I walked back into the kitchen. Malice, I was afraid. On second thought, that was not what I heard. Their laughter was not configured in that way. I know malice well, and it is a more meticulous, laboriously constructed thing. Theirs had a wormy center, a now-and-then upkeep. Unsettling to hear all the same. Unsettling because such things have no natural barriers, nothing that can contain their spread. Like my Mesdames, they can be born elsewhere and then taken abroad. That is how they seed. That is how they grow.
That was not what Robeson said, was it, Sweet Sunday Man? Tell me his response. Say it out loud.
"Miss Stein, with spirituals I can sing. The others I have to perform. '"
GertrudeStein and Miss Toklas are brazen, indeed. Do you think, Sweet Sunday Man, that my Mesdames would have sent me out to just anyone? A good cook is a great commodity in this city. Any city, really. Ask yourself, "Where do they not eat?" and my point is made. Cooking is the answer to a universally placed classified ad. It allows me to live like a migrating bird, a fish in a barrierless sea. A blessing that is also a curse. Make no mistake, Sweet Sunday Man, Miss Toklas intended that I be an offering to you, a little mouse who could enter your kitchen, invited but otherwise unnoticed. From there, I could examine its cabinets and shelves and report their contents to the two curious Mesdames back at 27 rue de Fleurus. "Is Lattimore a Negro?" is what they, in the end, want to know. My Mesdames tell me that they just want to be absolutely sure.
All these years in France, you say, and Lovey and Pussy are still Americans, after all.
Of course, they are, Sweet Sunday Man. Of course, they are.
ABOARD THE NIOBE, I held the red pouch that my mother had so firmly pressed into my hand, and I thought about the days' worth of water between us. Then I thought about the weeks, months, years, decades of water to come. Time for me had always been measured in terms of the rising sun, its setting sister, and the dependable cycle of the moon. But at sea, I learned that time can also be measured in terms of water, in terms of the distance traveled while drifting on it. When measured in this way, nearer and farther are the path of time's movement, not continuously forward along a fast straight line. When measured in this way, time loops and curlicues, and at any given moment it can spiral me away and then bring me rushing home again.
I know, Má, the pouch is red because red is the color of luck, not the bad kind, just the good. The color of faith trumping fate, of hope growing ripe, of fruits on an endless vine. Red is the color of what travels through our hearts, an internal river that we never have to leave behind. When Monsieur and Madame see red, they think anger, death, a site of danger, a situation requiring extreme caution and care. Ridiculous, overblown, entirely misunderstood. Red on my fingertips, Ma, means that I am still here. Red releases you thick from my body. Red is what keeps you near.
Má, I could use some good luck right about now, I thought, as I eyed the pouch nestled in my hands. Seasickness had been breaking my back four and five times a day, forcing me to stoop and bow before the commode, over the rails, into the dirty pots and pans. My paying of respect to the water and the wind was interrupted only by bouts of peeling potatoes, chopping onions, picking through the soaked-off husk of dried lentils and beans.
Yes, Old Man, those are not the chores of a cook, not even one on some leaky boat. But the Niobe is French, and I am Vietnamese, after all.
I was just the kitchen boy, a rank even lower than a garde-manger. At first I was not even allowed to touch the food, only the remnants of it on the cooking and serving vessels that were mine to wash and, to my misfortune, fill with whatever I had in my stomach that day. Once I was finally able to clean the dishes faster than I dirtied them, the Niobe's cook, a Frenchman named Loubet, asked me where I had worked before. "The Governor-General's kitchen in Saigon," Loubet repeated after me. For the rest of the voyage, Loubet woke up late, smoked his cigarettes, and stared at the sea through the greasy portholes. I, in the meanwhile, demonstrated for him all that I had learned in the Governor-General's kitchen: Work without glory. Appreciation without praise. Pleasure without recognition.
When the captain's compliments came back to the galley along with his empty dishes, Loubet smiled and murmured, "The Governor-General's kitchen in Saigon."
I should have known better, I thought. Ignorance or a claim to it, as I had told Bão, was always better for a man like me.
But the wisdom of this rule I again ignored when I told Bão about the red pouch. I told him that I had no doubt about what was inside of it. The pouch had come from my mother's money belt. A couple of hundred dồng, I told him, in grimy bills that have been pressed against her body since who-knows-how-long. Probably money she had saved for her casket or, maybe, some white flowers for her grave, I thought. The Old Man, like the French, believed that black was the only appropriate color to display and wear in order to show grief.
I know Má, black is the color of our hair, the color of our irides with the coming of dusk, the color of a restful night's sleep, of coal rice, of tamarind pulp, of the unbroken shell of a thousand-year egg. How can this black be the color of sorrow? Underglazed with red river clay, deep water blue, high-in-the-tree-top green, black is luminous, the color that allows us to dream.
"Whew!" Bão whistled upon hearing about the red pouch. He said that I had to open it up because he, for one, was curious even if I was not. Well, he might not have said this in so many words. He might have just mumbled "stupid bastard." "Whew!" Bão whistled again after I undid the ties, and he saw what was sitting inside. "What are you doing down here?" Bão immediately wanted to know. "You can get your own room and a seat at the captain's table every night with that, you stupid bastard."
