Submitting to Her Mate: Drake (Cowboy Wolf Series Book 3)

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Submitting to Her Mate: Drake (Cowboy Wolf Series Book 3) Page 16

by BJ Wane

  With her jeans hanging off one leg, her buttocks were exposed, an easy target for his hard-handed smack as he hauled her inside the house. She would have complained, but the tingling burn on her cheek distracted her until he took the stairs and tossed her on his bed.

  Sputtering on a combined laugh and aroused groan, she popped up and helped him shove down his pants. “You…you could have…warned me.”

  Drake lifted a brow, stripped the two shirts over her head as she kicked off her jeans then pushed her shoulders so she landed flat on the bed, this time with a smaller bounce. “I could do a lot of things, but you keep tossing monkey wrenches into my well-laid plans.”

  “Oh, well, as to that…holy shit!” she gasped, rearing up as he dove between her splayed legs. He went to work feasting on her pussy, and she fell back with a groan, savoring his attention and several more climaxes.


  In a fit of rage and despair, Patricia Cunningham threw the cup of tea Richard handed her against the wall where it shattered into hundreds of fragmented pieces, just like her heart. “I want justice. I want retribution. And I want her damaged beyond repair.”

  Leaning against the wall in the plush living room of their shared estate manor, Richard eyed her with worry. “And how do you propose to accomplish that? The judge, your close ally, turned you down again.”

  Whirling on him, she pointed a shaking finger. “I’m not giving up, especially not now that Dean is…” She choked, closing her eyes in grief, unable to say the words yet.

  “I’m sorry, Patricia. You know how much I cared for him. At least he won’t have to suffer such a horrible existence any longer.”

  Her brother didn’t understand, couldn’t comprehend the grief a parent experienced at the loss of a child. Dean was the best thing to come from her marriage to his coldhearted father. If not for her son, the prestige of the Cunningham name, and the lifestyle their money offered, she never would have stayed with the bastard. Thank God he’d had the decency to die twenty years ago and leave raising her beloved son to her.

  And now Dean was gone from her forever.

  “I won’t rest until she’s suffered, Richard. Do you hear me?” she snapped.

  “I just hope no one else does. You do have neighbors, dear.”

  “Oh, shut up!” Pacing the thick, white carpet, she gnawed her lower lip, hating Richard’s calm attitude. “How far is your henchman willing to go?”

  “He won’t kill her, if that’s what you’re implying,” he drawled.

  “No, that would be too good for that bitch. She needs to spend the rest of her life in pain over what she did, suffering through every day she denied Dean. Prison would have accomplished that, but I never counted on Peter’s refusal. Some friend he turned out to be.” Stopping at the bar, she poured a stiff shot of bourbon and tossed it down, the judge’s latest refusal to press charges still a sore subject. “Men. Fuck all of them.”

  “Including me, sister dear?”

  She waved an irritated hand. “No, you’re different. You’ve always been there for me.” Dashing across the room, she sank to her knees before him, pleading with all the pent-up desperation tightening her chest. “Don’t let me down, Richard. Do something.”

  Reaching up, he squeezed her shoulder, hope blossoming from the resigned look on his face as he nodded. “I’ll ask him how far he’s willing to go, but I can’t force him to do anything.”

  “I understand,” she replied, pushing to her feet. “Just try. That’s all I ask.”


  “Tell him he’s being ridiculous.”

  Roz sent Drake an exasperated look that matched her tone. He, Gavin, and Cody stood by the corner bar in the massive great room of Gavin’s home, muscled arms crossed, their faces etched in identical expressions of stubbornness. Aislyn and Olivia exchanged one of those secretive glances that hinted they were in on something she wasn’t in the loop about. She tried not to take it personally, but apparently Drake’s family had come to mean more to her than she’d expected given their short acquaintance. Considering the depth of her feelings for Drake already, that should come as no surprise.

  Aislyn rose from the sofa facing the fireplace, the cracking flames warming the entire room. To Roz’s surprise, she walked over to her at the floor-to-ceiling bank of windows and hugged her shoulders, the embrace causing a lump in Roz’s throat.

