Secrets (The Serenity Series Book 1)

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Secrets (The Serenity Series Book 1) Page 35

by Dawn Kirby

  “I have some news for you too, Leah,” Donovan said staring at the chocolate cake on the table.

  “What’s that?” I asked. I went to the sink and started on the dishes May hadn’t finished.

  “I don’t know if you know this or not,” he said, clearing his throat. “But I have taken the liberty and put all your parents’ affairs in order.”

  “Thank you so much,” I said gratefully. “I don’t think I would have known where to start.”

  “The paperwork is in my office. You are welcome to come in and pick it up anytime,” he said. “I am afraid tonight will not be a good time.”

  “No, I guess not,” I mumbled to him. I felt their eyes on me, watching. What could possibly be so interesting?

  “Would you like to know what you are looking at financially speaking?” he asked.

  Not really. This was the part where he tells me I’ll have to work three jobs for the rest of my life to pay off the debts they owe. The plans Raine had upstairs were quickly turning into a wonderful daydream.

  “I’m not really sure.”

  Suddenly the room reeked. Raine’s stormy scent combined with mint, lavender and an amazingly strong oceanic breeze was making my stomach turn. Kale’s attempt at covering up uncontrollable laughter with a fake coughing fit just made me mad. Every one of those men was enjoying this just a little too much. I decided when I finished the last cup; I was leaving the room. A long, hot bath in my bathtub alone sounded like a great idea.

  “With the payout from the fire at the store and Mia’s life insurance, oh yes, and David’s monetary assets, you’re looking at a seven million dollar inheritance, at least.”

  The glass I was rinsing broke in the palm of my hand. I was sure I heard that wrong. I turned around to ask him again. This time I wanted to see the words come out of his mouth.

  “Ye ‘eard right,” Declan said happily.

  “You’re bleeding, love,” Donovan said.

  Raine quickly grabbed a dishtowel and wrapped it around the shallow cut in my hand.

  “It’s okay, it’ll stop,” I assured him. I stumbled towards the table, my eyes fixed on Donovan alone. “How is that possible? Mom would have told me if she had that kind of money put away.” I hadn’t known David long enough to find out what his shoes size was, let alone what kind of money he made.

  “I told ye, yer father was an excellent business man,” Declan told me. “He never wanted you or Mia to want for anythin’.”

  I took the towel off my hand in time to see the cut seal up. Once I knew it was fine, I tossed the towel on the counter and sat down. There were a lot of questions I needed to ask a certain vampire.

  “I have never actually seen that happen,” Kale said. His eyes were as big as saucers.

  I smiled at him and let him see my hand. “Are you sure you didn’t make a mistake?” I asked Donovan.

  “We did very well together,” he told me. “He stipulated that if anything ever happened to him, I buy out all his interests. I have done that. Mia had a few stocks and IRA’s that have already been transferred into your name, as have all of David’s.”

  “Thank you,” I said stunned. “I don’t know what else to say.”

  “Don’t thank me yet. There is still the matter of Michael’s affairs.”

  “What do his affairs have to do with me?” We definitely weren’t related.

  Raine put his hand on mine and smiled weakly. “You killed him, Leah. Everything he owns belongs to you now.”

  “That is the way it works in our world,” Donovan said. “His house, his money, all his possession are yours.”

  I couldn’t believe it. Michael had run himself into that chair leg. I just happened to be the one holding it.

  “I don’t want anything that man has,” I told him.

  “I thought you would feel that way,” he said. “You’ll be happy to know I have found a buyer for the house and all its contents. The final papers should be signed shortly and the money is yours. Use it however you see fit.”

  “Think of it as compensation for all your pain and suffering,” Kale suggested. “If nothing else, you can help me pay off that credit card I’ll never see again.”

  His comment made me laugh. In a weird way it made me think. There was a lot I could do with the money. I decided then and there to use it in the best way possible. Not one dime of Michael’s money would be used on anything but good.

