Gifted Connections 01

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Gifted Connections 01 Page 36

by S M Olivier

  It was clear that Lionel was used to parents like this as he said, “Lawyers and parents are more than welcome at the meeting. Eight o’clock Monday morning at my office,” he handed them business cards and Dwight, Hillary, and Shasta quickly took them.

  I trusted Will, so I knew he wouldn’t have hired anyone for us that he didn’t feel would represent us the best. It was funny how their parents had no interest in their music before, but now that they knew how good we were, they wanted to become involved. They all told me how their parents had lectured them or acted like music had been a passing whim for them before. Now we heard from one of their parents almost every day this past week.

  They wanted to make suggestions on their clothing, on their hair, on everything. They even went so far as to try to tell me how I should dress and look. The moms, mostly, felt the need to ‘help’ me because I was the poor orphan girl.

  “Where have you been?” Jemmy came running out of one of the rooms and dragged me towards it. “We need to get you in hair and makeup,” she pushed me towards the room she had just come out of. The room that was hers, here at Remy’s.

  I gave the group a halfhearted ‘see you later’, thankful to escape that craziness. Lionel must have a lot of patience, because I couldn’t imagine handling overbearing parents. From his portfolio, I knew he represented a few minors. Even though I was technically the only minor in our band.

  I stopped in wonder when I entered the room. Garment racks on wheels were now lining the wall, filled with clothing. Shoes in assorted styles and colors were stacked on the bed. Temporary dressing room vanities had been erected. Three women were buzzing around a roller case full of makeup, a roller cart of hair products, and the garment racks. It looked like a department store had thrown up in here!

  “Yay, you’re here. I’m Gerry,” a petite, extremely fragile looking girl lifted her head from the hair stylist cart.

  “Here,” the tall, slightly rounded woman near the garment racks came towards me with a silk robe extended from her hand. “I’m Bee,” she introduced herself. “I need you to take a quick shower and put this on.”

  “I’m Mel,” the girl with flawless makeup stated. “Can you make sure you remove all your makeup too?”

  “Go now,” Rachel barked at me from the bed, where she was busily trying on the shoes, and taking pictures with her phone.

  I blinked slowly in shock and went to do their bidding. It was going to be a long day.

  I finally exited the room after the girls had completed the finishing touches on my ‘look’. With the help of Lionel, they finally decided on the three outfits I was going to wear for the photoshoot. Since my hair and makeup took longer, the guys had already started doing some of their individual photos.

  The whole time I had been getting dolled up, I knew better than to argue with anyone. Heck, Rachel and Jemmy had a bigger say than I had. They had stayed in the room with me the whole time and took pics of me throughout the process to post to the band’s Instagram and Facebook pages later. When had my loner, blending in, existence, turned into this? I kind of missed my old life. Well, other than my feeling of safety, eating (I liked eating when and how much I wanted to), and I really cared for my boys. Jemmy was okay. So was Rachel. Okay, maybe I liked this new life. I just wished for solitude every now and then.

  My makeup was ‘smoky’ and applied heavier than normal so it could appear better on camera. Mel had even applied fake eyelashes on me.

  Gerry had blow-dried and straightened my hair. That had caused an argument in the room and between Lionel and the stylist. Some of them had wanted to keep my hair in its natural state and the others wanted it straight. Lionel and Gerry had won, so it was now a shining curtain of darkness flowing down my back.

  The first outfit was a long, black, lacey, sleeveless dress that appeared demur at first. On closer inspection, you noticed that there was no slip under the top half of my dress and the neckline was a deep V, so you could see a generous amount of cleavage and my black bra that was underneath.

  I tried not to look at anyone as I left the room. I was too nervous. There was no less than thirty people milling around. I looked up and saw that all my guys were sitting up in the loft, their legs dangling in between the metal railings that ran across the loft. I looked away before I could see their reaction.

