A Shifting Alliance (Galaxy Ascendant Book 3)

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A Shifting Alliance (Galaxy Ascendant Book 3) Page 38

by Yakov Merkin

  Khados: Felinari word for holy.

  Khai: The Felinari word for soldier. Also used in compound words, such as Felikhai, which literally means “soldier of the Omnipresent.”

  Khar: Felinari word for person, though in some contexts, such as part of their name for their homeworld, Felikhar, khar can also mean place, with Felikhar meaning “Place of the Omnipresent.” Plural is kharis, as in the native name of their species, Felikharis.

  Khatf lassh: Felinari for “open fire.”

  Kheraki: Felinari expletive, used as insult. E.X. "You kheraki scum!" (Plural: kherakil)

  Khiel: Felinari word for air, sky.

  Khielvas: Lit. Chosen of the sky. Name of the Royal Felinaris Navy’s elite naval commando unit.

  Khiya il’Felisihu, khyia il’Felikhar. K’elat pakid, Srei Felitzva: Lit: My life for the Omnipresent, my life for Felinar. It is yours to command, Grand Admiral. Felinaris military oath, considered one of the most powerful one can make.

  Khor: Felinari word for runner.

  Khoshekh: Shuraf mount of Admiral Felivas Kharitzon.

  Khoshekh: Lit: Night runner.

  Kirat, battle of: One of the opening battles in the Arlakken Crisis. It is most notable for the fact that the battle, which occurred following an ambush of an Imperial delegation attempting to broker an end to the disagreement that had sparked the crisis, led to the death of several Noalii Guardians; the most ever lost in a single day prior to the purge more than a decade later.

  Kival: Felinari word for electronic.

  Kival Gizal: Lit. Electronic infiltration. The name of the Royal Felinaris Navy’s elite electronic warfare/sabotage combat unit.

  Kref: Common Revittan expletive. Active form: Kreffing. Used in similar manner to “vahok,” and the Felinaris “vahk.’

  Kset: Lit: Gathering. Felinari name for houses of prayer; used for all prayer houses, from massive, elaborate ones to small, ad-hoc places of prayer, such as those on some warships.

  Lancer-class cruiser: The Lancer, like its sister ship class, the Marauder, is an advanced, new Imperial Revittan ship designed with fast, brutal attacks in mind, relying on a combination of new shield-draining weapons and powerful kinetic energy penetrators; once a target’s shields are drained, the kinetic energy weapons can make short work of most armors. As opposed to the Marauder, the Lancer doesn’t sacrifice in the area of protection, and is designed to work more in line with the older ships classes in a specialist role, to target and eliminate key enemy vessels during a larger battle, though it is still more than capable of engaging adversaries in a more traditional manner.

  Legion Navy: Official, centralized military force of the Galactic Alliance. Majority Tehlman, but members of all Alliance races serve and contribute. Has taken the place of individual systems’ defense fleets, though some still maintain their own, independent military force.

  Letag: A mid-level Custoratis military rank, roughly equivalent to lieutenant.

  Licai: One of the three Nihluran deities, and most commonly associated with life, adventure, and levity.

  Lightcaster: Metal and leather devices worn by some Custoratis warriors, that allow them to channel energy into damaging blasts.

  Lohav: Felinari word for sword.

  Longclaw-class assault frigate: Once the backbone of the Felinaris fleet, the aging Longclaw-class frigates are still a major component of the fleet, and serve in a number of roles. While they are still classified as a frigate, and are of a size more in line with that class, the upgraded Longclaws, with their heavier anti-capital ship weapons, can almost as easily a light cruiser; especially variants equipped with the latest weapon and shielding upgrades. In line with the Felinaris military ethos of speed and maneuverability being vital, the Longclaw-class can outpace and outmaneuver any ship of equivalent size, and even some smaller vessels, while packing more of a punch than would be expected of a ship of its size. Notably, Felinaris Admiral Felivas Kharitzon prefers his old but reliable Longclaw-class ship the Swift Strike, rather than newer, larger vessels such as the Felinar-class. So long as they’re compatible with newer technology and regularly upgraded, the Longclaw-class is expected to be a major part of the fleet for the foreseeable future.

