Eternal Conflict - Book 7

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Eternal Conflict - Book 7 Page 3

by Chrissy Peebles

  I briefly explained, “Gwendolyn was planning to break Victor out of that dungeon the very next day. She tried to help, but it would’ve been too late. Ethano tried to kill him the night of the party.”

  “If we hadn’t gone in and rescued your king, he’d be dead…and so would my prince.”

  I clutched my chest. “I know. It was so close. I still have nightmares about it.”

  “So this Gwendolyn seemed to really care about him.”

  “She was furious at the dark paths Victor and Ethano took in life. They all used to be naïve kids with big dreams, but she still thinks there’s hope for Ethano.”

  “There’s no hope for that monster,” she spat.

  I gazed over at her. “I’m sure Della said that about Victor at one point.”

  “Well, some people do change, I guess. Before I met Victor, I heard all kinds of crazy stories about him, how he took all these crazy risks in war, doing things no one else would do. He allegedly ran right to the front lines, with or without armor, and demanded to fight in hand-to-hand combat with the strongest of the enemies. I truly think he had a death wish. He didn’t value anyone’s life, least of all his own.”

  “You’re right. At that point, he had nothing to live for. His father left him emotionally scarred, and after he killed him, he sank into this deep depression.”

  “That’s putting it lightly, sis. It’s clear that he let the monster consume him, and he followed in his father’s footsteps. Victor and his troops conquered ten nations, won more than sixty battles. He was an unstoppable, legendary warlord, who waged war against anyone who defied him. He was the fiercest warrior the world had ever seen, intimidated by no one. He ravaged towns and left complete destruction in his wake, with little compassion for the people there.”

  “That was why the shape-shifters back in the forest were so scared of him,” I said.

  “If they would have killed you, he would have annihilated them, and they knew it.”

  I laughed. “I bet you were surprised when I showed up at your place, flashing a ruby ring and announcing my marriage to the infamous King Victor.”

  “I couldn’t believe you bonded with him.”

  “I didn’t know the power of the ring.”

  “I was truly scared to death for you.”

  “Really? Because you practically delivered me to him in that camp.”

  “By then, I knew there was something between you two, and I was sure he wouldn’t harm you. Besides, we had no choice. Ethano’s men would’ve caught us, and William would be dead. But back to the conversation at hand. Yes, Victor is still a badass, but he’s changed and conquered his demons—or at least most of them. He’s a changed man who shows courage and strength, and he has a good heart. Ethano doesn’t, and he’ll never change. You saw the prophecies on that cavern wall. Ethano is nothing but pure evil, and he can’t be saved.”

  “Considering Victor’s reputation, I can’t believe Ethano was stupid enough to kick him out of his kingdom. That took balls.”

  “Sometimes no brains is mistaken for big balls. Either way, I sure wouldn’t want to be Ethano, to face the wrath of your man. Your husband didn’t earn that badass reputation for nothing. He’ll gather his troops and fight with everything he has to get his land back. Then again, Ethano’s no kitten. He’s a pretty damn brutal warlord himself.”

  “I’ve heard that on more than one occasion, but I only saw a weasel when he was on the Royal Court.”

  “Ethano’s no weasel. While Victor was fighting his wars, Ethano stomped out the rebellion and crushed it to a pulp, alongside King Taggert. He also conquered King Melbern, a horrible, evil tyrant, making Ethano a hero in the people’s eyes. He has his own long list of accomplishments, and people bought into it and joined his cause. Ethano wants to look like a saint, and he uses Victor’s dark past to turn people against him.”

  “Well, it seems to be working,” I said sadly.

  “Not all of them are rooting for Ethano. His supporters just don’t know what a snake he is. He hides it very well, tries to pretend he’s the good son. He’s really a wolf in lamb’s clothing or however that old cliché goes. King Taggert is missing, and we all know Ethano murdered him and buried his body somewhere.”

  “You’re right and King Taggert would have never let this happen.”

  “No, he wouldn’t have, but Ethano is as sneaky as he is dangerous.”

