Code Name: Kayla's Fire (A Warrior's Challenge)

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Code Name: Kayla's Fire (A Warrior's Challenge) Page 7

by Natasza Waters

  “When is she off shift?” he asked, glancing at his watch.

  Amanda appeared, and eyed both of them. All it would take was one word from them, and she’d be naked and waiting for either or both of them. Her hip brushed against Lapierre, and he turned his intense green eyes on her, giving her a closer look. “I don’t recognize you,” she said sweetly.

  “That’s because I’m not from here, cherie.”

  “French?” she said, lowering her eyelids, and giving Lapierre’s broad fighting frame a sexy once-over.

  “French Canadian. Bonjour, Mademoiselle.” He’d only started to reach a hand to her when her fingers slid into his.

  “All business?” she asked. “Or is there room for some—sightseeing?”

  Lapierre finally showed a sign of weakening, and draped a thirsty look across Amanda’s delicious curves. “Visiting family,” he said.

  “You two aren’t related, are you?” she asked, not letting go of Lapierre’s hand as she slid a sexy look his way. He coughed out a laugh at that. “No, definitely not—yet.” Thane couldn’t resist. “But, eventually through marriage.”

  Lapierre’s expression gave a sharp twist of disagreement.

  “I get off in an hour,” Amanda said, drawing back Lapierre’s attention. “Do you have any plans tonight?”

  “Sorry, cherie, I do.”

  “Well, you know where I work.”

  When Amanda walked away, he said, “She’s sexy as hell and a sweet gal.”

  “I’m not a saint, Captain, but my heart is never going to change its mind.”

  “Greg?” Kayla’s call made them both look up abruptly.

  “Angel.” Greg leaped out of his chair, and grabbed her in a whirling hug. Her usual passive features shattered with the brightest smile, one that twisted his heart, just like it had in the Middle East. She was so glad to see Lapierre, and all her angst released itself in his arms. Fury gutted him when Lapierre kissed her, too long and too deeply.

  “How did you know we were here?” Thane interrupted.

  She shrugged. “Good guess.” Lapierre had her back drawn to his chest, and his arms wrapped around her midriff, just like he’d done in the desert. Obviously, the warning about burying him there if he touched Kayla again, wasn’t taken seriously.

  “You’ve always been a good guesser, Mon Belle,” Lapierre rumbled in her ear. “A siren of the seas casting magical spells.” She laughed, and swatted him on the ass.

  Lapierre held her hand as she sat down. When she settled, he reached for the other and cupped them in his, giving her a deep once-over. “Angel, you’ve been holding out on me,” he said in a teasing but concerned way.

  “What?” her eyes widened, and then narrowed as she shot a look his way.

  “You’ve been having your—moments—again, non?”

  She bit her lip, and tried to pull away from him, but Lapierre wouldn’t let her go. He tenderly brushed her cheek. “Don’t you dare lie to me, Angel.”

  She nodded. “Yes, but they’ve eased off, I’ve got it under control.”

  He drew her hands to his lips, and gave them a quick kiss. “Right,” he said as if he didn’t believe her.

  “Don’t worry. Now, tell me about home.”

  While Lapierre and Kayla caught up on people and places he didn’t know, he ordered a round for them. Amanda was a sharp woman, and saw the same thing he did in Lapierre’s expression. Love—pure, unadulterated love. Kayla mirrored it, but without the final piece. He felt like a third wheel, but he had no choice but to accept Lapierre. Kayla did not intend to let the man stray too far.

  With Kayla’s presence, Lapierre evolved into a different guy. He was relaxed, sexually charged, and sending out all the signals a guy can send with charm and warmth. They constantly touched each other, and it bothered him that she seemed completely relaxed with Lapierre, more than she ever was with him. She and Lapierre had chemistry, but Kayla withheld the final element that would make them combustible.

  “Can I take you out to dinner?” Lapierre asked.

  “Sounds good to me, I don’t feel like cooking much these days. I know this great place near the Landing where I live.”

