Gifted Connections 01

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Gifted Connections 01 Page 10

by S M Olivier

  Will sighed and leaned back, rubbing his eyes. He looked every bit his age in that moment. He looked at me. “I’m sorry I didn’t discuss this with you first; I didn’t think it mattered. Most woman wouldn’t care if money was being thrown at them or for them, for that matter.” He looked over at Judge Myer. “She even fought me when Jemmy offered to get her a new wardrobe, on my dime.”

  The Judge chuckled, suddenly looking more relaxed. “So, she’s stubborn like most of her family."

  I perked up. “You know my family?” Suddenly, I didn’t care if Will had gone behind my back and paid Heidi off. I could understand why he had thought that it was perfectly fine. The money probably didn’t even phase him; he was so wealthy.

  Judge Myer stood up and looked at me sadly. “That’s a story for another time. Right now, my wife has a pot roast waiting for me at home.”

  “But—”I started.

  “Is Noah nearby?” Judge Myer interrupted me.

  “He’s out in the waiting room with the others,” Will said.

  Judge Myers nodded, appeased. “I will see you later, Blake.”

  I gave Will a dumbfounded look. Judge Myer obviously knew about Noah’s ability to heal. Otherwise, why would he ask about his whereabouts? Was he someone to be trusted with that kind of information?

  “He’s gifted,” he affirmed. “We’re everywhere. And no.” He shook his head sadly. “I don’t know what he knows.”

  I sighed. The more I learned about my new life, the more questions I had.

  The moment I stepped into Mr. Jace’s house I made a beeline for the bedroom I had stayed in the night before after I saw Ella happily playing in the pool with Jemmy. I was happy to see that my trunk was awaiting me at the foot of the bed. I looked through it, disappointed I hadn’t grabbed more of my clothing because the dress I had been wearing was in horrible condition.

  There was a soft knock on my door and I went to open it.

  Mr. Jace stood there with a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. “Thank you,” I murmured before brushing past him to head to the bathroom.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” he asked gently to my retreating back.

  “No,” I said shortly. “Thank you,” I added as an afterthought before closing the door.

  I was in the shower for a long time; long enough for me to shampoo, condition, and scrub my body raw. My skin was red, and my fingers were pruned when I finally exited.

  There was a knock on the bathroom door; I didn’t answer. I wasn’t done crying and wallowing in my own self-pity and fear.

  “Blake,” Noah called. “I would like to have a look at you before your sister sees you. She keeps asking for you, and we’re having a celebratory dinner for her.”

  I stood there indecisive. I didn’t know whether to tell him to buzz off or if I should suck it up and re-enter the world of the living for my sister.

  “Blake!” I heard Ella’s voice yell through the door. “What’s taking you so long? Drake made us some chocolate cake.”

  I heard a soft murmur. “Well, we have to eat dinner first,” she added.

  I smiled softly. Her focus would be on a dessert and not dinner. She was so single-minded when it came to chocolate.

  I had dwelled on me long enough. Time to stuff my feelings back in. I turned the water off. “Give me a minute, Noah,” I said through a raspy throat.

  I patted my body dry and threw a towel over my head before slipping into Mr. Jace’s black sweatpants, pulling the drawstrings as tight as they could go. They were extremely comfortable and soft, but too big; I rolled the bottoms up so I could walk. I slipped on my black sports bra since it was the only bra I had the opportunity to pack in my trunk. I didn’t bother slipping on the white V-neck t-shirt because I knew Noah would want to see and heal all my bruises and abrasions.

  “Ella, please go downstairs, I’ll be right there,” I said as loud as I could through the door.

  “Okay,” she called back, but I could hear her ask Noah, “Why does her voice sound funny?”

  “Must be all that steam. Run along squirt,” he said affectionately.

  I had been too overwhelmed and touched-out after being released that I hadn’t wanted his touch, even though I knew my pain would go away. And I had no intentions of taking any of the drugs the hospital had sent me home with.

  I opened the door, and I’m pretty sure I imagined a look of appreciation in Noah’s eyes before he came into the bathroom. “Holy, steam!” he said with a wink before looking at me with a frown. “I’m hoping this will no longer be necessary, soon,” he murmured before placing his warm hands on my raw throat. I immediately felt the pain recede from my bruises and crushed vocals chords.

