She Took My Heart and Went Crazy 4

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She Took My Heart and Went Crazy 4 Page 12

by A'zayler

  Her mouth was on his neck, aggressively sucking and pulling at it before she ran her nose along his neck and stopped at his ear. Since she knew they weren’t alone, she did her best to whisper.

  “Fuck me before you leave.”

  With his arms holding her securely to him, Killian gazed down at her with intensity behind his eyes. He didn’t say anything at first; he just stood there watching her. East watched him back, unsure of how long she would be able to keep herself from wrapping both of her legs around his waist. She literally had no control over herself when it came to Killian. The growing desire in her right then was unreal.

  His dark skin, perfect face, sexy lips, round eyes, and sinful smell was making every nerve in her tremble with need. Match that with the overwhelming desire she could feel coming from him, and it made her a mad woman. Straight jacket and wild hair crazy. Give her Killian and a padded cell, and she’d be content for life.

  “Why you gon’ come over here and say something like that?”

  East whimpered before looking at his mouth and biting his lip. “Because I want it.”

  “I’ve been here all day, and you ain’t said shit.”

  East grabbed the brim of his hat and pushed it back some so that she could comfortably kiss his mouth. He didn’t deny her, nor did he hold back. He kissed her just the way she needed to be kissed, and she loved him for it.

  “Yeshi, we might as well do the same thing.” Jerian’s voice ruined East’s mood.

  She sucked her teeth the moment she was free of Killian’s mouth and looked over her shoulder. “Bitch, for real?”

  Yeshi and Killian both laughed at her exasperated tone.

  “Quit that shit.”

  Jerian rolled her eyes and stood to her feet then walked straight to Yeshi. She didn’t stop until she was in his face, and he didn’t move. East quickly turned from Killian because if that nigga let Jerian kiss him the way she’d just kissed Killian, she was going to do more than boost Logan up to talk to another nigga, she was going to full out find one to hook her up with. She might not tell on Yeshi simply because she didn’t want to hurt Logan or acknowledge the fact that it was her sister being the interruption, but she’d make sure Logan got his ass back.

  “Nigga, you better not kiss that damn girl,” Killian scolded.

  Yeshi and Jerian, too focused on each other to pay East or Killian any attention, stood chest to chest, daring the other to make the first move. Neither of them said anything, but neither of them backed away either. Yeshi’s gaze was sexy and confident, while Jerian stood temptingly daring in front of him. East watched because she’d done all that she could do at that point. They were both grown and clearly not listening to her or Killian.

  “You came all the way over here to stand in my face?” Yeshi licked his lips.

  Jerian wasted no time grabbing the back of his head and pulling him to her. Their kiss was magnetic as fuck and pissed East so far off that she turned her back and walked straight out of her house. Killian was right behind her with Cali in his arms. She’d walked all the way to the bottom of her driveway before he caught up to her. One hand was on her hip while the other rested on her small belly.

  The level of pissed off she was overwhelmed her. She wanted so badly to knock Yeshi’s head off for Logan. She loved her sister to death and wasn’t even really as mad at her as she was Yeshi. That nigga knew Logan and owed her way more than the tacky shit he was on.

  “Aye, chill out.” Killian grabbed the arm that was on her hip and turned her around to face him. “That’s that nigga’s shit. You don’t need to stress out about it. That’s just how he is.”

  “That’s just how he is?” East exclaimed in disbelief. “That’s no excuse! I’ma fuck him up when he comes out here.” She nodded while pacing in front of Killian.

  “No, you ain’t.”

  She looked at Killian, daring him to try to stop her.

  “I’m for real. Yeshi is crazy as fuck, and if you put your hands on him, I’ma have to beat his ass. I already know it, so just don’t.” She could tell Killian was serious, which was the only reason she considered keeping her hands to herself. “Yeshi might be wrong, but he ain’t gon’ own it. You hit that man, and I can promise you, it’s gon’ be me and him. So, if you don’t want that shit to get popping, chill out for me.”

  As bad as she wanted to fight Yeshi right then, she tried to keep her cool for Killian. “He’s real fucked up for what he’s doing.”

