Blood Prize (Bloody Dance #1)

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Blood Prize (Bloody Dance #1) Page 8

by A Muse

  Whoever he called only talked to him for the better half of three minutes before he walked back over to me. His smile was still on his face if not brighter than before. Why did I feel like I saw that smile before? Most of the years, I’ve been a demon I lived in a fog. Did I meet him before? He was just a child though. He wasn’t a demon. He was human, he was a white mage. It was impossible for me to know him.

  Maybe I met someone pure while I was in my fog. Maybe that was why Soji reminded me of someone that I knew a long time ago. Two hundred years was a long time to be alive. Most of my memories were only of the hunger that I felt. In my moments of clarity, Ban was the only thing that was there. There was never anyone good until Kaleb. There was never a Soji.

  “I’m all yours.” How could he say that with a smile? Did he know what it meant to say those words to a demon. No, he didn’t seem to have a care in the world. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t ask your name. I’m Soji.” He offered me his hand. His tiny fingers outstretched as they waited for me to grasp them.

  “Zero,” I answered taking his hand. He was warm. Touching him felt . . . Good. As if he was stirring the soul inside of me. Did I even have a soul? I was a demon, I was pretty sure you lost things like a soul when you die. Or maybe I did have a soul. My soul was tiny and hidden in the darkness that rested inside of me. Maybe Soji touch showed my soul that light still existed in this world.

  “Ban called you, Natsu.” He said and I frowned at the name. Ban always called me Natsu. I didn’t know who Natsu was. Maybe it was someone Ban knew long before me. It was annoying. He was always saying that name. He whispered it to me doing the times we were alone. He made it penetrate my mind. As if he could force the name into my heart. I rejected the name Natsu just as forcefully as I reject Ban. I wasn’t Natsu, I’m only Zero.

  “I’m Zero.” I repeated walking away from the bar and down the street. Balling up the page that held the outlaw I was hunting the closer I got to him the warmer the page grew. The whole time we walked Soji kept up a happy never ending line of chatter. He talked about everything from his dislike of milk to why he thinks there’s life on other planets.

  It was so different than what I was used to. Normally everyone was quite. When I went to look for outlaws, I was always alone. I didn’t have my earplugs to block him out. I was reaching my breaking point. I had half a mind to reach over and drink him. That would be one way to get him to shut up.

  Reaching out I grabbed Soji by the collar. I slammed him into the wall of the alley we had ventured down. He stopped talking as he looked up into my eyes. Blue eyes so bright and clear held my golden ones. I didn’t see any fear in him.

  Instead, he reached out touching my cheek. His fingers were so warm. They brought me a sense of peace that I never felt before. Leaning down I pressed him further into the wall. What was I doing? His hand fell away from my cheek and down to my chest. I could hear the way his heart was racing. Yet I knew it had nothing to do with fear. Why? Why didn’t he fear me? Why was he letting me lean down closer?

  Before I could decide what I was going to do to the white mage the page in my hand caught fire. Soji and I both pulled away from each other as the ashes of the page blew down the alley. My eyes followed the aches as I saw the bear man walking towards us. I love it when dinner comes to me.

  I watched as the outlaw rolled his shoulders. He was cracking his knuckles a twisted smile on his face. Maybe he thought he was about to have two easy targets. Together Soji and I didn’t look like a very threatening pair. We looked like two teenagers trying to make out in an alley.

  I was so hungry though. I didn’t have time to do my normal taunting. I didn’t want to hear his last words or know if he was sorry for the people he killed. All I wanted was to meal I was about to receive.

  I rushed down towards the man. He went to swing at me, but I leaped up. Coming down on him he grabbed me into a big bear hug. It was pointless really. My fangs pressed down as I bit into the man’s neck. He tasted like something fired in dirty grease. I gagged but continue to drink from him. I needed this meal even if the blood wasn’t up to the standards that I would have liked.

  What did this say about me as a demon? I had someone who blood would be better than a five star meal. I was drinking dirty grease though. Maybe this was the time that you think back and reflect on the choices that you made in life. Funny as it was I think it was my good choices that brought me to this moment.

