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Submitting to Her Mate: Drake (Cowboy Wolf Series Book 3)

Page 6

by BJ Wane

  “That’s nice to know, Doc. Go, enjoy your evening. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Roz spent a long night tossing and turning, images of Drake suffering at the hands of his captors haunting her dreams. She awoke out of sorts but with renewed determination to pursue him to fulfill the sexual fantasy portion of her bucket list. She couldn’t think of a better six-foot-two prospect with broad shoulders and thick, bulging muscles whose surly attitude could curl her toes and one intent look could inflame her with a damp heat only he could douse. Now, she mused as she dressed for work, if she could just find a way to get past the wall she suspected he’d erected after his ordeal to protect both himself and others, she might have time to scratch off more than one fantasy on her list.

  The busy Monday schedule kept her going and from thinking too much about Drake and his suffering. She was getting to know the staff better, and grinned, shaking her head when Karen greeted her demanding to know how she’d gotten along with the ‘hottest’ McCullough brother.

  “I was busy trying to deliver his foal and didn’t notice,” she returned dryly, picking up her first patient’s chart.

  “You spent time with Drake McCullough and didn’t notice that killer bod and aloof attitude? There’s something seriously wrong with you,” Stacy called out as Roz walked away with a laugh, thinking the younger girl was right, but not for that reason.

  Archer and Ava, the two vet techs, were coming in the side entrance together, the sly glance they shared hinting at a budding romance. “Morning, Dr. Kingman,” Ava said.

  “Good morning, you two, and call me Roz.” She held up the chart. “Can one of you assist me with this shepherd?”

  “I’ll be right in,” Archer offered, squeezing Ava’s hand as they parted.

  Roz stowed the sudden stab of envy and concentrated on work. There was no place in her life right now for romance. Unless she found herself falling for Big Bertha in prison, a brief affair was all she could hope for.

  Despite her exhaustion, Roz went for a short hike before daylight slipped into dusk and found a perfect lookout spot at the end of the trail. Standing on the small hilltop, she drank in the vista spreading across the vast range with the mountain backdrop. A small herd of white-tail deer raced across the grassland and disappeared behind the forest edge. An echo of a snarling cougar reached her ears, eliciting a shiver down her spine as she pictured the cat going after one of the sleek deer, even though that was the normal way of things in the wild.

  The busy day and hike helped her sleep better, and she was at the front desk of the clinic in time to greet Aislyn when she brought in her Labs. The chocolate, eight-month-old pups greeted Roz with tail-wagging, tongue-lapping enthusiasm as she stooped to pet them.

  “They must be a handful.” Roz laughed as Biscuit jumped on her and she almost toppled over.

  “They are, but I love them. Hopefully, the surgery will settle them down a little.” Aislyn kept a tight hold on Coco as she leapt toward Roz.

  “It might.” Pushing to her feet, Roz took the leashes and handed them to Archer who had just emerged from the treatment rooms. “Thanks,” she told him. “I’ll be there in a minute.”

  He nodded with a smile for the dogs. “I’ll get them ready for you, Doc. Come on, guys.”

  Roz pivoted to see a look of worry crossing Aislyn’s face as the dogs were led away. “Hey, it’s a minor procedure. I know what I’m doing, and they can go home later today. I promise they’ll be fine.”

  “Oh, I know.” Aislyn’s look turned rueful. “This is the first time I’ve left them somewhere is all. I’d forgotten how easy it is to get attached. I didn’t have my one dog for very long when I was a kid. Anyway, I never doubted your care. I know you have to get going, but in case you didn’t know, I wanted to mention the club is open Friday night, as well as Saturday, and we’ll be there this weekend. You’re welcome to join us.”

  Pleased with the invitation, and another excuse to return to the bar besides stalking Drake, Roz didn’t hesitate to accept. “Thank you. I had a good time last week, but I didn’t have much time to hang out after Karen arrived, and it’s always more fun with people you know.”