  Killian nodded once while patting Cali’s back. “He is.”

  “I’ma tell Logan to fuck somebody else.”

  Killian stared at her blankly. “Don’t do that.”

  “Watch me.” East nodded as her mind went to Jackson. Logan had told her all about their night, and he would be the perfect person to get Yeshi back.

  He was just as fine as Yeshi, just as tall, just as paid, and probably just as healthy in the dick department. Yeshi would eat his fucking heart out if he saw Logan with Jackson. That would be just what that bastard needed.

  “East, I know she’s your friend, but you saying something to her is only going to make things worse.”

  “I ain’t gon’ tell her about this shit. She’d be fucked up behind it, so I’ma just do the next best thing and hook her up with another nigga.” East’s mind was made up, so Killian could take his soft talking ass on with his attempt to stop her.

  “What niggas you know?” His tone was accusing, and his voice had gotten louder.

  East looked at him with a crazy expression. “I know you ain’t—”

  “I sure the fuck am. Now, like I said, what niggas you know?”

  East smacked her lips and rolled her eyes. “None, Killian, damn.”

  He watched her with his eye twitching in the corner. East stared at him trying to get riled up about some niggas she didn’t even know and had to smile. He was crazy as hell.

  “You need help.”

  “Your ass is the one that’s gon’ need help if you keep talking about some niggas.”

  She smiled wider before laughing. Her laughter actually helped lighten her mood. By the time, Yeshi walked out of her house, she’d calmed down. However, the moment he got close to her, she was mad again. Like the guilty nigga that he was, he stopped in front of her with a smile on his face but said nothing.

  “The fuck you looking at, bitch ass nigga?” East questioned nastily.

  The laugh he’d been holding in came out, and Killian’s did as well. East found absolutely nothing funny.

  “I’ma see if you be laughing when I find another nigga to fuck Logan.”

  Like she knew it would, Yeshi’s laughter stopped. He even had the nerve to look like he was mad with her.

  “You must want to do something?” East sassed. “You don’t scare me.”

  Yeshi didn’t say anything, but he didn’t take his eyes off her either.

  “I bet you, as soon as I find the right person, I’m setting that shit up.”

  Yeshi’s mouth twisted to the side as he bit the inside of his cheek. “You do that shit, and I’ll just fuck your sister.”

  The top of East’s head flew off as steam blew from her ears. “You are one dirty dick bastard. Logan deserves so much better than you.”

  “I don’t give a fuck. Don’t you think I know that shit?”

  “Yo, y’all chill the fuck out.” Killian stepped between them, pushing East behind him. “Ain’t neither one of y’all about to do shit, so just shut up and get out of each other’s face.”

  East turned her nose up and looked Yeshi up and down. He’d better be glad that she listened to her husband, and her husband only, or she would have gone right upside his head. But, to appease Killian, she grabbed Cali and headed for the house.

  “East, don’t do no dumb shit,” Killian yelled behind her.

  “Fuck him!” she yelled without even looking back at them.

  The moment she was in her house, she looked at Jerian, who was seated on the sofa scrolling through her

  “Don’t start with me, East. You already know I’ll get with your ass.”

  “Bitch, you have some nerve.” East shook her head and returned to the recliner. “I just told your ass.”

  Jerian looked at East with her eyebrows furrowed. “You act like I fucked the nigga. Damn, chill out. It wasn’t nothing but a kiss. Just a little bit of fun.”

  “At somebody else’s expense, though.”

  “She ain’t here. She don’t have to know.”

  East sucked her teeth and put Cali on the floor. She took off running back beneath the table and hid behind the sheet. East watched her as she tried her best to calm down. There was truth to Jerian’s statement, but right was still right, and wrong was wrong. Jerian and Yeshi had been wrong as fuck.

  “If it makes you feel better, I won’t fuck him.” Jerian tilted her head to the side and waited for East to respond. “He wants to, but I won’t.”

  “How you know he wants to?”

  Jerian shrugged. “He told me he’d fuck me if that’s what I wanted him to do. I told him, yeah, and he said he’d come back through later. But, if you’re going to act this pissy about it, then I won’t.”

