by Royal, Jade
“I know that you haven’t been sucking dick because your mouth only wants me, sweet girl.” I licked my lips. Master J’s hand wrapped around my throat and squeezed a bit. I saw stars momentarily, but it intensified my building orgasm. He leaned forward and stuck his fingers into my mouth. I sucked them automatically. My body began convulsing and I felt juices running down my leg.
“See, Lynn and Naomi could tell how good you and I are together, and they decided that their little stunt at the club wasn’t enough. They decided that when Naomi showed up to my house yesterday, she would blame you for her face, plant things in my studio and even try to get me to distrust my best friend. Marcus would never fuck you because he knows how much I want you to be mine.”
I moaned loudly, liking what he was saying a bit too much. He spanked me more and then spread my butt cheeks. I felt him slide deeper inside of me, making me gasp for air. I smacked the desk, begging for mercy, but he continued his assault.
“When I talked to Renee, she told me what happened that night. She told me how you stood up for us, and how Amy punched Naomi for saying things about Angelica. I’m sorry that you went through all of that. You have to understand that it was all a ploy to get us apart from one another. But as you can see, we’re so much better together.”
I nodded. He moved his fingers down to my clit and he pinched it hard. I almost came but he let go quickly. “Not yet, sweet girl.”
“Please, Sir.”
“That day at the photoshoot I was aroused but not because I wanted her. In my mind, it was all about you. I wanted sex, but she could never be you. That’s why I sent her away.”
I whined, understanding what he meant. He’d slowed his strokes and was teasing me to keep me on edge. It was smart because he didn’t know what I’d do once I was free. I leaned up and pushed against him. He spanked me again.
“Do you understand what I’m telling you, kitten?”
“No, Sir.” I did, but I wanted to hear him say it.
“You’re a horrible liar.” He began moving inside of me deeper, stroking me quicker, and pulling my hair while sliding into me. His.
“That even though you’re hurting and angry, you belong to me. They deserve whatever happens to them, but you and me, we’ll be just fine.”
Master J pounded into my soaking wet pussy relentlessly and the air rushed from my pouting lips. I couldn’t get enough of the way he took control over my body. It tightened drastically into a ball of lust that exploded. I heard a loud groan and opened my eyes to realize that it came from me. He was still moving inside of me, and my skin was on fire as I tipped the edge again. Master J used his free hand to hold my neck. I felt the pressure and fog covered my sight. I convulsed so hard that the sound of our bodies on the desk brought me back into the moment only to send me soaring as I came again. Pure darkness covered me in a warm blanket.
“Vanessa.” I heard Master J’s voice, and I searched for it.
“Sweet girl, come back to Daddy.” I groaned, wanting to stay where I was.
“Vanessa.” His voice was stern, and I fought to open my eyes to meet his. “Come on, baby, wake up for me.”
I struggled to open my eyes. Finally, I was able to see him. We were sitting in Professor Adams’ chair, and I was nestled in his arms. He’d used his jacket to cover me and it was warm. I leaned up to kiss him and Master J welcomed it, kissing me back.
“Are we good, little girl?”
I nodded.
“Good, then let’s eat. You need something in that hungry belly of yours.”
I sat up. I felt clean and attributed it to the napkins in the garbage can. Master J had also put back on my panties and pants while I was out. I stood up slowly and grabbed the food from the desk near the door. I brought it over and climbed back in his lap.
“That’s my good girl.” He kissed my forehead and then we ate in a comfortable silence.
Chapter 29: Vanessa
I woke up feeling all kinds of happy. It was the day of the Masquerade, also better known as “our big night.” I had completed my errands yesterday, so everything was as it should be. All I had to do was show up with the embroidered hankies, show off my gown, give a sexy performance in our performance clothes, and I was good. Well, that was partially true. I still needed to make a stop by Master J’s to get him to do my wrist gauntlets. I found rope to match my outfit for the Masquerade, and he promised that he would lace them before I got dressed.
I still hadn’t shown him my outfit because I wanted it to be a surprise. He said that it was unfair because he’d purchased it. He thought that modeling it was a part of the deal. Normally, I’d agree, but this was for a special occasion. However, he’d used the “sneaky Dom card” which I couldn’t trump. I’d planned to pay for my own clothes, but when I’d walked away to put something back on the rack, he’d paid the cashier. When I told her to void the transaction so that I could pay for it, she looked at him for confirmation. Sigh.
Payback was a bitch. I planned to look so irresistible tonight that I’d keep him on edge the entire time. Afterward, I’d be free to spend the weekend with him. I was looking forward to being used for all of his dirty needs.
Back to my day. I washed my hair so that I’d have fresh curls, and I double checked my bags to make sure that I had everything that I needed. The handkerchiefs were already in the car, so I just needed to get dressed so that I could make it through the first part of the day. I decided on a maxi dress that I’d just purchased recently, a denim jacket, and boots. I had to work half a day for Professor Adams. He’d given a test yesterday and needed to get them graded and back by Monday for the students to use for their midterms on Wednesday.