  Maklet III: A backwater planet on the fringes of Imperial space, Maklet III, while capable of sustaining life, has no permanent settlements. For a time there was a mining operation on the planet, but the project was abandoned after only a few years. More recently, the still intact facility was used as the center of operations for the Free People’s Alliance, taking advantage of the relatively isolated location.

  Marai Vas: Lit. Chosen of the sea. Name of the Royal Felinaris Navy’s aquatic commando unit.

  Marauder-class destroyer: An advanced Imperial ship, a fairly new design, which did not appear at the Battle of the Hollow World. Like its sister ship class, the Lancer, the Marauder is equipped with new energy draining weapons that are particularly effective at stripping the shields of opposing warships. The class’s primary offensive weapons, magnetically accelerated kinetic energy penetrators, are designed to be used in conjunction with this newer technology, to use the kinetic energy weapons shred enemy armor after shields are drained—the kinetic energy weapons being more effective against armor than shielding. As opposed to the Lancer, the Marauder is what many would consider a glass cannon, with an offensive focus, sacrificing shield power and armor for additional firepower.

  Masibus: Custoratis military rank, roughly equivalent to that of captain.

  Maviiri Detsak: Lit: The bringers of justice. Name of Grand Admiral Nayasar Khariah’s team formed to assassinate those involved in the Selban Massacre.

  Maviiri: Felinari word meaning “the bringers of,” or, more simply, “the bringers.”

  Melliore System: The Melliore system is the Nihluran home system, and contains three highly inhabited worlds; largely by Nihlurans, though a fair number of others have made the system home as well. The combination between the Nihluran love for new experiences and the system’s distance from the center of Alliance regulations makes it a highly trafficked system.

  Menan: Felinari word for loyal.

  Metran System/Venariss II: The Metran system was originally a Tehlman colony world, but over time it became an economic and industrial center, with residents from almost all Alliance races. Only one world in the system, Venariss II, has enough inhabitants to be considered an official Alliance member, the other two worlds in the system are large manufacturing and industrial centers, and have a fair amount of permanent inhabitants, mainly workers and their families.

  Mier: Felinari word for claw.

  Miraelo: One of three Nihluran deities, and considered the senior-most of the three, most often associated with leadership, diplomacy, and strength.

  Moktysin System: The Moktysin system, the Kareben home system, contains two highly populated worlds, along with numerous less densely populated planets and moons. While it is near the edge of Alliance space, the Moktysin system very much follows Alliance law to the letter. As a result, and due to the native Karebens’ empathic and lie detecting abilities, the system has a reputation as a very peaceful paradise.

  Molvin Region: A region in the hollow world, on the outer edge of Custoratis territory.

  Myqar: An amphibious species found in Imperial space, the Myqar, whose influence is currently minimal, maintain the distinction of having been the first species in the region to develop hyperspace travel. And for a long time, they were the dominant power in the area, and a major rival to the Revittan Empire. Absorbed into the Empire after their defeat, hard feelings have persisted, and while the species have found a place for themselves in the Empire. From a physical standpoint, the Myqar are easily recognizable by their blue-gray skin, webbed hands, finned head, and large eyes. Having evolved and developed as a primarily underwater-dwelling species, they have above average strength and keen eyesight, even in near-total darkness.

  Nayasar: Lit: Shining star.

  Naya: Felinari wo
rd for star.