  An arrow of jealousy shot through Thane. She was talking about the Italian restaurant he’d taken her to the first time they’d spent any meaningful moments together. In reflection, probably the first time he admitted to himself that he was having a hard time seeing her as just one of his staff. He intervened. “Actually, there’s a new place in the Gaslamp district, Italian,” he said sharply. Kayla turned, and gave him a contemplative look. The Landing was their place, their memory, and he didn’t want her making any new ones with Lapierre.

  His cell buzzed, and he palmed it reading the text. No fucking way. His presence required ASAP at the base. He darted a look at Lapierre. One black slash of eyebrow rose with triumph. “I’m needed at the base.” He cleared his throat. “I’ll catch up with you later.”


  Shit, he wished she’d stop calling him that, especially in front of Lapierre. It put distance between them. He didn’t want that, not any more. He wanted her. All of her. Asking her to be his girlfriend hadn’t taken the balls of steel he thought it would. It had been so natural, maybe because in his mind he’d already decided she was his forever girl. His gaze sunk into her dark eyes, and kept falling into the endless depth of them.

  In that moment he knew, if she went with Lapierre to Hawaii, he’d end up on a mission and he would come home in a box. His concentration would be shot, and his reason for coming home would be gone. Snapping back to the present, he said. “I have to go, Kayla. That was Manchester. He might have something we can fete out.” He leaned forward, and brushed a slow kiss on her mouth. With the simple touch of her soft lips, his mind lost focus, his libido shot through the roof, and he wanted to take her here in front of the other man who loved her. It was a primal, possessive instinct. He leaned his forehead against hers, and let out a deep breath. “If you buy a ticket to Hawaii, you might as well buy two, I’m calling in my marker for my birthday.”

  A grin curled her lips. “I thought you did that already.”

  “You’re living with Mace, not me, and I want that rectified—soon.”

  “I didn’t say yes,” she quipped.

  He brushed a kiss across her nose. “You will.” He nipped at her neck. “Now, have a nice visit with your—ex-brother-in-law.” He turned a dangerous look at Lapierre, who barely kept his reigns taut, so he kissed her again. “Or whatever the hell he is.”

  Kayla slid her hands around his neck, and stilled him with a penetrating gaze. “Thank you for understanding.”

  He lowered his voice and breathed into her ear. “I’m glad you think so, tells me I haven’t lost my edge in a cover-up. I’m about as pissed and jealous as a man can be right now, and you’re staying at my house tonight,” he added, taking a step out of her arms.

  “You don’t trust me,” she said with a look of disbelief dawning.

  “I’ve gotta go.” Better to get the hell out while the going was good.

  “I was thinking about staying at my place—”

  He wheeled around. “Not a fucking chance,” he stormed. “If the guy can’t afford a hotel, he can stay with Mace.”


  “No, better yet, he can stay at our house, in our guest room, and listen while I—”

  “Stop,” she said, and threw up her hand. “There is no our address.”

  “I’ve got plenty of room,” he offered. Lapierre sat like a coiled spring. No amount of training could cover the seething jealousy in the man’s eyes. That’s right, shit for brains, our house, where we live or will live. So what if her mail still went somewhere else, her heart’s address was the same as his.

  “That’s not polite,” she threw back at him. “Our relationship—”

  “More than that, sweetheart,” he said walking backwards. “I know you love me.”

  Kayla’s hands flew to he
r hips. “I never said that.”

  Lapierre shifted in his chair, his jaw set to a rigid line. Now to kick the legs out on the chair he thought he sat securely in. “I can see it in your eyes every time I make love to you.” He gave a wave. “You’re welcome to stay at our place, Lieutenant Commander, have a nice dinner.”

  Kayla whipped around, embarrassment reddening her face.

  Lapierre recognized the play, and gave him a keening stare.

  “See ya later, sweetheart.” He had to walk away now or he’d plant himself on Kayla’s hip, and that would just earn her ire. Anxiety churned inside him, leaving the woman he loved, who’d never told him the same, at least while she was in her right mind, with the man bent on taking the one thing he would never give up.

  Chapter Seven

  “Kayla, your tour is here,” Redding said, holding the door open.

  A willowy figure filtered through the darkness of the anteroom, taking a step ahead of the Captain. “Kayla!”

  Kayla blinked. She knew that voice. “Oh, my God, Nina! What the hell! Gord,” she yelled behind her.

