by Yakov Merkin
Ashmouth, the: The mythical being Daeris believe to be the source of the Flame, and their species.
Atheneum Alpha: A large information and document storage station at the edge of Alliance space. The station attracts many researchers and students of all levels, who seek out an isolated place to conduct research. The presence of many rare documents and relics also attract researchers who wish to more authentically interact with their subject of study. The station also provides both short and long-term living spaces and services for its occupants.
Baelar: A heavily populated Imperial world, which supplies a notable percentage of the Empire’s basic foodstuffs, in addition to housing a number of major education institutions, Baelar is primarily non-Revittan in population, with Svetorans and Diraas being the largest in number. Historically, the world was originally colonized by Svetorans, and remained independent for a long time, due to pacts with numerous interplanetary factions, before its absorption into the Empire. Curently, following the Empire’s more oppressive turn over the last several decades, the planet, while maintaining a local president, is truly administered by an Imperial governor, making sure that its majority non-Revittan population stays in its place. As one might expect, there is little affection for the Empire among many of Baelar’s inhabitants.
Bannets: A short, amphibious species native to the Denoth system. The Bannets are relatively new to both the galactic scene and the Alliance, but have taken steps to becoming a contributing member of the Alliance, and have a number of their species serving as Scions.
Black Claw Squadron: One of the most elite fighter squadrons in the Tyrannodon Ascendancy’s fleet.
Bondar System/Daukar: A system just outside the Alliance center, the Bondar system has two inhabited worlds, the more significant being Daukar and its several moons. On the planet is the Alliance military’s massive Solas Research and Development Facility, and around its moons house just over thirty percent of the Legion Navy’s shipyards.
Border Outpost Four: One of several small Galactic Alliance outposts on the border with the Revittan Empire.
Ciraton System: A system not far from the Alliance center, it has three heavily inhabited worlds and is home to numerous Alliance species, though it was originally a Tehlman system.
CommNet: The public communications/information network in Alliance space.
Conqueror-class battleship: The Conqueror-class is the backbone of the mighty Imperial Revittan Navy, the largest and most advanced ship in wide service in the fleet. The Conqueror was designed to be capable of keeping order essentially on its own, and is heavily armed enough to single-handedly take on numerous opposing craft, between its own firepower and its large starfighter complement.
Corpeiternis: The Reizan’Tvay name for the parts of their body made from an indestructible, metal-like organic material. Upon death, they are generally given to a close friend or relative that the Reizan’Tvay had previously selected.
Corseden System/Raonden/Kalisene: A core Alliance system, the Corseden system only has one inhabited planet, Raonden, but that world’s moon, Kalisene, is a major Legion Navy supply base, and the Legion Navy has a significant administrative and training facilities on both the planet and the moon.
Crihal: A popular alcoholic beverage among Felinaris.
Custoratis: One of two intelligent species native to the unnamed, hollow world. They are a hairless species that is generally tehlmanoid in shape, with slightly pointed ears and coal black skin. Their bodies also feature numerous patterns that glow a bright white, and the tops of their heads are covered in a bony crest. Their eyes have a similar bright, white luminescent glow to their skin patterns. They are, on average, smaller than their Custorellatus counterparts, but are more likely to be able to have energy manipulation abilities that allow them to use lightcasters and similar devices. Additionally, they have the capability to learn languages simply by listening to it for a period of time, and are generally reserved, empathetic, helpful, and diplomatic. Like the Custorellatus, they have developed to subsist primarily on the substance known as sibrus.
Custorellatus: One of two intelligent species native to the unnamed, hollow world. They are generally tehlmanoid in shape, with sharply pointed ears and ivory colored skin, on which there are vivid, almost glowing black patterns, and their eyes are this black color as well. Black hair grows along the center of their heads, bordered by small, bony points. Also, bony plates protect their forearms and lower legs. Custorellatus are, on average, larger than their Custoratis counterparts, and, while not stupid, are more blunt and to the point. Additionally, while they reproduce slowly, they also age at a slower rate, and are capable of recovering fully from even grievous wounds, but are far less likely to be able to use the energy manipulation involved in the use of lightcasters and other devices. Members of the species are generally insular, protective, and touchy. Like the Custoratis, they have developed to subsist primarily on the substance known as sibrus.
Cytan System/Cytan, Critar: The Cytan system, the home system of the crystalline Cytan species, lies on the edge of Alliance space. While it and its two inhabited worlds, Cytan and Critar, are still not the most well known, being relatively newer Alliance members, their abundance of rare and valuable minerals and breathtaking vistas have steadily made the system more of player in the Alliance.
Cytans: Cytans are a bipedal, crystal-based life form. Their exterior is a very hard bluish crystal, with no apparent orifices, protecting their few soft internal organs. Besides the bluish crystal, Cytans emit a colored glow from their eyes and from within, including red, green, and white. In the past, this determined their social class, and still plays a role in such things to this day, but to a lesser extent. This glow naturally brightens when a Cytan feels a strong emotion, but they can train to control this, to a certain extent.