  Before I knew what I was doing my arms were wrapped around Donovan’s neck. His body went rigid at my touch. Eventually, he loosened up and hugged me back. He even went as far as giving me a quick peck on the top of my head.

  “Thank you,” I said when he pushed me away.

  “You are very welcome,” he said shortly.

  “Hey, I helped too,” Declan complained, despite the huge smile on his face. I gladly fell into his open arms.

  “Excuse the interruption,” Donovan said. “We must ready ourselves for the Challenge.” The real world was never far from his mind. “Help Leah upstairs, Raine, and get her ready.” His eyes fell on the ring on my finger. “If your marital intentions are real, it is important that she be by your side tonight.”

  Raine swept me up into his arms and carried me away.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “I guess we can afford that house now,” I said. He sat me down on the bed and lay down beside me. Neither one of us could wipe the smiles off our faces.

  “We could have afforded it anyway. I make more than enough to support us and whoever else comes along.”

  “If I’m not being too nosy; how much do you make?” It felt weird to ask, but I was curious, especially if he could have bought it without any help from me.

  “I’d say that’s a fair question,” he said thoughtfully. “Some plans sell for five thousand and some go for a whole lot more than that. Thanks to David’s advice and a few smart investments, I’ve been able to put back about two million.”

  “I guess you really didn’t need my help,” I said amazed.

  “You do know you get Mia’s house and all of David’s property, including the vehicles, right?”

  “No, I didn’t,” I said blankly.

  Though the inheritance was nice, thinking about it made everything that had happened over the last few weeks come back fresh. I missed my mother like crazy every day. As bad as I wanted her here to tell her all about Raine and show her what a good man he was, Mom wouldn’t be there to see me take his last name or see her grandchildren. That killed me.

  Even though I’d only known David for a short time, I missed him too. He’d helped me through the most traumatic experiences of my life and did what he could to keep me safe. Since I’ve been here at Serenity I’ve heard nothing but good things about him and how much he loved my mom and me. Before he died I thought I would have plenty of time to get to know him- really know him. Now, thanks to Michael, that chance was gone.

  Raine’s face suddenly went serious. I should have known there would be a catch on here somewhere. I waited patiently for him to drop the bomb on me.

  “The night we got you back home I made you the sole beneficiary to everything I have. If I have to die protecting you I want to make sure you’re taken care of,” he said. “Seeing you beaten and bruised like...if tonight goes badly I want you to leave. Donovan won’t be able to protect you if Mark wins.”

  I hadn’t thought about what the whole challenge entailed. A fight was a given, but did they fight as men or as werewolves? Was it a fight to the death or one of submission? What happened to the loser?

  “What exactly is gonna happen tonight?” I asked.

  “I’ve never seen a fight like this,” he admitted. “I do know they’ll fight as werewolves. If Mark is the way you say he is, it will be brutal.”

  “I’m sure Kale can handle him as long as he doesn’t get too cocky.”

  He rolled his eyes and sighed. “That’s about as likely as Drew keeping her opinions to herself.”

  “Are you worried?”

  “Not about Kale. He’ll be fine.” He slid off the bed and knelt on the floor in front of me. “I am worried about the reaction the pack will have when they find about me. Right now the ones that know who I am know me as Kale’s little brother. Not one of them knows I can change. Some might think I deliberately lied so I wouldn’t have to obey pack laws.”

  “You said before that everything would have to come out,” I pointed out. “That means all of it. You’re not the only one with a secret. Dane has his, too. By the time this is all over, everyone will know.”

  Apparently, he hadn’t thought of it that way. When it finally sank in he smiled warmly up at me. His stormy smell filled my nostrils like a breath of fresh air. I couldn’t blame him for being nervous though. We had no way of knowing how any of them would react. For all we knew, the pack might not accept any of it.

  “We’ve got some time, why don’t you go relax in the tub while I find you something to wear.”