  Will and Lionel quietly talked to each other, following the photographer around. The photographer and three of his assistants were currently arranging Ben in one of the large windows with his guitar. He had a transformation done to him as well. I could almost swear I even saw makeup on him. His hair had been trimmed and shaved. He now had a high faded pompadour. I liked it. He looked less like a hippy/ surfer and more like a polished rock star, if there was such a thing.

  His stylist had put him in a simple black tee, showing off his tattoos on both his biceps. A pair of faded of jeans with tears in them encased his long legs. His feet were bare, and he wore rings on his fingers. The only other jewelry he had on was a cross around his neck.

  The other guys were sitting around with their parents, except for Mike. Mike was eating in the kitchen while his mom was busy on her phone. She was always on her phone. Even when she came to watch us at We 7 last Friday, she had barely looked up from it. I now know why he had such a brash, bitter demeanor. His father was dead, and his mother was disconnected from him. She was there physically and monetarily, but not mentally or where it mattered most.

  The stylist had blow-dried his hair and trimmed it, but it still was long, falling to his shoulders. It was shinier and healthier looking than I normally saw it. He generally kept it tied back off his face. He was in a pair of jeans, a white V-neck t-shirt, and he was barefoot.

  I could see that they wanted to give us a simplistic, but clean look.

  “You’re up, sugar,” the photographer’s eyes lit upon me. He had a slight southern drawl. He was a tall, skinny man, with long blond and silver hair. He carried himself lithely, like he floated on air. “The camera’s gonna love ya. I’m Ed, and you must be the lovely Blake.” Then he turned to the guys and their stylist. “Outfit two please, for the next set of shots.”

  I feigned a smile. “Thanks. Where would you like me?”

  “I heard you’re a bit of a prodigy on the piano,” He smiled as he arranged part of my hair behind me and the other across my shoulders.

  I blushed. “I enjoy it…and I’m good. I wouldn’t say I’m a prodigy.”

  He sat me down on the bench, and started to climb on a stool to get me at an angle from above.

  “So, I got to hear some of your music on my way here. Girl, you got some pipes on you,” he talked softly to me as I tried to get comfortable. He was clicking away, but I knew he wasn’t getting what he wanted.

  “You have to have her play,” Jace said softly behind the photographer.

  I hadn’t seen him slip down from the loft. Every weekend he had been home these past few weeks, I had been working or keeping myself occupied. I didn’t know how to talk to him after seeing him with Molly that night. It also didn’t help that the paparazzi suddenly took an interest in the music teacher that Molly Hunt had been seen with at the Wings and Lace show. Their pictures were plastered all over the gossip magazines. Them out together getting coffee. Them out shopping together. Them everywhere! Everyone told me they were just friends, but they looked way too perfect together.

  The photographer looked at him contemplatively and nodded.

  His blue eyes caught mine before I could look away, and I found it hard to look away for a second, my hands poised above the keys. Our relationship had always been strained. The barrier between us different than the others. But he had been the first one I felt completely comfortable getting intimate with. I didn’t know how to bridge this gap between us. Should I continue to pretend everything was fine? Seriously, they looked so good together and they had so much history. I couldn’t compete with her or that. We made our connection, maybe I needed to just let him go.

; “Perfect, sugar,” Ed crooned, and my gaze was drawn back to him. “Wanna play a little something for me?”

  I gave him a lopsided smile and looked down at the keys. I had been working on a new song the last few weeks. It was a love song, a song full of longing and desire. A song full of confusion and a feeling of being lost. Most of the words were written and the song was pretty much complete. I just hadn’t played it for the guys in the band yet, because like my audition song, this song was close to my heart.

  My fingers automatically began to play the song as I sang the lyrics in my head.