  The outlaw fell to the ground as I continued to drink from him. Until the last drop was gone, I didn’t pull away from him. When I finished, I moved back wiping the blood from my lips. My eyes shifted as I looked at Soji. He didn’t seem bothered by the sight of me feeding. Even Shu looked away the first times that he had come with me. What was with this guy? Who was Soji?


  There was was soft sounds of sobs. My head felt as if it weighed a ton. When I tried to move, I found that I could. My hands were bound, my legs pinned against something. There was something rough and salty in my mouth. Even my waist had the same restrictions.

  Blinking my eyes open I could see my family across from me. My eyes widen as I took in the sight of them. They were all tired to the dining room chairs. All of us has been placed in the living room. The sofa and overstuffed chair that belonged in this room had been moved to the walls.

  Mother, Father, and Amber were all facing me. Why wasn’t I in the same line as them? I could see the scared looks on their faces. I watched as my father tried to struggle and free himself. I shook my head trying to clear it. It only made the pounding inside of my brain intensify. What was going on? How could this happen to us?

  Warm fingers brushed against my face and I could my heart racing. It slammed against my rib cage as I looked up to Ban. He smiled down at me and I couldn’t help but think his smile was so perfect. Of course it was. We would never have let him in the house if he looked like he was going to chop us up into bite size bits.

  Ban moved away from me going towards my family. I watched as he yanked the gags from their mouths. Amber started to scream as soon as the gag was pulled from. I hissed when Ban raised his hand and brought it across my sister’s face. He hit her hard enough to knock her chair backward. She crashed to the floor hard.

  It made the screaming stop as Amber sobbed softly. I struggled against the bonds. I could feel the rope digging into my wrist as I tried to get free. He just hit my sister. What kind of a man would hit a girl? The same kind that charmed his way inside of someone home only to tie up the family. So what was he going to do next? Rob us? Kill us?

  “Son of a bitch,” Father hissed at Ban as he Amber’s chair was lifted up again. I could see the freshly fallen tears on my sister’s face. I wished there was something I could do for her. We were all in the same boat.

  The sound of my father’s voice seemed to draw Ban’s attention over to the man. I watched as his nails grew longer. I shook my head again making the pain in my skull vibrate. How could he do that? What was he? Were the reports real? Was Ban a demon?

  He took two of his fingers and pressed them into my father’s shoulder. My dad screamed out in pain. He shook his head as Ban pressed the nails deeper into him. My mother cried out beside my father. She was watching the man she loved be wounded by a monster.

  Ban withdrew his nails from my father as he placed them to his lips. He licked my father’s blood away from his fingers. Slowly Ban walked back towards me. I squeezed my eyes shut as I waited for the pain that he was about to cause me. I could feel his fingers running down my chest. He cut away my shirt as he drew his hand down my body.

  “Don’t touch him! Don’t touch my son!” Mother yelled. Opening my eyes, I could see her shaking her head as more tears rolled from her eyes and dripped off her chin. “Don’t touch my baby boy.” Ban fingers stopped as he looked towards my mother. He was going to hurt her. He was going to hurt my mother like he did my father.

  I let a moan pass through my lips drawing Ban’s attention back to me. He looked down at
me and I let out a shaky breath. He had been . . . Interested in me earlier tonight. Maybe he still was. If that meant he was going to leave my mother alone I didn’t mind.

  “Natsu wants me to touch him.” He plucked my nipple and I moaned again. Why did that feel so good? No one ever touched my nipples before. Mostly because I only slept with girls before this. His fingers pinched the hard little tips and I moaned again. The last thing I wanted was to be . . . excited in front of my parents.

  How had a boring night of board game come to getting aroused in front of my family. I couldn’t help the pleasure that his fingers brought. I wanted to fight against it but it felt amazing. Ban reached up pulling the gag from my mouth. He didn’t give me time to cry for help as he stuck his tongue in my mouth.

  His kiss was intoxicating. He tasted like the popcorn he had been eating just a hour or so again. The way his tongue swept through my mouth made me feel the hunger he held inside of himself. My tongue met his twisting around as Ban stole my breath away.