  “Nina, what the…?” Gord’s long legs brought him quickly across the Command Center.

  They all flew together in a group hug, chattering at the same time.

  “What are you doing here?” she said, giving Nina another hug. Pinned up with a sassy clip, Nina’s rich red locks escaped, curling around her cheeks. Forest green eyes smiled at both of them. “I’ve missed you guys. How the hell are ya?”

  “You applied for the job here?” Gord asked, taking a step back. “That’s friggin’ awesome.”

  “Yup. Hey, I figured if you three could escape Homesville so could I. Where’s Barry? He called me last week and I let it slip. He said he’d meet us here.”

  “He’s on days off right now,” Gord answered.

  She’d kept in touch with Nina via email and spent hours Skyping over the months, but she hadn’t really filled her in on anything but the humdrum stuff. “When’s your interview, Nina?”

  Nina took a quick check at her watch. “Two hours and I’m shittin’ my pants.”

  “Yeah, well, there might be good reason. The board is deadly difficult.”

  “Thanks for cheering me up.” Nina scanned the center. “Man, even though I know a command center, walking in here is a little intimidating, but it looks interesting? Do I get the twenty-five-cent tour?”

  “I wonder who’s on the board?” Gord asked, giving Kayla a meaningful look. “Redding for sure. What about the Ghost?”

  “Ghost? You’ve got ghosts? Y’all gone a lil’ loopy bein’ in the California sun, right?”

  “I’ll explain it all later, but um…his name is Captain Austen, he’s in operational charge of the SEALs.”

  “A total hard-ass. The guy terrorizes everyone. Except Kayla, of course,” Gord said, nudging her.

  Captain Redding approached them.

  “Is Captain Austen going to be on the board?” Nina asked, looking a little more unsure than when she walked in.

  Redding nodded. “He usually is, but he may be called away. The interview will still be conducted with the other board members.”

  She was so glad to see Nina, and until now, hadn’t realized how much she’d missed her. With any luck and Nina’s abilities to impress the hell out of anyone, she’d be staying. “Don’t worry. I know you’ll rock, Nina. Just keep it open, honest and straightforward. That’s what they want to see.”

  “Open. Honest. Got it.”

  “Come on I’ll give you a tour, and then we can run over to the galley for coffee. I’ve missed my coffee bitch.”

  Nina laughed. “Me too, those tea-drinking pansies you left me with, suck.”

  The anteroom door cracked open, and the team sauntered in with Thane behind them.

  “Hey, Snow White,” Tinman said, zeroing in on Nina with an oh–so-sexy who the hell is this? look on his face.

  The rest of the guys lined up, making an impressive sight. Nina turned and scanned them all in one glancing blow, her sculpted brows rising. “Ho,” she spouted quietly.

  “Guys, I’d like you to meet Nina Samson. She worked with us in Canada.”

  “Nice to meet you, ma’am,” Fox said, stepping up first, giving her a friendly bob of his head and a handshake. “Master Chief Mason Briggs, Alpha Squad.”

  Most of the guys gave a quick introduction with her filling in their specialties and rank. Tony gave Nina one of his most charming looks. In a way, it was kinda creepy, but only because of the meaning behind it: Hi darlin’, want in my pants?

  She darted a glance at Gord, and he leaned over and said, “Barry ain’t gonna like that.”

  “Barry isn’t on the radar, you know that,” she whispered back.

  Mace stood among the squad, but didn’t approach. He was definitely staring, but hadn’t said a word.

  “There’s one more, Nina. I’d like you to meet Mace Callahan.”

  “Hey.” His arms uncrossed, and he gave her a quick nod. Kayla remembered how she’d thought Mace’s Hollywood good looks could make any heart flutter when they’d first met. He was usually more forward and flirty than Tony, but not today.

  Since Mace wasn’t moving, Nina took the offensive, and reached her hand out to him. “Hi, Mace? That’s a different name.”

  “Mason actually, but since the old guy beside me got here first, I’m Mace.”

  “I see. I guess you have a team name too?” Nina clenched her hands to her sides once he let go.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  When he didn’t offer anything more, instead looking like he was mesmerized by the light of a falling illumination flare, Kayla said. “He’s Alpha Squad’s sniper, that’s his team name as well.”