  “Your gift isn’t limited to physical contusion and abrasions?” I asked in wonder. My voice was back to normal, and it didn’t hurt to talk anymore!

  He smiled at me, “Yes and no. I can heal most stuff, but the complicated things still elude me.”

  He gently placed his hands on my face and I immediately felt that pain go away. Then he moved on to the bruises on my upper arms and wrists. “Anything else?”

  I nodded as I turned around. “My head.”

  The relief I felt in my head was groan-worthy. I felt the back of my head and was amazed that the lump was gone.

  “How do you feel?” he asked, his hand cradling my face, so he could look me directly in the eye.

  I rolled my shoulders. “So much better.” I impulsively hugged him and felt him stiffen for a moment before returning the embrace.

  “Dinner’s ready,” Mr. Jace said coolly from the doorway, one eyebrow raised.

  I took a hasty step back in embarrassment, feeling my cheeks warm. It probably didn’t look the best that I was embracing another man in my sports bra and his sweatpants.

  I didn’t know what was expected of me now that I was separated from Heidi and Tom. Should I be actively trying to figure out this connection stuff? Should I avoid the other men that were in my life now? I felt comfortable with Mr. Jace, but was I ready to pursue a romantic relationship with him or Jax? I didn’t know if I could separate our preexisting relationship between teacher and student.

  Drake held nothing back with dinner. He made a huge spread of lasagna, meat sauce, garlic bread, a tossed salad with homemade dressing, and finally for dessert a triple layer chocolate cake with chocolate frosting.

  We decided to let our stomachs settle before digging into the cake. Ella begged to go back into the pool, and Jemmy, Jax, Troy, and Noah joined her. I didn’t have a swimsuit, and there was no way I was going to wear one of Jemmy’s, although she tried to convince me to. I was okay with wearing a two piece in front of others, but not the kind Jemmy wore. She was beautiful and could get away with the little scraps of fabric, but I liked my bathing suits slightly more modest.

  I was shocked when Mr. Jace went over to one of the walls and pushed a button. As the door slid open, I noticed the room opened to a theater/game room combo. It was also attached to the pool and hot tub. Will challenged Remy to a game of pool which he reluctantly agreed to.

  I had noticed Remy had been extremely quiet during dinner, and he seemed reluctant to meet my gaze. I wondered if he was upset with me for getting him involved in my family mess. When I quietly asked Jax if he was okay, he gave me a reassuring smile and squeezed my hand and told me not to worry about it. Remy was the only one who had any abrasions or marks from this afternoon, and I heard him tell Noah he didn’t need his help. I assumed he was the one who gave most of Tom’s beating.

  The cops almost seemed approving of the way Tom was found once they arrived. Apparently, he had to have surgery and some bones set. I know from the earlier vibe I received from Remy today that walking into the trailer probably triggered some bad memories for him. It made me wonder what kind of life he had before joining the Bell crew. I had a feeling we had similar stories and experiences.

  Drake settled on the floor and looked like he was studying for a math test. Mr. Jace walke
d back to the kitchen and began to clean.

  I wanted to go back up to the room I was staying in and hide, but I knew I couldn’t. I needed to be surrounded by people, or I would sink into a deep place that wouldn’t want to release me. Drake was his normal quiet self during dinner, but I knew he was trying to help me in his own little way since he had cooked one of my favorite meals. Remy was avoiding my gaze, but I felt his worried eyes on me when he thought I wasn’t looking. Everyone else seemed to want to keep the conversation lively and inform me what was going to happen the next few days.

  Drake, Jax, and Noah were taking Will’s private jet back to school tomorrow to take some test that was required of them. Remy was checking on some of his restaurants before heading back to Upstate New York. He had a total of five gastropubs; from the sound of it, he had the Midas touch when it came to business. He had taken one failing business and made it a success. Then he took another, and another until he built up his own name. His own empire.

  Troy was meeting with some clients for some upcoming events he would have to iron out the logistics for. He had quite a few employees working for him, mainly ex-military. I gathered that most of his clients involved famous and affluential people.