When I got to his office, I was still super excited until I saw the never-ending stack of composition notebooks sitting on his desk waiting to be graded. My heart lurched. I read the note that he’d left, sealing my fate. He was going to come and pick them up at 6 p.m. this evening. Not only did they need to be graded, they also needed to be entered into the electronic system. That was always a problem because the students never followed the correct format to identify themselves. I’d have to look them up by his courses and try to match them up. I sighed and tried not to throw something across the room. Breathe, chica. I sat down and opened the first journal, hoping that I’d be done in enough time to make the party at all.
I CLOSED THE LAST JOURNAL and rubbed my temples. All of them had been read, graded, and entered into the grading system. Time? I looked at my cell phone and groaned. 8:21 P.M.! Earlier, I’d called to inform Professor Adams that I wasn’t going to make his deadline. He told me to swing by his place with the notebooks because he couldn’t pick them up later. I still had to drive them to Professor Adams’ home, get ready, and be at the performance by 10 P.M. I made a decision to just go as I was and head to the dressing room immediately to get ready for the show. I’d put on my actual masquerade costume afterwards. I loaded everything into my car in record time and headed to Professor Adams’ house.
I arrived at the club at 9:35 P.M. and the troop was outside waiting for me. They all looked amazing in their masks and costumes. I handed everybody their handkerchiefs so that they could pass them to their respective Doms. I took out my bags and headed to the changing area. The club had been transformed into a beautiful Victorian setting. The gatekeeper was dressed as a servant with a gold and red mask on. Her hair was pinned high above her head, and she wore a corset which displayed her breasts nicely. She referred to everyone as Madam and Sir while handing out a program for the evening. They’d moved the dance troop back to 10:30, giving me a bit of extra time to prepare. There were decorations all over the place that transformed the Club’s main room into a ballroom from the 1800s.
When I put all of my things away, I unwrapped my handkerchief and read the embroidery, hoping that Master J would understand. I took a deep breath and found the courage to take a leap that wasn’t a part of my plan a few months ago.
Chapter 30: Danielle
My life was much different than I expected it would be. My brother Melvin was my guardian because my foster parents didn’t want to deal with a brand-new baby. I’d talked to Cindy, my foster mom, about that night in the woods but she thought that it was lie I was fabricating to cover my tracks. I wish that I did know who the father was because I’d kill him myself.
I thought about going to have an abortion, but I knew how my brother felt about that. There was only one thing left to do and that was to give the baby up for adoption. I knew that if something was wrong with the baby that the chances of somebody wanting it was slim. The least I could do was take care of myself while I was pregnant.
The pregnancy turned out to be better than I expected. Isabella was always by myside and she was the perfect godmother/baby daddy I could ask for. Of course, Tony wanted nothing to do with me anymore. He looked sad nowadays and even dropped out of all of his sports teams. I’d seen him hanging around in the “no zone” where all of the druggies spaced out in school.
Tony’s eyes looked haunted and when I’d tried to talk to him, he’d ignored me and proceeded to kiss the school’s whore. I was worried about him but had no idea how to fix it. His mother wasn’t exactly the world’s best mom if you knew what I mean. I couldn’t help but wonder if he’d been the demon that haunted me in the woods and maybe he felt sorry for it. The coach had kept the team later than normal for practice, but I had no way of knowing if Tony had stayed for the entire thing.
When I went into labor, I was afraid that the baby wasn’t going to come out looking like a demon. Maybe she would be possessed and everybody in the delivery room would sacrifice their spirits for hers. If I was to be possessed, Isabella needed to be present for it too.
When the baby was born, she was beautiful. I shouldn’t have looked at her. Never should have held her. My best friends should have never shed a tear to confirm just how precious she looked. She had to be of royal blood because she was dainty, and nothing seemed good enough for her. That’s why I named her Princess.
At first, Isabella laughed and told me that the name was silly, but it grew on her. The way that Isabella’s world seemed to be righted by Princess told me that I could never give her away. Maybe she could do that for me too.
A MONTH LATER, I WAS in the mall with Isabella, and pushing the stroller with Princess inside. A bunch of guys rounded the corner and walked up to Isabella and me. They stopped just in front of us and parted so that someone could get through. I gasped when I recognized the guy. Isabella and I exchanged knowing glances but kept our mouths closed.
“Where’ve you been?” He asked.
“What kind of question is that?” I asked.
“I haven’t seen you in our spot since that day.”
“Our spot?” I looked at Isabella and she shrugged her shoulders.
“I hope you aren’t talking about the bus stop.” She interjected.
“Where else would I be talking about? That’s where we fell in love.”
I snickered and turned my head to hide my laughter.
“That’s where we met, isn’t it?”
At first, I thought it was funny that he’d think that something like that was real. But his serious face never wavered. He then gripped my arm and hauled me into a corner. Isabella tried to interject but the group of guys that he was with stepped up and cut off the path to me. They looked even crazier than he did. There he gave me a cell phone and told me to carry it with me all the time. Wanting him to leave me alone, I’d said OK.
