Change of Heart

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Change of Heart Page 15

by Molly Jebber

  Becca sat. The table settings at the massive table presented a beautiful picture. Mrs. Carrington knew how to entertain. One thing they had in common was their preference for soft colors. Mrs. Carrington had chosen light pinks and creams for flowers, table covering, and matching cloth napkins.

  The woman next to her held out a gloved hand. “Hello. I am Beatrice Bloomingdale. Please call me Beatrice. I understand you are Becca Yost. You are here with Matt, right?”

  Becca wanted to say she knew exactly who she was. The woman Mrs. Carrington had brought to town to introduce to Matt. “Yes to both questions.” Tension pulled at her shoulders.

  “I am surprised Matt and you are courting.”

  “Why?” Becca wanted Matt to hear their conversation, but he was concentrating on the gentleman next to him.

  Beatrice removed her gloves while staring at Becca. “It is no secret Matt’s parents disapprove of him courting you.”

  “If they do, it’s no concern of yours.” Becca sat erect. Now she understood why Mrs. Carrington pushed Miss Bloomingdale on Matt. The two women were alike in their dress, attitude, and rudeness. Attractive with her brown hair, green eyes, and medium build, she ruined her beauty with her arrogance.

  The woman chortled and tilted her head. “None of his friends, me included, can understand why he is interested in a plain and unsophisticated girl like you.”

  She was not going to be humble with this woman. She would stand up for herself. “I don’t need your approval and, as for the others, I’ll wait until they speak for themselves.”

  Miss Bloomingdale leaned closer. “He can dress you in the proper clothes, but he cannot teach you all you need to know to support him in our society. In my opinion, with your Amish background, you are too simple and lack the proper upbringing to be an appropriate hostess, which is what he needs in a wife.”

  “Matt had nothing to do with what I am wearing. My sister, Ruth, made this dress. Many of the women here have asked about the design. Matt teaching me anything or how I was raised is none of your business.”

  Miss Bloomingdale placed her hand over Becca’s. “Do not be naïve. Here by his side, you are already hurting his reputation. Matt’s father’s friends provide Matt with unlimited opportunities for getting involved in research. Without those relationships, Matt limits himself to being a small-town doctor. If you care for him, you would let him go.”

  Miss Bloomingdale had stared at her with cold eyes and spoke unkind words in a condescending tone. She was definitely prejudiced against her, but was the woman right? Was she hindering Matt’s research support from other doctors and companies? If it was true, she must consider the woman’s advice. She glanced at Miss Bloomingdale. The woman was manipulative. She wouldn’t act in haste. She must ponder this before jumping to conclusions.

  Chapter Twelve

  Becca dabbed her lips with the white embroidered napkin. When would this dinner end?

  Horace Carrington pushed his seat back and rose. He tapped his glass with a spoon. “The men are invited to my study for coffee. Mrs. Carrington will escort the ladies to the living room for tea.”

  She stood and moved away from Beatrice. She and Matt would be separated. Not good. She would stay as far away as she could from Beatrice and Mrs. Carrington.

  Matt headed toward her. “Are you all right with joining the other women?”

  Friends stood behind Matt waiting to talk to him. She didn’t want to ruin his evening. She could handle staying a little longer. She would tell him about Beatrice later. “Yes. You enjoy yourself.”

  “I will not be long.” A man pulled him aside.

  She stepped to the living room. Mrs. Carrington and Beatrice were huddled in a corner. What were they whispering about? She moved behind them, but not too close. She strained to hear them and stared out the window.

  Mrs. Carrington placed her hand on Beatrice’s. “Tell me about your conversation with Becca.”

  “You should have seen her face pale when I told her she was hurting Matt’s chances for participation in research. It was priceless. Our circle of friends and dinners like this make her squirm. After the conversation I had with her tonight, I am confident she will decide this is not a life she wants.” She patted Eloise’s hand.

  She smirked. “I hope you are right, but the girl is not as timid as you might think. I offered her money to stay away from him, but she would not take it. She is determined to hang on to my son.”

  “She will go away eventually if we keep working on her.”

  Eloise chuckled. “We need her out of the way so Matt will concentrate on you.”

