Renegade (Bad Blooded Rebel Series)

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Renegade (Bad Blooded Rebel Series) Page 3

by George, Mellie

  He was wiping the tears from my cheeks when Jake cleared his throat. “Sorry to interrupt, bro, but are you ready?”

  He smiled at me and said, “Yeah, I’m ready.”

  Blinking away a few more stray tears, I asked, “Ready for what?”

  “You’re not the only one getting ink done tonight, sweetheart,” he said, winking at me and taking a seat in Jake’s chair.

  I sat down in the chair next to Ryder and asked, “So, do I get to know what you are going to get?”

  “Yes and no,” he said.

  I stared at him, dumbfounded. “Well, which is it?”

  “I am getting two tattoos but I’ll tell you one of them,” he said. When he told me he was getting “Rock Star” tattooed across his knuckles I grinned brightly. “The other one is a surprise.”

  I leaned in and kissed him deeply as Jake changed the needles out and got everything ready for Ryder’s tattoos. “I can’t wait to see what it is.”

  “Love you, baby,” he whispered to me.

  About forty five minutes later Ryder’s knuckles were finished and they looked beautiful. He’d had them done in Old English script and with his other tattoos on his arms it worked well. I loved that he’d gotten something that reminded him of me.

  Jake and Ryder made me turn my back as they did his other tattoo but they both promised me it would only take about ten minutes to do. I was nervous as to what it could be and the anticipation was giving me butterflies in my stomach.

  “Come on you guys! Aren’t you done yet?” I asked, tapping my foot.

  Ryder chuckled and said, “Okay. Turn around gorgeous.”

  I spun in my chair to find Ryder holding out his left hand. I thought for a moment he wanted me to hold it but then my eyes landed on his ring finger. I gasped as I read “Evie” in beautiful cursive script spelled out in fresh ink on the inside of his finger.

  “Ryder,” I whispered, my eyes filling with tears again.

  “Do you like it?” he asked.

  My fingers instinctively reached out and lightly touched his newly tattooed skin. “It’s beautiful. I can’t believe you did this,” I said, my voice cracking.

  “Why wouldn’t I do it? Everleigh, I love you so much. You’re it for me. I wanted Jake to put your name on my ring finger to show you that you are my whole world, gorgeous.”

  Tears were still spilling from my eyes as I leaned in and kissed him. I didn’t care that Jake was watching and snickering…I couldn’t believe he did this. I had always thought when someone got a tattoo of their significant other names it was bad luck, but seeing my name on Ryder’s ring finger in beautiful black script made my heart feel so full. “I love you so much,” I said.

  “Love you too,” he repeated.

  Jake cleared his throat. “Okay, are we done with the PDA? I need to clean up and that’s kind of hard to do with you staring at Everleigh like you’re about to knock her up in my chair,” he laughed, nudging Ryder’s arm.

  I pulled back from him so Ryder could stand. “I’m sorry, Jake,” I said.

  “Don’t apologize to that ass clown, Evie,” Ryder said, smiling. “You ready to head home?” He looked at me with eyes full of desire.

  I shivered. “Definitely,” I said, and he cocked his head to the side and grinned. “But first I need to pay Jake for my tattoo.”

  Jake shook his head and held up his hands. “Oh no, babe, this one was on the house. Ryder’s my boy and even though I’ve been teasing the shit out of him all night I’m happy to see him settled down with a sweet girl.”

  “Oh no, Jake, I can’t do that. You took time out of your schedule to do this for me. Please let me pay for it,” I said, holding out the cash Ryder had given me a few weeks ago. “Take it.”

  Jake smiled and shook his head again. “No way, babe.”

  I turned to Ryder and stared at him with my mouth hanging open. “How hard is it for someone to take this damn money from me?”

  “Why are you trying so hard to get rid of it?” Jake asked me, laughing. I told him the story of how Ryder gave it to me as a tip with his cell number stashed inside it and he laughed even harder. “Damn dude, you must have been off your game. Sounds a little desperate to me.”