The next day, I’d left it at home and he’d found me after school with that crazed look on his face. He threatened me, and I swore that he’d cash in on all his demented promises. Isabella hadn’t been with me, so the terror dug deep and didn’t let go. I didn’t have her strength to draw from, and I’d wondered what had stopped him from punishing me in that moment, because he looked like he wanted to make me suffer from the hell I’d put him through to find me.
“Answer your phone tonight. I need to make sure that you kept it.” He said before walking away from me.
When that phone rung, he’d only listened to me breathe through the phone. That happened several times, but I’d learned from it. As long as I carried the phone, and answered when he called, he never showed up or grew angry.
I answered the phone and there was the normal silence. I didn’t think anything of it until I heard him whispering into the phone.
“Shh... get down, get down!”
I frowned, thinking that I’d misheard him.
“Shh... they’re coming!”
I looked around the room paranoid, and wondering, not the first time, what was wrong with him.
“Get down, get down!” he whispered harshly.
My eyes widened as I heard what sounded like gunshots before sirens whirled in the distance.
“Fucker!” He shouted.
I gasped and hung up the phone. What had just happened? The phone rang, and I stared at the display screen as his number flashed repeatedly. He called continuously, and all through the night. I never answered. I was too terrified to. I didn’t know what would happen tomorrow and I sure as hell didn’t know what he’d say or do if I answered the phone.
I dreamed of him crawling through my window and beating me until I answered that damn phone. I also dreamed of him sitting on the side of my bed, watching me sleep. He never said a word, he just watched, and it was the only thing that I could see in the dark. Needless to say, I didn’t sleep much that night, but I knew that I had to go to the police to let them know what was going on.
In the morning, Isabella had talked me into telling my brother everything. She was right. It was time to end this crazy thing, whatever it was.
Chapter 31: Jamar
I checked my watch again and wondered about Vanessa’s whereabouts. She’d kept me updated about her dilemma with the school internship. I knew that she’d left over an hour ago, and I was concerned. A servant walked by, and I grabbed a glass of champagne to help take the edge off. I wanted something stronger, but it was off limits tonight via the house rules. Mistress X was our Mistress of Ceremonies, and very much like her submissive, she was punctual. The night was running smoothly with the different types of entertainment provided. I had to admit to having fun, but I wanted Vanessa by my side to enjoy it with her.
“Master J.” I turned to see Lynn standing near.
“Lynn.” I nodded to her, not wanting her around at all. I had to fight the urge to spank her for all her faults, but that could be never-ending. I didn’t mean anything erotic. Something old fashioned. She needed a good spanking that involved a switch picked by my grandmother. Rest her soul.
“Lord Majesty wanted me to ask if you would monitor his scene?”
“Right now?” I asked.
“No, later after the troop performs.”
“Sure. Have him find me.” I looked away from her, dismissing anything else that she had to say. She seemed to want to say more, instead she walked away. Hopefully, Lynn understood that I wasn’t interested.
“Hello there, handsome.”
I turned to see Vanessa nervously looking at me. She was a sight for sore eyes. She was still casually dressed which probably meant that she was just arriving. I walked over to her and grabbed the back of her head, sliding my hands through her curls. Her breathing increased. Panting. She lowered her eyes to my lips, waiting for my next move. I slowly tilted her head back, and she closed her eyes in anticipation. After a bit, she whined and opened her eyes to look at me. That’s when I leaned in to seal the act. I devoured her lips and took more than my fill of her. She met each stroke of my tongue and lips as I tried to drain the air from her soul. When I finally pulled away, it was out of necessity. I was far from done with her.
“Mmm... thank you, Sir.”
Vanessa closed her eyes, savoring the moment. She nuzzled my hand and placed a kiss in my palm. Though there was nothing sexual about the action, it sho
t straight to my groin, creating an arousal so intense that I forgot about everybody else in the room. It was sweet like her and I loved it. Vanessa was becoming more affectionate with me and letting me pass the boundaries she held up for so long. If she wasn’t careful, we were both going to be head over heels with one another. Surprisingly, I was alright with that.
“Will you still make my gauntlets, Sir?” She held up the rope and pleaded with her eyes.
I groaned, having forgotten all about her performance. I’d promised her that I would. I knew how much this whole thing had come to mean to her, therefore it was important to me. I kissed her lips quickly and led her to a corner where I had plenty of room to work. I pulled out the rope cutter from the bag that she’d supplied and got to work. Ten minutes later, I’d managed to web the rope through her fingers to add some femininity to her gauntlets. They were beautiful, and even if she didn’t make it through the night wearing them, I’d have to do it again and photograph them.
Vanessa kissed me quick and kneeled before me. I raised an eyebrow and watched as she handed me a piece of cloth. I opened it and read it silently. I was more than speechless at the words that were embroidered. I looked at her, and before I could speak, she stood and backed away. She shook her head slowly with her finger to her lips disappearing into the crowd. I stood, rereading the words and wanting to go after her at once. It took a lot for me not to chase her. I trusted my girl, so I’d wait, but it was the hardest damn thing I’ve ever done.
“You’ve been got too, huh?” I looked up to see Howard standing a few feet away.