  Since I’d planned on doing that anyway, I didn’t put up a fight. Raine went to the bathroom to get the water started while I limped to the dressing room. Thankfully, the continued use of my leg took some of the stiffness out. My shin still hurt, but it felt more like an annoying ache than the blinding pain like it had been several days before.

  I stripped my clothes off, wrapping one of my new satin robes around my body, and went to wait for the tub to fill up. Two and a half feet takes a while to fill up.

  Raine took my robe as I slipped into the hot water. I laid my back on the incline of the whirlpool and let myself relax. Between the searing heat and the powerful jets, I was in heaven.

  “Too hot?” he asked me.

  “It’s perfect,” I told him. “I had no idea a bath could feel so amazing.” I kept my eyes closed and inhaled the lilac scented bubble bath Raine had added to my bath water.

  “That all depends on the tub.”

  I smelled his calming lavender scent long before Declan knocked on my bedroom door. I nodded and Raine told him to come in. Since he’d already seen most of me, I decided the thick layer of bubbles covering me was all I needed. I didn’t even open my eyes when his footsteps stopped outside the doorway of the bathroom.

  “Raine, Donovan needs to speak with ye,” Declan said. “There are some things ye need to know about tonigh’.”

  “Will you be okay for a while?” Raine asked.

  “Go ahead, everybody’s up. I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

  “Your robe is on the step. If you’ll wait a little bit, I’ll help you get out.” That was more of an order than a suggestion. “The last thing you need is to slip.”

  I promised I’d wait and they left. Neither one of them bothered to shut any of my doors. Since Raif’s visit, I hadn’t been left alone for a minute. Privacy was a luxury I couldn’t afford anymore.

  In a small way, being by myself made me feel normal again, granted the doors were open, but in time that would change. None of us had heard of any other vampires, besides the one Raif worked for, who might be looking for me. Donovan was working tirelessly to find out who that was.

  My thoughts drifted to Raine and that wonderful house he wanted to build for us. Before, the house felt like a fantasy. Now, thanks to Mom and David, I would be able to contribute my share to make our dream home a reality. Knowing the entire financial burden wouldn’t fall on Raine gave me a sense of equality. Our relationship felt like a real partnership now, instead of a dependency.

  Eventually the hot water made the ache in my leg disappear. I was so relaxed I nearly fell asleep. Hearing the bedroom door close, and then lock, kept me awake. Had the person moving around been Raine, I could see him shutting the door, but not locking it. Bedtime was still a long way off.

  I concentrated on the rhythm of the heartbeat moving around in the bedroom. It didn’t come close to anyone who lived here. The pungent odor of sulfur, something I hadn’t smelled since the last time I saw Judith, wafted into the room with me. The harsh scent alone was not a good sign.

  Silently, I slipped out of the bathtub and quickly put on my robe. A tub full of water wasn’t where I wanted to be, especially when a stranger was trolling around my room. Drowning was not on my list of things I couldn’t wait to experience.

  I walked out the bathroom door and I saw a woman standing beside my bed. She had on a housekeeper’s uniform. I relaxed when I realized it must be Julie. Why she smelled like Judith was beyond me. Maybe she hated her job?

  Honestly she looked like a pleasant, yet tired, young lady. Her short, blond hair was spiked out all over her head. There were dark circles under her soft blue eyes as if she hadn’t slept in days. Her round face was devoid of emotion. Pushing the fear I’d felt earlier aside, I decided to introduce myself. Maybe a little conversation would lighten her mood a bit.

  I saw old bite marks on her neck as I approached her, halting inside the dressing room. The top two buttons of her shirt were open exposing fresh fang marks. My opinion of her changed the second I smelled Raif’s scent on her. Right then I knew she didn’t hate her job. She hated me.

  She cut the exit into the bedroom off feet from the door. My plan was to be as pleasant as possible until Raine came back. I smiled as sweetly as I could, hoping it might chill her out.

  “Hi, you must be Julie,” I said cheerfully, hobbling into the room. I quickly parked my butt in a chair, ready to pretend to strike up a friendly conversation while I waited for Raine’s return. “My name is...”