  “Fuck you, Jake. Evie’s not a groupie or a rock slut. I had to do something a little out of the ordinary to get her to call. Who the hell cares anyway? It worked, didn’t it?” he asked, pulling me into his side.

  I looked up at him and smiled. “Yes it did.”

  “Hey, listen, we all need to get together and hang out while you and the guys are still in town,” Jake said, and he reached out his hand to Ryder. I stepped to the side and let them have their man hug.

  “Definitely, bro. Thanks for getting us in tonight.”

  “Not a problem. You know you are at the top of the list, dude. Everleigh,” Jake said, turning to me, “it was really nice to meet you. Thanks for letting me do your tat. It looks bad ass on you.”

  I leaned in and gave him a friendly hug. “Thank you for making it special. It’s perfect, Jake.”

  He gave me a quick squeeze. “You’re very welcome, beautiful. Don’t forget your aftercare instructions. I’m sure Ryder can help you out if you need it,” he said.

  “Thanks again, man. I’ll call you soon,” Ryder said, giving Jake another back pounding hug and we left the tattoo studio arm in arm.

  Later that night we were lying in bed together naked and wrapped in each other’s arms. The snow was still falling outside as our breathing returned to normal. It had been tricky to make love when both of us had brand new tattoos but we managed just fine.

  “So,” I asked, lying on my side and tracing one of the tattoos on his sculpted chest with my fingertip, “you and Jake seem to have a strange friendship. How long have you known him?”

  Ryder chuckled and kissed my hair. “I’ve known Jake for six years. We were touring with Eternal Down at the time and their lead singer Jagger is Jake’s cousin. I was looking to get a piece done for my dad and Jagger suggested I check him out, so I did. The rest is history.”

  “Do you two usually joke like that? I’m surprised you didn’t punch him when he admitted to checking out my boobs,” I said, feeling redness creeping into my cheeks.

  Ryder sighed and ran his fingers through my hair. “I wouldn’t worry about him, he’s harmless. Whenever we were in New York we all used to hang at clubs together. Jude, Jake, and I all had a little rivalry going when it came to how many girls we could get in one night. Jake and I used to try and land the same girl and made it a competition to see who could get her first. He’s a really great guy but he was just trying to push my buttons since I’m off the market,” he said.

  “He seems cool, but I have to admit it made me feel a little weird. Ever since the incident with Scott-”

  “Shh, Evie,” Ryder said. “We don’t have to talk about him. That prick will never touch you again.”

  “I just…ugh, I don’t know. I just feel like even though we are here in New York Scott can still get to me somehow.”

  Ryder sat up and looked at me. “Everleigh, he is still in Muncie. He cannot get to you. Trust me on this,” he said.

  “I do trust you. I just know that even though he’s still there he’s out of jail. Danni is there alone and Trish is by herself at my house. I’m sure he knows by now that I’m gone and I have a feeling he might try and find me. It wouldn’t be hard,” I admitted.

  “Let him come. If he so much as tries to touch you again he will be going back to Muncie in a body bag,” he said, his jaw clenched. “Let’s not talk about that fucker anymore. I want to spend the rest of the night getting lost in you.” As Ryder began to kiss his way down my neck all thoughts of Scott were tossed out of my head. I really hoped Ryder was right and that Scott couldn’t hurt me anymore but I couldn’t shake the feeling that the attack in the club was just a sneak peek at what was to come.

  Chapter 3


  The alarm on my cell phone went
off and I groaned. I could feel Everleigh’s gorgeous body wrapped around mine and I smiled before I even opened my eyes. I was about to turn my alarm off and say fuck the recording studio and spend the day rolling around in bed with her but before I could I felt her moving. “Come on, time to get up rock star,” she whispered, kissing my bare chest.

  Everleigh started to sit up but I held onto her. “No…just ten more minutes. Don’t make me move,” I whined like a child.

  “Don’t be a baby. You have to be at the studio by nine so you need to get a move on. I’ll go start the coffee,” she said, wiggling out of my arms and climbing out of bed. “Is there anything you want for breakfast?”