  “Give it up, my friend,” Aislyn advised, stepping aside with a chuckle. “When one of them is in the protective mode, it’s difficult to ignore him. When all three gang up on you”—she shot a mock glare toward Gavin—“it’s impossible. You may as well let Drake have his way.”

  “I don’t want to. It’s too much of an imposition, and for no reason.”

  Not much made Roz uncomfortable in front of others, but watching the concern grow on all their faces as Drake had related the incidents of the past week disturbed her. This was what she’d tried to avoid—her issues disrupting Drake and his family.

  “There’s plenty of reason,” Drake shot back.

  Cody rolled his eyes and nudged him, hard. “You’ll get more cooperation if you’re nice.”

  “No, he won’t.” Roz turned from Drake’s narrow-eyed glare to drink in the stunning blend of purple, orange, and red hues of the twilight skyline.

  She didn’t want to cave and agree to stay with him until this creep tired of his game, letting her problem keep him from work as he drove her to and from the clinic. After spending the last two nights sleeping curled up with him in his big bed, sated from multiple orgasms, returning to her solitary bed held no appeal. But neither did becoming a burden.

  Why did he have to go and ruin a great weekend with his unnecessary overprotectiveness? After seeing him off to work yesterday morning, she’d spent time with Mona and Rocky then dragged on one of his sheepskin-lined jackets and took a short hike with Scruffy, walking slow in deference to his splinted leg. Aislyn had picked her up and driven to Cody’s place where Olivia had lunch ready. After hearing about their past legal issues, she felt better knowing she wasn’t the only one with troubles, even if their glossed-over explanations on how they were resolved bothered Roz.

  She’d loved having Drake to herself last night and most of today, not to mention the things he’d done to her in his shower, on the kitchen table, and on the rug in front of his fireplace. Then he’d gone and defused her blissful glow by insisting he shadow her until this prankster was caught.

  Drake swore, something he was particularly good at, stomped over to her, and clasped her elbow. “Come with me.”

  “But I’m hungry, and Cody’s manicotti smells amazing.” Roz figured she must have a screw loose. How else could she explain the way her heart kept flipping and heated lust continued to explode every time she heard his commanding voice and he leveled that determined glare her way?

  “We’ll be right back,” he tossed out without pausing as he ushered her into Gavin’s office down the hall and slammed the door behind them.

  He didn’t give her a chance to argue, covering her mouth as she parted her lips to retort, kissing her with a wealth of frustration and toe-curling, pussy-dampening thoroughness. Shackling her wrists in one hand, a delicious shiver snaked down her spine as he drew her arms above her head, pinning her hands against the door. His commanding hold and exploring tongue sent her pulse soaring, the same response as every other time he’d touched her, or spoken to her, or looked at her.

  Roz ached all over, burned inside and out by the time he broke off the kiss, his hot breath the only thing between them as he growled, “I can keep this up all day, fuck you right here, stay inside your pussy until you agree.”

  She pictured the others just down the hall, listening, knowing, and went hot all over. “Is that supposed to deter me? And here I thought you knew me better by now.”

  Drake released her, closing his eyes, his chest rising on a deep breath before opening them. She hated seeing that tortured look dimming his bright, enigmatic gaze, the sam
e one she’d noticed when she found him beating on his punching bag. Reaching up, she traced a finger down his scar.

  “What’s this about, Drake? I know you suffered as a prisoner, but there’s something else driving you to these extremes.”

  Indecision crossed his face, and she thought he wouldn’t answer. Then he appeared to come to a conclusion and gave a brusque nod.

  “I have to talk to my brothers first. In the meantime, let’s compromise. I’ll spend the nights with you at the clinic instead of picking you up and bringing you out here when you get off, which will save me time in the morning. Your security isn’t as good, but all you need is me.”

  She laughed, loving his arrogance. “You certainly keep me guessing. The pranks weren’t a physical assault, you know.”

  “And I’m not waiting until he escalates to that point. Deal?”

