My Virgin Cowboy

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My Virgin Cowboy Page 2

by Sade Rena

  She follows my gaze, pushing her tits against me and guiding both hands to them, encouraging me to take a fistful. I do, wrapping my hands around them, amazed it takes both to cover one of them. Like many men, I love big boobs and can’t wait to put my face in between them.

  The room is black except for the dull illumination shining in from a recessed light outside her window. It’s low rays beaming off her deep brown skin, casting a dim glow around her. Why is she so beautiful? I lean down, planting kisses along the hem of her bra before making my way back up to her mouth. She resumes her previous goal and unhooks my belt, shoving my pants down around my thighs. Surprised and inspired, I grunt from the sudden movement. I lift a hand to her hair, gripping her thick curls, trying my damnedest to bring her closer to me.

  She strokes me once through my boxers, moaning as I thicken in her palm. My breaths quicken, and I tip my head back, breaking our embrace. I’ve never been this hard, this eager to have sex with anyone before. My excitement shows when beads of pre-cum soil my underwear. She notices it. I know because the moment the moisture touches her fingers, she makes eye contact with me and circles the tip, teasing me. My eyes shut, and I spread my legs while pressing my pelvic forward.

  The pressure builds in my loins, and I breathe rapidly to still my elation. It just feels so fucking good having her hands on my shaft. She’s still watching me when I open my eyes again, so I lean forward, bringing our foreheads together. I won’t last long if she keeps staring at me while she plays with my shit. Being here with her is already too much. Oh fuck. My dick jerks, pulling a groan from deep down in my gut.

  Breathe, Parker.

  When I think I have control over myself, she slips past the hole in the front of my boxers. Her palm is soft and warm. I sigh several times, knowing my balls are about to betray me. They clench as the need to cum pours through me.

  Come on, man. I growl. Don’t do me like this, I think. Not when she’s so ready for me to fuck her. Not when I need to fuck her. She tightens her hold and strokes me, stopping to massage the underside of my head.

  Why did you do that, Renee?

  I strengthen my grasp on her hip, my heart beating wildly from the tingles shooting down to my toes. She strokes me for the second time, squeezing at the base.

  “Shit, Renee,” I whisper, knowing that was it.

  That’s what sends me over the edge. My breath pours out of me, my back buckles though I fight to compose myself. It’s no use. She slides her hand up to the tip, and I release, shuttering against her shoulder. She stops, her hand remaining in place, except now it’s my full load coating her hand this time.

  Her chest stills. “Um—did you—finish?” She leans back to search my face.

  My head hits the wall, and I shut my eyes to take in as much oxygen as possible. After a beat, I open them to her, watching me in bewilderment.

  I cough to clear my throat. “Uh. Sorry. I—I’ve never done this before.” I squirm at my confession; sure, I ruined any chances of having sex with her now.

  She frowns. “You’ve never hooked up for a one-night stand before?” she scoffs, and I can tell she doesn’t understand me.

  I pull my pants up on my hips, curling forward a little. “No. I’ve never done it before.”

  Her eyes shoot open. “Wait.” She holds up a hand. “You’re a virgin?”

  I’m compelled to flee, to get as far away from her as possible. Hell, I’ll jump out the window if I can escape the devastation on her face.

  “Yeah. Sorry… I—I got really excited. You’re so hot, and your skin’s so soft. I—I was trying not to come. And I still want to fuck you,” I blurt. “Just give me a few minutes, and I’ll be ready.”

  She chuckles, her brows knitted together. “Wow,” she adds, bending over to pick up her top and slip it over her head.

  “What are you doing?” I frown. “I only need a minute-”

  She huffs, letting her arms fall to her side. “You should go, Parker,” she whispers, and I can’t tell if she’s sad or angry.

  “No. I want to do this.”

  She shakes her head. “You don’t want your first time to be with some random chick you met at a bar.”

  “Yes. I do,” I exclaim.

  “No, you don’t. Trust me, wait until it means something.” Renee grabs my shirt from the floor, pushing it into my grasp while forging me towards the door.

