Change of Heart

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Change of Heart Page 25

by Molly Jebber

  Becca stole glances at Matt. Life without him had not gotten any easier with time. She bowed her head as the reverend asked everyone in attendance to pray.

  Moments later, the reverend presented Ruth and Isaac as man and wife to the congregation. The couple and Benjamin headed to Mamm, Daed, and Grace.

  Becca joined them. “I’m happy you’re here.” She drew the child forward. “This is Benjamin. Benjamin, this is our mamm and daed and my best friend, Grace Blauch.”

  He cocked his head in confusion. “Why haven’t I met you before?”

  Mamm patted his head. “We’re sorry we didn’t kumme sooner. We’ll visit more often and then you will get to know us better.”

  Grace giggled. “Maybe Mr. and Mrs. Yost will bring me with them when they kumme to visit. We could play tiddledywinks. Becca tells me you’re quite good at it.”

  “Oh, yes, you must come. We can play tic-tac-toe, too.”

  Isaac cleared his throat. “Mr. and Mrs. Yost, it is a pleasure to meet you. I love your daughter and will take good care of her. Will you be staying long?”

  Her daed shook his head. “We are going home tomorrow. I don’t like to impose on my neighbors. They are feeding the animals while we are here. We need to relieve them from doing this as soon as possible. We hope to visit you more often.”

  Her mamm tilted her head. “I wish we had more time to spend with you. I’m looking forward to getting to know you better.”

  “Ruth and I talked. We assumed you would want to return home for the reasons you mentioned. Please stay with us at my house tonight. Becca can stay with us too. I have plenty of room. If you agree, we will have more time to visit.” He addressed Grace. “You are welcome to come too.”

  Mamm gasped. “We don’t want to intrude on your wedding night.”

  “Ruth and I don’t mind putting off going to Canton for our honeymoon for a day. We will leave after you do.”

  “Joseph, what do you think? I would like to accept Isaac’s invitation.”

  “Of course we’ll do it. You are a gut mann, Isaac.”

  Becca wished Matt wouldn’t stand close to her. She wasn’t being honest with herself. She liked his arm touching hers. Should she say something to him? Before she could say anything, he held out his hand to her parents.

  “I’m happy you both could be here today.”

  Her daed put his hand on Matt’s shoulder. “It’s a pleasure to meet you again, son.”

  Matt shook Mr. Yost’s hand. “I’m glad you could make it to Ruth’s wedding.” He gestured toward Becca and Ruth. “Your visit has made this an even more special day for your daughters.”

  Becca bit her bottom lip. He approached her parents with ease. She wished she could do the same with his mamm.

  Mamm folded her hands. “We have missed our dochders. We didn’t want to miss Ruth’s wedding, and I wanted to meet Isaac. He seems like a nice mann. There is no mistaking he loves Ruth. His eyes sparkle when he talks about her. When he invited us to join them this evening, I was shocked. His thoughtfulness shows what a kind and caring mann he is. I can see why your schweschder fell in love with him.” She pulled Benjamin close to her side. “Now I will have time to play a game or two with this one.”

  The child bobbed his head up and down, then grabbed Grace’s hand and pulled her away.

  Matt had done it again by saying all the right things. No matter how hard she tried, her mind wouldn’t let her erase the memories she had made with him.

  Matt put his hand on her elbow. “May I accompany you to the celebration?”

  Her elbow ignited with fire at his touch.

  As they entered the room where they would enjoy the wedding meal, she waved at Kate and the ladies from the church. They poured steaming carrots, green beans, and corn into large china bowls. The mouthwatering aroma of roasted turkey on a beautiful platter alongside a dish of sliced potatoes garnished with apples filled the room. A butter cake with icing sat on a nearby table decorated with elegant pink fabric. Thick white candles added to the décor.

  Matt led her to her parents, Grace, and Benjamin, where they stood in line and filled their plates with food. She chose a table, and they followed and sat. Matt sat next to her. Her heart raced and her hands trembled. Unable to touch her food, she sipped her water.