  “Zero,” my mother sobbed my name. I gasped as Ban pulled away. His hand slide down my chest and to my pants. I could feel him rubbing me through the jeans I wore tonight. I was going to die from embarrassment if he took me member from my pants.

  “Shall we play a game?” Ban asked. He was looking at my family. His hand still on me as he smiled.

  A sobering sensation fell over me as I pulled into the driveway of Shu’s home, my home. It was closing in on dawn. The team should have been back days ago. There was no doubt that Amy and Rai was probably worried sick by now.

  I swallowed as I looked at the house in front of me. I never hesitated going inside before. Every time we pulled into the driveway it meant that we were home. That we were safe. Instead a heavy feeling fell over my heart.

  No one was safe. Shu was dead. Aya and Dante were dead. Once again I was the only one that came home. I was the only one that woke up after sleep that should have met death. It was only me. Was that enough for Amy and Rai?

  I was scared. For the first time in two hundred years I felt fear. I was scared that the two women inside of the house was going to hate me. That they were going to blame me for their lost. If they did I would take that blame. I would lay down and let Amy take her pound of flesh from me. It was what I deserved for not bring her husband back to her.

  Soji was watching me as I slowly turned off the car. No matter what was waiting for me, I still had to go in the house. I had to tell Amy and Rai what happened. I could only hope that they understood. That they wouldn't hate me for not saving Shu.

  Getting out of the car I walked up the stairs and to the door with Soji in tow. As I was opening the door, Rai slammed into my body. I stumbled back slightly before smiling at her. I held her close to me as I leaned down kissing the top of her head.

  I watched as Amy came from the kitchen. It was too early to be cooking. Yet she was already wiping her hands off on her apron. I looked at the older woman as she looked around for the others. My smile dropped from my face as Amy drew closer to me.

  “Where are the others, Zero?” Amy asked she was still looking around before she walked into my arms giving me a hug. I held onto her tightly. “Where’s Shu?” My arms tighten around her. I dropped my face against her neck. I could feel the sting of tears in my eyes. Rai was still holding onto me as well. “Where is he?!” Amy yelled and I shook my head.

  “Ban and Kenji . . . we were no match for the three of them.” I let her go dropping to my knees in front of her. “I’m so sorry, Amy. I was so weak. I couldn’t protect him. Shu . . . I couldn’t protect Shu.” I pressed my face into her stomach and Amy wrapped her arms around me. I could feel her tiny fingers pressing into my hair.

  “Shu was a Demon Hunter. We both knew how he was going to die.” She sounded so sad. I could hear the tears in her voice. “It’s not your fault Zero. I’m sure you did your best.” I had tried hard to protect him. I just couldn’t in the end. In the end, I was still a weak demon.

  I looked up at her as silent tears ran down her cheeks. Amy was a strong woman, she didn’t blame me or hate me. She held me as we cried together like a family. Rai was crying as well. Shu was her father. She loved him. He was a good father, a good husband, a good friend.

  Amy patted my head and I stood up again. She was rubbing at her eyes wiping away the tears that had smeared her make up. “We need to leave.” Amy said and I nodded my head as Rai glared at her mother as if she didn’t understand. “When a member of the team dies you pack up and you leave.” That was the number one rule. Kaleb had always followed it and Shu lived by it as well.

  When Rai was born, we had been in this house. Shu and I had been a two-man team until Aya came and then Dante. Now all three of them were gone. We needed to move on. We needed to follow the rules. It was how we were going to keep this family alive.

  “Zero, take your friend and pack anything useful. Rai, go pack your room. I will . . . I will . . .” Amy titled and I grabbed her before she could fall to the floor.

  “Mom!” Rai rushed over to her as I scooped her up into my arms. We all rushed upstairs to her room. Maybe the news of Shu was too much. Soji sat on the edge of Amy’s bed. A white light surrounded his hand as he moved them over Amy. I could feel the heat of his power. It was pure magic, the kind that didn’t agree with demons like me.

  “She’s fine, she just fainted,” Soji said the light on his hand fading away.