  A sly glint entered Aislyn’s eyes as she replied, “Drake should be there, too, since their cousin, Jesse, called today to say he wouldn’t be back in time to work.”

  Following Aislyn to the double glass front doors, Roz hoped she wasn’t that obvious to others. She didn’t want to come across as a man-hungry hussy to Drake’s family, or to anyone else. Of course, where Drake was concerned, she admitted she was obsessed, but only with him.

  To cover herself, she said, “If not, I wouldn’t mind dancing with a few of the other cowboys I met.”

  They stepped outside, the morning sun warming their faces even though the air still held a cold nip. Aislyn nodded, fishing out her keys. “You could, but if Drake has as strong effect on you as Gavin did on me, then trust me, it won’t help.”

  “It’s a hot lust effect, and I’m not giving up, but I’m also not going to waste too much time if he’s not interested.”

  Walking to her car, Aislyn paused with her hand on the door handle. “He’s interested, he can’t help himself. Take care of my babies.”

  Roz didn’t know what to make of that remark, but had to let it go for now. There were two pups waiting for her. She could delve into the McCullough family dynamics later.

  It was midafternoon the next day by the time Roz drove out to the McCullough ranch to check on Mona and her new colt. She didn’t deny planning the later timing, hoping Drake would finish working and show up before she left. The wide double gates were open when she arrived, and she wondered if he remembered she was stopping by, or if they were always open during the day. Either way, it was easier than contacting someone through the security panel.

  She found the new momma and foal in the paddock attached to the stable, both appearing to enjoy the fresh air. Slipping inside the corral, she was pleased when Mona walked toward her and gave her an affectionate headbutt.

  “I’m happy to see you, too.” Roz had grown fond of the neglected mare in the last few days, her sweet nature even during her painful ordeal of giving birth hard to resist. She ran her hand down her nose and neck. “You’re doing so good. I’m proud of you. And look at you, big guy.” Turning to Rocky, she gave the gangly colt a visual inspection as he was still shy.

  Roz took her time with the pair, and, after searching the stable for treats, she found apples in a barrel for Mona. After giving Mona a quick checkup, she hopped up on the rail to watch the road for Drake’s truck. A short time later, her heart thumped with excitement as she spotted a large bull moose ambling out of the woods. Fascinated at seeing the magnificent animal in its natural environment, she jumped down hoping for a closer look. She inched her way across the grassy expanse between the stable and trees, aware of a moose’s potential to charge and the harm a male could inflict with his sweeping antlers.

  Keeping a safe distance, she remained close enough she could sprint to the corral if he came after her. As she neared the massive animal, she realized her head would only come to the bull’s shoulders. He gave her the once-over out of beady eyes, but then went back to grazing, as if recognizing the affinity she’d always had for animals and deeming her no threat. Roz often preferred the company of animals to people. They never judged you and loved you no matter what.

  She was so engrossed with watching the moose, she didn’t hear the truck rumbling across the field until Drake drove between her and the wild animal, glaring at her out of the lowered window, the sleeves of his denim work shirt rolled up to his elbows, revealing the corded muscles of his thick, black-hair-sprinkled forearms. She only had time to wonder why he never seemed to get chilled on these cooler days before he growled his displeasure.

  “What are you thinking? Get to the corral while I have you blocked from him.”

  His voice snapped with annoyance and command, but the concern in his vivid gaze sent a giddy th
rill through Roz, her smile of welcome broadening as she strolled to him. “I’m being careful. He’s more interested in eating than in me. Isn’t he awesome? Those antlers must span three feet on each side.”

  “Yeah, just awesome,” he returned, tone dripping with sarcasm. “Get your ass to the stable before my heart gives out completely.”

  She couldn’t help it—the fear for her safety still showing in his vivid blue-green eyes was proof he was drawn to her, granting her the courage to push him. Leaning in the window, she smirked and drawled, “That sounded an awful lot like an order for a misbehaving child, and here I thought we weren’t doing the daddy thing.”

  The moose took that moment to turn his full attention on them, riling Drake further. “Move it, now.”