  What a relief. Benjamin had not stopped sharing his fishing stories. Her parents and Grace seemed to enjoy him. She wasn’t in the mood for conversation and welcomed the child’s chatter.

  Matt leaned into her. “I need a few minutes with you before you leave.”

  Before she could respond, Ruth insisted the unwed ladies line up to pick up her bouquet. Becca dropped her arms to her sides. She hoped Grace would pick it up. The flowers lay on the floor. The ladies stared at her. She retrieved the flowers from the floor and waved them at Ruth.

  The bride mouthed thank you to the other ladies, then she winked at her sister.

  Becca studied Benjamin, who had climbed on her daed’s lap and was chatting away about school.

  Mamm and Grace pulled Becca aside. “Isaac told us about the robbery, and he said you saved Matt’s mamm’s life and the lives of an entire family. I was horrified to learn you experienced such an ordeal.”

  “I didn’t write to either of you about it because I didn’t want to worry you. The bad experience is behind me now. Benjamin takes my mind off my troubles.”

  Mamm glanced at the child. “He is a cute and sweet boy.” She tilted her head and covered Becca’s hand with hers. “I sense something is wrong between you and Matt.”

  “As you know, Matt and I are only friends now. His mamm still doesn’t approve of me.”

  Mamm squinted and cocked her head. “Nothing has changed?”

  Grace leaned in closer to her. “What is wrong with this woman?”

  “In her opinion, I do not fit in with her high society world. I am not the kind of woman she had in mind for a prospective daughter-in-law.”

  “What does his daed say?”

  “His daed approves. He claims Mrs. Carrington has had a change of heart toward me, but she hasn’t spoken a word to me.”

  Mamm kissed her cheek. “Continue to pray. God will intervene if Matt is the right mann for you to marry.”

  Grace patted her arm. “I’ll pray God works a miracle in your life. I believe you and Matt are meant to be together.”

  Becca had missed spending time with Mamm and Grace. Their words comforted her. “I appreciate your encouraging words. Your support means a lot to me.”

  Mamm and Grace circled her in a hug then joined Becca’s daed, Matt, and Benjamin. They watched as Ruth and Isaac cut the cake.

  Two hours later, the men and women helped clean and straighten the tables before leaving with the other departing guests. Matt and Isaac gathered the gifts and loaded them in both their respective buggies.

  Becca stood with her parents.

  Isaac came toward them. He spoke to Becca and his new in-laws. “Becca, your parents can follow Ruth and me to our house in your buggy. Benjamin wants to ride with Grace in their buggy. Matt has agreed to take you home to fetch your clothes and bring you to us. I invited him to join us. He wants to talk to your parents and Grace more before heading home.”

  She had wanted to separate herself from Matt. It had been difficult to breathe in his scent, listen to his voice, and have him near her most of the afternoon and evening. Her self-control was dwindling. She could do this. She could stand to remain with Matt a little while longer without crying. “All right. Matt and I will come to your house soon.”

  Before Ruth left, she strolled over to Becca and whispered in her ear. “I never imagined I would marry again and have you and our parents attend the wedding. This day has been perfect.” She nudged Becca with her shoulder. “Miracles do happen. I believe before the sky grows dark, a miracle will happen for you and Matt.”

  Becca waved to Mamm and Daed, who had joined Isaac. She waited to climb in Matt’s buggy until they had left with the n
ewly wedded couple. What did Ruth mean? It was as if she knew something Becca didn’t. What could it be?

  Becca waved farewell to everyone, waited until her family and Grace were out of sight, and then climbed in Matt’s buggy.

  Horace Carrington ran toward the buggy waving his hands. “Wait! Please wait!”

  Becca’s heart sank. Why was Matt’s daed here? Was something wrong?

  Matt reined in the horse. “Is everything all right?”

  “Yes, but I need Becca to step out of the buggy for a few moments. Eloise has something she would like to say to her.”

  Matt turned to Becca. “Are you willing to meet with my mother? I would like to come with you.”