  As I watched Everleigh move to the dresser I’d bought for her I sat up and rested my head against the headboard. “Yes. I want your sexy ass back in this bed. I want you lying on your back with those awesome legs in the air and my face between them,” I said, looking right at her.

  She shivered and I could see goose bumps starting to form on her skin. “Ryder…we can’t. Come on, don’t say things like that, you know what it does to me.”

  “Of course I do…you know I never play fair. Come back to bed, baby,” I pleaded. “Let me get a taste of you before I have to go.”

  I could see that she was tempted but she also wasn’t one to be swayed when it came to my music. She had become so supportive of the band lately and wanted this album to be finished as much as we all did. However, judging by how she was glaring at me I wasn’t going to win this one. “Ryder, we have all the time in the world for that, just not this morning. If you get there early enough maybe you guys can be finished in enough time for us to have some fun later,” she said, winking at me.

  As she slipped into a pair of black panties and one of my old tee shirts I knew I wasn’t going to get lucky this morning. I groaned in defeat and dragged my ass out of bed. “You don’t have to make me breakfast this morning, Evie. I’ll just grab something on my way to the studio.”

  Her brows furrowed and she frowned. “Are you sure? It’s really no trouble.”

  “I’m sure, but thanks,” I said, walking to her and kissing her lips lightly before I grabbed a pair of boxers from my top drawer. “You know, there’s still time for you to get dressed and come into the studio this morning.”

  She walked into the bathroom and pulled out a toothbrush. After she put paste on it she ran the toothbrush under cold water and said, “I don’t know, Ryder. I told you that I am afraid I’ll be a distraction.”

  I turned on the shower nozzle and as I waited for it to get warm I said, “Evie, I’m telling you that you won’t be. In fact I really want you to hear the new stuff we’ve been working on.” I stepped to her and stuck my bottom lip out. “Please?” I was actually desperate to get her out of the apartment today because I had planned on surprising her at the studio.

  Everleigh thought Danni was flying into New York City this weekend but I knew she’d been lonely in the apartment so I had arranged for Danni to fly in today. Her first stop after leaving the airport was going to be the recording studio. Hopefully her arrival would not only make Everleigh happy but Beau as well. One more day of his whiny attitude and I was seriously going to punch him.

  She quickly finished brushing her teeth and spit out the paste into the sink. Sighing, she said, “Okay fine, but if I’m in the way you have to tell me.”

  I crossed my finger across my chest in an X shape. “I promise to tell you if you are being a pain in the ass.”

  “Thank you. I’m going to let you get your shower and I’ll go get ready,” she replied as she quickly kissed my lips.

  “You know, you could join me. It would save time and conserve water,” I said, cocking an eyebrow.

  Her mouth turned up in a smile and she said, “Yes and it would make you about fifteen minutes late to the studio because you wouldn’t be able to keep your hands off of me.”

  “I don’t give a shit if I’m late, Evie. Let them wait a few minutes,” I said, my voice lowering an octave. I grabbed her hand and pulled her toward me. Before she could protest I pulled my shirt from her body and tossed it to the floor.

  I thought she would try to convince me to be a good boy and be on time to the studio. Instead she quickly slipped out of her panties and pressed her beautiful curvaceous body against me as she slid my boxers down my waist. I grinned and pulled her into the large walk-in shower where we made love against the cold tile walls.

  An hour later I was in the recording studio getting ready to record my vocals for one of the last songs that would be on the album. I wrote it a few days after I first met Everleigh and I was nervous for her to hear it. It was called “Haunting Me” and it was the first ballad that Bad Blooded Rebel would be releasing.

  Rick and Stanley had expressed concern over us “going soft” but I didn’t give a shit if they liked it or not. The only person in the world I wanted to impress was Everleigh.

  Before the guys and I headed into the recording booth, Everleigh gave me a kiss. “Good luck rock star. Just pretend I’m not here,” she said. “I think I’m going to call Danni while you are busy.”

  I touched her arm to stop her. “Wait, Evie. Can you listen to the song before you call her? I kind of wanted your opinion on it.”