  “We should let her rest. Go pack like Amy said,” I told Rai. She gave small hiccuping sobs but moved from the room. I moved out of the room as well turning out the light and shutting the door after Soji joined me in the hall.

  Packing met finding clothes and weapons that were still usable. I went through the rooms looking for these items as Soji watched me. I could feel his blue eyes on me. What was he looking for?

  “Is moving a good idea?” He lived in a church. They had a lot of members to protect their stronghold. We just had the three of us. This house was too big to protect with just us. We had to move so that we had a chance at living. Plus this place was Shu’s home. Staying here would be like living in a tomb. We would all be surrounded by his scent, his laughter, his memories.

  Soji walked towards me. He rested his hand to the side of my face. I paused looking up at him. It was that feeling again. That great sense that I knew him. That in some life he and I shared the same space and time. I didn’t understand it. I didn’t know why I was so . . . Connected to him.

  I frowned when I saw tears leak from his eyes. Pulling him into my arms I wasn’t sure brought on the wave of emotions. Why was he crying? Was he hurt? It wasn’t like he ever met Shu. He had no reason to mourn with the rest of us. This house met nothing to him. So leaving it shouldn’t bring him to tears.

  “All of this pain. That little girl lost her father because of demons. This whole world is suffering because of demons. Even you, Zero. You suffered so much because of a demon.” He couldn’t know the things that I suffered. Or maybe he did know. Maybe he saw my pain. Maybe he was familiar to me because he knew my pain, he knew my suffering.

  “There was a world without demons once. I was human once. When the gates were open, I was human. My family died because of Ban. So I understand. I hate demons too. I’m a demon though. I didn’t want to die so I became a demon.”

  “You’re not like other demons. You have a soul.” He pressed his hand against my chest. I had a soul? Did he see it inside of me? I shook my head pressing my forehead against his. I could see his tears shine in the dimly lit room. It should have been a sin for someone to be so beautiful.

  Ban was this beautiful, but Ban was a dark beauty. Soji was beautiful on the inside. His soul was untainted. I backed up from him shoving my fingers into his hair. Since I became, a demon Ban was the only person I ever touched. For the last two hundred years, Ban was the only person I wanted.

  So why did I feel so drawn to Soji? Why did something inside of me tell me that it wasn’t true? That Ban wasn’t the only one that I
saw. Why did it feel like there was someone in the fog? Looking at Soji he was rubbing at his eyes trying to clear away his tears. Who was this man?

  Leaning in I pressed my lips to his. I could feel him stiffen under my touch. His lips were so soft as I pressed against them. I could feel his fingers twist in my shirt. For a moment, I thought he was going to push me away but he didn’t.

  Tilting my head to the side I got a better angle on the kiss as my tongue flicked from my mouth. My tongue brushed against his mouth and his lips parted for me. My tongue slipped between his lips and he seemed to melt into my arms.

  My fingers shoved deeper into his hair as I wrapped my arms around his waist. He tasted like honey. It felt like no matter how close he was I wanted to be closer. My fingers moved down his body and grabbed the hem of his shirt. Pushing my hand up I felt Soji’s erect nipples. He pulled back from me a blush staining his face.

  “My dad is dead and you’re making out with a stranger.” I turned around seeing Rai standing in the doorway. Soji pulled away from me as Rai glared. I looked back at the beautiful boy I had just been kissing and then at the angry child I watched grow old.

  “Rai . . .” What was I suppose to say to her? We all mourn in our own ways. That was true, but there was also a level of respect to be had. I shouldn’t have kissed Soji. I shouldn’t have done it when we were supposed to be packing so we could leave. “I’m sorry.” I said softly.

  What more did she want from me? I couldn’t bring Shu back. I didn’t think I was actually sorry for kissing Soji. Shaking my head, I watched as Rai ran away from the door. She was upset with me. No, she was upset about Shu and looking for an outlet.

  “I’m sorry,” Soji spoke and I shook my head.

  “She’ll cool off.” She would have to. We were family. We were all in this together now. After she got her head on straight, I would talk to her. Right now, we needed to pack. That way we could be ready when Amy woke up.


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