His Leading Lady

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His Leading Lady Page 12

by Jean Joachim

  By halftime, the score was seventeen fourteen, with the Gamblers ahead. In the locker room, Darvin Sweetwater grabbed Mark’s shirt. “I don’t know how you did this, but I’ll get you for it.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Mark pushed his teammate’s hands away and sucked down water.

  The team gathered around for a pep talk. Darvin was still grumbling to Mark. “Shut up, Sweetwater. Listen up,” the Coach snapped. Then he direct his focus on Mark. The Coach changed some plays, and Mark nodded in agreement. They took the field.

  “I’ll be back before the second half is over.”

  “Good luck with that,” Harley said, struggling to keep a straight face.

  “It was you!” Harley eluded Darvin’s grasp and ran back out onto the field.

  “He’s hunting your ass,” Mark whispered to his friend.

  “Aw, he had it coming. Bastard. You deserved the break. Gotta kill the second half.”

  “I know. Penny’s here.”

  “Yeah? All the way from Spain?”

  Mark nodded.

  “Then no excuses, asshole. Get out there and kill it.”

  The Gamblers kicked off to the Panthers to start the second half. The Nevada team’s defense picked up their game and anticipated a few Panther plays, forcing the visiting team to punt.

  Mark and Harley took the field again. This time, they were unstoppable. Hank and Harley both scored again. The Panthers bounced back with another touchdown and a field goal when Hank fumbled the ball. With a score of thirty-one to twenty-four, the Panthers regained possession when the punt return was fumbled. Mark’s nerves were on edge. One touchdown and an extra point, and it’s a tie game.

  He looked at Penny, who gave him a thumb’s up. I have to win this. The Panthers lost the ball on the fourth down. Mark took command. With three minutes left, this looked like their only chance to score again and put away the game. Mark played cautiously, running the ball to wind down the clock. With little time left, the Panthers would never be able to recover. But he had to worry about fumbles.

  His running backs handled themselves well, finding holes in the line and making progress. The Panther’s got wise and shifted their defense, making it harder to find a place to break through. Mark had no choice but to pass. He faked to Hank while Harley ran downfield. Hank drew the defense, leaving Harley wide open. Mark shot a bullet with perfect aim. Harley was there and made the catch easily, running the last ten yards for a touchdown. The fans went crazy—the cheering was deafening. Harley bumped chests with Mark.

  The Panthers had the ball with a minute left on the clock. Mark went to the sidelines, confident they wouldn’t be able to score twice in the time remaining. He let out a big breath, turned to Penny, and raised a hand. I can’t believe she’s here. The clouds surrounding his life lifted and hope entered Mark’s heart for the first time in weeks.

  Darvin Sweetwater had recovered and returned to the sidelines. Mark gave him a wide berth, and the first-stringer was smart enough not to start anything in front of the coach. A smile of satisfaction spread Mark’s lips. I did my best. If there’s a scout here, I had my chance. Having a shot was all he wanted. If he wasn’t good enough to make it, so be it. His heartbeat slowed as relief crept through him. Now, to be with Penny again.

  The clock ran out. The Nevada Gamblers won, thirty-eight to twenty-seven. Harley and Mark ran off the field together. Mark jumped in the shower as quick as he could to avoid Sweetwater. But Darvin waited for him in the locker room.

  “You low down, dirty, fucking bastard,” he began.

  “Darvin. Cool it,” Hank said.

  “Yeah. Leave the kid alone. He got his shot. He did well. Just let it go,” one of the guards chimed in. Sweetwater’s eyes were burning with anger.

  “You’ve got your contract, what the hell are you bitching about?” Harley said. “Mark had his turn. No skin off your nose. Or should I say, your ass?”

  Some of Mark’s buddies congratulated him. The Coach ambled into the room. “Nice going, Davis. Couple of people outside for you.”

  “That babe with the great tits is outside? This, I gotta see,” Hank said, pulling on his jeans and T-shirt quickly. Several men followed him.

