His Leading Lady

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His Leading Lady Page 5

by Jean Joachim

  “Whatever.” Mark grabbed a towel and headed for the locker room.

  “I need this job, and I’ll do whatever I have to to keep it,” Darvin called after his teammate.

  “Good luck with that,” Mark said as he walked out.

  When he was dressed and headed for the parking lot, Penny ambled over.

  “No shooting today?”

  “Nah, canceled. Thought I’d get to see you in action, and I did. You’re awesome, Mark.”

  “Just had a lucky day.” I’m pretty good. His phone dinged. It was a text from his sister.

  Vacay tomorrow. Am coming on red eye. Need some warm weather and meet your new girl. Text flight details later.

  “My sister’s coming.”

  “Will I get to meet her?”

  “You’re one of the reasons she’s coming.”

  Penny’s eyes widened. “Wow! Already? I mean, we just started going out.”

  “She likes to get her two cents in early.” No way am I telling you how serious I am about us. He draped his arm across her shoulders and headed for his car. “Let’s eat. I’m starved.”


  The flight was on time. A smile swept across Mark’s face as he waited for Megan to step off the plane. She bounced down the gangway with her usual energy, even though she’d flown all night and her time was all screwed up. He picked her up in a bear hug, twirling her around. Megan laughed, flinging her head back.

  “Down, Lug!” she commanded. Mark grabbed her suitcase off the carousel and toted it easily to his car. He asked about their mother, and Meg brought him up-to-date. Although Mark was their mother’s favorite, as he “had the looks and charm,” while Meg “had the brains,” she was the one who called their mom regularly.

  Anna Davis no longer bothered to try to hide her preference, bragging about her son’s accomplishments to her friends and Meg. Mark tried to change the subject when she gushed over him. Anna claimed it was the time difference that kept him from calling her weekly. The truth was that Anna relied heavily on Megan for advice and a sympathetic ear, and Mark for a check every month. The twins never discussed their division of responsibility.

  Meg wasted no time firing pointed questions at her brother as he drove.

  “What’s the deal with this new chickie?”

  “My girlfriend?”

  ‘Now she’s your girlfriend? How long have you been seeing her?”

  “A couple of weeks. Yeah. She’s my girl. She’s amazing, Squirt. You’re gonna like her.”

  “We’ll see. She’s gorgeous, I’ll give you that. I watched her show.”

  “Her looks, on a scale of ten, are, like, twelve.”

  “They can’t be twelve on a scale of ten, Lug.”

  “Always the mathematician. I was making a point.”

  “Oh. Got it. Yep. So, she’s pretty, what else?” Megan turned to face her brother.

  “She’s nice.”

  ‘Nice? Damning with faint praise.”

  “Real nice. Nice to me. And she can cook.” Mark kept his gaze on the road.

  “She cooks? Now, we’re getting someplace.” Meg rubbed her hands together.

  “She’s a good cook, a great cook, in fact. She made lasagna for you.”

  “For me? How did she know the way to approval of your girl is through my stomach?”

  “I told her you could eat me under the table.” He chuckled.

  “That’s not true…any longer. I’ve lost weight.”

  “You look good, Squirt. I’ve got a blind date for you, too.”


  “Harley Brennan.”

  “Who?” She raised her eyebrows.

  “Harley. My wide receiver.”

  “If he thinks he’s going to be a receiver with me…” She frowned.

  “Harley’s cool. I told him to keep his hands off you.”

  “And we’re going out?”

  “Double date.”

  “You’re crazy. What if I want to sleep with him?” She shot her brother an evil grin.

  “Please, TMI.”

  She laughed. “What’s sauce for the goose…”

  “I never understood that. The goose is a female, and the gander is a male.”

  “Forget it. If you’re getting laid, maybe I want to, too. It’s been a long time.”

  “No details, please. Haven’t you met anyone in grad school?”

  “There’s this one guy, but he’s kind of, well, nerdy. Not much to look at.”

  “You’re going out with him?” Mark glanced over at her.

  “Yeah. Nothing else to do on a Saturday night. Can’t study all the time.”

  “If Harley touches you, I’ll crush his left nut.”