  This day had been a long one. The last thing she needed was to argue with Mrs. Carrington. What could the woman want? She blinked a few times, and then it dawned on her. Was Eloise here to say she was sorry? “I am all right meeting with her alone, but you are welcome to join me.” She stepped out of the buggy and hoped for the best.

  Matt’s daed kept his distance. Mrs. Carrington stood a few feet away. Becca approached her. “Mrs. Carrington, I understand you would like to speak with me.”

  Mrs. Carrington held out her hands. “Please, call me Eloise. What I have to say is long overdue. I am sorry for all the hateful words I have spoken to you and for the things I have done to cause trouble for you and Matt. Please give me a chance to prove to you how much I want you in our lives. Say you will marry my son. It would be an honor to have you for my daughter-in-law.”

  For the first time, Matt’s mamm seemed sincere. The harshness in her face and words had disappeared. God had answered Becca’s prayer. Her heart soared. This was the first glimpse she had gotten of the mamm Matt claimed doted on him throughout his childhood. No doubt Eloise would get on her nerves now and then, but under these circumstances, that was something she could handle. “I accept your apology. It means so much to me.”

  Mrs. Carrington gently squeezed her hands. “I am sorry to have chosen this particular time to apologize, but I did not want to wait any longer.”

  “I’m glad you didn’t. Miracles happened today, but this is the best one of all. I will burst if anything else surprises me.”

  She startled when Matt knelt on one knee in front of her. “Matt, what are you doing?”

  He opened a small box and a diamond ring glistened. “Becca, will you marry me?”

  She pulled him to his feet. “Yes! Matt, yes!”

  Mrs. Carrington turned to Matt. “I am sorry to have caused you such grief, son. Please forgive me. I love you. I will treat Becca with the respect she deserves. I want you to bring Benjamin with you when you visit. We would like to get to know him better too.”

  Matt kissed his mamm’s cheek as he held Becca’s hand. “I am proud of you, Mother. Soon you will realize what a vibrant, sweet, smart, and beautiful person Becca is inside and out.”

  Mrs. Carrington moved next to Becca and touched her hair. “We have a wedding to plan. Do you mind if I help?”

  She never thought she would see the day when Eloise Carrington would ask to help her do anything. This was a nice change. “I would love us to work together on the wedding.” She could not wait to tell Ruth. Her sister had been right. She had received her miracle today.

  Becca and Matt bid his parents farewell, and then he kissed her full on the lips. “I love you and cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  Becca twisted the ring on her finger. “This is the best day of my life.”

  Matt kissed her full on the lips, then helped her in the buggy. She chattered about what kind of wedding she would like all the way home.

  They stepped inside and both gasped.

  Becca touched the beautiful wedding gown hanging on a hook in the parlor. She covered her mouth with her hands. What an elegant gown. The prettiest one she had ever laid eyes on. Lace, buttons, and pearls decorated the dress in all the right places.

  Matt stood beside her. “Ruth must have designed and made this gown for you. It is amazing.” He removed a note pinned to the gown. “This note is addressed to you.” He passed the paper to her. Her hands trembled as she stared at the words. She recognized Ruth’s handwriting.


  Eloise came to the shop yesterday and told me she planned to apologize to you after the wedding. She asked me to keep this a secret from you. It was hard to do!

  When you and Matt first began courting, I made this bridal gown for you. I tucked it away in my closet and prayed you would reconcile. This morning I asked Mrs. Cooper to go to our house before the wedding and hang the dress in the parlor and pin this note to it. We will plan your wedding when I return. I am anxious to get started. God has been good to us. I could not be happier for you and Matt.



  She wiped away tears staining her cheeks. She fell to her knees and Matt wrapped his arms around her. She prayed aloud. “Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for Matt, Ruth, Isaac, Benjamin, my parents, and Grace. Thank you for the Carringtons’ change of heart. I love you. Amen.”

  Pennsylvania Dutch/German Glossary

  boppli baby

  daed dad

  dochder daughter

  Englischer non-Amish male or female

  fraa wife

  gut good

  haus house

  kapp covering for women’s hair

  kinner children

  kumme come

  mamm mom, mother

  mann man

  schweschder sister

  Please turn the page for an exciting sneak peek of

  Molly Jebber’s next

  Keepsake Pocket Quilt romance,


  coming in February 2016!