  “Can I at least have your number?” I question from the other side of the threshold.

  She bats her lashes before giving me an apologetic smile. “Listen, Parker. You’re sweet, and I am beyond attracted to you. But let’s forget about it. Thanks for the drinks.”

  Renee closes the door, not allowing me the chance to explain or counter her request to forget. The fact is I don’t want to forget, but I know when not to push my luck. God, I can’t believe I did that.

  When I reach the lobby, and on my way towards the exit, Chance calls my name. I turn, spotting him and the boys still at the bar.

  “Bro. What the hell? Why are you here and not fucking that girl?” he asks, his voice filled with agitation.

  “Man… I finished.” I lower my head, forcing myself to chuckle.

  “Oh. It’s cool. We all come quick when we get pussy for the first time. Go back up there and get in another round.” He pats my arm with his knuckles.

  The others agree, cheering me on to give it another go.

  “No. Like, I finished before we ever got started.” I nod with raised brows.

  “What?” he spits back into his beer bottle.

  “Dude. I came in her hand, damn.”

  “Okay, she gave you a hand job. That’s great, still don’t explain why you’re here and not there,” Wes adds.

  I turn away, embarrassed to repeat myself in a way they’ll understand. “She only stroked my dick twice before I blew my load.”

  They stare at each other and back to me, trying hard to conceal their laughter. But they fail and hover over, cackling at my expense.

  “Fuck all of you,” I bark and signal for the bartender to get me a Bud Light.

  “No, no, no. Okay. Be serious.” He slaps Wes’ thigh. “Stop laughing, man. It’s not funny,” he defends, even though he isn’t able to stop himself from doing the same. “Okay. So you were a little excited. It’s normal, don’t look all defeated. Ya just gotta convince her to give you another shot.”

  “She wouldn’t even give me her number.” I can’t help the laugh that escapes. As humiliating as it is, there’s no denying the hilarity of it all. They’ve been encouraging me to cross over to the dark side and have sex, and after all this time, I finally caved. First time out perusing for chicks, and I blow it with one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen.

  I down my beer, shake my head, and deal with all the ridicule they send my way. They aren’t the only ones disappointed; I’m mad myself right now as I replay the expression on her face. I guess it’s a good thing I’ll never see her again.

  Chapter Three


  I exit the car, toting the bottle of wine I picked up on the way over. Today’s Sunday, which means I’ll be having dinner with Leah and her new husband. I’m grateful too because I’ve yet to hit up the grocery store, and I’m beyond tired of takeout. That’s what the wine is for—a thank you to my friend for feeding me tonight.

  Plus, even though she told me not to bring anything, it’s kind of tactless to show up to a dinner invitation empty-handed. Before I can knock, the door opens, and there stands a smiling Leah.

  “Hey babe,” she beams.

  “Uh. Creepy much.” I give her the side-eye. “How did you know I was here?” I ask, stepping into her home.

  “Oh. We have cameras,” she answers, securing the lock behind me.

  I nod. “Makes sense.”

  She laughs, and I follow her inside. I’m impressed by the cozy vibe of the place. Leah’s always had great taste in decor, and I can see she’s incorporated much of her flare. Though th
e thick Texas vibe, undoubtedly thanks to Denton, remains. Oversized furnishings and a deer head grace the living room wall. This is the first time I’m visiting their place, so I take my time peeking at things along the way.

  “I love the house, babe,” I say, following close behind.

  “Thank you! I’m still trying to convince Denton to let go of some of his man decor, but he’s sentimental. I’m lucky he let me get new couches; the bedroom is all me, though.”

  I chuckle. “How many rooms?”

  She glances at me from over her shoulder. “Two. His brother built it a few years ago with a growing family in mind.”

  “That’s cool! And all this damn land, I’m surprised you hadn’t started an herb garden yet.”

  “It’s coming, trust, and believe. They’re building me a greenhouse—taking their sweet time doing it, but soon. We have way too many animals around to have an open garden. Once it’s finished, I’ll be out there a lot. For now, I have a tiny indoor area with a few potted herbs.”

