Reaching Back

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Reaching Back Page 4

by Dawn Ryder

  Noel ripped her attention away from the display and stared at Hunter and Blade. They were watching the entertainment and their eyes glowed with enjoyment. She moved her attention to Thorn and found his eyes watching her. A little rush of heat hit her face as she caught him watching her instead of another woman. Stuff like that made her feel ultra-attractive. The other girl had makeup on and her hair dressed just right, but Thorn was looking at her and the plain shirt and pants that she had dug out of his closet. There hadn’t been so much as a hair barrette in his bathroom and her new hair length left her without a clue as to how to make it attractive. So it was neatly hanging to her shoulders on either side of her head. The best word she could come up with to describe her appearance was “neat”. Maybe that was good, if you were a novice in a convent. Noel frowned as she realized she wanted to be pretty, and of course the only reason she would be worried about that was because she wanted Thorn to notice.

  The other two girls made Noel feel drab but Thorn’s eyes made her feel so much different. The dark orbs undressed her right there at the table and he looked like he enjoyed the fact that she noticed it.

  The group at the next table suddenly stood up and all walked towards the back of the restaurant. A round of male laughter followed them and the girl turned to wink at the room before she was pulled through a doorway.

  “Lucky dogs.” Blade made the comment and the table moved slightly as Hunter kicked the man and the table at the same time. Thorn growled at his friend as Noel watched them fire warning shots across the table.

  “What’s the problem?”

  “There is no problem.” Once again Thorn said each word like an order. Noel cocked her head to one side and glared at his expressionless face.

  “What? I’m not allowed to know what they went off to do? Am I some kind of vestal virgin who can’t know what girls and boys do together when they’re all alone in the dark?” Thorn’s mouth turned down with anger, but Noel wasn’t in the mood to placate his temper. “Oh please, if the whole idea behind selection is to make babies then I think the topic of sex is one that I should know about.”

  “That is not the whole idea, but I will grant you your point, Noel.” Thorn shrugged his huge shoulders. “They did go into one of the back rooms to have sex.”

  And everybody knew it. Well, that was a relaxed attitude for you. Noel shrugged in return because Thorn was watching her and waiting to see what she thought about his statement. Three-to-one was a little more than she was used to, but when the odds were what they appeared to be, then she guessed it made sense.

  Thorn suddenly grinned at her. “I’m pleasantly surprised. I had heard that selected females didn’t like multiple unions.”

  “Um, well, I guess it’s more of a case of live and let live. I’m not going to judge her. It is my first day here, after all.”

  But the idea of three men all touching her at the same time made her nerve endings tingle. Noel found her brain offering up an image of those three muscle-bound men all trying to stroke and pleasure that one girl at the same time.

  Hunter and Blade grinned at her as food began to arrive. Noel picked up her fork and dived into the dish that landed in front of her.

  “Have you been with more than one man at a time?”

  Noel choked on her food. Blade just threw out his question like it was a normal, benign topic. Hunter laughed at her reaction as he looked at Thorn.

  “Rugar wasn’t joking.” Blade announced his observation like a point he’d won in a game.

  “She declined to judge the matter. That isn’t a decision,” Thorn fired back as the three men began talking about other men and their comments about selected females. Noel gratefully let them concentrate on each other. Sex was too prevalent here. It was also just a little too public for her taste. Going to lunch with Thorn’s friends was supposed to get them away from the idea of getting naked together.

  Eating didn’t take very long. Thorn stood up the second Noel finished and they all walked towards the front door. The room went silent as they moved between tables, and she got the impression that every man in the place was staring at her butt.

  Well, that was a change, all right!

  Thorn kept his word and took her shopping. But she shied away from the clothing stores because he intended to buy things for her. She had always paid her way, so being dropped at the bottom of the “kept woman” pile stung.