  Smiling brightly, she answered, “Really?”

  “Of course. Go take a seat at the mixing board and when it’s over tell me what you think,” I said, kissing her forehead before I walked into the booth.

  The guys were already waiting with their instruments and Jude gave me a smile. “So, you finally got her in the studio, huh? How many times did you have to lay the pipe on her to get her to agree to come?”

  I flipped Jude off. “Shut the fuck up, man. I didn’t need to do that. I just simply asked and she said yes.”

  Kris looked in Everleigh’s direction and smiled. “She looks like she’s doing okay,” he stated. “She seems happy here with you.”

  I grinned at him. “I hope so, man. There are no words to describe how much I love that girl out there.” I stepped toward the microphone and placed the headphones around my neck. “I actually have a good reason for bringing her here today though.”

  “Yeah? And what’s that?” Beau snapped, irritatingly plucking a few strings on his guitar.

  I sighed at his shitty attitude. One more day of this and I was going to kick his ass hard. “Well, I know she’s been bored and hasn’t wanted to leave much because I make John go with her everywhere, so I am flying in a little surprise for her today.”

  “What’s the surprise?” Kris asked.

  I looked at Beau, who was still strumming his guitar and not paying a bit of attention to me, and said, “Danni.”

  In an instant his head shot up. “W-what did you say?”

  I fought back a smile. “I’m flying Danni in today. She was planning on coming this weekend anyway but I know Everleigh has been lonely so I called Danni and we decided to surprise her.”

  Beau shifted in his seat and I saw a mixture of happiness and nervousness in his eyes. “Well, that’s good. For Everleigh, I mean,” he said. He stood and took his usual place at my side with an air about him I hadn’t felt for three weeks. “So, are we doing this song or what?”

  I exchanged hopeful looks with Kris and Jude. Hopefully seeing Danni would bring Beau out of his funk and he’d stop lying to himself about how he felt about her.

  “Yes, let’s do this thing. Lyle, we’re ready when you are,” I called out to a chubby man sitting next to Everleigh at the mixing board.

  He pressed the button for the microphone and said, “Ready out here. Let’s do this.”

  Thankfully I had already recorded my guitar solos for the track so all I had to do was sing. I blew a nervous breath as I looked at my beautiful Everleigh. She was watching us with interest and when our eyes locked, my heart jumped. I smiled and mouthed “I love you gorgeous” before the guys started to play behind me.

  As soon as I started to sing I could feel Ev
erleigh’s eyes on me. I didn’t want to crack so I just closed my eyes and let the words pour out of me.

  I’ve been haunted by those eyes

  Since they ripped through my soul

  And tore down all the walls I’d built

  Around my heart and now I need more

  I’ve been haunted by that smile

  And the brightness that it brings

  How I long to taste those lips

  And for you this song I sing

  Since I came to know you

  You became mine

  You’ve been in my dreams every night

  Your face stopping all time

  Since I looked into your soul

  I know now who I’m meant to be

  I need to make you see

  That you are haunting me…

  As soon as the song was over I opened my eyes and found Everleigh’s. They were full of tears…tears I’d gotten to know well over the past few days. They were happy tears…she was touched.

  I felt a hard clap on my back and Jude said, “I think you nailed that shit, bro.”

  “Thanks man.” Standing up, I took off my headphones and placed them on the stool I had been sitting on. I didn’t waste another second as I walked out of the recording booth to Everleigh. I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the chair and into my arms. Without saying a word I leaned in and kissed her lips, which tasted sweet from her lip gloss and salty from her tears.

  “Ryder,” she whispered when she caught her breath, “that song…”

  “Did you like it, Evie?” I asked, kissing the tip of her nose.

  “It was beautiful,” she said, sniffing. “Did you really feel that way when we first met?”

  “Of course I did. You took my breath away that night, baby. I swear my life changed the second you rolled your eyes at me,” I said, and she huffed out a laugh.

  “Mine did too, Ryder. I loved that song. It was amazing, really.” She leaned up and kissed me.


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