  Berlin, Ohio, 1900

  Grace Blauch pushed the door open to Grace and Sarah’s Goods Shop on Monday morning, and shut it against the June breeze behind her. Who was the attractive Amish mann laughing with Sarah? No beard. He’s unwed. He towered over her friend and partner’s petite short frame. She dropped her birthing supply bag on the board floor, removed her light shawl, and hung it on the knotty pinewood coat tree. “I’m sorry I’m late. I had trouble milking our cow.”

  Sarah Helmuth waved her over. “Don’t apologize. I’m glad you’re here. Meet Mark King.” She hooked her arm through Grace’s and grinned. “This is my friend, Grace Blauch.”

  Mouth in a wide grin and hat in hand, he bowed slightly. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. Please call me Mark.”

  Her cheeks flushed and her heart raced. Most strangers turned away from her face the first time she met them, but Mark held her eyes. He didn’t stare at the red apple-sized birthmark on her right cheek. What a welcome change. “Please call me Grace.”

  He had a small jagged line under his right eye. The scar added character to his handsome face. What was the story behind it? She liked his thick, dark, wavy hair, straight white teeth, structured jawline, and broad shoulders. He held his tall black hat by his side with not a speck of dust on it. Dressed in a crisp white shirt, black pants, and suspenders, he had a neat appearance. “If you’ll pass me your hat, I’ll hang it up for you.” She hung his hat on the knotty pinewood hook next to her shawl.

  Sarah pushed a stray curly blond hair in her black kapp. “Mark moved to Berlin from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, on Wednesday.” She separated from Grace and leaned against the counter. “The Stolzfuses sold him their place next to us. He visited Levi and me before supper last night and introduced himself. He’s showed us Mr. Stolzfus’s, now his, workshop. What beautiful furniture, toys, and other items he’s handcrafted.” She bounced on her toes. “Mark showed Levi oak shelves he had for sale, and Levi wasted no time in buying them. Mark’s offered to hang them, and I accepted. No telling when Levi would ever have built them for us. No doubt he means well, but puts things off.”

  Mark would be working in the shop. What wonderful news. “What a relief. We have no room to hang new quilts on these worn
planked walls.”

  “I need to plant hay in the fields and vegetables for my garden. Do you mind if I hang them tomorrow?”

  “Grace opens early most days, and I come in a little later. She doesn’t have a husband to cook breakfast for yet. Today, we switched to give her a break. You can schedule a time with her to start work.” Sarah winked at Grace.

  Grace’s cheeks heated. Sarah’s attempt to play matchmaker was far too obvious. She glanced at him. His face had reddened, but his grin remained. His reaction couldn’t have been any better. Mark was a fine gentleman.

  He cleared his throat. “Miss Blauch. What time would you like me to be here tomorrow?”

  “Is eight all right?”

  “Ja, eight is fine with me.” He put on his hat. “Have a gut day.” He paused, held her eyes for a moment, and then left.

  Grace’s heart pounded against her chest. His smile, sparkle in his eye, and strong but kind voice lingered in her mind. She couldn’t wait to learn more about him, if Sarah hadn’t scared him away with her obvious matchmaking. Grace lowered her chin and crossed her arms. “You embarrassed me when you said I was unwed.”

  Sarah gently tapped Grace’s nose. “I didn’t exist after you walked in the room. The mann is smitten with you.” She giggled. “I’ll not apologize. His face brightened when I told him. You’re glad I blurted it out. Admit it.”

  Grace’s face softened and she smiled. “He looked at my eyes while talking to me, instead of staring at my cheek like most people I meet. It was refreshing.”

  “Since he’ll be working in the shop, you’ll have a chance to learn more about him.”

  “What have you found out about him?”

  “Two years ago, a stagecoach hit his parents’ buggy and they didn’t survive.” She leaned against the pinewood table. “I asked him if he had siblings, and he said not anymore. You came in before I could find out what he meant.”


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