Wife Wanted

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Wife Wanted Page 4

by Eva Luxe

  His scent swirled around me while I was caught up in his choice of suit. Classic black tuxedo. He was sharp as fuck.

  I had to calm down, wet thongs were just as irritating as wet panties.

  "I'm sorry, I had a meeting that ran over," he apologized. "Are you--"

  "Sir! This woman isn't supposed to be back here!" his ignorant secretary said, her face reddened with hot jealousy and anger.

  "Yes she is. I gave you the info of her arrival."

  I butted in. "That's weird. She said she didn't see it."

  Her face dropped into a face of fear. "Oh. I must've been wrong then." She stepped back and swallowed.

  I grabbed Gordon's arm and she looked away. I wasn't surprised that his own secretary may've had a crush on him. He is sexy.

  "That indeed," he said to her. "Ms. Eden, please go over the schedules again while I'm gone. I have a wedding to attend to." We walked past her and I grabbed one of Gordon's ass cheeks (damn it was toned). She saw it and stormed off down another hallway.

  "She was so close to being cussed out. She likes you."

  "And you do too, right?"

  "It was a competition and I won."

  The elevator door rang, and a man looked up, his eyes bugging out.

  "Well, Gordon, is this a friend of yours?"

  He had a ring on his finger, so I knew he wasn't trying to find out my details.

  But then again, a lot of married men were pretty promiscuous these days.

  “Yes, this is Lindsey Wilson. Lindsey this is Richard, one of my longtime friends and a partner here at my company.”

  “Nice to meet you. Wish we could stay longer, but we’re kind of late.” I glared at Gordon. Gordon chuckled and Richard shook my hand.

  “Nice to meet you too. Don’t let me hold you up. Bye!”

  That Richard person sure looked… abnormally happy…


  Speeding cars were always fascinating. But being in a speeding Bentley, that was a thousand times better.

  "If only this car was a convertible, I'd be standing in my seat screaming into the wind!"

  "I'm glad you find this amusing, dear. I can barely feel the speed myself."

  I smoothed my hand over the door of the car and concentrated how I felt.

  "You can tell though if you pay attention. There's this wonderful feeling, like butterflies in your stomach. It's such a smooth ride with good suspension that you can barely feel a ditch in the road."

  "Cars are your thing aren't they."

  "They are. One day I'm going to buy a Lamborghini, paint it a pearlescent white, and take it on the track."

  "You will too. I know it."

  The traffic was going at a good pace. But then things began to slow down. I looked around to see if there was an accident, but couldn't see a lick. A traffic jam just up and fucking appeared.


  "With this type of traffic jam, we're gonna be late!" I cried, sulking in my seat.

  I told Stacy so many times I was going to make it. She even asked me to be her best woman.

  Not being there would ruin it.

  "This does look bad."

  He messed around on his GPS to see if he could find another route. There was another option, but it was still five miles up ahead of us. And there was no telling how long it would take us to get there.

  "Can't you call in a helicopter or something?" I asked. I wasn't joking either.

  "Not with this, dear. Sorry," he said after a while. Was he really thinking that option over?

  I sighed and looked at the clock in his car. Time decided it needed to move fast.

  That plane was going to be gone in an hour.

  "Shit," I groaned.

  I took out my phone and looked at the other planes leaving out.

  "Searching for another ticket?"

  "Yeah. Can't book them online if they leave within an hour or two, but you can buy them in the station. It’s going to eat at my savings. But I have to get there."

  Gordon placed his hand under my chin and tilted it, so I was looking at him.

  "Don't worry. I promise you that you'll be there. On time."

  One part of me screamed to not believe him, the other part of me won, making me believe him. "You better be right about that, rich guy."


  My feet hit the pavement like speeding wheels. Gordon made an effort to stay close to me and kept up pretty well. My heels were stiletto, so that proved to be a challenge. Still, I was a stripper, so that meant that I had the best leg muscles, the strongest.