Yes, I thought, how true. I wrapped up the pouch and placed it back underneath my pillow.
Red is a firmly pressed hand. Red is a mother giving birth. Red is luck that she had somehow saved, stored, and squandered on her youngest son. Before I left home, my mother gave me a pouch filled with what I thought was money. As with all things about her, it would take time to understand, to find out what lay inside, protected as in a womb. When I close my eyes, I can see her in the kitchen still. The dirt floor, the clay pots, the tin plates, the coconut shell ladles, the rain-collecting cistern, all this my mother gave me and, in return, I left her. By no means an even trade, I know.
I did not learn until many days at sea that I had been resting my head on
a pouch filled with gold leaf, one sunlit layer on top of another. Lighter and more valuable than its paper counterpart, gold is worth that is of the earth, my mother knows, and has to be honored anywhere upon its curving surface. Paper money gets its values from those who print it and therefore often suffers, finds itself totally degraded, when transported and removed from familiar surroundings. Perishable, like a fish out of water, or imagine a man on the open seas.
Every day, I hear the Old Man's voice shouting at me from beneath the earth, where, I tell myself, he now lies. The moment that he took his blood from mine, separated it as if his were the white and mine the yolk, I placed him there. "Where there is gambling, there is faith" is the tired aphorism that the Old Man clings to and continues even now to push through the soft center of the globe, coordinating its location with the longitude and latitude of wherever I happen to be. For a man who has never even seen the sea, he is a master navigator. His internal compass is where his heart should be. I had faith, Old Man. I had faith—
"I know all about your faith'! How dare you use the word of God to describe the things that you practice. Only a fool like you would believe that that French sodomite was going to save you. Out of love? Out of lust for your scrawny, worthless body? I've always told your mother that you are a pathetic loser, and here was the final proof. Yeah, you gambled and you lost—"
Is that what really upsets you, Old Man? That I lost? If that French sodomite' was still keeping me warm, if he was still keeping your bottles from going dry—
"Shut your mouth! It sickens me to think about what you do, shaming my name. After all that Minh the Sous Chef did for you. I told him he shouldn't have bothered with you, and I was right. But he needs to learn how to read and write,' he insisted. ' In this day and age, a chef de cuisine has to be versatile, adaptive, fluent...' he kept on saying. Now look at what you've done with it."
What are you talking about, Old Man? Anh Minh taught me how to read and write so that I could make a list of provisions, answer a help-wanted ad, follow the recipes that some French chef had committed to paper in anticipation of his death. But above all, Anh Minh wanted me to recognize the contours of our surname, a one-word epic that would one day be embroidered on the chef's toque of his dreams. White and tall, like a beautiful French girl, Anh Minh sighed in the middle of the night. Are you so pissed drunk, Old Man, that you think that I learned how to love, how to find passion in another man's body, from reading and writing? Do you think I learned it from a book? I am not like you, Old Man. I love my fellow man because of who I am, not because I was told to by the holy fathers and their holy gospel. In the name of your god, I commit your body to this earth where it...
But that, I am afraid, was my mistake from the very beginning, the fatal flaw in my design. I thought that I could suffocate the Old Man with shovelfuls of dirt and mud. But with his body in the soil, in the specific silt of this family's land, everything on it was bound to die. Rancor seeped from his eyelids, his mouth, his ears, his ass, where his head had been all the days of his life. I should have never made him one with the land. I should have thrown his body into the sea, expelled it and not me. My anger keeps me digging into the earth, pulling at its protective mantle, eager to see his body decaying deep inside. The Old Man has refused to cooperate. His body is wholly intact. Years of alcohol can do that to a person, make him dead but not departed, make him indelible to those who have had the misfortune of sharing his name. Pickled and preserved is another way of thinking about it. All the water that is normally found inside a body had been in his displaced by alcohol, of a proof strong enough to kill anything that comes into contact with it. The tiny animals, the grubs, the worms that help to bring about the decomposition of the body before it can be returned to the earth, had with him no hope of doing their work. So they left him alone, left his hate to poison the land, a process so gradual, so obedient to his still functioning will, that it would take my lifetime to complete. If I had a son, it might take his lifetime as well. This is as close to being immortal as the Old Man ever had the right to be, and I am the one, the only one who keeps him that way.
Yes, Old Man, I gambled. I gambled away my position as a garde-manger, a pitiful lifetime tenure that, contrary to what you thought, I was not lucky to have. I gambled away the long white apron, the coveted position as Sous Chef Someday, under the reign of Minh Finally the Chef de Cuisine. I gambled away a future—"better," I know, was presumed—that Anh Minh believed in like a benevolent god. Merit will be promoted. Service will be rewarded. Loyalty will beget loyalty. Anh Minh's faith sustained him but not me.