  They said we are connected

  And we were meant to be together

  Little do they know forces stronger than us

  Were trying to tear us apart

  I still dream of your arms around me

  And the taste of your lips

  Waiting for the day we can be together again

  Bounded one night

  Our connections were woven

  Bounded together

  But drifting apart

  I smile and laugh as he holds me in his arms

  He tells me I’m beautiful

  And with him I feel strong

  I never doubt him

  Yet there you linger

  Bounded one night

  Our connections were woven

  Bounded together

  But drifting apart

  Who are they and what do they know

  Meant to love many

  While my head says no

  My heart is full, yet I never felt so alone

  Bounded together but drifting apart

  Bounded together but drifting apart

  I knew the melody was hauntingly beautiful. It was the perfect melody for my heart. Seriously, one relationship was hard for many people and I was supposed to foster six.

  “That was fantastic!” Ben said as he came out of one of the rooms. “Have you been working on a new song?”

  I ducked my head. “You can say that.”

  “Well, sugar,” Ed said. “I definitely got my shot and the camera definitely loves you. Can you change into your second outfit for me? Time for some shots with the boys.”

  I looked up at my guys and gave them a faint smile as I passed under them. I couldn’t believe how much I cared for them in such a brief time. They were each uniquely special and made me feel and be a different person. A better person.

  I went into Jemmy’s room and put on the next outfit. It was a white dress that fit me like a second skin. The neckline was a mock turtleneck and the sleeves were long. I had to wear a pair of spanks underneath it, because the hemline fell high on my thighs. If I bent or moved a certain way I knew my butt would come falling out. I slipped on a pair of grey boots that came up past my knees.

  I went out into the room where the band was waiting for me by the side fire escape. It was chilly out and I didn’t like the idea of being in this miniscule outfit outside.

  Ben whistled at me as I made my way towards them. “Hey girl, why don’t you ever wear something like that for us when we perform?”

  “Do you like your legs?” Remy growled. Everyone laughed but I really didn’t think he was joking.

  I went over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. “Don’t be grumpy,” I murmured, smiling sweetly at him, hoping to calm him down.

  He dropped a kiss on the top of my head. “I don’t think I like whoever dressed you,” he mumbled near my ear, squeezing me briefly.

  I laughed and swatted him playfully. “I don’t either,” I said as I walked over to the fire escape.

  “Let’s make this quick, don’t want you catching hypothermia, sugar,” Ed stated as he arranged Ben at the landing of the fire escape. He then staggered Mike and Taylor on one step and Rick on the step before them. “Let’s get you up there next to Ben,” he directed me.

  “Don’t go peeking up my skirt,” I joked at the guys.

  “I’d like to see you try to stop me,” Mike muttered as I squeezed past him.

  I went to swat the back of his head, and laughed as Ben reached out to restrain me, wrapping his arms around my waist as he laughed.

  “Great shot, lady and gents,” Ed said laughingly. “I like to get those candid shots to capture the real essence of you.”

  We situated ourselves and continued to move in different spots and positions as Ed told us where he wanted us. We were out there for twenty or so minutes, before Ed shooed us inside and told us to warm up and get into our last outfits.

  I saw Ed go over to talk to Will and he seemed slightly animated as he was talking. I wondered what got him so excited as I went into the room to change.

  My last outfit was a little more my normal style, although skin seemed to be the theme of the day.

  “When did you get those?!” Jemmy exclaimed as she pointed to my abs, where I was now almost sporting a four pack.

  I giggled. “When you work out six days a week, this can happen to you too,” I said mockingly.

  She snorted and shoved a mini cupcake in her mouth, “Nah, that’s too much work.”

  Bee snorted, “I agree, too much work for me too. Although, your body was a dream to dress. If you cut a label and start going on tour, call me up,” she handed me a card.

  I slipped her card in my messenger bag and shrugged. I didn’t know how any of this stuff worked but I’m sure I would be bombarded with all the details come Monday.

  I left the room in my signature black leather pants and leather ankle boots. My top was a vest made of black leather and I feared the buttons that ran up the front of it would pop at any moment; my cleavage, once again, was on display. Since my pants were low on my hips and the vest was more of a crop top, a wide expanse of my abs was on show.