  I made it into the airport when Gordon grabbed my hand.

  "What? We're going to be late," I huffed. What was he doing, every second was precious and not to be wasted.

  "Come with me. It'll be faster that way."

  It was worth a shot. I followed him until we came up to double doors. Two men standing in front of them opened the doors, allowing us inside.

  "Gordon, what's going on?" I asked. This wasn't a public part of the airport where anyone could've just strolled in. This was exclusive.

  "You'll see."

  I frowned. "You're always filled with some sort of secret, huh?"

  We entered another pair of doors and my eyes were shocked. Talk about luxury.

  "Wow. Don't tell me this is where all the super-rich come to fly," I exclaimed, my mouth open. It was a huge room, filled with a buffet, massage chairs, large TVs, and even a work station. There was so much here.

  Everything was sparkling it was so clean and buffed.

  "This actually belongs only to me. It’s a recent purchase," Gordon corrected, going over to a wine table and pouring himself a wine. Then he pointed out the window.

  "Do you see that?"

  I followed the direction of his finger. "The small jet?"

  "Yes. That is a two hundred-million-dollar jet. We'll be taking that to Canada."

  Gordon handed me a glass of wine.

  "Wait, that small skinny thing?"

  "Yes. I've went cross country and back a couple of times. It's a good and fast plane. Plus, the inside is quite spacious. Don’t let the outside fool you."

  “Cross country, huh?” I walked over to the glass in the wall where you could see the jet. There were staff servicing it, and bringing it closer so we could board it.

  Rich people had it easy. They didn’t have to dance in a room full of miserable drunk men unless they really wanted to. They could coast country to country without even waiting in a line. Bet even immigration didn’t bat an eye.


  “You’re not afraid of the air, are you?” Gordon asked me, clanking his glass with mine. This warm sensation of safety crept up my back and nearly sedated me.

  “No, not at all. I like a little thrill in my life.”

  I sipped on my wine, and the fresh fruity blends of grapes and what tasted like pears and citrus partied on my tongue.

  “Wow, good wine.”

  “It better be. It set me back ten thousand dollars for one bottle.”

  “Set you back? Please, you didn’t even notice that,” I laughed.

  Soon, a man in a gray mechanic suit ducked his head in. “Sir, we’re all ready for you and your lovely guest.”

  “Thank you.” He turned to me. “Ready, Lindsey?”

  “Yeah, let’s go.”

  This jet was fantastic.

  It was on the small side, but not too cramped. Any bigger and that would have impeded the speed.

  I sat down next to Gordon. He held my hand and my body froze. He was so different.

  It was puzzling. There was something so…I didn’t know how to put it. But I liked it.

  After the wedding, maybe we could stay good friends.

  Just good friends.

  Gordon reached under his seat, a puff of his cologne shot into my nose making me delightfully dizzy. He withdrew a box, it was flat and had a golden ribbon on it.

  And fuck.

  That reminded me. I forgot to give Stacy a p

  “Is this for Stacy?! Oh my god, I can’t believe I forgot to buy something. Thanks—”

  “No, it’s for you. But don’t worry. I’m sure we can find something really quick once we land.”

  I looked down at the black glossy box. “Then who’s this for?”

  “You?” he said again with a smile.

  I took the box slowly as if it were going to explode. It felt so odd taking the box. Maybe it was all the wine. Not that one glass would’ve done anything to me.

  “Me? Cool. Um, can I open it now?”

  “Go ahead.”

  Gordon continued to look at me as I unraveled the delicate golden ribbon and opened the lid. Brilliant hues of rainbow and glimmers of light graced my eyes when I fully opened the lid.

  “Wow, this is gorgeous.” And expensive. “Are these opals and diamonds?” This was my favorite combination. No one—not even Eliza knew I liked this combo.

  “Yes. It suits you. So I wanted to get it since it’d look wonderful on you during the wedding.”