  A display caught her eye and she wandered towards it. Little metal bars, just a half-inch long and in all kinds of neat colors. They were jewelry of some kind, the ends had little balls on each side and some were jewels that sparkled in the display case lights. One little purple one with topaz jewels caught her eyes.

  “Do you like that one?” Thorn leaned down to look closer at the little sparkling bit of jewelry. A sales clerk moved towards them as Thorn pointed to the little bar of purple metal. A second later it was on the counter and in Thorn’s hand. He grinned at her as he offered it to her. “I think it suits you, Noel.”

  Turning it in her hand to look at the jeweled end, Noel smiled. “It’s cute. Where do you wear it?”

  “Through your clit.”

  Her fingers froze as she raised her eyes to Thorn’s, but he simply stared back like he hadn’t just said “clit” right there in front of his buddies and a clerk. She had heard that some women did pierce their…ah…clits. She handed it back to Thorn as she backed away from the display case.

  “Well, in that case, I’ll pass.”

  Thorn frowned at her as did Blade and Hunter. Even the clerk looked at her like she’d grown another head. Thorn offered it to her again as he smiled an overly bright smile at her. “Clit bars make orgasm three times as intense for a female.”

  Her eyes strayed to the little gems again as she thought about… Had he said three times? “Oh please, and I’m supposed to take a man’s word for that?”

  Smiles appeared on all three male faces as they nodded their heads. Thorn reached into his pocket and pulled out a little metal tag. He offered it to the clerk as he held the clit bar out to her. “You can tell me what you think of it once we have your clit pierced.” His eyes glowed once again as they dropped down her body to her mons. “I can’t wait to help you discover if it’s true.”

  “I am not—” Noel clamped her jaw shut as she struggled to lower her voice before telling Thorn exactly what she thought about his idea. She took a deep breath and stared at three pairs of male eyes that all seemed to think clit piercing was a great idea.

  Of course, none of them had a clit either.

  “No one is going to poke holes in my genitals.”

  Thorn frowned at her as he rolled the little metal bar between his fingers. Her eyes strayed to the way his fingers delicately handled the thing. He looked like he knew exactly how to manipulate one.

  Oh, shut up, Noel!

  Her body was responding to just the idea. Her nipples tingled and between her thighs her clit was throbbing away as moisture slowly seeped from her body.

  Thorn’s eyes watched her face and she caught a flare of hunger in those dark depths. “Are you afraid it will hurt too much for your frail constitution?”

  “I am not frail.”

  He tossed his head and shrugged. “You’re the one crying about a little piercing. I don’t know a single female who has ever complained about getting her clit pierced.”

  Thorn looked at his buddies and they shook their heads as well. His eyes shot back to her face as he raised an eyebrow at her.

  “Are you daring me to do it?”

  That smug grinned appeared on his face as he rolled the little clit bar through his fingers slowly. “Life is about challenges, unless you’re too weak to face them.”

  “Easy to say when it’s not your genitals being introduced to a needle.”

  “I’ve done it.” Blade offered her a huge smile as he crossed his arms across his chest. Noel stared at the other man because she had just somehow forgotten that all four of them were involved in
the discussion of her clit. Blade continued smiling at her shock. “Want to see?”

  “No, thanks.”

  Blade’s smile widened to show her his teeth. “Chicken.”

  “I am not.”

  Thorn held the little clit bar out to her. “Talk is cheap.”

  Her pride reared its head and she snatched the little jeweled bar from his hand despite the warning bell echoing in her head. It was 2231, after all—they must have improved the piercing process. Thorn’s nostrils actually flared as she tossed her head and propped a hand on her hip. “Bring it on. That is, if you really think it can live up to your claim of three times better. A woman might just have a different opinion on that, Thorn, and seeing as you don’t have the same parts, I think my opinion is worth more on this subject.”

  His eyes shot her a look full of promise as he opened his hand and showed her to the back of the shop. “That’s a challenge I am going to enjoy giving my personal attention, Noel.”

