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Page 18

by Angela Graham

  “Ugh, and your house isn’t,” I scoffed. My fingers danced across the marble top of the island. “Looks like you’re just going to have to trust me then.” I smiled and glanced over at him, ignoring his scrunched brow. “I promise if you buy this house, Julia will love it.”

  “And if she doesn’t, then what?” Logan walked out of the room. What a buzz kill.

  With an eye roll and irritated sigh, I said a quick good-bye to the closet, blowing it a woeful kiss and followed. I’d always been a modest girl and living in a place like this had never been something I thought about, but I could still appreciate it for what it was. Breathtaking!

  Logan was speaking with Paula, the realtor, in the foyer and as I stepped off the bottom stair, I suddenly began to worry. What if Julia did hate it? No, I shook my head refusing to believe any woman could not love a place like this. It was a dream house for anyone that appreciated the finer things in life. Based on the way Julia presented herself I knew this place was made for her.

  Logan looked up at me, surprised when I grabbed his hand and led him into the living room. His hand was warm and soft, and the thrill of dragging him away added to my playful mood. The room was enormous of course, with a glass fireplace in the center creating the illusion of two rooms.

  “How about we make a deal?” I gave his hand a squeeze; my body resisting the idea of releasing him, but I forced myself to pull my hand away. The gleam in his eye and bemused smile left me giddy. I grinned, certain my plan would play in my favor. “You buy this house for Julia and if she hates it, which she won’t, I’ll be at your beck and call for an entire weekend. Two whole days.”

  Logan’s eyes lit up at my proposal, his eyebrows rising. I had a feeling he was the type of man that enjoyed a good wager.

  “And if she loves it?” he asked.

  “Then looks like you’ll be my little whipping boy for a couple days. I’ve been meaning to have my house painted. Not to mention, you’re a pretty amazing cook.” I brought my forefinger to my lips. “Hmmm, all the possibilities,” I giggled, playfully.

  The thought of Logan shirtless, holding a paint roller in his hand, up on a ladder outside my house, was something I wanted to see…outside of my dreams.

  “Yes, plenty of possibilities,” he added with his trademark smirk.

  I rolled my eyes, and knocked him in the shoulder. “Don’t be a pervert!” I whispered, unable to hide my smile.

  “You insult me, sweetheart.” Logan feigned a pout. “It’s your mind that appears to be the dirty one.”

  After a sharp glare pointed toward him, he chuckled and we walked back out into the foyer where Paula waited, her feet shifting impatiently.

  “It appears I’ll be making a purchase today,” he told her.

  Paula’s face lit up. “Great, let’s head back to my office and start talking numbers to make an offer.” She held the door open for us.

  “I’ll stop by later this afternoon. Miss Clarke and I have lunch plans.” His hand rested on the small of my back, leading me through the threshold, heating the skin through my navy cardigan. My stomach fluttered to life.

  I raised my shoulders, chastising my body for betraying me. “Actually, Hilary sent me a text earlier. She needs to meet me in an hour,” I explained. My sole focus was on his hand and how good it felt, how natural. But I willed him to remove it. As right as it felt, I knew it was so wrong. We were two very different people. I needed more than he could offer me.

  We stood in the circle drive looking up at the house once more.

  “A quick bite, at least,” he insisted.

  “Sorry, I need you to drop me off at my house soon. No time for lunch, but maybe next weekend.” I stepped back and his hand fell away. With a quick good-bye to Paula, I smiled and offered him a slight shrug.

  The few other times we went out with the realtor, after walking through different houses that would never work for Julia, we always ended up at the diner or Haven for lunch. It had become our thing, but today I made plans. Hilary had been complaining I rarely saw her outside of school lately so a girl’s day was severely overdue. It was to start with an afternoon of lunch and pampering.

  “As you wish.” He smiled, giving nothing away. I hated that he could be impossible to read when he wanted to. “But at least join Oliver and me at Nichol’s Farm tomorrow. He wants to find a pumpkin before they’re all picked over.”

  I laughed. “He does or you do?”