  Nekessian: A serpentine species native to the edge of Imperial space the Nekessians have a long and violent history in regard to the Empire, and Revittans in general. For many years, when the Empire was much younger and smaller, the then more violent and ideologically repressive species was a major adversary. Nearly a century after their defeat, and following major societal reforms, the Nekessians were integrated into the Empire, which itself was then much more pluralistic. Currently, they are seen throughout the Empire in various professions, despite increasing Revittan repression of other species. Nekessians are, on average, three meters in length from head to tail, and despite their size, can maneuver quite quickly and effectively on their tails. On their upright torsos, they have four arms, and in their mouths they have a pair of long fangs capable of injecting a venom whose effect and potency the individual Nekessian can consciously regulate. Their sense of smell is unparalleled among species within the Empire, and the rest of their senses are superior to those of most others.

  Night’s Grasp-class: A new class of stealth infiltration vessels in the Royal Felinaris Navy. The prototype, the Harbinger, was first used for the Maviiri Detzak assassination missions during the Tyrannodon War.

  Nihlurans: The Nihlurans are one of the most widespread species in the Alliance, second only to the Tehlmans. This is due in large part to their higher reproductive rate. However, due to this, and their unique reproductive focus, many Nihlurans spend significant portions of their life seeking new experiences, often moving from place to place, leading to their civilization as a whole not quite reaching the same level of advancement and influence as the Tehlmans and others. That said, the species’ reputation of being lackadaisical, flighty, and ruled by baser instincts are not quite fair.

  Nirassil System: The Nirassil system, located near the edge of Imperial space, consists of four worlds, none of which are innately inhabitable, but which contain a wealth of natural resources. As a result, there are several settlements, all closely overseeing by Imperial authorities, which are centered around mining operations. Additionally, the system houses one of the largest Imperial shipyards, which both houses ship construction facilities as well as repair facilities. The workforces in the system include numerous Imperial species, but are completely controlled and overseen by the Imperial Navy, which maintains a very heavy presence there.(has major shipyards)

  Noalii Guardians: For centuries an order of paramilitary peacekeepers, the Noalii Guardians, the only organized group known to manipulate the Shift, are now virtually extinct, following a sudden purge on the order of the Emperor of the Revittan Empire—ending many years of close cooperation between the Noalii and the Empire. Officially, they were purged due to growing abuses of power, and their posing a threat to Imperial order. However, there are many who—quietly—doubt the official explanation.

  Odiress System/Ilias: The Odiress system, with three inhabited worlds, including Ilias, is a fairly minor Alliance system. Originally one of several Nihluran colonies, the lush world of Ilias soon gained a reputation as a place worth visiting, and Ilias and its sister worlds, Viras and Levis, have become major cultural centers.

  Omnipresent, the: The Standard name of the Felinaris deity, who they believe to be not only omnipresent, but also omnipotent and omniscient. According to their beliefs, everything, from living beings to stars to occurrences, stem from the Omnipresent.

  Ozar: Felinari word for strength.

  Pact, the: The agreement made between the Gurshen Collective and the Revittans Empire, following the stalemate caused by the Awakening War. In brief, the Pact ensures Gurshen are granted the same rights as all other sentient species within the Empire, and guarantees severe punishment for any harm done to them—enforced, in part, by the introduction of the life signal. In return, the Gurshen pledged to follow Imperial law to the letter, and to be loyal to the Empire, in addition to swearing off the use weapons or violence, except in a situation where they are actively in danger of destruction. The Pact also set up the basic systems to allow for Gurshen employment in all areas of Imperial life.

  Praesidium System: The Praesidium system is one of the systems making up the Talvostan Union, though it was the most recent added to the Union, and the least industrialized. As a result, its three primary worlds have become a cultural an agricultural center for both the Union and the Alliance as a whole.

  Prikeps: A mid-level Talvostan military rank, roughly equivalent to 1st lieutenant or commander.

  Querelas: Despite being far from the Imperial center and right near the border with the Galactic Alliance, Querelas is an old, important and well-populated Revittan world. Originally settled for its rich mineral deposits and those in a nearby asteroid field, those resources were depleted long ago, but as it was such a highly developed world, and due to the Empire’s expansion, it retained its importance as a cultural center and now, as the world with the highest standard of living on the edges of the Empire.