  “That should surely make him want to go out with me.” She sighed.

  “You’re my sister.” His brows knitted.

  “I’m not a nun. I make those decisions for myself. Is he a hunk?”

  “I don’t know. Ask a girl.”

  “I’ll ask Penny. When am I meeting her?”

  “She’s coming over for breakfast tomorrow. Is that okay?”

  “Perfect. Let’s have a steak tonight, before I crash. Jet lag,” she yawned.

  Mark pulled into the parking lot of his favorite restaurant. They both ordered steak.

  “I’ve missed you,” Meg said, slicing off a thin piece of meat.

  “Same.” Mark shoveled some baked potato into his mouth.

  “Don’t overdo it.”

  “I don’t like mushy stuff. Glad you’re here. Isn’t that enough?” A sense of calm flowed through Mark’s veins, as it always did when Meg was around. Her presence lightened the mood.

  “So, brainiac, crushed your competition yet?” He stuck his fork in a chunk of lettuce.

  “No, have you crushed yours?”

  “Oohh, little sister bites. Ouch!” He laughed.

  “Little sister?” She cocked an eyebrow at him.

  “Yeah, by one point five minutes.”

  “Typical older brother—critical, bossy, and demanding.” Her eyes twinkled.

  “And you’ve always been a little sister—whiney, clingy, and manipulative!” He grinned.

  She slapped her hand on the table. “I’m not manipulative! Might be better off if I was.”

  Megan filled him in on life at Harvard then he talked about his game and the team. The warmth of love for his sister filled his heart. They finished up and retired early.

  In the morning, first the buzzer, then five minutes later a loud knock on her door, woke Megan up. She pulled the pillow over her head, but Mark burst into her room and wrestled it away from her. He leaped on the bed, tickling Meg, who squirmed and squealed, trying to kick him. When she landed one to his thigh, he pretended to be mortally wounded, howling loudly. Meg laughed, slapping him on the shoulder.

  “Fat faker!” she screamed at him.

  “DL! DL!” he howled, holding his thigh while trying to contain his laughter.

  “What’s DL?” Penny asked from the doorway.

  “Disabled List,” Meg called, fending off her brother.

  Finally, a disheveled Meg pushed Mark off and got out of bed.

  “Hi. I’m Meg. You must be Penny. God, you’re twice as gorgeous in person as you are on TV.”

  Penny blushed and grinned. “Nice to meet you.” She stuck out her hand, but Meg drew her into an embrace instead.

  “Any sweetheart of my brother’s is a special friend of mine.”

  “I didn’t expect…” Penny began, but Meg cut her off.

  “You don’t expect twins to let other people in. But we do. Special people. And that’s you. Now, both of you go and let me get dressed. I’m starving and, Lug, I’m going to eat the biggest breakfast I can. Bigger than you.”

  “Good luck with that, Squirt. It’s the season. No one eats more than I do.”

  The lovers left the spare room and closed the door.

  Mark grinned. “So what do you think?”

  “I thin
k I’ve just been hit by tornado Meg. She’s great!”

  “Yeah. She is.” He smiled shyly and cast his gaze to the floor. “Ever since dad took a powder, we’ve taken care of each other. I’m glad she likes you.”

  “Me, too,” Penny said, falling into Mark’s arms. They kissed.

  “None of that in front of me until I get my hands on this Harley character, my blind date,” Megan said, exiting her room, wearing a T-shirt and jeans. “When is this monumental occasion? And does my date have a brain to go with his well-toned body, or is he just a muscle head?”

  Meg plopped down on the sofa and brushed her long, mahogany locks. The twins were fraternal, as different looking as night and day. Mark was fair-skinned, blond, and blue-eyed while Megan had a more olive complexion with glossy dark hair and brooding brown eyes.

  Penny stared at her boyfriend’s sister. “We still have time.”

  “Time for what?” Meg asked.

  “To give you a make-over. You’re a beautiful girl hiding in badly fitting clothes and under a horrible haircut. But I can fix that.”

  “Is this Harley guy such a big deal?”

  “He’s a great looking guy, used to dating pretty women. You qualify, just need a little fix here and there.”