  “I’m not going to lie. Carving jack-o-lanterns is a past time I greatly enjoy. So, will you join us?”

  “How can I say no to a day with Oliver and farm animals?” I smiled and walked to the car. I gripped the passenger door handle and looked up smiling at Logan standing beside me. “But I’m not carving mine yet. Halloween isn’t for another three weeks.”

  His hand came down, resting over mine on the cool metal handle that suddenly seared into my palm. His breath was warm and thick behind my ear. I closed my eyes when his chest connected with my back. My breath caught, body humming to life.

  “I’ve never had much patience, Cassandra. When I want something, I take it as soon as it’s available.” He opened the car door for me and I slid inside, blood rushing to my cheeks as he stared down at me with dark, hooded eyes. A small smirk played on his lips. “The pumpkins are ready for harvesting, why wait?”

  With that he shut the door, leaving me to process his words for a few minutes while he said good-bye to Paula. Why did he have to make it so impossibly hard to resist him? I watched him slide into the driver’s side. I stiffened, realizing the tension would be unbearable the entire ride home if I just sat there wondering what exactly he had meant.

  “You better hurry up and get me home, mister.” I smiled over at him trying to take my mind and body’s response off his possible double meaning. “Or else you’ll have Hilary to deal with.”

  “Yes ma’am.” The side of his lip quirked up as he casually pulled his Aviators down from the visor and slid them on, taking his sweet time before revving up the engine. I couldn’t help but giggle when he looked over at me with a mischievous grin, his hand on the shifter, and shot out of the drive and down the road.

  Chapter Eighteen


  The next morning Oliver was at my door, adorable and cozy in a grey wool coat. The weather was beginning to take on a slight chill, which I welcomed happily. Fall had always been my favorite time of year. Logan drove while Oliver sat in the backseat replaying his week at school. The old Nichol’s Farm was located on the other side of town, and had been there long before I was even born.

  Once we pulled into the dirt parking lot, I unbuckled my seat belt but was stopped from opening the door when Logan turned in his seat to face me rather than climb out. I sat, confused at the crease over his brow.

  “What?” I could see it written all over his expression. He had something to tell me that I wouldn’t like.

  “Julia and Jax will be meeting us here,” he said, but not in his usual tone. He should be happy to spend time with them, right?

  “Awesome!” Oliver opened his door. “Where are they?”

  My attention was still focused on Logan, realization setting in at what his somber expression was telling me. Mark.

  He tilted his head, eyes soft. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I told her about today, and when she called earlier she said Mark would be coming with her.”

  I looked away, opening my door, but his hand shot out, gently holding my arm.

  “I told her he wasn’t invited, but my sister is not one to listen to me, or anyone for that matter.” He sighed. “I’ll talk to him. Make sure he stays clear of you if you’d like.”

  I shook my head, nibbling on my bottom lip, anxiously. “No, thanks, but it’s all right.”

  He nodded once, gauging my reaction. I smiled and he returned one full of understanding and warmth.

  We walked through the parked cars, Oliver between us, swinging in the air from our arms. He giggled each and every time. As
we approached a red steel barn, we stopped near wooden crates filled with produce grown on the farm. I was reminded of my grandmother and smiled. At least once a month when I was younger, she would bring me along to purchase anything in season.

  “Stay here for a moment, I’ll go pay,” Logan said, tossing Oliver up once more.

  I nodded, and took Oliver’s hand to let him see the row of pumpkins behind us. They were set out for anyone not wanting to go out in the field to find their own.

  “Over here!” Oliver called out, catching me off guard.

  I turned, putting on a thin smile, when I saw Julia and Mark approach. Jax was strolling up behind them, his red ball cap on backward and a tall, thin brunette on his arm. My smile grew. He was definitely Logan’s little brother.

  I suddenly felt a little out of place. It seemed this was more of a family outing and everyone was paired up with dates. I wasn’t Logan’s date by far, but I wondered how it must look to the others. Did they think he and I were seeing each other? I cringed, realizing with Logan’s reputation they must think I was sleeping with him. Instantly I began to feel out of place.

  Why was I there? I was just a neighbor.