  “I know who you are,” she said curtly. “I lost Raif because of you.”

  “Trust me, I don’t want him,” I said calmly. “He’s still yours.”

  So much for pleasant. As soon as the dark red haze fell over her I knew I had to watch my step. She was about my size, but as I’ve recently found out, anger can be a powerful weapon.

  “He wasn’t supposed to take more than five,” she complained. “But you bewitched him somehow and he took more. He had to know what you tasted like. Now he only takes what he needs to live from me. He actually told me I taste like salt compared to you.”

  “He was the one that took my blood,” I reminded her. “I didn’t make him do anything.”

  She leaned her body closely into mine. “He was mine,” she seethed.

  “Take him,” I told her. “I don’t want him. I don’t want to be a part of whatever he and his boss planned either.”

  “You don’t get it, do you?” Her eyes flashed wickedly at me. “You don’t have a choice. Raif already knows you’re healthy enough for them to move forward with their plans.”

  “Then where is he? Did he send you here to scare me?” I asked angrily. Being threatened all the time was growing tiresome. “I’ve already been to hell and back. You’re certainly not gonna scare me.”

  “Raif doesn’t know I’m here,” she said, backing off. “He has a very important appointment he has to keep.”

  “Then why are you here?” At least I didn’t have to worry about him tonight. Kale’s safety at the challenge was more than enough.

  “I’m taking out the trash,” she said innocently.

  She slid her hand into her pocket and pulled out a silver rope. She made a move towards me. I jumped out of my chair, despite the pain that shot through my leg, and pushed past her. Halfway to my bedroom door, my leg gave way. I cursed myself for moving too fast and tried to get back on feet.

  Julie was right behind me. I was nearly off the ground when she tackled me. I ended up on my back and was able to land a solid punch directly into her chest. The blow knocked her back far enough and I was able to make a break for the door once more. No matter which way I turned the lock it refused to open.

  While she was still laid out on the ground trying to catch her breath, I ran past her as quickly as I could, and back towards the bathroom. If I could get in there before she got up, I could lock her out. The chairs sitting in the dressing room could easily be used as weapons. So could the many high-heeled shoes Drew and May had stocked my closet with. Ta
king my chances behind a locked door, and away from her, and anything she may throw at me seemed logical.

  I made it to the bathroom door just in time. She turned the knob and held it in a vice-like grip. I couldn’t lock it. I held it closed with every muscle in my body while she furiously kicked at the door. Her fit dragged on for what felt like hours. When I thought I couldn’t hold the door anymore, the violent temper tantrum abruptly stopped.

  Cautiously, I readjusted my stance and locked the door. A second later a chair came crashing through the door. She rammed the chair’s legs through the demolished door a few more times and rushed inside, tossing the makeshift battering ram inches from my body.

  “Your blood did things to him,” she yelled. “Things it shouldn’t. He actually thought nothing could hurt him!”

  Julie used the stiff silver rope like a whip. I backed away, but she had already managed to strike me with it twice. The next time she swung it, she hit me in the face. I looked around quickly for something to defend myself with.

  “He could see through walls!” The rope hit me across the back as I rushed past her. “Raif said he could hear the blood in my veins.”

  I picked up the chair and held it in front of my face like a shield. It seemed to slow her down, but only for a minute. Instead of my head and shoulders being her targets, my legs and body took on the brunt of her attack.

  “Your blood let him see the sun again!”

  That revelation caught me off guard. I lowered the chair and looked at her face. Her eyes were furious and hurt at the same time. I knew then she was telling the truth. Did she mean he could stay awake during the day or could he actually go outside in the sun?

  “Was he able to get outside?” I asked desperately. It was the single most important question I would ever ask.

  “After staying awake for a full two days, he thought he could. He stood out there for an hour before it happened,” she said hatefully. Julie wrapped the rope around the palms of her hands. “Raif was burned so badly it took him days to get better. Now that he’s healed and the effects of your blood have worn off, he wants more.”


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