  “Well, that’s blunt.” Meg pushed to her feet.

  “I’m sorry, but we don’t have much time. Mark, give me your credit card. Meg, we’re going shopping.”

  “I’m game, but breakfast first.” Meg tucked her arm in Penny’s.

  The two women turned to look at Mark, who groaned. “This is going to be a very expensive trip, I think.” He handed his card to Penny then stuffed his wallet in his back pocket and closed the door behind them.

  By five o’clock, the women had returned to Mark’s apartment. He was back from practice and opening a beer when they unlocked the door. They were laughing and giggling like two schoolgirls. Meg’s long, lustrous locks had been shorn by about two inches and styled to perfection. They framed her lovely face with bangs, shorter on the sides tapering to longer in the back. A slight curl had been added, and the bouncy do flattered her face perfectly.

  “Wait until you see what we bought, Mark. It’s fabulous. By the way, where are we going tonight?” Meg asked.


  “Bowling? You’re kidding, right? Bowling? I’m supposed to have some romantic date with this Harley guy, and we’re going bowling?” Meg fell onto the sofa in a fit of laughter.

  “I can keep my eye on him if we’re bowling. Besides, I promised Penny a bowling date, and we never got there.”

  “That’s true. But bowling for Harley and Meg?”

  “Bowling!” He stomped his foot.

  Meg raised her hands. “Okay, okay, bowling. I’ll be the sexiest girl on the alley.”

  “He’s coming in an hour. Better get ready. We’re going in one car.”

  “What?” Meg’s eyes widened. “Why?”

  “So I can keep my eye on you. I don’t trust Harley as far as I can throw him. He’s a mover.”

  “I’m a grown woman, Mark. And here’s a news flash for you, I’m not a virgin.”

  “Don’t rub it in.”

  “You can thank your nose tackle or whatever you call it, Brett Innis, for that.”

  Mark clapped his hands over his ears. Megan tried to pry them off. The two tussled until the laughter started, and then they let go.

  “Okay, okay, Meg. You can go in Harley’s car.”

  “Thank you. Really.”

  Mark studied her hair. “Nice do, Squirt.”

  “We’ve got no time. Come on, Meg,” Penny dragged Mark’s sister into the bedroom, while he parked himself in front of the television with his beer.

  At six o’clock sharp, the buzzer rang. Mark let Harley in the apartment. He was dressed in a navy sports jacket and khakis. He even wore a blue tie on his crisp, white shirt. His brown hair was neatly combed, and his handsome face wore a smile of anticipation.

  “You clean up nice. And you even smell good—not easy for you,” Mark said, stepping aside so Harley could enter.

  “Where’s Megan?” he asked after nodding a greeting to Penny.

  The bedroom door opened, and Mark almost dropped his teeth when his sister emerged. She was wearing a dark pink blouse with a plunging neckline. Short sleeves and a bodice that hugged her slim shape led down to a black, cotton, full skirt. She wore a black onyx choker and matching earrings. A push-up bra provided a view of her abundant cleavage.

  Meg pulled on the blouse, trying to raise the neckline, but to no avail. Harley stared at her as if she was a giant hot fudge sundae, and he was starving. He licked his lips.

  “This is your sister? Shit,” he muttered.

  “Meg, Harley, Harley, Meg.”

  “She’s gorgeous,” Harley said, as if she weren’t standing right there. Megan blushed almost as pink as her shirt.

  Mark glanced at Penny. “She’s almost naked on top.”

  “That’s what they’re wearing now, Mark. Don’t go archaic. Let’s go.”

  Mark took Penny’s hand while Harley offered his arm to Meg. They followed Mark’s car to the bowling alley. The foursome ate burgers in the café there then claimed an alley in the center. From time to time, people drifted over to ask Penny for her autograph. She smiled sweetly and signed. Mark scowled every time someone interrupted their game.

  “Your turn’ll come. Someday people’ll be all over you for your autograph, Mark.”

  “In your dreams,” he said.

  She patted his shoulder, and he turned a critical eye to his sister.

  “When she bends over to roll the ball, the pins aren’t going to be the only things falling down,” Mark whispered to Penny.