  “Gee. He sounds like most of the politicians back home,” I joked.

  “Maybe, but I sure as hell wouldn’t vote for him, even if he did promise no new taxes.”

  “Hiding our loved ones in Ethano’s territory is brilliant,” Liz argued. “They’ll never think to search there, because everyone will assume it would be ludicrous to put the baby almost right under Ethano’s nose.”

  “I can’t do it, Liz. I just…can’t,” I said, shaking my head and looking down at my son again. “It’s just too close for comfort, you know?”

  “Well, then let’s not go with Ethano’s wife. There is someone else I trust wholeheartedly. You don’t know her, but William and Della will back her up. She’s a saint, almost literally. She even lives in an abandoned church, an isolated place in the middle of nowhere.”

  “What about her husband?”

  “He died, so now she keeps the church and property up. It’s perfect. She’s loved by Ethano’s men, but if anyone can pull this off, it’s her.”

  “If she’s in the Ethano Fan Club, why would she want to help us?” I asked.

  “I paid off all her debts and bought the land for her. She loves me like a daughter.”

  “That doesn’t mean she’ll help us.”

  “She owes me, and now I’m going to collect. She has a good heart, and I know we can totally trust her.”

  “Hmm,” I said. “I’ll see what Victor thinks.”

  “That’s all I’m asking.”

  I snuggled Alexander closely to me. As I rode along through the moonlit forest, I pondered my life. Before Victor, I had lived in a bit of a fog. I felt as if I was just treading water, sleepwalking through life, barely surviving. I had no destination, and my heart was broken and full of sadness. That all changed when I found out I was destined to marry a king from another world. Logic did not dictate that we should ever meet, but our worlds collided anyway. Fate knew my perfect man, my soulmate was waiting for me on the other side. What were the chances we’d ever lay eyes on each other? I would never forget the day I took that fateful tumble into another dimension, the day when I met the most exceedingly beautiful man, inside and out. He was like the sun on a cold, gloomy day, the man who changed my life forever.

  At first, I felt like Alice, falling down the rabbit hole, one I couldn’t exactly climb out of. I wanted my old life back, wanted to live in my old world. I almost gave Victor up when I returned home with my team. I wanted to climb out of the craziness I’d been thrown into, but I knew I couldn’t leave the very best thing that had ever happened to me. Ultimately, I learned that the rabbit hole was a beautiful place to be. When I accepted immortality and embraced my new life, I knew I could give Victor everything I had to offer and that our love could overcome anything.

  Our lives had been a constant rollercoaster, and emotional ride of ups and downs. I’d lived in both worlds, Victor’s and mine, and at first, I was confused by where our family should reside. Victor wanted to rule as king, but I wanted to stay in the world I knew and felt most comfortable in. I wanted Victor to succeed and be happy, but I wanted to be happy too. The conflict almost tore Victor and me apart, and the choice certainly wasn’t easy. Whichever place I chose, our little Alexander would grow up there and know it as home.

  I took a long, hard look at my life, and I finally decided that I wanted to raise my child in Victor’s world where he was born to rule. After much soul searching, it just felt right. His world felt like home, and my king couldn’t have been happier that I’d made the choice to make a life there, in the world he adored and had grown up in. We ca
me up with a master plan to take back control of our lives, and we were determined to be in the driver seat. Ethano didn’t deserve that privilege, and we could not let him control our destiny.

  Ethano was no pushover, and it was a huge risk to take him on, but it was a risk Victor and I were compelled to take. Unexpected challenges would only make us stronger, and I was confident we would come out on top. Of course I was a little scared, as anyone in my position would have been, but I couldn’t let worry consume me and suck out all the positive energy, like the leeches Victor’s doctors used. I wondered if Victor’s knights could see the pain and desperation in my eyes, because they always tried to put a positive spin on everything and motivated me beyond belief. They were loyal to the end, and that gave me hope.