  Oh, pride did lead the way to a long fall.

  Noel felt her temper bleed away as she took her pants off in a little dressing room the shop clerk showed her to. It was just her luck that the shop not only sold the little clit bars but also quite cheerfully installed them.


  Straightening her back, Noel pushed the dressing room door open. The clerk swore she wouldn’t feel a thing and well, she was about to test out that promise. She was not going back out to Thorn and his buddies with her tail between her legs.

  Her face exploded with a blush as she thought about what she would have between her legs when she did go back out there. But there was also a surge of excitement curling through her belly. Three times? Now that would be completely mind-blowing.

  Having a hunk like Thorn being the man causing that orgasm could plunge her into total insanity.

  Noel shook her head. She was turning into a floozy. Since meeting Thorn, she’d had a one-track thinking process that always went right back to sex. Now that man was certainly a great candidate for fantasies that involved hot and wild sex, but she was supposed to be thinking about beginning a new life. A little focus was in order under the circumstances.

  She looked up as a clerk entered the room and motioned her over to a table. Well, she was certainly trying out new things, now wasn’t she?

  * * * * *

  It really was painless. Noel tried to shake off her tension before Thorn’s sharp eyes noticed it. Five little minutes on that table and her body had been completely changed. Not only had the clerk inserted the little bar through her clit, he had lasered off each and every pubic hair she had. The skin was smooth and soft, and, according to the clerk, the hair removal was permanent. She wouldn’t even have stubble. It sure beat waxing.

  Man, oh man!

  The few steps it took to get back into the dressing room made sweat pop out on her forehead. Whatever anesthetic they used in 2231, it wore off quick. As she walked the little round jewels rubbed against the lips of her sex. It drew far more attention to her pussy than she was used to giving it. The bar itself moved just a tiny amount and her clit throbbed with pleasure.

  The mirror in the dressing room gave her the first look at her bared mons. The topaz ends of the clit bar sparkled from between the lips of her sex because the clit bar was shaped with a curve. Without her pubic hair her skin looked soft and inviting and the little jewels sparkled in plain sight. That was sure a new kind of jewelry for a girl to be asking for from her boyfriend!

  The door behind her opened and she shrieked. Thorn’s hand covered her mouth before the sound got past her lips. All that escaped was a muffled squeak. His arms wrapped around her, keeping her facing the mirror. The reflection let her see his eyes as they targeted her new clit bar.

  “Ah, Noel, I want to do so many things to you right now.” His voice was a husky growl next to her ears. She shivered as his tongue appeared and licked his lower lip. His hand left her mouth and smoothed over her neck in a slow caress. His cock was hard and pressing into her back as his hand moved over her collarbone and down to cup one of her breasts.

  A little moan rose from her throat as his thumb brushed her nipple. The hard nub seemed hardwired in a direct current to her clit. His thumb moved and her clit pulsed.

  Thorn dipped his head to the side of her throat and bit her. It was just sharp enough to make her nerve endings jump. She gasped as her eyes met his in the mirror.

  “I can smell your pussy.”

  None of her partners had ever used that word out loud with her. Noel shivered as she felt his cock press into her back. She sometimes thought about her body with that word, and it was like Thorn knew a naughty little secret about her by saying it out loud.

  Fluid coated the inside of her pussy in response as her bottom unconsciously wiggled against his thighs. It was a slow side-to-side motion of her hips as his hand tightened slightly around her breast. The shirt made her mad with its interference between them. She wanted to be skin to skin and even closer than that. Her pussy ached for the cock taunting her with its thick erection.

  “Spread your feet.” His voice was hard with command. Noel shook her head but her body screamed yes. Her pussy demanded she comply as Thorn aimed a hard demand at her through the mirror. “Open your thighs for me, Noel.”