  “Shh. You’ll make her self-conscious. She’s nicely…built. Harley doesn’t seem to mind.”

  Mark sensed heat in his cheeks. “If he lays one hand on her, I’ll take him out.”

  “Mark, back off. Meg’s an adult. You’re the one who fixed her up.”

  “That’s because Harley was begging me. Now, look at him. He’s all over her.” Mark’s blood pressure rose.

  “Calm down. He’s your friend, right?”

  “I don’t care. I don’t trust him. He’s practically drooling.”

  “Megan looks like a woman who can take care of herself,” Penny said, tugging on his arm. “You’ll spoil her evening. She’s having a good time.”

  Mark saw his sister laughing and punching Harley playfully. Penny’s right, they look happy. “Okay, okay. I’ll back off. But if he puts one finger on her in the wrong place…” He fisted his hand. “Pow!”

  “What’s eating you?” Harley asked when Meg excused herself to go to the ladies room and dragged Penny with her.

  “Don’t get any ideas about seducing my sister,” Mark growled.

  “Hell, she’s seducing me. She’s great! Why didn’t you tell me about her before?”

  “Because I know what a mover you are.”

  “She’s of age, Mark. Back off.” Harley’s smile slipped off his face.

  The bowling got competitive as Mark and Harley faced off. The women chatted and tried to ignore the rivalry between the men. Mark and Penny beat Harley and Megan. Miffed, Harley took his date’s arm and headed for his car. They drove off, leaving Mark hollering after them.

  “I don’t know where she’s going. And with him!”

  “Calm down, Mark. Meg can handle herself. Harley wouldn’t hurt her. I don’t think you have to worry,” Penny said. “Let’s go back to your place. Maybe they’re headed there.”

  Mark sat behind the wheel and took a deep breath. His gaze scanned the scenery. “You don’t know what it’s like. Being responsible. I’ve been taking care of Meg and my mom since I was fifteen. It gets heavy sometimes. Meg is all I have. If something happened to her, I don’t know what I’d do.” His voice was weary.

  “Nothing’s going to happen to her. And I do know exactly how you feel. I took over keeping house
for my dad when my mother died.”

  “On top of modeling and high school?” He turned to face her. She nodded. “I guess we have more in common that I thought.” He kissed her,then started the motor and put the car in gear.

  About an hour after they arrived back at Mark’s place, Megan called to say she wasn’t coming home. Mark screamed at her, and she hollered back and hung up. He poured a shot of scotch and downed it. Penny came up behind him and massaged his shoulders.

  “Megan wasn’t a very popular girl in college. She didn’t date much. Always had her nose in a book.” Mark ran his hand through his hair.

  “Unlike you, right?”

  “Yeah. So, she doesn’t know how to handle casual sex. I don’t want her to get hurt. Harley’s not looking for anything more than a one-night stand. Meg’s not that kind of girl.”

  “I understand. I know you love her, but you can’t keep her under glass. Someday, she’ll get hurt, but she’ll get over it. Didn’t you ever get your heart broken?”

  “Not really. I was the captain of the football team in high school and college. I could date anyone I wanted.”

  “You mean screw anyone you wanted.”

  “Almost. Yeah.” He leaned forward.

  “What if you’re wrong about Harley?” She moved closer, digging her fingers hard into his tight muscles.

  “You think he’s gonna fall for her?”

  “You think she’s pretty special.”

  “She is. Smartest person I know. Nicest too, except for you.”

  “Maybe Harley’ll feel the same.”

  “Maybe. He’d better not hurt her.”

  She bent her head to kiss his neck. “Hey, handsome, how ’bout me? Am I chopped liver?”

  “Hell, no. You’re the finest, tenderest filet mignon ever,” he said, returning the kiss. Standing, he grabbed Penny, lifting her up into his arms. “Time for bed.” He carried her into the bedroom and closed the door.

  Chapter Five

  Megan’s visit seemed to fly by. Harley spent more time with them than Mark would have liked, but he did seem genuinely attached to Meg. He even showed up at the airport to kiss her goodbye, despite Mark’s objection.


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