  “Hey! Don’t embarrass her. For God’s sake! Wait! Come on, guys.”

  Six teammates barreled through the door before Mark. The last sound he heard, echoing through the locker room, was the laughter of Darvin Sweetwater.


  Mark was lost behind the sea of players gawking at Penny. She stood quietly, smiling at each of them. A few asked for her autograph. He saw them staring at her chest. The low cut top revealed a nice view of cleavage while it hugged her breasts. Mark knew what was going through the dirty minds of the men. He pushed his way through.

  “Side show is over, go on,” he said, slinging an arm around her. He enclosed her in his embrace and kissed her passionately, amid the hoots, hollers, and applause of his buddies. Warmth crept through his body. His pulse kicked up while his heart lightened. Penny’s back.

  “How long are you staying?”

  “My plane leaves at midnight. I just came for the game. Meg told me you’d definitely be playing. She was right.”

  “Harley. Harley told her. Tonight? You have to leave tonight? Damn. You really came just for the game, didn’t you?”

  “Isn’t that what I just said?” She placed her hands on her hips.

  “You’re the best,” He said, kissing her again. After they broke, he turned his back on the men shuffling their way to their vehicles, returning to their lives. A man cleared his throat. “I told you guys…” Mark began, but stopped as he faced a stranger.

  The gentleman was about five ten, with graying hair. “Mark Davis?”

  “That’s right.”

  “I’m Jim Dunston, Scout for The Delaware Demons,” he said, extending his hand.

  Mark gulped. His palms began to sweat, and his grip on Penny’s arm tightened. “What can I do for you, sir?”

  “Is there someplace we can talk?”

  “I know a great burger place.”

  “Fine. I never eat at a game. Too busy. I’m starved.”

  Dunston followed Mark and Penny to the burger joint. They sat in a booth facing him.

  “We’re building a brand new team, looking for young talent to grow with us. We’ve been following you since college. Quite a record.” Dunston took a sip of his coffee. “I think you’ve got the stuff. You’re good, Davis. And with us, you could be great. We want you as our starting quarterback. Interested?” He narrowed his eyes.

  “I am, Mr. Dunston. You bet I am.”

  “Do you have a manager? Tell him to give me a call.” Jim tossed his card on the table.

  “It’s a she. I will.”

  “We’ll talk terms. You willing to leave the Gamblers?”

  “Yes. Definitely ready to move up.” Mark nodded.

  “I feel you are, too. Assuming we can agree on terms, welcome to Delaware,” Jim said, extending his hand.

  Mark grinned from ear to ear. Penny sat quietly, watching.

  “Here’s what we propose,” Dunston said, handing Mark an envelope with folded paper inside. “Let her look it over. Call me by the end of next week. Don’t wait. We’re seeing other players. Frankly, you’re my first choice.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Dunston.”

  “Jim. Mighty fine job today.”

  “Thank you.” Mark beamed under the man’s praise. Dad, where are you when I need you? He forced thoughts of his father from his brain. Meg will be thrilled. Is Penny? Can we get married? Her career is wrecked. Maybe she’ll come with me. He glanced at the beautiful woman at his side and smiled.

  “You’ll find living in Delaware is extremely pleasant and very reasonable. You can get a huge house for less than three hundred grand. Fine schools, too.”

  “I’m sure I’ll love it there. Thank you for the vote of confidence.”

  They finished their meal. Jim Duns
ton picked up the check. They parted with Mark’s promise to get back to him quickly. Mark drove Penny to the apartment. He didn’t know which he wanted to do first, make love to her, or read the offer from Dunston.

  “Open it, open it!” she squealed, making his decision easier. He unfolded the paper and read the terms. When he got to the dollar amount, he sank down slowly on the sofa. “Holy, Jesus.”

  “What? What?”

  “Oh. My. God.” He stared at the contract in disbelief. I’m dreaming.

  “What! Tell me,” she said, tugging on his arm.