  Giggling, she gave him a two-fingered salute. “Yes, sir.”


  She’s impossible. That devil-may-care attitude of never taking anything seriously would land Roz in trouble one of these days. But whatever motivation was driving her reckless behavior unsettled Drake even more. There was something troubling her. He saw it in the occasional shadow that darkened her sky-blue eyes and caused her smile to dim, and that worried Drake as much as the shock of seeing her so close to the bull moose. His heart was still lodged in his throat as he watched her dart to the paddock and boost herself over the rail. He couldn’t help but eye her butt in the enticing fit of her jeans, or picture those soft cheeks reddening under his hand. If she kept it up, that was where they were headed, and that, too, caused him grief.

  He was trying to hold back from giving into his lust, but damn it, he liked the girl. Her determination to go after what she wanted, that quirky smile that curled her soft lips when she was about to say something brazen, and her easy acceptance of an obsession she didn’t understand. He knew why he was drawn to her, why he didn’t want anyone else, and couldn’t sleep at night for the desperate craving to make her his, yet he wasn’t handling their relationship as well as she. He was still convinced keeping his distance was the right thing to do, the safest avenue for both of them. There had to be a way to deter her from pursuing him without tromping on her feelings or denting her enthusiasm to go after whatever drew her interest.

  Between Roz’s determination to entice him into a relationship, his family learning he’d met his mate, and his wolf’s claw-gouging persistence to make her theirs, he was hard pressed to stick to his resolve to keep her at arm’s length. He’d fought tough battles before, though, and had come out on top, and he intended to do the same with this one.

  The bull seemed to lose interest in hanging around when Roz turned away, and slowly trudged into the woods. Drake waited until he disappeared before parking between the house and stable. Ignoring Roz and the glow on her face as she fed the mare a sugar cube, he entered the stable to put fresh hay in Mona’s stall before bringing the mare and colt inside. It didn’t surprise him when he heard her enter. It would have been too much to hope she would leave without saying anything else.

  Drake turned a cold shoulder toward her as soon as those soft lips curved in a teasing grin his mouth itched to possess. The move didn’t faze her.

  “Did you know moose cows select their mates based on antler size?”

  Refusing to turn around and acknowledge that inane comment, he hefted a bale and carried it past her into the stall.

  “Mona’s doing great, and so is Rocky.”

  Neither talking nor issuing demands had worked, and it appeared not saying anything was just as ineffective. If it didn’t play havoc with his resolve to keep her at arm’s length, he would admire her gumption and determination. Keeping his back to her, he reached behind him and pulled out a penknife then cut through the twine holding the hay together. He heard her huff and smiled.

  “Really? You’re going to ignore me now?” Exasperation laced with a thread of amusement colored her voice.

  Scooping up an armful of hay, he filled the feeder then scattered the fresh leftovers on the floor.

  “Not fair, Daddy Drake. I did as you ordered and went to the corral. If I would have known you were going to punish me anyway, I would have disobeyed and gone for the spanking.”

  Drake jerked as a craving to administer what Roz thought she wanted gripped him with a rush of molten heat to his groin. Did he possess the fortitude to walk away after touching his chosen mate’s soft flesh? God help him, he didn’t know, but it might be worth the risk if there was a chance reality didn’t meet with her expectations and she gave up on this quest. Nine times out of ten, people who indulged in a long-coveted fantasy found themselves disappointed and turned off by the reality and its consequences.

  He tried one more time to tune her out, then her voice turned soft, cajoling, pleading with an irresistible, underlying hint of humor.

  “It’s not too late. Pretty please, Daddy.”

  Enough. Whirling around, he stomped across the stall to stand in front of her, the gate separating them doing nothing to keep the warmth her nearness generated from penetrating his skin. If she taunted him by calling him Daddy one more time, he just might wring her neck or succumb to the temptation to toss her down and fuck her senseless. It was high time he pushed her.

  Opening the gate, he clasped her elbow and ushered her inside. “I’m not your daddy, baby, but your big bad wolf.”