  We hang a right into the kitchen where the delicious scent of the meal she’s prepared rushes my senses. My stomach growls in anticipation. Leah leads me toward the dining area.

  “Oh, I forgot to tell you. My brother-in-law is joining us tonight. You might remember him; he was in the wedding party,” she says over her shoulder.

  “Girl, the only person I remember is Denton, and that’s because he was the groom. Maybe when I see his face, it’ll ring a bell.”

  “It might.”

  When we reach the area, right off the kitchen, Denton is handing serving dishes to who I assume to be his brother. His back is to us, but I immediately find admiration in his strong, broad shoulders. Damn!

  “She’s here,” Leah exclaims. “And she brought my favorite wine.”

  “Renee. Glad you could make it.” Denton smiles with his arms out.

  I meet his embrace.

  “You remember my brother, right?” He stands next to me, holding a hand out toward this other guy.

  “He’s single,” Leah whispers loud enough for me and Denton to hear.

  Denton chuckles, and we both shake our heads. Leah’s nowhere near subtle. Never have been, never will be. I guess I should just be glad this guy didn’t catch her shenanigans.

  “Parker, you remember Leah’s best friend, don’t you?” Denton asks.

  Denton’s brother sits a serving tray full of baked chicken on the table. Dusting off his hands, he turns with a smile so bright, it’s blinding. But the moment his eyes land on me, he freezes like a deer in headlights. My words lodge themselves in my throat, and I match his wide-eyed stare.

  I can’t believe this. Of all people… him. They say the universe has your back, but right now—that hoe has betrayed me. I glance around the room, unsure if I should speak or run the hell away. It was an awful idea to listen to Leah. If I hadn’t, I wouldn’t be in this jacked up situation.

  Parker’s expression changes, and as if he recognizes my discomfort, he smiles. “No, sorry. I’ve heard a lot about you, though.” He extends a hand.

  I don’t accept it. I can’t. I should, but nothing moves, all I can do is blink and breathe.


  I feel Leah and Denton’s eyes on me while mine stays locked on Parker.

  Leah clears her throat. “Renee. You good?”

  I snap out of my daze, forcing a grin to my face. “Yeah, sorry. Nice to meet you,” I keep with his charade, still not shaking his hand.

  It’s so rude, but I don’t want to touch him. I can’t even think about how embarrassing this is. I almost slept with my best friend’s little brother. Well—brother-in-law, but brother nonetheless.


  How distracted was I at the wedding that I didn’t see the resemblance he has to Denton? They have their differences, but their facial features are uncanny. Or that’s why he looked so familiar, but the many drinks I had clouded my memory?

  Fuck, this is so bad.

  What do I do? What do I say? Do I say anything at all? Just breathe, Renee. No one knows but you. And considering he just pretended you hadn’t had your fingers wrapped around his dick a week ago, it doesn’t seem he wants them to find out.

  I inch toward the table, preparing to take a seat on the left side of it next to Leah, needing to put distance between him and I. But Denton stops me and uses his head to signal for me to take the chair beside Parker. I swallow hard, regretting my decision to come to this dinner. Something told me today would not be my best, but I shook the eerie feelings away, chucking it up to my nerves being in a bunch over living in a new place.

  Moving to small-town Coldbank is a new lease on life. No drama, only new beginnings, but clearly fate played me, because this is nothing but drama. Parker pulls the chair out for me, giving me a soft smile.


  He has dimples. I didn’t notice them before. God, why is he so freaking fine? I slide in, snagging the glass of wine before Leah finishes pouring it. I toss it back, barely swallowing before holding my arm out for her to top me off. She squints at me with confusion on her face as she heeds my request.

  “Are you okay?” she mouths.

  I shake my head, and with my eyes, tell her, “Hell no.”

  Denton picks up the chicken, passing it to me. “Since you’re our guest, you first.” He adds and loads my plate.

  After serving me, he does the same for Leah as we take turns grabbing a helping from the side items in front of us. I take another sip of my drink and push out a deep breath. Parker grips his fork and knife, his elbow brushing against mine when he rests them on the table. I flinch but am quick to regain my composure. I can do this. Nothing happened, hell maybe he doesn’t even recognize it’s me.