  Mr. Jace would be returning to school, and Will was going to my and Ella’s schools to get our transcripts to take with us to the new school. Jemmy, Ella, and I were going shopping tomorrow. Of course, Ella and Jemmy were thrilled at the idea, so I tried to fake enthusiasm. Then Will, Jemmy, Ella, and I were flying to New York, but us girls weren’t required to return to school until Monday.

  Jax and Noah good-naturedly complained and whined, asking why they couldn’t skip school as well. Jemmy had stuck her tongue out at them when Will wasn’t looking. Will was a stickler for the education and training they were receiving at school. Jemmy hadn’t been out on an assignment for a while so she could afford to miss school

  I was trying to figure out what I could do when my eyes found the piano once more. I bit my lip with indecision. I was itching to play, but I had no clue what my heart and fingers would pour out tonight. I couldn’t resist it; the piano was probably the best one I had ever seen.

  “Do you mind if I play?” I asked Drake as I stood poised over the piano.

  He looked up and grinned at me, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “Not at all. I generally listen to music while I study anyways. Plus,” he grimaced as Jax’s voice carried inside as he yelled, “Cannonball!”, “it may help drown them out.”

  His voice was naturally melodious; it was soothing. I liked it when he talked.

  I smiled back at him. “What kind of music do you listen to?” I was trying to avoid working on the piece I had been working on. It was too dark for the darkness already clouding my emotions.

  He shrugged. “It depends on my mood. I listen to a little bit of everything. Surprise me,” he smiled that adorable smile once more.

  I sat down as the song Creep by Radiohead came to mind. Sometimes I liked to take songs and change them slightly, put my own spin on them.

  I loved singing, but generally didn’t like to sing in front of others, but today, after the doctor told me I may have permanent damage to my voice, I knew I wouldn’t take my natural ability for granted anymore.

  Softly I began to sing. I closed my eyes letting the lyrics and music flood my body.

  As I sang and played the last notes, I looked over where Drake had been sitting, and I saw he wasn’t studying any longer. Mr. Jace was now perched on the arm of the couch, a pan and dish towel forgotten in his hands. Will and Remy were standing in the doorway, pool cues in hand.

  I blushed, ducking my head. Once again, I hadn’t realized, I had an audience. They had stopped what they were doing to listen to me. When I was younger, Dad always told me I sang like an ‘angel,’ but I always chalked it up to a father’s love. I knew I could hold a tune and sing a melody, but to me, I wasn’t anything special.

  “Holy crap,” I heard Jemmy’s voice behind me. “She’s a musician too. Stay away from my boyfriend, you’re a dangerous package,” Jemmy joked.

  I turned and saw the sliding door to the pool was open; the others had stopped to listen to me as well.

  “Which one?” Troy asked dryly.

  Jemmy looked like she was in deep thought for a moment. “Ben. No, Rick. No, no, George. Wait. All of them.” She pointed a warning finger at me with a smirk. “Stay away from all of them until I decide who I’m keeping and who I’m throwing back.” Then she stuck a tongue out at Troy. “Like you have room to talk. How many girls are you dating right now?”

  Troy gave her a charming smile. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  I couldn’t help but giggle at their banter. Somehow, I didn’t think Troy was joking. After seeing her flirty behavior with all the guys, save her brother, it wouldn’t shock me if she had several boyfriends back at school. Plus, I had heard how many times Troy’s phone had gone off; I didn’t think it was always business related texts.

  “Wait, do you have three connections?” I asked in surprise.

  Everyone laughed, Jemmy the hardest, enough for tears to start rolling. “Not everyone could be lucky to have one connection, let alone, like, three or say…six,” she finished tongue-in-cheek.

  “Six?!” I asked, shocked. “I thought two connections were rare, who could possibly have…six,” I looked around the room. A niggling suspicion rose within me. There was no freaking way. I looked at Drake, who quickly buried his head in his book. Mr. Jace was staring intently at me. Remy started chalking his cue stick. Will was looking as confused as I felt. Jax was studying the pattern in his shorts, and Troy was shooting daggers with his eyes at Jemmy.