  “A million and a half salary and twenty-five grand signing bonus.” Am I dreaming? I’m on my way.

  Penny’s hands flew to cup her mouth. Her eyes got wide. “Congratulations! Your dream has come true. I’m proud of you.”

  Not all of my dream. Mark’s pulse went into overdrive. He paced, trying to decide what to do next. Call Meg, shout out the window, or make love to Penny? Damn! It’s already seven o’clock! Mark pulled Penny to him and kissed her. “No talk. It’s been forever. Let’s make love.” He backed her through the doorway into the bedroom and kicked the door shut.

  On the way to the airport, he realized their time to talk was evaporating. “How much longer do you have to be in Spain?”

  “I don’t know. At least a couple of weeks. Then some sound work in L.A.”

  “Really? I’m going to take the offer from Delaware. It’s my ticket out of here and into the limelight. I’m ready.”

  “You are. I’m so thrilled for you!”

  “I want you to come with me.”

  Penny stared out the window at the lights of Las Vegas. “I don’t know, Mark. Don’t know where I’ll be.”

  “Will you think about it?”

  “Of course.”

  “I love you, as much now as when you left. Maybe even more.”

  She placed her hand on his arm. “I love you, too. But my life is in turmoil, right now. Let me figure it out first. Can you wait?”

  “I’ve waited this long. Of course, I’ll wait.”

  Another tearful goodbye at the airport tugged at Mark’s heart. He feared for Penny, returning to the set where she may not be safe. As he stood, waiting for her plane to take off, he wondered about her. Once the movie is finished, where will she go? What’s her next move? Will she come to Delaware with me? I didn’t offer marriage. It didn’t seem like the right time. As soon as he got in the car, he knew what he needed to do. Meg. Gotta talk to Meg.

  “But I’ve never negotiated a contract, much less a sports contract.”

  “You’re a businesswoman. What’s the difference? You know finance. It’s your major.”

  “Mark, I’m not qualified.”

  “I don’t know anyone. Hell, I wouldn’t trust anyone else. Besides, you’re smarter than most people. Please, Meg.”

  “I don’t want to screw it up for you.”

  “You won’t. I’ll fax it through to you.”

  “Maybe one of my professors can help.”

  “I knew you’d figure it out. This is our ticket, Meg. We’ll finally have enough money, and I’ll be doing what I’m meant to do.”

  “I’m so proud of you, Lug. Way to go.”

  “Thanks. Now, we have to get Penny to move to Delaware with me.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “What do you think? Get your ass out here. You can help me pack up.”

  “Let’s wait until the contract is signed.”


  Penny landed in Madrid tired and cranky. All she wanted to do was go back to Mark. She dragged herself to the set and fell asleep in a chair. The crewmember who had threatened her had not shown his face for several days. She wondered if he had been fired. The fallout from the nude photos was more than she had ever imagined. Awash in regret, she prayed to sink into the background and have it all forgotten. But that was not to be.

  Memorizing her lines and shooting her scenes took up all her time. Brief breaks were spent thinking about Mark and the Delaware Demons. Though he had asked her to go with him, he had never mentioned marriage. How can I move across the country without a commitment? What about my career? I’m not ready to go to school. I don’t have the money, yet.

  Worry plagued Penny. Being alone didn’t help. While she tried getting close to the other actors in the movie, everyone had already formed friendships and alliances long before she had arrived. She was the odd one out. Her emails to Mark got longer. While he replied faithfully every day, he still didn’t mention marriage. She began to wonder if what they’d had was something she had imagined. Is he just out for an easy companion? Maybe he’s simply too young.

  Penny was included in the Thanksgiving dinner given by the film company for the cast and crew. She didn’t care if she worked through the holiday, after all, she had nowhere to go anyway. The more she worked, the sooner she could return to Las Vegas and the arms of her lover.

  Mark wrote about the contract negotiations and when they finally had reached agreement on all sides. As the football season wound down, he talked more and more about Delaware. He was anxious to move there, find a place to live, and settle in. He pressed her for her plans, but she dodged his questions, still uncertain over what her future would hold. Is acting over for me? Keith called her every day.