  Chapter 3

  In the next village, an old man offered us a cottage in which to spend the night. I was thankful for the time alone with my family, especially since my son was about to be ripped away from me for his own safety. Everyone made it back alive, and Victor once again lived up to his name by winning the battle and keeping our identities safe. The enemy thought we were just part of some rebellion, and we were definitely that; we bravely and rightfully rebelled against everything Ethano stood for.

  I stared down at my sleeping baby. He was less than four months old, yet I had to leave him in the arms of another. The thought tore at my heart, and dark emotions flooded through me. I knew my parents would take excellent care of him, that they would do anything to protect him from that dangerous madman, but it was still difficult to walk away from them, if only for a while. Before we could give Alexander a beautiful, loving life in the castle, we had to get our kingdom back.

  “I’ll be back soon,” I whispered. “I promise. Mommy has to take care of a few things before we can go home to our castle.”

  Victor came from behind and wrapped his arms around me. “He’s so peaceful when he’s sleeping,” he said.

  I stroked the baby’s sweet face. “It’s so difficult to leave him.”

  “It’s a difficult dilemma, luv. I know this is hard for you, as it is for me, but it is not only for us. Ethano will destroy this world and everything in it. His heart, if he has one, is scarred and blackened by hate and vengeance. Getting rid of him is the only thing that will ensure our child’s safety. If we don’t end him, he will stop at nothing to end our son.”

  “I know,” I said, my lips trembling with the horror of it all. “I’ll never forget the portrait on the cavern wall, the one Helena showed me. I was mortified by it. It was—”

  “Our son destroying a city with brim fire,” he finished.

  I clutched my heart. “Yes. I couldn’t imagine our precious boy doing that.”

  “It won’t happen, my Queen,” Victor reassured me. “He will be raised by two loving parents who adore him. We shall teach him well, engrain in him morals and values worthy of kingship. I know he’ll be just as caring as his beautiful mother, who has a heart of gold.”

  I smiled. “I know we’re doing this just for us. There are so many people depending on us. Even if they don’t realize it, their future is at stake with Ethano running the show.”

  “Yes, and that is why we must go to war,” Victor said, sounding like the valiant warrior he was.

  Victor and I fought so hard with the struggles and obstacles that life threw in our path. I didn’t return to Victor’s beautiful world to tarnish it with war, but there was no way to avoid it. If we ever wanted our lives back, we had to take them out of Ethano’s cruel hands.

  “You know, I said, a great philosopher from my world, Aristotle, once said, ‘We make war that we may live in peace.’”

  “This man was very wise. All I want for this world is for everyone to live in peace.”

  “I hate war,” I said, shaking my head. “So much needless death.”

  “I know, my love, and I only wish there was another way.”

  “I always try to find the good in everything, but I also realize we sometimes have to fight for what we believe in.”

  “It will not be easy,” he said, “but every road has unexpected turns.”

  “Whatever happens, we’ll be ready.” I sighed. “I know what I have to do, but I’m trying not to panic about leaving our precious angel, even for a short time.”

  “It would be far too dangerous and foolish to bring him with us.”

  I glanced down at our chubby-cheeked angel. “I know. I would never want to put our baby in jeopardy like that.”

  “Perhaps you could stay with him,” Victor suggested.

  I shook my head. “No. I can’t. I need to see for myself when Ethano is destroyed.”

  “And I will see to that,” he assured me.

  “Besides, you need my powers.”

  He kissed me on the cheek. “I love you, and I know how powerful you are, but I have Jackson’s men.”

  “Maybe, but you still don’t know how loyal they are. What if they go all turncoat on you, run off to save their own butts? Even Liz is going. I can’t just stay here, like some selfish coward. It’s not who I am. I need to be next to you, fighting for our kingdom. You knew when you married me that I’m no damsel in distress, no passive maiden.”

  “Yes, and it is one of the many reasons I love you,” he said, gently caressing my cheek. “You’re so…full of spirit.”

  I walked into the bedroom, and he followed. “I know two things, my King,” I said.

  He cocked a brow.