  Who am I kidding?

  I saw his shock when he turned around. He knows it’s me, just like I know it’s him. Lord, this is going to be a long night.

  Over the next few minutes, we eat, with me contributing no real input to the conversation. Parker hasn’t said much either, and honestly, I’m thankful. I don’t have words for him or the situation at hand.

  “That was delicious, baby,” Denton says, leaning back and patting his gut.

  “It was,” I add.

  “Amazing,” Parker says, us both speaking over each other.

  He glances at me, and I roll my shoulders in discomfort. He doesn’t turn away, just continues staring like he’s looking for something.

  “Thank you, glad you enjoyed it.” Leah wipes her mouth with a napkin. “How’s the house, Nay?”

  “Nay?” Parker quizzes while reaching for his wine.

  “Yeah. It’s a nickname I’ve called her for-”

  I snatch up my glass. “It’s a fixer-upper for sure,” I cut in, not wanting her to share any details with him. I don’t know why, it’s not a big deal. She’s not telling him my social security number or anything, just a cute pet name. So why am I so on edge?

  “How so?” Denton chimes.

  “For starters, I went to turn on the shower in the master bedroom, and no water came out of the showerhead. So, I cleaned it and decided just to have a soak. It is a nice spa tub. But then the water backed up in the boiler room,” I huff, my aggravation evident in the way I grip the glass.

  “That’s not good. You should let Parker check it, he’s good with that stuff,” Denton says.

  I wave him off. “No, I had a plumber come out and take care of it the other day.”

  “I wish you would have said something, babe. That had to be expensive,” Leah exclaims.

  “Yeah, but it was necessary. I mean, it’s an old house, and it was relatively cheap. It’s livable. There’s just a lot of work that I need to do. Mostly cosmetic, which I’m sure I can DIY.”

  They all speak at once, expressing their dislike in my plan.

  Parker leans over to me. “I don’t mind checking it out for you.”

  I swallow. “No, it’s fine. I can’t really afford to pay anyone right now. The major stuff, I’ll
get done one at a time and do everything else on my own.”

  Thankfully he doesn’t press the issue; neither of them does.

  “So, Denton, how has it been living with my girl full-time?” I tease with a smile.

  “Hmm. I want to know this,” Leah adds, her brows raise as she leans into her seat.

  “Ya just gonna to put me on blast?” He reaches for his beverage.

  Her mouth falls open. “What do you need a drink for? That should be easy for you to answer,” Leah says, her voice pitched high.

  “What, I’m just thirsty,” he laughs and holds out his empty hand.

  “Take your damn drink,” she spats, and I chuckle.

  God, they’re so cute. We wait for him to finish, the grin on my face noticeable.

  “Don’t laugh at his ass, Nay.”

  Denton smacks his lips, then leans in to answer my question. “I was parched,” he says, a hint of a chuckle lingers in his statement.

  We all laugh aloud.

  “It’s been great. You ladies use a lot of products, but it’s been amazing.”

  “Oh shut up.” She bumps him with her shoulder.

  “I’m serious.” He holds out a finger and begins a countdown. “There’s the cocoa butter, shea butter, soufflés, more butter, curlers, rollers, Eco Styler Gel—whatever the hell that is, head wraps, scarfs, Bantu knots-”

  “Bantu knots are a style, not a product,” we say together.

  “Whatever. It’s a lot of shit. But, it keeps her pretty, so I ain’t complaining.” Denton takes another sip.

  Leah laughs and wraps her arm around his neck, leaning in for a peck to his lips. “Aww. I appreciate you dealing with all my products, baby.”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you more.”

  They kiss again.

  “Get a room,” Parker jokes, his shoulders rattling when his brother flips him the bird.

  Leah pushes away from the table, picking up her and Denton’s empty plates. I follow her lead, taking mine and Parker’s before rushing into the kitchen after her. I’m only a few feet away when I hear the guys whispering to one another, but I decide not to worry about what may or may not have been said.


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