  East scoffed. “That’s one bastard I wish I could hit in the mouth.”

  Jerian snickered.

  “For real, if you knew Logan, you would understand why I’m so protective of her. But, you don’t, so whatever. This his shit. He fucks up, that’s his business, but you ain’t fucking him over here.” East’s voice was stern. “I can tell you that now.”


  “I’m for real.”

  “Damn, okay, East. Shit.” Jerian’s annoyance was loud and clear.

  East laughed. “Don’t yell at me like I’m the one doing hoe shit.”

  “You getting on my nerves. I said I won’t fuck the nigga, but you gon’ drive the shit in the ground. I don’t want to know that damn girl. I don’t give a fuck about her or him, to be honest. I just want to have fun.”

  East was still laughing at her sister as she shook her head. She was such a lost cause. Whether it be Logan or her marriage to Killian, East just wasn’t for the tricking off stuff her sister was on anymore, and she wouldn’t pretend that she was.

  “Yeshi ain’t gon’ be happy until Logan turns up on his ass.”

  “With a nigga that free with the dick, she needs to. If it ain’t me, it’ll be somebody else.”

  East nodded in agreement. As loose as Jerian was acting, she was right. She could only get as far as Yeshi allowed her to go. With nothing else to be said on the topic, she let it go and focused her attention on her baby. Their time together was winding down, and she wasn’t ready. Having Cali had seriously been one of the greatest feelings she’d felt in a long time, and to know that it would be over in a few days had her in such a bad mood.

  Though she hadn’t expressed her feelings to Killian or anyone else, it was sitting on her so strongly that it was all she could think about. Hopefully, it would get easier. If not, Jesse would have a fight on his hands because she was coming for her baby.

  9. You Will Never Ever Get Your Bitch Back

  “Ahhhhh!” Yeshi’s screams woke him up.

  With a chest filled with sweat and his mind racing, Yeshi sat in the middle of the bed with his head hung low. It was black dark in his room, and it was so hot that not even the rapidly spinning ceiling fan was doing him any justice. His body was on fire.

  “Damn.” He sighed while throwing the covers from his body and flopping back on the bed.

  In nothing but his underwear, he lay with his limbs sprawled out over the mattress. Since the bed was only a queen, he literally stretched from one end to the other. He was so accustomed to sleeping in his king-sized bed back in Nevada that he was still having a hard time getting comfortable in his current one. Logan was a small woman, so the queen was just right for her; he, on the other hand, was too tall and too big. He needed more space. The bed was probably only working as good as it was right then because he was in it alone.

  “You okay?” Logan’s voice startled him. “I heard you screaming.”

  Yeshi watched her slowly switch into his room before closing the door behind her. Why she’d done that when they were in the house alone was beyond him, but whatever. Women were always doing weird shit. His eyes never left her. She’d walked all the way across the room, and he’d been watching her every second of it. Even with his mind still foggy from his nightmare, she was magnetic like that.

  Her calming aura relaxed him as soon as she made herself comfortable next to him on the bed. With her wide hips directly next to his head, and her juicy, toned thighs resting in his immediate line of vision, Yeshi’s breathing began to mellow out. He’d been breathing roughly from the moment he’d woken out of his sleep, but she was somehow making all of that go away.

  “What were you dreaming about this time?” She looked down at him with concern etched across her face.

  Yeshi ran his hand over his face before scratching his head and looking at the ceiling. “I don’t even remember.” He exhaled. “Crazy, ain’t it?”

  “No, it’s like that sometimes. It’ll go away eventually. It’s all a part of your healing process.”

  Logan’s hand came to the top of his head and began to rub over the thick, dark brown waves. Her touch was soft, slow, and welcomed. As he always did whenever she comforted him, Yeshi closed his eyes and enjoyed it. She was always doing little stuff that involved touching him, and every time, it had the same effect on him. His body was calm, and his racing thoughts would cease.

  “Can I sleep with you?” He looked up at her with pleading eyes.

  He could tell before she even opened her mouth that it wasn’t happening. The look on her face said everything her mouth hadn’t.