  “Hey sweetie, you ready to see some smelly farm animals.” Julia laughed, her nose scrunched. She picked Oliver up for a giant hug and held him tightly in her arms.

  Mark looked over at me and opened his mouth to speak, but snapped it shut after I shot him a threatening glare. He cleared his throat, and shoved his hands deep in the pocket of his hoodie.

  “Hi, Cassandra. I love your sweater.” Julia smiled. I wondered what she knew about Mark and me.

  “Thanks, hope you don’t mind me coming today.”

  “Of course not, the more the merrier,” she said with a sincere smile, “Logan seems to enjoy having you around.”

  “We’ve been getting along pretty well.”

  “I’m sure you have been,” Jax snickered. I looked down, embarrassed. So they did think I was sleeping with him.

  “Ignore him.” I looked up to see Julia roll her eyes at Jax. “He’s just not sure how to act around you after Logan threatened to disown him if he so much as flirts in your direction.”

  An awkward, broken chuckle caught in my throat. “Why would Logan care who flirts in my direction?” My sight narrowed to the ground, with a bemused smile.

  She raised her eyebrow, as if she knew something I didn’t, then shrugged. “Who knows.” She grinned. “But you’re the first girl he’s brought around us and—”

  Julia was cut off as Oliver wiggled out of her arms and planted his feet back on the ground. We laughed, watching him adjust his coat in a huff. He looked up at Mark curiously.

  “Hey, buddy.” Mark squatted down to eye level with him. “My name’s Mark. Hope you don’t mind me tagging along today.”

  “That’s all right,” Oliver said, shyly.

  “Here you are,” Logan said appearing beside me, handing a wristband to Jax, his quiet date, and Julia. The air between us all grew thick and uncomfortably heavy when it was clear he didn’t have one for Mark.

  “I’ll uh…I’ll be right back,” Mark said awkwardly, leaving to purchase his.

  Logan ignored him and leaned down to snap the band on Oliver’s wrist then stood and took my hand.

  “I can do it,” I said, softly.

  He said nothing, his fingers placing it on my wrist and locking it in place. His thumb lingered a moment longer than necessary and slowly he looked up at me.

  I pulled my hand away, and smiled sheepishly. “Thanks.”

  “You sure you’re all right with him being here?” he whispered, and nudged his head in the direction Mark had retreated.

  I nodded once, losing myself in his eyes. They were so enticingly blue and filled with nothing but concern, calming my nerves. I smiled, letting him know I really was fine.

  “Come on, let’s go check this place out,” Jax said. He threw Oliver up over his shoulders and jetted off toward the gate. His busty date followed.

  “Careful!” Logan yelled.

  Jax continued on with Oliver giggling, begging him to go faster as they raced for the first, smaller barn filled with chickens. Mark came back out a moment later, orange bracelet on his wrist, and took Julia’s hand.

  As we began to walk, Logan’s hand brushed the small of my back causing me to stiffen, but glancing over at him and his reassuring smile, I relaxed against his touch. I never dreamed I’d be spending the day with Mark after everything that happened but with Logan at my side, I forgot all about him.

  “Let’s go catch up before Jax has Oliver sneaking into one of the pens.” Logan grinned.

  “Yuck! I hate farm animals especially being this close to me,” a young woman I’d never seen before complained in front of us. She held up both her hands, disgusted and maneuvered around a tiny puddle of mud wearing knee high boots with heels nearly six inches. Her short blond bob and bright-red lipstick stood out among the background of rust, dirt, and livestock.

  We walked behind her silently, watching the hens go about their day. It was easy and comfortable being with Logan. Oliver and Jax were a barn ahead of us and to my relief Julia and Mark went ahead with them as well.

  As we continued through to another barn, my tolerance for the blonde bimbo and her two friends—that were equally out of place but much less aggravating—was wearing thin. Each time we stopped or Logan made a comment she was there, hanging on every word. Her roaming hands rubbed his arm or touched his hand when he rested it on the wood pens.

  It was driving me to a breaking point.