Dealanis Station: A large, but abandoned space station, originally built near the edge of Galactic Alliance space by colonists. However, as the area became more crime-ridden, the colonies, and the station, were abandoned. More recently, the derelict station has been used for storage, hiding out, and holding meetings by various criminal elements.
Daeris: The Daeris are a bipedal species, sharing many general features with Tehlmans and others. Their skin, however, is extremely tough and leathery, and usually some shade of red or orange, as are their eyes. Daeris are also known for the pair of distinctive, curved horns atop their head. Additionally, they have the unique ability to creature and eject a chemical-based flame from their bodies, and, are extremely resilient to heat. They have a reputation for being quick to anger, and tend to have a black and white sense of justice. Due in large part to the events of the Daeris Uprising, they are not seen in high regard amongst other members of the Alliance.
Daeris uprising: A short-lived by extremely destructive conflict that took place twenty years ago. An influential group of Daeris extremists, claiming that the Alliance was politically marginalizing them, riled up their people and launched at assault on the unprepared Alliance core worlds, inflicting extreme amounts of destruction before the Legion Navy fully mobilized and pushed the Daeris back to their homeworld and occupied it. The Alliance then oversaw a restructuring of the Daeris government, and practically dismantled their military, allowing only a minimal defense fleet containing only smaller ship classes.
Dar/Dal: Standard honorifics among most citizens of the Alliance, used in the same manner as Mr./Mrs. (or Ms.) in English.
Darvian Conflict: The Felinaris name for their most recent conflict with the Darvian League, some ten years ago. The conflict began when the Darvians ambushed a Felinaris outpost, killed most of the soldiers stationed there, and held the survivors hostage, demanding territorial concessions and prisoner releases from the Felinaris. The Felinaris responded with limited commando raids, and there were several significant fleet engagements, but the conflict was resolved in favor of the Felinaris before it became a full-on war.
Darvian System/Darvia: The Darvian system, which
contains four inhabited worlds, is the home system of the Darvians, the seat of power of the Darvian League, which also includes numerous colonies in nearby, otherwise uninhabited systems that are not Alliance members. While not a core Alliance system, it is often considered one regardless, due to the central role the Darvians have taken in the Galactic Alliance despite still maintaining their own powerful military force. It relative proximity to Felinar has historically led to many conflicts with the Felinaris, and the Darvian League played a major role in ousting the Felinaris from the Alliance not long ago.
Darvians: Darvians are a large, broad, bipedal species. They have extremely thick and armored skulls, shaggy hair, and carapaced mouths that almost look like a mechanical device. Darvians, as one of the most significant and prolific (if not as widespread as Tehlmans) races in the Alliance, can be found on most Alliance worlds. They have a reputation of being extremely stubborn and combative, but are still often found in “quieter” professions.
Davreii: An unsettled Imperial world near the area known as Dullok space, Davreii houses a large Imperial outpost and supply facility, serving to keep an eye on the Dullok crime cartels and assist military operations in the area.
Deep Space Outpost Three: A larger, Galactic Alliance military installation near the border with the Revittan Empire, but deeper inside Alliance space than the border outposts.
Denoth System: The Denoth system, which has three highly inhabited worlds, is the Bannet home system. Due to unusual orbits of the planets in this system, each of its inhabited worlds has a part of their solar year become nearly uninhabitable, and as a result all inhabitants of these worlds are concentrated in specific areas where retractable domed protective enclosures have been constructed to allow civilization to continue largely unimpeded.
Detsak: Felinari word for justice.
Deverez I: A harsh, uninhabited world near the edge of Galactic Alliance space, in a crime-ridden area. Apart from some pirate hideouts, there are no settlements of any kind on the planet.
Dilorei: A world that has been inhabited for some time, but only significantly developed within the last few decades, as Dilorei’s strategic location by Imperial High Command. It has since become a major military center, with a major naval base, numerous training facilities, and, at the time of the start of the war with the Galactic Alliance, there were plans drawn up—but not yet carried out—for the world to become a sort of fortress world which, when combined with the nearby Firebloom Station, would serve as a bulwark against any invasion from the sector of the galaxy currently containing the Galactic Alliance.
Diovar: A tropical world near the border between the Revittan Empire and the Stalleen People’s Republic, Diovar is most well known as a military training facility at which much of the Imperial Trooper Corps is trained, as well as new agents of the Imperial Revittan Security Service (IRSS).
Diraas: Over recent decades, the tall, smooth skinned, glowing-eyed, mouthless Diraas have become an increasingly more common sight across, the Empire, most often working in agricultural and scientific fields. Diraas are a plant-based life form, and derive sustenance from a combination of sunlight, airborne chemicals, and moisture in the air. Additionally, they communicate via with non-Diraas by telepathic projection. All members of the species have some level of telepathic ability, ranging from very basic to the extremely powerful, and some manifest additional abilities, though this is rare. The few Diraas who became members of the Noalii Guardians were among the most powerful in its history, between their natural abilities and their use of the Shift. They are also the only non-Revittan species to possess a defense fleet of any significance, though at the present time, due to a deal made with the Empire in exchange for greater autonomy on their worlds, it is largely grounded and inactive. Secretly, the Diraas provide a great deal of support for the growing rebellion, primarily in the area of equipment.