  Noah clapped his hands. “Let’s eat cake!” he said with false brightness.

  “Boys!” Will said sternly and forcefully. Somehow, I didn’t think it was the first time he had to use that tone with them.

  Chapter 9

  After we all had cake and put Ella to bed, Will called a ‘family’ meeting in the living room. I ended up sandwiched between Jemmy and Troy who had a casual arm thrown on the back of the couch behind me.

  “Who’s speaking first?” Will asked sternly.

  I was just as confused as he was. I was hoping and praying my suspicions weren’t correct. I had enough craziness in my life right now, and I already had a lot of adjustments to make. I didn’t need to add any more.

  “Show him,” Mr. Jace muttered. “I’m sorry, Blake,” he said softly as he shot Jemmy an annoyed look.

  Jemmy was the quietest I had ever seen her, and she suddenly seemed very interested in her perfectly pink polished nails.

  Troy stood up first and began to take his pants off.

  I hastily closed my eyes, and he chuckled. “I’m not completely getting undressed, Princess. Yet,” he said suggestively with wagging eyebrows. It should have been creepy, but he was entirely too good looking and smooth to be considered creepy.

  I peeked between my fingers, despite his assurance I wouldn’t get an eye full of maleness. I gasped and put a trembling hand to my mouth as I saw a mark in the shape of a η on his right hip. I recognized that mark.

  When I was thirteen years old, I had a persistent ache in the back of my neck. One night, I woke to a searing pain, like someone had taken a hot poker to it. The next day, I woke and found the same η shaped mark beneath the right side of my hairline. It was roughly two inches wide and tall. Occasionally, it still pained me, but I had mostly forgotten about it.

  Jax stood up next to Jemmy, throwing a reassuring smile my way. He took off his shirt and started to flex his muscles, getting a few laughs and groans from the group. I remained speechless. He pointed to his upper right arm, and there was the η.

  Noah stood up next and started dancing like he was a stripper. I groaned, covering my eyes. No man should have moves that good. Heck, I bet he was a better dancer than me. “Pow,” he slowly lifted his shirt and pointed to his back-shoulder blade. As he flexed, his well-def
ined muscles bulged.

  They continued going around the circle. Remy stood up with no fan fair and dropped his jeans so that we could see the mark on his inner thigh.

  Mr. Jace was next, and he stared at me intently, but with an enigmatic expression in his eyes, as he unzipped his pants and pulled down his boxers. He came dangerously close to revealing his manhood, as he revealed the mark on the ‘V’ of his pelvic area.

  Drake stood up, and I imagined I was as red as he was as he showed me the mark on his pectoral muscle. Out of all the guys, he was the lankiest, but he still had a lot of definition in his biceps, pecs, and abdomen. He reminded me of a swimmer, with his long arms and wide shoulders.

  He spoke softly as he stated, “In the Greek alphabet, the seventh letter is Eta. This is that symbol.”

  Will looked closer at the mark on Drake, since he was the closest to him. “This is unheard of. This is so…absurd. You boys are pulling my leg, aren’t you? You guys took a hanger and gave yourselves this, didn’t you?”

  Noah stood up and held his hand out to me. “I remember getting this mark when I was about fifteen. We all got it within days of each other.” He looked over at Will as he pulled my shocked frame from the couch. “We always thought we had a mutual connection out there. We did our research,” Remy cleared his throat, “well, Remington, Jace, and Drake did. Today, when Blake hugged me, I found hers.” He gently lifted my hair, giving me instant goosebumps. My head and scalp were highly sensitive to touch.

  “You’re flipping kidding me, right?!” Jemmy looked over at Will. “I thought they made it up! How is that even possible?!”

  This wasn’t happening, right? This was all a dream. Wasn’t it?!

  “You guys need to keep this to yourselves for a while,” Will said quietly. He had a worried expression, and his perfect salt and pepper hair now stood on end from him running his hands through it several times. “If Horatio were to get wind of this, he would stop at nothing to get you.” He looked pointedly at me.

  “She needs to work on honing and controlling her gift,” Mr. Jace said gravely.


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