  “I like wolves,” she breathed, her face alight with excitement, her eyes filled with the same lustful need pounding through his body.

  Desperate now to get her to back off him, Drake prayed she balked at his next command, and, if she didn’t, prayed he possessed the control to hold off from going further than a light spanking after touching and seeing that soft ass. Tugging her over to the low bench along the wall, he slid his hand down to grip her wrist as he sat down, tossed his Stetson onto the seat, and looked up at her.

  “You want this? Then pull down your pants and bend over.”


  A dare. Roz thrilled to the challenge etched on Drake’s hard face. Despite the tautness of his five-o’clock-shadowed jaw, there was no mistaking the desire in those extraordinary eyes as his gaze raked down her body. Her pulse fluttered in response to that carnal look, her nipples peaking, pushing against her thin bra, aching for his mouth. She didn’t dare think too long or hard about that order in case one or both of them succumbed to uncertainty. After getting this close to experiencing one of her fantasies, she wouldn’t second-guess herself because of the hard set to his mouth.

  Shifting her free hand to her waist, she kept her eyes on his as she worked her jeans loose. A shiver ran under her skin as he watched her push the denim and her silk panties down to mid-thigh, whether from the exposure to cooler air or to his eyes, she couldn’t tell. She wished he would say something, anything, but he kept silent, hand tightening on her wrist, his look skimming over her denuded pubis as she lowered herself onto his rock-hard thighs. The rapid beat of her heart thundered in her ears as the blood rushed to her head, her buttocks tensing when Drake rested his calloused palm on one cheek.

  “Huh, now what?” she questioned without lifting her head. A wave of insecurity hit her, the threat of second-guessing her decision to pursue him and her fantasies slipping past her guard.

  “Now, unless you say red for me to stop, I give you what you want.”

  Roz didn’t know what startled her more, the loud slap of his hand smacking her bare butt, or the stinging heat the swat delivered. “Ow!” she exclaimed without thinking. “That hurt!” She lifted her hand behind her to rub the offended area, but he shoved it aside and delivered a swat to her left cheek.

  “Duh. You asked for a spanking, not a butt rub. Although…” He paused to coast his hand across her abused flesh in a light caress. “Both have merit.”

  Maybe she hadn’t thought this through, Roz admitted as she lay there vacillating between jumping up and ending this now and seeing it through. If Drake was a Dom, he wasn’t a very nice one. What made her think he would be? He’d never been nice, and darn i
t, she liked that about him. At least it was honest—something she’d never seen from any man.

  Without warning, his softer touch stirred the warmth of the swats and took her mind in a direction worth exploring further, if she heeded her pussy’s damp response. Since she’d taken to following her body’s lead from the moment she first set eyes on him, she saw no reason to stop now.

  “Deep breath,” he warned before landing another hard spank on her tender flesh.

  Oh, crap. Did her cheek bounce with that one? How mortifying. Roz estimated a good portion of the fifteen pounds she’d put on in the last year were now under his punishing hand. Drake didn’t give her time to fret over her weight, though, as he set up a steady volley of echoing swats, alternating between hard and soft, covering her fleshy buttocks, the sensitive under curves, and the top of her thighs, building a heat that spread throughout her entire body. Her breath snagged with each one—it didn’t matter if it stung or tantalized with soft pulses.

  A hiccup escaped her constricted throat as her body absorbed the myriad of new sensations, responding with frissons of hot flutters traveling from her nipples to her sheath, shocking her with the feverish pitch of arousal. Drake paused, rubbing her abused skin. The light scrape of his calloused palm drew a shiver down her spine and another release of dampness from her spasming pussy.

  “Ready to say red and admit this isn’t what you want?”

  Whipping her head around, she shook her hair out of her face, zeroing in on the swollen, throbbing ache pulsating up and down her sheath as her gaze took in his strained expression. Good, she thought with smug satisfaction. She wasn’t the only one struggling with the inferno he’d lit across her butt that was spreading to all pleasure points.


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