  Roz hoped Dr. Dennis wouldn’t object since the slutty side of her that didn’t want to waste time she could be getting naked with Drake won out over the I am woman, hear me roar independent side.

  Grabbing his hand, she turned and opened the door, saying over her shoulder, “I can work with that.”


  Rodney ended the call with Lindstrom then clicked off the special recorder attached to his phone. Oh, yeah, now we’re talkin’. He leaned against the headboard of the queen-size bed in his motel room, lifted his arm propped on his bent knee, and downed the last swallow of whiskey. Satisfaction and a zing of anticipation spread through him as he went over the new instructions and bonus good old Richard had just given him.

  He wasn’t squeamish about hurting a woman, especially not when he was getting paid so handsomely for the job. A few options came to mind; most requiring careful thinking before execution to avoid killing her. The mental challenge would keep his mind off the frustration of waiting for her to return from spending the weekend at that ranch.

  On Monday morning, Rodney drove to the clinic. He had a few ideas to choose from, depending on whether he could catch Kingman alone or not. Her love life kept interfering with his plans. Luck was with him this morning when he got a glimpse of her through the wide front windows as he drove through the parking lot. Now that he’d confirmed her return, he could wait for an opportunity to present itself to move on one of his ideas.


  Roz glanced toward Drake, suppressing a laugh at his disgruntled expression. I’m almost as bad, she admitted as they drove to the club Friday night. One week spent seeing him every day, sleeping with him every night, and she was now as reluctant to socialize as he was. At least Aislyn, Olivia, and her other new friends understood why she preferred his company over theirs. The looks of envy from her co-workers every time one spotted him arriving near closing time were always followed by comments such as, “You’re so frickin’ lucky,” or “Are you tired of him yet?” She quit arguing with him about the necessity for his extra efforts on Wednesday, after he insisted on cutting his day short to accommodate the clinic’s mid-week break. The lunch date at the Wildgrill followed by a trail ride that ended with sex in the stable sealed the deal for her.

  “Come on,” she cajoled, reaching over and squeezing his thigh. “Don’t be cranky. It’s not your cousin’s fault he got delayed.”

  “Again. You forgot to add that part. Jesse should have returned two weeks ago. I had plans for tonight.”

  He slid her a heated look that sent her libido into overdrive. Would her quicksilver responses to every touch, every glance, ever abate? God, she hoped not. Now that she’d gone against her better judgement and committed to a relationship, she might as well reap as much from it as possible while she still could. The thought of all her troubles threatened to bring her mood down, so she leaned over and ran her tongue along his corded neck, the leap of his pulse matching her own.

  “Tell me. I love it when you talk dirty,” she purred as he pulled into the parking lot and cut the engine. “Maybe we can get started out here.”

  Drake turned to her, his eyes narrowing as he gripped her chin and tilted her face up. “I see it in your eyes. Quit worrying about your fucking ex in-laws’ threats. Gavin knows the law, and, after reading the police and hospital reports I got for him, he’s confident they won’t succeed. Your injury is well-documented.”

  “Money and power talk louder than facts sometimes.” That’s what scared her—she didn’t possess the resources to fight a court case stacked against her.

  “The McCulloughs aren’t without both, and as my…” He paused then blew out a frustrated breath. “Fuck, but we need to talk.”

  “You’ve been saying that all week.”

  Roz opened the door, doing her best to stay positive. She’d spoken in detail about her marriage to Dean and how it ended, in front of Drake and his family. Their understanding and support had prompted her to think positive for the first time in over a year, but the longer Drake kept silent on whatever he was keeping from her, the faster her insecurities were wheedling their way to the surface.

  “It’s not an easy thing to explain. That was part of my plans tonight. Wait for me.”

  She did, but only because it was such a long jump down from his truck cab, and she didn’t want to risk twisting an ankle or straining a muscle badly enough to interfere with any naked, physical activity. I’m such a pathetic mess where he’s concerned. As he clasped her around the waist and she slid down his body with a quiver of longing, she decided she didn’t care. She would take what she could get for now.