  I wasn’t jealous, really, but I was about to rip her manicured claws off him if she did it again. It was just him and me. You’d think she would assume he was my boyfriend unless…I winced. Logan was a six-foot-two Greek god and I was, well, me. No wonder she acted as if I didn’t exist. Next to him, I didn’t.

  Oh my God!” she squealed, hands flailing wildly in front of herself when one of the cows nudged her arms. I bit the inside of my lip, hard, seeing red when the little skank turned around and flew into Logan’s arms. She buried her head against his chest, her hands taking full advantage of having him in her grasp.

  With a shake of my head, I continued walking. Better to leave than say something I’d regret. I had no reason to be upset anyway. Good for Logan, she looked like an easy lay.

  Within seconds, Logan’s hand was folding around mine. I flinched, wrapped up in my own head.

  “I think the others aren’t too far ahead. Oliver probably has them stopping to stare at every moving creature,” he said as if nothing happened and it was completely normal to hold my hand. Did he really not feel the electric current his touch surged through me?

  With the raw irritation of the blonde still fresh and my feelings that were in no way justified, I pulled my hand away.

  “I was just going to get a bottled water. Stay here and I’ll catch up with you later.” I then leaned in and whispered, “She likes you, might as well have some fun.” I nudged my head back at the girl lingering behind us and turned to leave.

  His hand shot out grabbing my arm and pulling me back. He looked almost angry when he spoke. His voice gruff and stern, “I’m not interested in having fun with her, Cassandra. So if you want some water, I’ll go with you.”

  I tried to hide the smile tugging at my lips, my heart swelling despite my brain telling me not to read too much into it. With his hand on my back, where I secretly felt it belonged at all times, we turned back around and exited the barn.

  “Daddy!” Oliver called out. He was standing beside Jax and his nameless date. They were in front of an outdoor pen full of pigs.

  As we approached, Jax picked up a handful of straw laying on the ground and stuffed it down the back of Oliver’s coat. I stopped, pulling out my camera to snap a picture of the hilarious face Oliver made before he grabbed a handful and threw it at his uncle. I smiled, watching them as they abruptly stopped, exchanged a few hushed words between them, and then
ran toward Logan.

  Jax’s busty friend walked toward me giggling.

  “Hi, I’m Cassandra.”

  Her laughter died down and she smiled. “Marissa.”

  “So how long have you and Jax been seeing each other?”

  She grinned, turning to look back at him. Jax was dodging Logan’s attempts at throwing wet straw. “We met last night at a frat party.”

  “Oh.” I gave a tight uncomfortable smile. “Well, I’ve only met him one other time but he seems…fun.” It was how Logan described him originally, and watching Jax run around like a young boy, I could tell that he was definitely the playful one.

  She nodded, giggling. “Yeah, a lot of fun.”

  Definitely the type of girl I pictured Jax with.

  We stood for another moment laughing staring at the boys until she turned to fully face me. “So, you’re the girl Jax’s brother warned him about. You’re a lucky girl. Logan is gorgeous.”

  I cocked my head toward her, unsure how to respond, so I simply offered a small smile. Jax must have told her, but I wasn’t thrilled about being known as that girl.

  “I um…I guess. Seems like everyone’s making a lot of assumptions. Kind of silly considering Logan and I are just friends.”

  “That’s not how Jax explained it.”

  Both annoyed and semi-interested, I asked, “And how exactly did Jax explain it? That I was sleeping with his older brother?”

  “No, he told me you were a family friend and the first girl in a long time his older brother went out of his way for.” She shrugged. “Jax seemed pretty happy about it, and on the drive over Julia gave him the third degree about not scaring you off.”

  I sucked in my bottom lip to conceal my growing smile. “Well, like I said, we’re just friends.”

  She made a face, telling me she didn’t really care either way, and turned her attention back to the boys.

  Picture after picture I took of them and I couldn’t stop giggling the entire time. I’d never seen Logan like that before. He looked young, happy, and carefree. After dodging their handfuls of muddy hay, Logan raced after Oliver. The young boy was squealing with laughter when Logan snatched him up and dangled him over the pigs.


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