Disruptor pistol: A handheld disruptor weapon, a weapon type that, due to its destructive potential and being particularly nasty when used against organics targets, is illegal for civilian ownership, and even most militaries voluntarily choose not to employ such weapons because of this and because they are less stable than more standard plasma or particle weapons, and more prone to malfunction and overloading.
Dorandor: The capital world of the Galactic Alliance, the only significantly inhabited world in the Konvot System, but the system name is rarely used. Dorandor was originally one a Tehlman colony world, which was then opened to interstellar trade. Its central location among various intelligent species that had trade and political relationships made it the obvious choice for capital of the Alliance when it was founded. Today, Dorandor houses all central government offices of the Alliance, and has also grown into the primary trading hub of the Alliance.
Dorishak: The founder of the Felinaris religion. He is considered to have been the first Felinaris to communicate with the Omnipresent.
Dullok: The dominant species of a corner of space allegedly under Imperial dominion, the Dullok in fact rule numerous worlds with an iron fist, and oversee vast criminal empires that even operate inside Imperial space. And while they often come into conflict with Imperial law, they have a sizeable enough fleet of ships that the Empire has elected not to pursue the large-scale operation necessary to properly take control—and, according to many, the Empire tacitly cooperates with the Dullok crime lord, purchasing goods ranging from precious metals to slaves from them, in exchange for looking the other way when Dullok-run smugglers run afoul of Imperial law. The Dullok themselves are a very large, powerful people, possessing great strength and durability, and, thanks to their three pairs of eyes, have a very wide range of vision, making them a species that absolutely should not be tangled with in direct combat.
Durram: The common currency throughout Alliance space. Some systems maintain a local currency as well, but almost all establishments accept payment in durrams.
Duster: General term for terrestrial hover vehicles. Term usually reserved for civilian vehicles.
Eagle’s Talon: The personal ship of the smuggler Jahl Naro, the Eagle’s Talon is a modified TX-1700 Transport, a fairly common ship among private contractors for cargo hauling, personnel transport, along with less than legal activities. The Eagle’s Talon in particular has been heavily modified, with improved weapons, shielding, and hyperdrive, and has, in certain circles, acquired a reputation. Whether that reputation is a positive or negative one, depends on who you ask.
Ebborites: A large, quadrupedal species found in Revittan Empire space, the Ebborites have come to play a major role in the growing rebellion, likely because as a species so clearly different from the dominant Revittans they have been subjected to more discrimination in recent years.
Ehnai ahevai turah/Ehnai aheva turakh: Lit: “I love you,” in Felinari. The first form is how it would be spoken to a female, the latter to a male.
Ehran System/Tsarfaut/Moirez: The Ehran system currently only has one inhabited planet Tsarfaut, which is a Tehlman colony world, and one of the newest systems to have received Alliance membership. Tsarfaut has a single, desolate moon called Moirez.
Eletran System: The Eletran system was the last of what are currently considered the Galactic Alliance’s core systems to join the Alliance. After the Alliance’s near-collapse during the Talvostan Invasion, however, the strategic value of the Eletran system became apparent, and a joint venture was launched by Tehlman, Nihluran, Kareben, and Kanor elements to colonize the system’s four inhabitable worlds. Over time, due in part to its location, the system became a key Alliance member in its own right, with its diverse inhabitants eventually all identifying more strongly with their fellows in the Eletran system than their more distant governments, thus establishing the system as an independent member of the Alliance. It remains one of the few Alliance systems to maintain its own sizeable fleet, though it utilizes much of the same technologies and ship designs as the Legion Navy.
Elledas: While now considered a major Imperial world, with
an almost entirely Revittan population and being one of the Empire’s foremost economic and technology development centers, Elledas was once, in fact, the capital of one of the then young Empire’s foremost rivals, the Kingdom of Syllune, and the site of many fierce and bloody battles. Once the kingdom was overtaken by the Empire, no time was wasted in rebuilding Elledas, and it is currently one of the Empire’s most important worlds.
En-ozar Felikhan: Lit: Strength be with you, warrior. Felinaris military expression, used in similar places as good luck, or G-d be with you. The phrase has religious roots, but in practice is secular.
Executor Wing: Executor Wing is the most elite fighter wing in the Tyrannodon navy. Fighter wings are made up of numerous distinct fighter squadrons, and can be deployed as a singular large force or as individual squadrons.
Fayren: A moon near the Empire’s edge, Fayren is the only location in its system capable of supporting life, and is, in fact a very lush planet. Home to the Imperial archives and data center, it is considered by many to be among the best postings military personnel can be assigned to.
Feli: Felinari for God, usually translated as the Omnipresent.
Felikhai: Lit. Soldier of the Omnipresent. Felinari word for Felinaris soldier.