  “Never mind.” Yeshi looked away.

  Logan was quiet for a long time before scooting lower in the bed with him. She moved around, making herself comfortable before laying her head on his chest. Instantly, his arm came down around her and circled her body. He hugged her to him before pecking the top of her head.

  “What’s the big deal about me sleeping with you? It’s not like we’re going to have sex.”

  “I just feel better when we don’t.” She scooted closer to him before throwing her leg across his stomach. “It’s like, as long as we’re in separate rooms, I don’t feel like we’re cohabiting.”

  “Co what?”

  Logan snickered, and he did as well. He’d heard exactly what she’d said but wanted to pretend like he didn’t.

  “Don’t be dumb.”

  Yeshi laughed harder and gave her butt a light squeeze. “I’m just fucking around. I know what you mean. It’s just hard sleeping in here by myself when you’re right in there.” He looked down when Logan began to move again. “What you keep moving for? What’s wrong with you? Be your ass still.”

  Again, she laughed. “I’m trying to get comfortable. My gown was stuck under my leg.”

  “You good now?”

  “Yes.” After playfully pushing his face, Logan laughed again and stilled her movement. “Now, finish telling me why you’re a grown man and can’t sleep by yourself.”

  “I have these nightmares every time I sleep alone, and you know it. When I used to sleep with you, that didn’t happen.”

  Logan didn’t say anything, and she didn’t have to. She knew the truth just like he did. It had been that way since he’d been staying with her. Though she hadn’t really allowed him too much free time to sleep with her, the couple of times she gave in, he slept like an angel. Not one nightmare or night sweat. Alone in his room, anything was possible. He’d even hallucinated a couple of times in the past. That shit there had blown his mind. Seeing little pink rabbits hopping past him and shit while he slept. He’d damn near took off out the house that night.

  “I’m not doing this to be mean.”

  “I know. Why buy the cow when you get the milk for free, right?”

gan’s head moved against his arm as she leaned back to look at him. “What you mean by that?”

  “Why would I ever marry you if you’re already giving me all of the wife privileges. Ain’t no point in buying the cow if I can get the milk for free.” He chuckled. “I’d have to buy ten cows to get some milk from your ass. You won’t even give a nigga enough to wet his mouth, let alone quench my whole thirst.”

  The laughter that she released was cute as hell but guilty at the same time. “You laughing that hard because you know I’m telling the truth on your holding out ass.”

  More laughter.

  “See what I’m saying? You know damn well you be dehydrating my ass. I’m already barely making it. You gon’ send a nigga straight back to the bottle.”

  “No, I’m not.” Logan’s lips touched his chest. “I’m sorry.”

  “No apologies necessary. You got it, baby. I’ll chill and scare myself to death, I guess.”

  “Don’t be like that.”

  “I ain’t.” Yeshi nudged her with his body. “I’m straight now. Carry your ass back in your room so I can get me some rest. I want to be productive at these people’s job tomorrow.”

  Logan sucked her teeth but got up anyway. He watched the way her gown got caught up on one side as she stood upright on her feet. Before moving, she looked at him over her shoulder and winked.

  “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Peace, boo.”

  Like a giddy teenager, Logan rushed from the room with a smile on her face.

  Yeshi watched her until the door to his bedroom closed again. He didn’t know how much longer he would be able to take living under the same roof with her. He’d been thinking about it for a while, and it just didn’t make sense. Initially, when he’d first gotten to Georgia, he’d planned to return to Nevada as soon as he was able, but now that he’d landed a job and had family around him, he wasn’t really feeling it anymore.

  The living situation with Logan had been temporary, so he’d had temporary feelings about it, but the more stable he got, the more he wanted his own space. Maybe if she gave him the full benefits of being her man, then it wouldn’t be so bad, but being her roommate was dead. He was a grown ass man sharing living space with a woman who continuously fought him for being a man and paying her bills, refused to let him sleep with her, fuck her when he wanted to, and nothing else that made them feel like a real couple. Yeshi wasn’t used to that. He was a lot of things, but a woman’s roommate wasn’t it. It made him feel less than a man.


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