When Blériot came to the Governor-General's, I took one look at his face and one look around me, and I thought, Really, what do I have to lose? The answer to this question, believe me, depends on what the gambler believes is fixed and constant in his life. What will always be there? What will never change? Even if the gambler should lose is the implied condition tacked onto the end of these questions. Another way of thinking about it is: What does the gambler have faith in? Those who never wager, I imagine, do not have to ask themselves these questions, never have to acknowledge that the answers are few. The answer, or if he is truly lucky, the answers, define the gambler's notions of risk and restraint. If "nothing" is the gambler's answer, he is bound to lose because there is nothing to guide him back from the edge, nothing but the urge to jump. Risk encourages a gambler to be brave. Restraint advises a gambler to be prudent. It is the balance between the two that keeps him in the game.
I had faith, Old Man. You are the one who had none. No faith in me whatsoever, if you thought that I was naive enough to look at Blériot and see salvation in his arms. He is a Frenchman, after all. Even in the throes of what I choose to remember as love, my body felt the lines stretched between us, razor-sharp when pressed against the flesh. I understood the limitations, the demarcations, the barbed-wire rules of such engagements. And contrary to what you still think, Old Man, in Blériot's blue eyes with the black bursting stars inside, I did not see a promotion, a pay raise for Anh Minh, not even cans of tinned peaches and pears for Ma. I did not see a paid ticket to somewhere else—better,' again, was presumed. In his blue eyes, I, unlike you, did not see my savior. I saw a man worth gambling for because I had faith—
"Stop using that word! I told you faith' belongs to God, belongs to the Church, to the Devout and the Saved. It belongs to me," says the Old Man, spitting dirt with every word.
Shut your mouth, Old Man, and let me finish. This is my story. I will tell it, and you will lie there mute.
I had faith. Faith that the Old Man had felt for my mother four moments of kindness, four tender touches, four pure reasons to sigh. That they, like four brief glimpses of the moon, softened the darkness of those nights during which my brothers and I were conceived. When I was a child, I could not look up at the stars or close my eyes to the sun and believe that it was not exactly the same time all over the world. And, like all children, I also could not look up at the man whom everyone called my father and believe that he had brought me into this world in an act of scorn and contempt, which continues even now. Stupid, unquestioning faith that because my life came from his, my father, while cruel in action and brutal in speech, could never be so in heart. A tragic miscalculation on my part, if I am to believe the Old Man, a drunk and a gambler, a thief who took away my home.
"You fool! You gave it to me." The Old Man laughs with the satisfaction of knowing that what he has said is fact.
Yes, I thought, how true. I should have known better. I should have thrown his body into the open sea, I should have expelled it and not me.
After my mother gave birth to me, there were many things that she could no longer pray to her father and mother about. They would have disowned her. Then whom would she have left to worship, whose likeness would she have left to reconfigure from memory for her family altar? There is no forgiveness in ancestor worship, only retribution and eternal debt. Even in the afterlife, my mother was bound to see them, he
r father and mother and an entire clan of people whom she had never met but whose role it was to sit in judgment of her. What would they all say? she worried. The great sadness of her life was that she already knew. She had paid someone to take away the only worth that her husband had found in her body. She had stolen from him who knows how many unborn sons. She had dared to exert sovereignty over her own body when she had been explicitly told that she had no rights. Thief, squanderer, and, worst of all, a disobedient wife, the epithets followed her every day as she went to the market, and they followed her home at night to pull her sheet away, curling her body up with guilt. She woke up and found herself at forty, the wife of a man who preferred the company of men, his tongue craving the body of a man named Christ—"a Holy Communion," the Old Man told her; a peddler who earned money just to see it taken away; a woman who gave birth to sons to see them learn how to walk, never toward and always away; a mother of four sons, one of whom believed that her love alone was not enough—"otherwise, why would he have left me?" she asked herself; a daughter whose father and mother had barred her from ever joining them in the afterlife. It is one thing to be alone in life, she thought, but to be alone in death would be unbearable.
My mother, believe me, is strong. Not in the ways of the chestnut trees of this city. These broad-leafed giants withstand the blasts of winter's winds with rigidity and years' worth of concentric armor. There are other ways to survive. When the monsoon winds were thrashing, tossing about plant life and small animals, my mother saw that the bamboos always escaped unscathed. She once saw those in the thicket at the back of her kitchen garden blown sideways during the height of a storm, their skinny bodies parallel with the ground and the sky. Today they would surely break, she thought. As she watched over them, waiting for the tragedy to unfold, the storm picked itself up and went away. By then, the rainwater cistern had fallen on its belly, and a sheet of water gushing through a crack along its side was washing over red and orange chili peppers scattered all over the ground. Some still had their green stems attached, others had been ripped away too suddenly from the neighbor's garden and had to leave their stems behind. Regret spilled out of them in the form of small, pale seeds. As if in grief, the bamboos were pressed to the ground. But within a matter of minutes, they nodded and waved. They shook off the rain and reoriented themselves toward the sky. My mother was impressed, indeed. Now that, she thought, is strength. Perseverance and flexibility are not opposites. Survival requires certain compromises. Endurance is defined by the last one standing. These were the lessons, I imagine, that she must have learned.
The Book of Salt Page 20