  Becca moved to the other side of the room and sat. Mrs. Carrington and Miss Bloomingdale seemed too engrossed in their conversation to notice. Mrs. Carrington was a devious woman. Should she confront her? What would she say? No, she would tell Matt what she overheard this afternoon. He would know what to do.

  Mrs. Pines touched her arm. “Are you here with Matt?”

  “Yes, he is in the library with his daed and friends.”

  “Are you courting?”

  Becca blushed. “Yes.”

  Mrs. Pines grinned. “He is a lucky man. Matt’s a wonderful doctor, but it is nice to have a nurse present when I visit. You are a delightful person and a talented woman. My friends have told me how you have helped them when they have visited the office too. Mrs. Carrington must be delighted Matt and you are courting.”

  Becca licked her lips. How should she answer Mrs. Pines’s question?

  Mrs. Cooper joined them before Becca could answer. “Becca, how nice to find you here.”

  Mrs. Pines circled her arm around Becca’s waist. “Becca and Matt are courting.”

  Mrs. Cooper beamed. “What good news. How is Ruth? I’m visiting her shop Monday to buy one of her keepsake pocket quilts for my niece. I’ve written a letter to tuck in the pocket, and I’m afraid I’ll misplace it before I buy the quilt. My niece is visiting and goes home to Canton Wednesday.”

  Becca’s shoulders relaxed. Good. Mrs. Cooper had changed the subject. “Don’t worry. Ruth told me yesterday she has two left. If you go Monday, you should be fine.”

  Mr. Pines and Mr. Cooper approached their wives and the two couples bid Becca farewell and left. She didn’t want to leave. The two women had provided a ray of sunshine in her nail-biting evening. She glanced at Beatrice and Mrs. Carrington.

  Miss Bloomingdale stood and kissed Mrs. Carrington on both cheeks before she left.

  Becca stiffened. Why was Mrs. Carrington walking toward her? She had nothing to say to the woman. Where was Matt? “Sit, Becca. My son will join us soon. In the meantime, you and I can chat. Miss Bloomingdale is quite charming. I am sure you agree.” She moved her chair close and stared at her.

  “I don’t know her.” She scooted her chair away.

  Mrs. Carrington tilted her head. “Of course you do. You spoke to her tonight. I have told you what a perfect wife she would be for Matt. Look around. We live in a world you know nothing about. I am sure you understand Miss Bloomingdale fits in Matt’s life much better than you. Do yourself a favor and leave him alone.”

  That does it. She had had enough of Mrs. Carrington’s rude behavior. “Matt doesn’t need your help to find a woman to court. He has chosen me.”

  Eloise crossed one leg over the other and folded her arms across her chest. “I do not care how hard you try. You cannot make yourself something you are not.”

  Becca dug her nails in her hands. “Matt likes me the way I am. As far as learning about how to fit into your world, I can learn what I need to.”

  Mrs. Carrington laughed. “I doubt that is true. I observed you tonight. You lack the most basic social graces and had no idea what utensil to use as you were served each course of the meal. You made little effort to engage in conversation with anyone. You are ignorant.”

  She was ignorant? No, ignorant was judging someone without getting to know them first. “You are the most difficult woman I have ever met. You in
sult me over and over again. I am done defending myself to you. Matt and I came here hoping you and your husband wanted to make amends for how you’ve treated me. Your son will be disappointed when I tell him what you’ve said to me, and I dread passing this information along to him. He told me if you misbehaved, he would no longer associate with you. In spite of what you might think, I don’t want him to separate himself from you or his daed.” Becca stood.

  Mrs. Carrington rose. “If you would leave him alone, he would not distance himself from us.”

  “If you would honor his request to accept me, you could have your son in your life. You haven’t bothered to ask one personal question about my life. You have judged me based on my dress and upbringing. Why won’t you take the time to talk to me with an open mind? Matt and I are happy together. We want to have a relationship with you and your husband.”

  “I have no desire to know you. The sooner you are out of his life, the better off he will be. I will not stop finding ways to discourage you and my son from being together until you are out of his life.”