  Bee gave me silver necklace with a pendant that rested on my cleavage. She paired it with big silver hoop earrings. She also gave me these cool bracelets that wrapped around my wrist up to my forearms.

  I found Will right outside of Jemmy’s room. He lowered his voice, “If you’re comfortable with it, Ed would like to take some pictures with some gifts being used. It’s just going to be the guys, the band, Ed, and Lionel.”

  “So, they’re gifted…?” I asked hesitantly.

  “Yes, but they don’t know all of your capabilities. That’s why the guys want to be up there with you guys,” Will stated. “He can photoshop it later, but he figured with a name like Gifted Elements, the real deal would feel and look more authentic.”

  I shrugged. “If you don’t think it’ll expose us too much.”

  Will shook his head slowly. “It shouldn’t.”

  I took the spiral staircase up to the roof and found that everyone was in place. Ed had us stand side by side, with me directly in the middle. The city behind us was a perfect back drop as the sun was descending in the sky. Remy picked me up so I could stand on his shoulders. Ed told me to hold my hands up to the sky. Drake took his position behind me and cast a force field around us all. Ben, to the left of me, camouflaged himself so only his head and hands were visible. Taylor, to the right of me, held out his palms so rain fell on us. Rick had cloned himself, so he stood back to back with his clone. Troy stood behind Mike and levitated two fireballs. Jax stood by the side of us and cast the illusion that Remy, Drake, and Troy weren’t there.

  I really couldn’t wait to see these pictures when they came out. Ed talked us into various positions and told us the feeling he wanted us to invoke. By the time he got enough pictures we were all soaking wet and my hair was back to its original state of curls. We all started laughing as we looked at each other.

  Chapter 29

  Today was a day of surprises. Everyone but the band members left, and Ella had been dropped off as we started to dig into the food that Drake, Court, and Adam had worked so hard on. I grabbed a plate full of food and took a seat at the table made of dark walnut wood and cast iron. The table was long enough to fit all of us with room to spare.

  I felt more like myself as I wore a ta
nk top and sweats, and I put my hair up in a messy bun. I dug into my hot wings, not caring that my fingers were coated in hot sauce.

  “Great wings,” I smiled at Drake as I held up a wing in his direction.

  “You need to try one of these.” Troy threw a wing onto my plate with a different sauce on it.

  I took a big bite. “Mm,” I said around a mouth full of food. “What flavor is this?”

  “Mango pineapple habanero,” Troy said as he laughed at me, wiping the side of my cheek with one of his napkins.

  I giggled, not caring that I probably looked like a hot mess. “Are you sticking around for a little while this week?” I asked quietly.

  “It depends.” He turned those long lashes my way. “Did you get to keep that white dress you were wearing earlier?”

  My jaw dropped until I realize he was teasing me, I playfully punched his arm. “I did, but I have no place to wear it again,” I flirted and teased him back.

  He visually gulped. “I can think of several places,” he said in a low voice as he caressed my leg under the table. “I won’t be going back to work until the Monday after Thanksgiving. I have Leo all spun up and I feel confident that he can run things, so I can take a little break. Can I take you somewhere this week? Maybe Tuesday?”

  I smiled and nodded. “I would like that. I feel like we’ve barely seen each other since our last date.”

  He reached out and caressed my cheek and lowered his voice some more. “That was mostly my fault, but not all of it. I’m sorry if I upset you weeks ago. Jax said you might have been slightly upset at me for asking Jace to help me out with the Wings and Lace show.”

  I gulped and looked back down at my plate, my smiling dying. “I know you guys have jobs and I know you all have past. It’s up to me to get over it.”

  “Honestly, Jace was just there to use his gift. Nothing happened between Molly and him,” Troy explained.

  “I wish I could believe that,” I said quietly. “However, it doesn’t help when almost every gossip magazine has their pictures splashed across it.”


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