  I gently grazed my fingers over to the top of the necklace and earring combo. The necklace looked like something out of the royal palace. The earrings were fashioned with tear drop shaped diamonds along to match the necklace. Opals crusted the top of the earrings.

  I closed the box and placed the lid back on. Shaking my head, I said, “No, I can’t take this. It’s way too much.” This wasn’t a real relationship anyway. If I took this… then…

  “Too much? Being in your company is worth more than these are.”

  He wasn’t taking the box. Oh shit. He had to pull out the alpha male on me, huh?

  I smirked. “Maybe I can give these to Stacy?” I teased.

  “Absolutely not. I will purchase something for her once I see what she’s like personality wise. But this is a special gift for you. And you’re going to take it or else.”

  “Or else what?” I sat the box on the mini table in front of us and folded my arms.

  “Or else you won’t have a wedding date,” he said, grinning.

  Shit, he knew what to say, didn’t he?

  “Fine, fine. Kinda pricey for a girl who’s just a fling.”

  “You’re more than just a fling to me…”

  He placed a finger under my chin and turned my face to his. The touch of his skin was so warm.

  “You’re not a fling to me…”

  “I should be,” I whispered.

  His hand trailed down to my breast where he slid a finger against the fabric over my nipple. I shuddered, and a delicious sensation flooded my panties.

  “Looks like I might be joining the mile-high club.”

  I slid off of my seat and down between his legs. Unbuckling his pants, I wasted no time getting his cock out. Shit, I saw that bead of pre-cum. I hoped this plane could handle rough sex.

  I licked the bottom side of his cock, teasing his base and flicking my cold wet tongue over the top. It twitched in my hand and my pussy screamed for attention. No not yet.

  “That tongue should be mine. This should be the only cock you taste for the rest of your life,” Gordon growled. He grasped the back of my head and shoved me down his hardening length. I could feel each painful throb of his cock in my mouth as I sucked it hard and massaged it with my tongue.

  Fuck, I was gushing.

  I tried to sneak my hand down to mess with my hard clit, but Gordon used his legs to stop me.

  “Mmph,” I mumbled out in disappointment. No fun.

  “It’s worth the wait, darling. I assure you.”

  He began to rhythmically fuck my mouth, the tip of his cock going down to the back of my throat.

  Sucking his cock was a new experience. It didn’t feel like I was doing this to get only my rocks off. But…I wanted him to enjoy it just as much as I did. Which was a first for me, because when I fucked, if I didn’t cum, then I didn’t give a shit what anyone else felt during sex.

  Gordon flooded my body with new emotions. And I wasn’t sure I was ready for all of them right now. But fuck, this cock was a damn exception.

  Chapter Six


  Lindsey’s tongue and mouth did things to my cock I never managed to feel before. This was different. It didn’t feel like we were at war for dominance like the first time we fucked.

  Instead, she submitted to me.

  She knew I was the alpha, she knew it was my cock she was sucking.

  For once. She was treating this as pleasure and not a competition to see who could cum first.

  “God, Lindsey, right there. Suck that side harder,” I grunted, bucking my hips into her mouth. I also tried to keep quiet, since the cockpit wasn’t too far from us.

  It was my plane, but people loved to gossip.

  Good thing I gave the pilot instructions to knock before leaving his cockpit.

  My balls tightened. I had a load to give her.

  “So good,” Lindsey mumbled, her hands begging to fly down and relieve her pussy. “Mmph, it’s so fucking big. Nice to know you’re not compensating for anything with all these things.”

  I stifled a chuckle as she plowed back onto my cock.

  I hissed. “Lindsey!” A thick barrage of cum shot out my cock, and down her throat. She coughed but soon caught up and swallowed the rest down.

  Lindsey shot up onto her feet and pulled her dress up. “Alright, Gordon, time to give me some sweet release as well. After all, it’s not the mile-high club unless you go all the—”

  I held her hips as she began to straddle me. “Let’s stop it right here for now.”

  “What? You’re still sort of hard.”