  Her heart hurt. She didn’t want to have harsh words with Mrs. Carrington. She wanted the woman to put her prejudice aside and have a nice conversation with her. No matter how much she pleaded with Mrs. Carrington, the woman wasn’t budging on her mission to cause trouble for her and Matt. Becca backed away as Matt entered the room with his daed. She moved to his side.

  Eloise held her hand out to him. “I hope you and your father had a pleasant chat. Did you enjoy dinner?”

  “You outdid yourself on the menu. It was exquisite, and I am stuffed.”

  Mrs. Carrington patted Becca’s arm. “Your guest is tired and ready to go.”

  He kissed his mamm’s cheek and shook his daed’s hand, then stepped to Becca and reached for her hand. “Thank you both for a nice afternoon.”

  Becca cringed. Mrs. Carrington pretended harsh words hadn’t been exchanged between them once Matt entered the room. Matt’s daed ignored her. This party was a disaster. How would Matt react to her news?

  On the ride home, Mrs. Carrington’s and Miss Bloomingdale’s cruel words spun in her mind. How did Matt turn out to be such a fine gentleman after being raised by such a coldhearted mamm? He told her to tell him if his mamm said anything to upset her. She had to tell him about her conversations with his mamm and Miss Bloomingdale, but she was tired. Maybe she should wait to discuss it at another time.

  “Did you have a good time tonight?”

  She groaned and bowed her head. She couldn’t get the bad experience out of her mind. Maybe she should talk about it. “I sat by Beatrice Bloomingdale.” She recounted to Matt her conversation with Miss Bloomingdale.

  His jaw clenched. “I did not notice her next to you. I am sorry I did not pay more attention to you at dinner. You should have nudged me or something, and we would have left. We will not be visiting my parents again. This was their last chance to make things right with you and me. I want nothing more to do with them.”

  Becca rested her hand on his arm. “You love your parents. We have to fix this somehow. You not communicating with them will hang over our relationship like a dark cloud.”

  “You wanted to give her another chance to reconcile with you, and she did not. Mother has gone too far this time. I am not going to allow her or my father to come between us. We are not going to accept any more invitations from them, and if she comes to my house or the office, I will ask her to leave. Please respect my decision.”

  She bit her tongue. She would honor his request, but she wished there was some other way to resolve the problem with his parents, especially his mamm. He was an only child. It would be hard for him to not interact with them. She would pray about it.

  He stepped outside and caressed her cheek. “You are the most important person in my life.” He kissed her hard on the lips.

  A warm tingle settled in her stomach as she held her lips on his. His kisses ignited a fire in her every time. As he stepped off the porch, she went inside.

  She gasped, dropped her reticule, and knelt beside her unconscious sister and Benjamin. She shook Ruth’s shoulder. “Open your eyes.” She pressed her fingers to Ruth’s neck. Her pulse was weak. Tears streaming onto her cheeks, she said, “Benjamin, run and tell Matt to come inside.”

  Benjamin threw open the door. “Matt, we need you! Something’s wrong with Ruth.”

  Matt rushed in and threw open his bag. “Did she fall? What happened?”

  Benjamin followed behind him. “I don’t know.” Becca’s eyes darted to Benjamin. “Do you know what happened to Ruth?”

  “Hattie got sick, so I walked home. Ruth told me to play in my room. I heard a thump. I ran in here, and she was flat on the floor.” His eyes filled with unshed tears. “I shook her, but she won’t get up, Becca.”

  Terror gripped her. How long had she been like this? Did she get dizzy, fall, and hit her head? Then it hit her. Ruth had been dizzy before she left with Matt. She couldn’t bear it if her sister had a serious life-threatening illness. She needed her. Wiping her tears, she watched Matt tend to her Ruth. She bowed her head. Please let her be all right, Heavenly Father. Please.

  Matt pushed the tips of his stethoscope in his ears. He listened to her chest. He removed the tips from his ears and examined her for broken bones. “Nothing is broken.” He placed his hand on her forehead. “Her body is warm. Her fever must be high.”

  Becca grabbed a thermometer from Matt’s bag and slipped it inside Ruth’s dress and under her arm. She waited a few moments. “Matt, her fever is 104 degrees. Before we left tonight, she stumbled and looked pale. I questioned her about how she was feeling. She assured me it was nothing. I should not have left her alone. I’ll never forgive myself if something happens to her. She’s guided me through our childhood and my transition from Amish life to the world. I just got her back in my life. I can’t stand the thought of losing her.”

