His Leading Lady

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His Leading Lady Page 10

by Jean Joachim

  “I love you,” he muttered, sweat forming a fine sheen on his back, his breath coming in quick pants. She clamped her lips down on his shoulder. She tasted Mark mixed with sweat. Penny released her tight hold on her emotions. The tension reached the breaking point and pleasure erupted inside her, fanning out to her fingertips. She cried out his name as release poured through her.

  A soft chuckle greeted her ears. She arched into Mark, her fingers combing his hair back from his forehead. Their eyes connected moments before his closed as an orgasm took him over. He groaned loudly and whispered her name before he slumped against her. He rained soft, gentle kisses on her neck and chest while she raked her nails down his back.

  He shivered. “I love when you do that,” he said.

  She grinned. The warmth and closeness swirling around her when she and Mark made love filled her heart. He was like no other man. She reached new heights of sexual satisfaction and love with Mark. I can’t let him go.

  He sat up then disappeared into the bathroom to discard the condom. Penny stretched her arms above her head. Her gaze swept over her lover as he returned to the bed. His mussed hair, slight scruff, sexy grin, and gorgeous body made her smile.

  “I love you, Mark Davis,” she said, quietly. “I don’t want to lose you. Will you wait for me?”

  “Will you? I don’t want anyone else, but I don’t want to hear how you’ve fallen in love with your leading man.”

  “That’ll never happen. You’re the best.” Though he smiled, she sensed he didn’t believe her.

  “Exotic places, playing love scenes…things happen, Penny. I’m young, but I’m not stupid.”

  “Never said you were. I know all about that. And nights spent in bars, drinking with your teammates, groupies throwing themselves at you. Would it even be possible for you to wait?”

  He propped himself up. “You think I’m a man-whore? That I have no self-control?”

  “It’s not that. I know how important sex is to you.”

  “Like it isn’t to you?”

  “Not in the same way.”

  “Oh? Really? Being a bit sexist here, aren’t we?” His brows knitted.

  “Mark, I don’t want to fight with you. What I’m saying is I don’t want to ask you to be celibate while I’m gone.”

  “And I’m sure you want the same privilege, right?”

  “Wrong. I don’t expect I’ll sleep with anyone in Spain. But I want you to be free…”


  “Because I love you. I don’t want to set up a commitment you can’t live with.”

  “You’re treating me like a child.”

  Damn! He just doesn’t get it. “Child, athlete…isn’t it the same thing?”

  Mark launched himself out of bed and began to pace. “That’s insulting. I’m not a child. I have self-control.”

  “Mark, I…”

  “You what? You think I can’t give up sex and wait for you? You’re wrong.”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “Child…athlete…yes, you did.”

  “I’m sorry. What I’ve been trying to say is that I don’t want to put that on you. I don’t want you to hate me because you feel guilty. I don’t want to know about it, but it’s okay.”

  He stopped. “Screw around, just don’t tell you?”

  “Something like that. Maybe not screw around.”

  “Why don’t you believe that I don’t want to sleep with anyone but you?” He rested his hands on his hips.

  “I do. While I’m here. But after a couple of weeks, you’ll get…horny…and…”

  “And run from bar to bar, looking to get laid? Like a tom cat in an alley?”

  “That’s a little crude.”

  “What you’re suggesting is a little crude.”

  Penny pushed to her feet. But as she approached, Mark stepped back. She continued until she’d back him into a corner. She snaked her arms around him and put her cheek to his heart. “I understand men have needs. That’s all.”

  “And women don’t? You won’t miss me so much you end up in the arms of another man?”

  “I will miss you that much. I’ll be too tired, too busy, too preoccupied to do anything about it, other than think about you.”

  He hugged her closer, and his tone softened. “I wish you weren’t going.”

  “So do I. But I have to.”

  “I know. But, I don’t have to like it.”

  She smiled. “No, you don’t.”

  Mark yawned. “Early practice tomorrow.”

  “Can I come?”

  “Sure. I always do better when you’re there. But I have to get up at six.”

  “Then, we’d better get to bed.”