  “I’ve got a great part for you. Supporting, but pays thirty-five percent more than you’re making now.”

  Penny narrowed her eyes. “Why?”

  “There’s a couple of topless scenes. Nothing prolonged or anything.”

  “No!” She hung up the phone.

  He kept calling. According to Keith, every director who wanted a topless scene in his movie was begging for her.

  “You must have a great rack, Penny, because I’m getting a ton of calls. Not that I know firsthand. Can you send me the link to the pictures online?”

  “I don’t have a link. Are they online? Oh, my God. I don’t want to know. And I’m not interested in doing any topless scenes for any director, no matter how famous or infamous.”

  She needed Mark.

  Hi, Mark,

  If I get one more call from Keith for a topless part in a movie, I’ll scream! Damn him. He knows I won’t do it, but he keeps asking, hoping he’ll wear me down. The topless parts pay a lot, more. More money for him. That’s why he keeps bugging me.

  Before you ask, I’ve turned them all down. But he won’t listen. It’s driving me crazy. Wish you were here. I could use a hug. A lot of hugs.



  Mark answered right away.

  Hi, Honey,

  Give me Keith’s address, and I’ll take him out. I’ll pound some sense into him. Missing you. Meg is going to help me pack. I’m planning to go to Delaware as soon as the season is over. I doubt we’ll be Super Bowl contenders this year, so that should be sooner rather than later. You haven’t told me when you’re coming home.

  I’ll be there to pick you up. I hope it’s soon.



  By the beginning of December, Penny was finished with her movie. She packed up as fast as she could and hopped a plane back to Las Vegas. Connections, delays due to weather, and cancelled flights kept her traveling all day. She texted Mark all the changes.

  She received a text from Keith while she was boarding for the last leg of her trip.

  Got you some publicity. Reporters will be at the airport.


  Chapter Ten

  Penny made a face. The last thing she needed was a slew of questions from nosy, obnoxious reporters trying to dig up dirt. It was too late to tell Mark not to meet the plane and save him the grief. Guess he’ll have to deal with it. Hope he doesn’t take a swing at a reporter.

  The thought of seeing Mark lightened her mood as they came in for a landing. Just minutes and I’ll be wrapped in his arms. Can’t wait. Time seemed to grind to a halt as she watched the slow motion ticking of the hands on her watch. She brushed her hair and reapp
lied lipstick. Then, down the gangway into the terminal. Flashbulbs started popping the second she entered. Blinded by them, she didn’t see Mark at first.

  “Penny! Over here!” She shielded her eyes with her hand and searched until she saw his wide shoulders looming above the other men. She smiled and chuckled to herself how wonderful it was that he was so tall. A reporter approached her.

  “Are you giving up legit acting for porno films?”

  “What? No.” She pushed past him only to be accosted by another one blocking her way to Mark.

  “Are you going topless in your next movie?”

  “No. Please, get out of my way.” Penny tried to shoulder her way past him with no success. The man didn’t budge. He scribbled for a second then opened his mouth for another question. But a long arm and large hand reached between the journalist and Penny. It fastened itself on her arm and pulled her through the crowd. Mark. She looked up, beaming at his handsome face. Within a second, she was tucked into his embrace.

  “Hi, baby,” he muttered as he lowered his mouth to hers. Penny couldn’t tell if the flashing lights were from cameras or stars bursting inside her head. His kiss sucked her breath from her lungs. She clung to him with every ounce of strength she had. The flashes kept coming. When they broke, Mark stroked her hair and smiled into her eyes. Within two seconds, the news hounds were poking into their relationship.

  “Are you two engaged?”

  “How do you feel about your fiancée posing nude?

  “Do you have framed copies of those pictures?”

  “Rumors say you’re going to Delaware, Mark. Are you taking Penny with you?”

  “Are you living together?”

  “How much did Delaware give you?”


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