  Benjamin tugged at Becca’s skirt with moist brown eyes straying to Ruth’s still form. “Will Ruth be all right?”

  Blinking back tears, she swallowed around the lump in her throat. She must be strong for Benjamin and not frighten him. “She’s sick, but Dr. Matt will help her.” She held Benjamin’s shoulders and forced him to meet her eyes. “You must stay away from Ruth. I don’t want you to get sick too. You go and play in your room.” She hoped Benjamin hadn’t been infected already.

  Benjamin hesitated, glanced at Ruth, then Matt, and then padded out of the room. Matt scooped Ruth’s small frame in his arms and carried her to her bed. Becca followed. She poured water from a pitcher into a bowl on the dresser and wiped Ruth’s forehead with a wet cloth.

  He put his hand on hers to stop her. “I do not want you or Benjamin around Ruth. We don’t know if whatever she has is contagious. I will stay and take care of her. You and Benjamin pack your things and stay with Dorothy until Ruth is better.”

  “I’m not leaving my sister.” Becca held the wet cloth tight.

  “I wish you would do as I ask, but I know better than to argue with you. I know how stubborn you can be.” Matt frowned and rooted through his bag. “I do not have the medicine Ruth needs with me. I will go to the office and get it. It will not take me long. Keep Benjamin away from her.”

  “Don’t worry. I will.”

  Matt left.

  If anything happened to Ruth, she didn’t know what she would do.

  Her sister was a source of strength and wisdom she had come to depend on.

  Ruth’s eyelashes fluttered. “What happened?”

  Becca held the cool cloth to her forehead. “You fainted in the living room. You’re sick with a fever. Matt went to his office to get some medicine to make you feel better.”

  Ruth talked slowly. “I did not eat much today. It is my fault I fainted. Where is Benjamin?”

  “He’s playing in his room. Don’t worry about anything. Close your eyes.” Becca prayed Ruth would be all right. She secured the cool cloth on Ruth’s forehead and left to check
on Benjamin.

  He ceased rolling his wooden train across the floor. “I’m scared. I don’t want Ruth to die like Margaret did.”

  “Don’t worry. Matt and I will do everything we can to take good care of Ruth. Do you need anything?”

  He shook his head.

  “You stay in your room and play with your toys. I’ll check on you again in a little while.”

  “All right, Aunt Becca.” Benjamin chose another train and rolled it across the floor.

  She returned to the bedroom. Ruth moaned and groaned and moved her head on the pillow from time to time but stayed asleep. She checked her sister’s face and forehead. Her body was cooler than before. The tension rolled out of her shoulders.

  Matt tapped on the door frame and entered the room. “I checked on Benjamin. He was asleep on the floor. I put him to bed. How is she?”

  “Thank you for putting Benjamin to bed. Her fever has lowered for the moment. She’s resting right now.”

  “Please take Benjamin and go to Dorothy’s tonight. Let me take care of Ruth.”

  Becca shook her head. After all Ruth had done for her, she would not leave her sister’s side, even if it meant she might get sick. “No. You have patients tomorrow. I’ll be fine. I would appreciate it if you would ask Dorothy to care for Benjamin.”

  Benjamin entered the room rubbing his eyes. “Can I talk to Ruth?”

  “She is sleeping. How would you like to come home with me? We will get up early and do a little fishing then I will take you to work with me. Dorothy loves to piece together puzzles, and I am sure she would like you to help her with one.”

  Benjamin whimpered. “I don’t want to leave Ruth. She might need me.”

  Becca’s heart swelled. The child had such compassion for her sister. “I’ll tell Ruth you’re with Matt, and she’ll be excited to find out you’re going fishing with him. Go to your room and pack your clothes, shoes, and a few toys.”

  Benjamin walked toward the bed, but Becca stopped him. “I have to kiss her before I go. She would want me to.”

  “You can’t touch her, because I don’t want you to get sick. Ruth knows you love her, and I’ll tell her you wanted to kiss her good-bye. You go with Matt and be a good boy.”


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