  “Didn’t we already do that?” He snickered. She slapped him playfully on the shoulder. “Food first. Never go to bed on an empty stomach.”

  “Do you mean go to sleep on an empty stomach?” She cocked an eyebrow at him.

  He laughed and took her hand. “Come on. Let’s see what’s in the fridge.”

  Penny pulled out leftover brisket. Mark found potato salad and coleslaw. They made plates of the cold food and chowed down. While Mark washed the dishes, Penny stretched her arms above her head and yawned.

  “Is that a hint?” he asked.

  “Yeah. I’m exhausted.”

  He dried his hands on a dishtowel and followed her into the bedroom. After washing up, they dove into bed. Penny cuddled up to him. God I’m going to miss this. Please, please, be here when I get back.

  “I love you, Penny. Nothing can destroy that.” Mark folded her into his arms.

  “I hope you’re right,” she replied.

  He switched out the light. “It’s a test. If we make it, we’ll be solid.”

  “Uh huh.”

  “We belong together.”

  “I’ve never loved anyone as much as I love you. I hope you’ll be here when I get back.”

  “I don’t know where I’ll be then. But I’ll find you, and we’ll be together.”

  “Hold me like it’s the last time,” she whispered, blinking back tears.

  Chapter Eight

  Mark worked hard at practice. Having Penny in the stands buoyed up his confidence. He played well, making ninety-five per cent of his passes. Darvin shot daggers at him, but they rolled off Mark’s back. He knew he was good, and it was time to get attention. For the first time since he left college, he had a plan.

  When he’d graduated, he’d wanted a job on a team and was thrilled to be hired by the Nevada Gamblers. He had financial obligations and needed to make a good salary. At this point, he knew he was ready for more. Step one was getting a first-string job. Never had he been so sure of himself. It just felt right. He’d danced around the subject with Meg on the phone, but didn’t reveal his intentions. While he’d put forth his best effort for the owner, he didn’t see his future in Nevada.

  He didn’t know where his career in football would take him, but the rumor of the scout coming got stronger every week. That’s my chance. I have to find a way to play when he’s here. Mark discussed it with Harley, but rejected Harley’s schemes as too extreme.

  “Just a small car accident. Minor injuries.” Harley concealed a grin behind his hand.

  “You’re in outer space, Harley. Hit the showers, man.”

  “What if he fell in front of a bus?”

  Mark laughed as he shoved Harley into the stall and turned on the cold water. “This ought to bring you back to reality.”

  Mark was taking Penny to a nice restaurant for their last dinner before she left. He knew he had to tell her about Darvin’s threat, but it was the last thing he wanted to discuss over wine and candlelight. She met him at his apartment. He’d donned a sports jacket and tie for the occasion. Penny was wearing a low-cut, dark purple, silk dress. The shimmery color set off her golden hair and blue eyes to perfection. He’d never seen her look more beautiful.

  They chatted about trivial topics while he drove, avoiding talking abo
ut their true feelings. Nerves made Mark sweat, and his hands were clammy. He stopped at the men’s room to wash. Looking in the mirror, he put on a stern face. “Just tell her the truth!”

  “Yeah, buddy. Then duck,” said a man walking by on his way out.

  It’s not like that. It’s not my fault. She’ll understand.

  The champagne he had ordered arrived. He took a hefty sip to bolster his courage. “Penny, I need to tell you something.” The arrival of two jumbo shrimp cocktails interrupted Mark.

  “I love you, too, babe.”

  “No, really. This is something else. Not so nice.” He cleared his throat then spit out exactly what Darvin had threatened to do.

  Penny sat back, wide-eyed and stunned. “Why would he want to hurt me?”

  “He wants to hurt me, and he doesn’t give a rat’s ass about you being collateral damage.”

  “What a bad man!”

  “He’s just desperate. Afraid he’s going to get cut from the team. But he’s doing okay, so there’s no reason to cut him, except maybe money. I’m sure he makes a ton, but the owner isn’t going to dump him for me. Not with this winning season.”