  “I can fix that,” I said, pulling her dress down. It was a shame to turn down such perfect pussy. But I needed to show her I wasn’t just here for the pleasure she could give me. If only Lindsey knew how much damn wife material she was to me…

  “You are an odd man. Whatever. But you’re gonna have to satisfy me later for this.”

  She bit her lip and sat back down in her seat with a loud sigh. My cock was aching to be inside of her as much as her pussy wanted me inside.

  I clenched my thighs and buttocks to help take this semi-erection down. If I didn’t it’d only continue to get harder, then I’d be fucking her loudly on the floor.

  Lindsey kept her focus out the window and I took out my laptop to see how things were going at the office. Richard sent a few emails, saying he had a few contracts that were signed that netted us billions.


  The plane landed four hours later, and Lindsey was fast asleep. I couldn’t wait to tease her about her epic snoring.

  “Lindsey, wake up, dear, we’re here,” I cooed into her ear.

  “Huh?” she mumbled, sitting up. She probably didn’t know she fell asleep on my shoulder too. “Wow, we’re… here?” she asked, rubbing her eyes and looking out the window.


  When the plane landed, the steps were brought out and a limo was there to escort us.

  “Hey,” Lindsey folded her arms and looked at me with her brows down, “don’t we have to go through immigration or something?”

  “There’s a special procedure for me. But in short? Yes.”

  I opened the door for her and she slid in. “Wow, nice Limo. Kind of wide compared to the ones back in the U.S.”

  She looked around the limo and poked at some of the interior.

  “Thank you. And yes, Canadian made things are very sturdy.”

  “I’m surprised you’re not living here,” Lindsey said, resting back into the seat.

  “Maybe. You never know about the future.”


  We arrived at the ceremony hall inside the Grande Hotel de Pisque. It was a posh place, usually reserved by very wealthy people when they wanted to get married or hold parties.

  I remembered that Stacy said her friends were married and coupled up to some powerful men.

  “This place is amazing,” Lindsey marveled, looking at the glittering
chandeliers above us. Yes, she’d have even better if she were married to me.

  Time was running out. But I still held out hope. Lindsey was going to be mine, whether I had to pay her or not. She was the only one I could see myself being with.

  That fire… it matched me.

  I looked at her again, from her heels to her freshly cut red bob.

  “Are you okay?” she asked me. “You look pretty dazed out.”

  “It’s nothing. It’s only jet lag. I’ll survive.”


  “Oh my God, Stacy?! Stacy!” Lindsey hopped over to her friend when she saw her enter into the ceremony room. The reception was going to be held in a few hours, and people were busy scrambling around to make sure things were all situated.

  Lindsey gave her friend Stacy a big hug. Then Stacy’s eyes fell on me, and her mouth dropped.

  “Hey, is that a date I see?” Stacy asked.

  “Well, I couldn’t show up as a third wheel,” Lindsey said. “Meet Gordon. Gordon, Stacy.”

  I reached out and shook her hand. “Pleased to meet you,” I said.

  “Me too! Glad you came.” Stacy shot a look at Lindsey. “Is this serious? Do I need to start planning to go to another wedding?”

  Lindsey’s face flustered. “W-What?! No, it’s not like that. We’re just friends.”

  Stacy looked back at me.

  “Well, I’d rather become much more than friends.”

  Stacy’s face lit up with joy while Lindsey tried her best to keep her regular cool and calm composure. I chuckled and stepped to the side, so the flower people could finish doing their job with decorating the rows of chairs.

  “Lindsey, how about you stay here while I go run off and do something quickly?”

  Lindsey raised an eyebrow, sensing I was up to something. “Fine. But don’t go straying too far.”

  Stacy and Lindsey huddled off down the aisle, talking about the wedding while I headed the other way. No doubt the wedding would take a few hours, and I knew we weren’t going to be in the condition to want to jump on a plane for another four-hour journey back to the states.

  Plus, Lindsey might even want to stay with Stacy a few days while we’re here in Canada.


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