  She shouldn’t do it but her feet shifted apart as his thumb brushed her nipple again. “Good girl.” His head dipped towards her neck as she leaned back against his chest to let him explore the sensitive skin. Thorn laid a row of bites down to her shoulder as his thumb circled her aching nipple. “Wider.”

  He growled as she opened her feet apart. A wave of vulnerability swept through her as cool air hit the fluid coating the top of her thighs. Thorn was strong enough to hold her still and torment her for hours with just his fingers. His right hand smoothed over her belly and onto the top of her mons.

  Thorn’s eyes caught hers in the reflection. Hard determination blazed towards her as he stroked her clit with the tip of one finger. “I am going to watch you climax.”

  She whimpered. Noel had no idea what the sound meant either. Fear, excitement, need, it was all twisting inside her pussy and pouring into her clit. The little sparkling topazes flashed in the mirror, taunting her with the promise of insanity. Thinking was long gone. Only sensation and need went through her brain.

  Thorn’s eyes held hers as his finger returned to her clit. A moan surfaced from her throat and the hand on her breast returned to cover her mouth. “Shh, baby, we wouldn’t want anyone to know I snuck back here.”

  Noel snorted at him but his finger rubbed her clit and she gasped as pleasure shot straight up into her pussy. “Umm, I think that’s the spot you like stroked, isn’t it?”

  Her hips jerked towards his hand as he circled and rubbed her clit. Pleasure like she had never felt speared into her belly as she thrust her hips up to offer her clit to his hand. The blood roared in her ears as Thorn slipped his finger down the length of her slit to the entrance of her pussy.

  “So wet but not really ready. Before I fuck you, I’m going to know exactly what your pleasure sounds like, what it tastes like.” He thrust his finger into her body as her hips jerked again. Noel groaned behind his hand and a small smile appeared on his lips.

  “But when I do get inside you, Noel, you will scream out my name.”

  Her pride swelled up, but Thorn moved his finger back up her slit and pressed down onto her clit. Her entire body froze in a second that felt like an hour as climax gripped her and snapped her like a leather whip. Control was nonexistent as pleasure crashed into her brain and her body twisted against Thorn’s harder one.

  Noel struggled to pull a breath into her lungs and found herself held in Thorn’s arms. It was a humbling moment of complete surrender but she didn’t find his eyes mocking her. Instead the mirror showed her a man who was fascinated by her. His fingers smoothed over her body in long stokes as he watched her pleasure.

  His cock was still rock-hard against her back but there
was a tender look on his face as he continued to hold her. Most of the guys she’d dated would have been trying to get their own jollies off at that moment. Noel wouldn’t have given him a word of protest if he opened his fly and bent her over one of his arms.

  Instead his eyes locked with hers as a small smile of satisfaction lifted his lips. “Welcome to my world, Noel. I hope you enjoy your new life with me.”

  He meant it too. Noel shivered at the pure determination in his gaze. It was a humbling moment as she stared at his reflection and the way his hands stroked her body. Nothing but soothing touches…no pressure for her to return the favor and relieve the sexual tension keeping his cock hard. Not once in her life had she ever encountered a guy who actually enjoyed pleasuring her, simply for the sake of being able to touch her. Emotion twisted around her thoughts and the only one that really made any sense was the feeling of appreciation.

  It humbled her.

  She would enjoy life with him. Thorn filled his senses with the heavy scent of her musk and controlled the urge to fuck her. Rutting was for the females in his past. Noel was his. She was his chance at a future that lived only in the imagination of men who had been born without mothers. Right now she shivered in his embrace as her mind battled against her body’s reaction to his. That conflict made her more than attractive, it endeared her to him because she craved more than release from her sexual tension.

  She longed for intimacy and Thorn swore that he would find the way to share that treasure with her.

  Because she was his chance to be loved.

  Chapter Five

  Blade and Hunter wiped their faces clean the second she and Thorn rejoined them. Not a single muscle even twitched on their faces and Noel was sure her face turned bright red.


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