  “He’s a monster.”

  “He’s a jerk, an evil jerk.”

  The waiter removed the empty dishes and brought their main course.

  “Don’t do what he says, Mark. Please. I don’t care about the pictures. I want you to have your chance.”

  “Thanks. I wasn’t planning to. I don’t give in to blackmailers.”

  “Good. I’ll take my chances.”

  Relief flooded Mark’s veins. Though he’d never doubted what she’d say, it felt good to hear it from her lips. He lifted his flute. “To you, Penny. Light of my life.” She blushed and met his toast. We’re invincible. That scumbag can’t touch what we have, pictures or no pictures.

  Mark dug into his steak with enthusiasm. Penny nibbled on her lobster casserole. When the food was gone, they held hands and talked about their dreams of the future.

  “I know it sounds stupid, but when I was a teen, all I wanted was a stable family and a paid-up house with a white picket fence and a fireplace,” she said.

  “Where did you live?”

  “We had a small tract house, mortgaged to the hilt.”

  I wish I could give you that right now. Someday, maybe someday. “And now? What do you want now?”

  “I want more—a loving husband, kids, a career as a designer. But it’s funny, there’s a part of me that still wants that house with the white picket fence.” She laughed.

  “Some dreams never die.”

  “Did you always want to play football?”

  “Yeah. My dad and I tossed around a ball when I was little. I grew up throwing and playing. I joined a peewee league as soon as I was old enough. It’s been my life.”

  “I bet your dad’d be proud to see you now.” She moved her fingers closer to his.

  “That dirt bag. He took a powder and never contacted us again. Fuck him. Even though it’s been years, my mom’s still bitter. Part of her died when he left that day. And I’ve been picking up the slack ever since.”

  Penny slid her hand over his. “It must have been very hard.”

  “Don’t know how I’d have done it all if I didn’t have Meg.”

  “You’re lucky. I’m an only child.”

  “Megan is a life-saver.”

  They split a piece of chocolate lava cake for dessert. On the ride home, Penny rested her fingers on Mark’s thigh and squeezed gently at every red light. He hit the accelerator harder each time. They fairly flew home, ripped each other’s clothes off on their way to the bedroom, and were making love in a heartbeat.

  The next day at the airport, they whispered tearful goodbyes and promises of fidelity. The young lovers clung to each other in a last embrace at the security line. Penny cried, and Mark’s eyes watered. He stayed until her plane took off then drove home. The apartment seemed empty without her. He wandered around like the last kernel in a bag of popcorn.

  Early bedtime made it easier to get up for early practice the next morning. But lethargy and depression weighed him down. In the locker room, Darvin took the opportunity to jab Mark with words.

  “Your little chippie flew the coup, eh? Are we sad today? Awwww, is the widdle boy missing his ho?”

  “Shut the fuck up, Sweetwater, before I make you shut up.”

  Fortunately, an assistant coach entered the locker room before the conversation heated up. “Where the fuck have you been, Sweetwater? Coach is having a shit fit out there. You, too, Davis. Get your butts on the field.”

  The two quarterbacks did as they were told. Mark contained his rage. Work it out on the field, son, work it out on the field. That’s what dad used to say. Mark grumbled to himself for having a good thought about the father who had betrayed him. Still, the advice was right on. Mark focused his anger on running and warming up. His best revenge would be to play brilliantly in front of the owner at the end of the week. He hardened his resolve to focus on his game and not think about Penny.


  Meg flew in for a long weekend. She arrived the night before the owner tryouts were to take place. Harley joined them for dinner, hitting on Meg in front of Mark. They got into an argument, but Megan refereed, calming them down.

  “You know, you’re not the only one under the microscope tomorrow,” Harley said.

  “You’re our star running back. No danger for you.” Mark cut off a piece of steak.

  “You don’t know that.”

  “Come on, Harley. You’re not gonna get cut.”

  “Guys! Can we please talk about something else?”

  “Like what?” Mark asked.

  “Like my new haircut?” Megan replied.

  “It looks great. I’d like to see it close up…without all those clothes in the way,” Harley snickered, his eyes glowing.