  “I’ll hold you to it later. In the meantime, if I can be nice tonight, so can you.”

  “You’re a nag,” he grumbled, tugging her inside. “I don’t know why I tolerate you.”

  When Drake flicked her one of his rare grins, Roz’s heart melted. Regardless of how her troubles panned out, she would count herself lucky for whatever memories she managed to store up if she was forced away.

  Olivia was walking by carrying two drinks as they entered the club, her face lighting up in greeting. “There you are. Follow me. We have a table over here.” She looked up at Drake and nodded toward the bar. “You’re needed at the bar.”

  Before he could argue, Roz went onto her tiptoes and planted a fast kiss on his mouth. “See ya,” she said then pivoted and followed Olivia before he could complain. He was too good at reading her, and she didn’t want him restraining her if she caved to the escalating urge to kick up her heels tonight. If sex was off the table for a few hours, she needed some way to release tension.

  “You’re braver than I,” Olivia said loud enough for Roz to hear her over the music and crowd.

  No, just desperate to get what I can for as long as I can, and deal with everything else however it works.

  “His bark is worse than his bite.” Roz flashed her a cheeky grin. “But I really like his bite.”

  Olivia mumbled something that sounded like, “You have no idea,” but Roz couldn’t be sure. Tired of the secrets, she signaled a server as they reached the table where Aislyn waited.

  “Can I get a beer, please?”

  “Sure thing. Be right back.”

  “Hey, Roz. We were wondering if Drake would bail tonight. Three weekends in a row is a lot to ask of him,” Aislyn said as Roz took a seat.

  “From what I’ve seen, he’s never shirked his duties to his family.”

  Olivia handed Aislyn her drink, nodding in agreement. “They are all unfailingly dutiful to each other and their commitments to the ranch, and now this place. One more thing to admire about them.”

  “Yeah. I was just going for the killer bod and the promise in those hot looks. Then he had to go and reveal his tender side with animals and his love of his family, damn it.” Roz shook her head, as if those revelations were a bad thing.

  Aislyn laughed. “I hear you.” Her gaze turned curious as she sipped her drink, then asked, “Has he mentioned the hot springs yet?”

  “Hot springs? No, but that sounds awesome. Are they near here?” Imagining soaking in a natural swirling
, heated pool, naked with Drake, conjured up all kinds of new possibilities.

  “About a twenty-minute horseback ride from Gavin’s place, on their property. Very secluded. If he doesn’t take you, we can,” Olivia offered with Aislyn’s nod of approval.

  “It’s a date, hopefully with him, but I’d love to go with you, if he doesn’t bring it up. Thanks,” Roz told the waitress as she returned with her beer. She took a long pull, downing almost half before lowering the glass and pushing away from the table. “Right now, the mechanical bull is calling to me. Either of you game?”

  “No, thanks.” Olivia shook her head. “I’m still sporting bruises from the last time I got on that thing.”

  “Go ahead, we’ll cheer you on.” Aislyn waited until Roz headed toward the popular contraption before turning to Olivia. “I wish we could tell her.”

  Olivia shook her head. “It’s tempting, but we had to wait until our guys were ready, and we have to respect Drake’s right to do the same.”

  “Yeah, I know, but she sometimes seems so conflicted.”

  “And Drake’s the most stubborn, which doesn’t make it easier for her.”


  Rodney switched off his headlights after Roz Kingman and the cowboy she’d taken up with disappeared inside what appeared to be a rustic lodge remodeled into the local hangout. His temper and patience were a razor blade away from ripping wide open, the past days of waiting for a chance to execute his plan without her shadow around ending tonight. Lindstrom’s call, demanding he act or risk losing the promised bonus, had prompted him to make his move here, and now. Rigging the truck or her car at the clinic, where the silence and their close proximity could raise his chances of getting caught, was out. After he followed them to the McCullough ranch on Wednesday, he researched the family name, immediately scratching any and all ideas of attempting to trespass onto the property. He was a strike quick and get out operative, not into betting his freedom against the odds.


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