  “Nina!” Barry’s call came over the team’s head. They turned to see him walk in with Greg.

  “Hey, Care Bear.” She stretched her slender arm in the air, and waved. “Greg?” Nina turned, a knowing smirk on her fetching features, and raised a brow at her.

  While Barry cut through the guys and zoomed in on Nina with trajectory precision, she said, “Greg’s been visiting for the last week.”

  Barry picked Nina up, swinging her in his arms. “I told you you’d make it through the screening.”

  Kayla watched Mace’s expression darken. Thane had been watching the entire episode with interest, and she was certain he hadn’t missed a thing.

  “Nina, I’d like you to meet Captain Austen.”

  “Oh, yes sir.” She turned and straightened her already ninety-degree shoulders. “I’m Nina Samson.” She held her hand out, and he shook it.

  “Nina—Kayla will be giving you a tour, and we’ll see you again in two hours for the interview. It will be conducted in Boardroom Echo. Ms. Banks can you show her where that is.”

  “Yes, sir, of course.”

  Thane turned to address the men. “Art will be here in fifteen minutes. We’ll rendezvous in the Nelson boardroom.”

  Kayla’s gaze jumped to Captain Redding. Art was coming? That meant a mission was coming with him.

  Greg stepped up and gave Nina a one-armed hug. “Bonjour, Mademoiselle.”

  “Greg.” She gave him a wink. Turning a knowing grin on Kayla, she said, “Together again.”

  * * * *

  “This is the Galley,” Kayla explained, holding open one of the large double doors. It was eleven thirty, and the lunch crowd filtered in. “The galley’s open between eleven and twelve-thirty.” She handed Nina a tray, and they filled up at the salad bar. “Food is really good.”

  “How far to the closest Starbucks?”

  “Too far for a trip out. It’s not like home, where you can slide out and back again,” she said, pulling a mug from the sectioned container, placing it on Nina’s tray.

  “Isn’t this kind of cheating?” Nina asked, holding her mug under the milk dispenser.

  “Cheating?” taking Nina’s place at the ‘cow-in-a-box’ dispenser.

  “Well, yeah, I mean
I’ve got an advantage don’t I? The tour, and you’re already working here. You’ve been through the board, and they must know we’ll talk about it.”

  Kayla searched for an empty table and Nina followed, sliding across from her onto the bench. “Yes and no. The interview is like being barraged by a flamethrower; answer, duck and cover. You won’t get a chance to breathe the way they change direction on you. It’s too varied to really give you any tips.”

  Picking up the fork for a quick inspection, satisfied, Nina said, “Sounds pretty intense.”

  “It is. The information you’ll be dealing with is highly classified.” She poked at her lettuce and a tomato, before filling her mouth, she asked, “Why did you apply? I know you considered it before, when we were coming, but you bailed.”

  Nina let out a big sigh and sat back. “Change of scenery?”

  She shook her head. “Bullshit.”

  “Morning, Kayla,” a voice said from beside her.

  Turning, she looked into an old weathered face. “Hi, Captain Themes. How are you?”

  “Doing all right for an old guy,” he said, ogling Nina. Who didn’t stare at Nina? She was a beautiful woman.

  “Captain Themes, this is Nina Samson. She worked with us in Canada. Nina, Captain Themes runs the Harbor Patrol vessel.”

  Greg stepped up. “Mademoiselles, may I join you?”

  “Of course,” Kayla said. “This is Captain Themes. I don’t think you’ve met.”

  Greg turned his ever-inquiring attention on him, but the ready smile Greg gave most people withered slightly. “Lieutenant Commander Lapierre,” he said, but didn’t extend his hand.

  “Sir, it’s nice to meet you,” Nina said, extending her hand to shake Captain Themes’.

  Themes swept Nina’s hand into his. “You’ll have to come down to the docks later,” he offered giving her a warm grin. “I’ll take you out on an unofficial tour.”

  “It might turn out to be more official than not. Nina is here on an interview.”

  “Well, good luck then, young lady.”

  “Need all I can get, Captain. Thank you for the invitation.”


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