  “One, our love will last forever. And two, we’ll emerge victorious.”

  “Absolutely. We will not be defeated.” He pulled me close and spun me around. “And yes, we’ll last forever.”

  “Show me a surefire sign,” I said.

  He cupped my face. “I thought you’d never ask, my Queen.”

  I closed my eyes as his strong arms encircled me, closing the distance between us. He placed soft, gentle pecks on my lips, and his lips felt so good on mine. So damn good, so damn right… Having just a minute alone together was amazing, and he made the most of it. He slowly nibbled my lower lip, then sucked on it lightly. His tongue trailed down my neck, thrilling me with passionate, hungry licks, kisses, and tiny nips, sending fire through my entire body. Gosh, he is so, so sexy…

  His blue eyes blazed, and his expression was intense. His lips lowered onto mine, and his tongue delved into my mouth. Sparks flew as he deepened the kiss and took complete control. His fingers slid seductively down my back, sending shockwaves of excitement through me. The amount of passion in that intense kiss overwhelmed every cell in my body.

  Everything around me stopped, and my body calmed in his presence. My relationship with my husband felt right on so many levels, and it was far more than just a physical connection. I could feel it deep in my soul. The emotional part was more than I ever could have imagined, so deep and all-consuming. Every sensation was magnified by that bond we shared, shooting through me with every single touch and caress. I could feel the tingle of his every nerve ending as we gazed into each other’s eyes.

  “I’ll never want anyone but you,” he said.

  My hands toyed with his glorious, black locks. “You’re the only one for me. “I knew it the second I laid eyes on you in the forest,” I told him in my mind, and I could see he felt the same way too. It was nothing short of amazing to feel both of our emotions at once, and I was so happy we had our bond back once again.

  Loving Victor was the most natural thing I’d ever done, as easy as breathing or blinking. I had never needed someone so much in my life, in every way. When he softly bit into my shoulder, goosebumps pimpled me all over. His kiss went from tame and innocent to totally hot, growing more demanding, more savage, intense, and wild. It reminded me of our wedding kiss, and I wanted to melt into his glorious body. He groaned in my mouth, and I wanted more. I was overcome by a deep-rooted hunger, one that demanded to be fed. I traced the hard lines in his perfect chest, and his muscular curves and contours felt so good under my hands.

We made perfect, beautiful love and I enjoyed every single moment.

  Chapter 4

  A couple days later, I went to check on Victor, who had been busy with his battle plans. He smiled when I came in and sat off to the side. I listened as he talked about military strategies with his men.

  He pointed to a map on the wooden table and explained which routes would work best. “We will be unmatched in battle and relentless in conquest,” Victor said.

  “Victor is a tough adversary,” King William said, walking in with Della on his heels. “I should know.”

  “William! Della!” I said.

  “Even sorely outnumbered and surrounded, he fights with unmatched stubbornness and pride,” William said, grinning at Victor.

  “Well, I am not the only true warrior here. You once staved off relentless waves of my most vicious assaults from sunup to sundown.” Victor looked at him in stunned amazement. “It’s so good to see you alive and well, my friend.” He then turned his attention to Della. “And you, too, my Queen.”

  “Thank you, Victor.”

  “Della, what happened to you?” I asked.

  “I missed William immensely, and after everything that happened, I knew I couldn’t live without him.” She looked up lovingly at her husband. “So I came back home.”

  “It’s a good thing. They drained all the immortals of their powers except for a select few,” I said, then told her the rest of the story, with Victor helping me fill in the details.

  She looked at me in stunned disbelief. “Your world is beautiful and has more technology than ours, but the blue-ringed immortals are not worth it. I will never again venture over there. My place is here, by my husband’s side.”

  Victor filled all of us in on different military strategies. Della jumped in the conversation and gave her thoughts about Ethano and what he might try. She was cordial to Victor and treated him as a friend. Whatever she had felt for him, she’d clearly gotten over it. I could feel the love between her and William, and for the first time, I could see why they were together.


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