  Raider-class assault ship: The mainstay of the tiny Daeris navy, the small Raider-class assault ships, which are equipped with minimal life support, are designed to get in close range to engage enemy craft at point-blank range, and to deliver boarding parties—which often consist of much-feared Daeris berserkers. In recent times, they have operated—with great success—almost exclusively against pirates and other criminals, but their value was clear to Tyrannodon Executor Darkclaw, who has made plans to use the Raider-class ships in the Galactic Alliance’s war against the Revittan Empire.

  Ranivantum: The capital world of the Talvostan Union, Ranivantum has, both because it is the primary world of arguably the most powerful single faction of the Galactic Alliance, and thus one of the most heavily protected, and because it is so close to Dorandor, a political and military center of the Alliance. Despite being very much a part of general Alliance activity, however, Ranivantum is very much a Talvostan world, and they make it known.

  Razen’Lai: The capital city and center of the Custoratis kingdom. A large, walled, multi-level city.

  Reathan System/Reath: The Reathan system, which only has a single inhabited world, Reath, lies near the edge of Alliance space, and is considered by many a backwater system, and due to its distance from the Alliance core, operates largely outside of Alliance regulations, though officially it is fully compliant. Reflecting the more wild sector of the Alliance in which it is located, a fair amount of crime, organized or otherwise, takes place there or nearby. However, a growing political faction on Reath has begun to push back against this, seeking greater acceptance and prominence in the galactic scene.

  Red Reavers: The Red Reavers are a largely Darvian pirate gang that is active near the edge of Alliance space, around the Reathan and Zarian systems, though they have even been rumored to use safe-houses outside of Alliance controlled space altogether. For a time, they almost controlled their region through terror, pillaging ships and colonies, robbing, kidnapping, and killing, becoming known for leaving very bloody scenes as warnings for those who oppose them. However, a fairly recent campaign by the Legion Navy, led by the Scions of Justice, destroyed most of their safe-houses, wiped out the majority of the Red Reavers, and drove the remnants into hiding. The Red Reavers are rumored to still be about, taking what they can, but they are far from the terror they once were.

  Re’ivar: world captured by Alliance, later retaken by Revittans. (R14)

  Reizan’Tvay/Saviors: The mysterious, highly advanced species that created the Tyrannodons and had an unknown role in the development of other civilizations now part of the Galactic Alliance. All traces of them apart from a few abandoned research outposts have vanished, and not even the Tyrannodon High Lord knows what became of them.

  Rennax: A world within Alliance space, but not a member world, and controlled by criminal groups, the largest being the Tavaran Syndicate.

  Resicrete: A cheap, yet durable and easily shaped building material that is commonly used throughout the Galactic Alliance, usually in conjunction with other building m

  Revittans: The dominant species in a large section of the galaxy, the founders of the Revittan Empire are fairly similar to Tehlmans; bipedal, with five-fingered hands, and with a similar facial structure. However, on average they are taller than Tehlmans, and almost uniformly have extremely pale skin, accented by natural blood-red markings on their faces, as elsewhere on the body, which they often cosmetically treat to make them stand out even more. Revittans also possess pointed ears, slightly canted eyes, and generally have straight dark hair and dark eyes, though red eyes are not all that rare. Additionally, the possess vestigial claws on the first finger of each hand. Revittans are also noted for having a high level of flexibility, and an intolerance for heat, having evolved in a very temperate-to-cool climate, as tree dwellers. Modern day Revittans are also infamous for a smug sense of superiority over others, and general intolerance of other species, which has led to the oppressive system in the Revittan Empire. However, they are also extremely driven—sometimes to a fault—but have very strong work ethics while not sacrificing leisure. The phrase “work hard, party hard,” has long been an idiom among the species that many use to define themselves.


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