  “Harley!” Megan slapped his shoulder and laughed.

  “That’s my sister. Watch it!” Mark growled.

  Meg stayed at Mark’s apartment in the spare bedroom. She arose early and went with him to the practice that would lead to team cuts, joining other family members in the special section of the stands.

  There was silence between Mark and Darvin in the locker room. They were the last to leave.

  Sweetwater leaned over and whispered, “I sent the pictures to Celebs ’R Us yesterday because I knew you’d show.”

  “Blow it out your ass, Sweetwater,” Mark said. But his temperature rose. He took some deep breaths to calm himself. When he got on the field, Mark waved to his sister. She waved back. He ran laps with the others and did warm-ups. One glance and he recognized the owner, sitting in the stands with his young wife and a few friends.

  Mark sucked in a breath and focused his attention on football. For a young man, he had a remarkable ability to concentrate. Feeling invincible once he was in the zone helped to make him so. His offensive linesmen did their job beautifully, giving him the time he needed to zero in on an open man and make the connection. His passing was outstanding, bullets hitting their target almost every time. Sweetwater looked nervous, bobbling the snap a couple of times and missing twenty per cent of his passes.

  After the tryout, Mark rushed through his shower, anxious to get away from Darvin. He and Harley met Megan outside.

  “You were outstanding, Lug,” she said, kissing his cheek.

  Darvin caught up with them. “He was pretty good. Who’s this? Another ho’? Two-timing the chippie?”

  Mark stepped toward Sweetwater with his fist raised. “She’s my sister.”

  Harley stepped between them. “Guys, guys. Come on. If Coach sees this, you’ll get another fine.”

  Both players backed off. After shooting a threatening look at his nemesis, Mark grabbed Meg’s arm and pulled her toward the SUV.

  “Fine? What fine?”

  “It’s nothing,” Mark said as he got behind the wheel.

  “Five big ones. Not nothing to me,�
�� Harley chimed in. Mark shot him a dirty look. “You didn’t tell her?”

  “No, you big ape! Now, I have to. Geez, can’t a guy have a couple of secrets?”

  “Not from his twin sister. You were fined five hundred bucks?”

  “Five thousand, Meg,” Harley offered.

  Mark peeled out as Meg shouted, “What the hell?”

  “It’s a done deal, Meg.”

  “Give. All the details.”

  He explained what happened.

  “Brilliant. Fighting. Over stupid pictures. Men.” The note of disgust in her voice was unmistakable.

  “It won’t affect you.”

  “When you’re in the hole, it affects us all. Hey, if you’d have spent that taking an around-the-world cruise, I’d be thrilled. But to lose it fighting? What a waste.”

  Meg spent the evening with Harley, but came back to Mark’s place to sleep. They had the next day off. He took her sightseeing and out to dinner.

  “Do you talk to Penny often?” Meg asked, taking a bite of vanilla coconut cake.

  “We email almost every day. Her schedule is worse than mine. She has to do all the scenes they shot with the actress who got sick. Four, five. Something like that.”

  “Are you serious about her?”

  “Are you prying?” He took a forkful of strawberry cheesecake.

  “Of course.”

  “Are you serious with Harley?”

  Meg burst out laughing. “Who could be serious about anything with Harley?”

  “He’s dedicated to football,” Mark said.

  “That’s as far as it goes. Harley’s a playboy. He’s fun, but that’s all.”

  “You need fun. You’re too serious, Meg.” The waitress refreshed their coffee.

  “Hey, grad school is no joke. I have some fun. Especially here with you. I like Penny, a lot. She’s good for you. I know you’re just a kid, but I hope you’re serious about her.”

  “Look who’s talking. Have you forgotten we’re twins? The same age?”

  “Men mature so much slower.”

  “Don’t be so superior, Squirt.”

  “Lug,” she shot back.

  Mark was sorry to see his sister return to Boston. It was time to get to work. Harley got word that the scout was coming in a couple of weeks. This is my chance. I’ve gotta get out of here.


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