Code Name: Kayla's Fire (A Warrior's Challenge)

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Code Name: Kayla's Fire (A Warrior's Challenge) Page 9

by Natasza Waters

  “Probably not,” he said, and cleared his throat.

  Nina took the cloth from him, and held it against her forehead. “You’re not a very good liar, are you?”

  “Actually, I am, just not to you.” The two of them gazed at each other. Kayla felt uncomfortable, as if she was interrupting a moment, and backed away.

  Mace reached over to the side table where Tony left the glass of scotch. “Here,” he tucked it in Nina’s hands, curling his fingers over hers to help her steady it, and take a sip.

  “I think I’ll need a few more ounces than this.”

  The front door crashed open. Lieutenant Cobbs, Thane and Greg came barreling through it, their faces as severe as if they were going into a hostile situation. The look on Thane’s face would scare the four horsemen of the apocalypse.

  Tony rose, and jerked his head. “Down the hall, bathroom.”

  Fox, Caleb, Nathan, and Clay weren’t far behind. Lieutenant Law, followed by two others from team three, were only steps behind. Thane and Greg aimed for her.

  Greg pulled her to her feet. “Are you all right?”

  “Yes,” she said, trying to keep it together. The darkness probed at her again.

  “Like hell you are. You’re shaking all over,” Thane said. He gave Greg a look to back off, but Greg wasn’t letting go of her.

  “Why didn’t you tell us you were coming back here?” Greg asked, folding her in his arms. Curling a hand over his wrist, she felt the fast beat in it. “This fucking guy is going to drown in his own blood when I get my hands on him.”

  “Police are on the way,” Tony said, reappearing with Cobbs and Law.

  Cobbs gave her a long, wary glance. “You okay, Snow White?”

  Everyone treated her with kid gloves since her episode at Thane’s. A PT episode wasn’t a pleasant thing to watch. The SEALs shouldn’t be fazed, but they all were—to the point of distraction. It ticked her off. “I’m fine, Lieutenant Cobbs.”

  Greg wasn’t intending to give her over to Thane, and she could see it grated his nerves. “I’ll be right back. Sit down, Kayla,” Thane ordered.

  “I don’t need to sit, Thane, I’m not an invalid.” She yanked herself from Greg’s arms, and headed toward the patio, opening all three doors wide to let out the bloody vapors of the Shark’s victims. Anger almost pitched her over the side of sanity, but at the same moment, her body froze with a thought. The media, more specifically one reporter, who was spearheading the finger pointing at the SEALs as one of the killers had coined the name the Blood Shark. Was it just coincidence? Her tactical mind began to wheel through the possibilities. Coincidence? Not frickin’ likely.

  * * * *

  Cobbs and Law followed him down the hallway. “How bad is it?” Thane asked, pushing on the bathroom door. No one needed to say anything, as it swung open. “Oh, Jesus. What do ya think? Real or cow?” Like a house of horrors, blood seeped into the cracks, across the counters, and crawled down the white porcelain tub.

  “Wish it were the latter,” Law stated, darting a look at the blood covering every surface. “Doubt it, though.”

  Thane walked down the hall, stopping in the doorway of her bedroom. The Shark had shredded her bed, her clothes, and trashed her cabinets. He took a couple steps inside. The picture he’d hung above her bed, the one he’d given her for Christmas, lay on the ground, the glass broken in three pieces, and the painting slashed as if the Shark had known it meant something special to her.

  “What did he do to my room?”

  Kayla couldn’t see with Law and Cobbs’ large frames in the way, and they both turned at the same time and pushed her backwards. More voices joined the crowd in the living room. They met Manchester in the hallway. The same technician who’d come to the Command Center to collect the finger veered into her bathroom with a kit clenched in his hand.

  “I don’t think Kayla should be in here, do you?” Manchester asked.

  “Listen up, men,” she barked. “I have post traumatic disorder. That doesn’t mean I’m weak-kneed, addle-brained or unable to exist just friggin’ fine.”

  “Couch. Now,” Thane ordered.

  “Fuck you, Captain, this is my house,” she railed at him as Lapierre towered behind her.

  Thane leaned over her, and she did her damnedest not to lean away. “Fall—back—now.” His emotions were on the reeling edge of a cyclone. Tony’s first words to him on the phone had made his entire soul seize tight. We’re at Kayla’s condo, it’s filled with blood. He was in his office, and gave himself whiplash turning toward the ops room. Not seeing her, he lost it just like a rooky squid instead of a man who’d spent years crushing the turmoil and pressure of seeing bad things under his heel. When Tony expounded that Nina and Kayla were with him and Mace, it was too late for his heart to cease its fever pitch. “Just give us a second.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Ma maison. Ma salle de bain. Je ne veux pas de ta maudite protection. J’ai le droit de savoir les détails. Arrête d’être un dominateur.” My house. My bathroom. I don't want your damn protection. I have a right to know the details. Stop being an overbearing ass.

  Yup, she was pissed. Staring her down was his only option. She rolled her eyes at him and stormed down the hallway.

  Lapierre raised a brow and turned to peer in her bathroom. Over the last week, Thane had gotten to know Kayla’s ex-brother-in-law, and with resigned acceptance appreciated his help. Lapierre had given them some angles they hadn’t thought of, and they’d exhausted all of them. The guy was as solid as they came, which bothered the hell out of him.

  “Human?” Lapierre asked Manchester, jerking his head toward the bathroom.

  “We’ll know in a minute,” Manchester said. “How’s she doing?”

  Thane breathed out a deep sigh. “She only speaks French when she’s seriously pissed.” When Tony explained what the Shark had done, he thought she’d fall into an episode. She looked a little off-kilter, but by taking control away from her, he knew he’d piss her off, and keep her afloat.

  The tech bending over the sink turned with a little bottle in one hand and a stick in the other. “Lieutenant.” When Manchester looked at him, the tech offered one sharp nod.

  Law spoke out. “I’m not a professional here when it comes to psychos, but how many women…people would this take? More than one, I’m sure.”

  “It fits,” Manchester explained. “There was almost complete blood loss with each woman we found, although we didn’t find the kill sites. We assumed they’d just bled out. Now we know what his keepsake is.”

  “Keepsake?” Thane asked.

  “Every serial killer has a prize.”

  His eyes scanned the room. “Looks like his is blood.”

  “This seals it,” Cobbs said, snapping a look at him. “You have to stay here with Snow White. I know you’re torn about the mission. Don’t be.”

  He’d been warring back and forth since the meeting with Art this morning. This wasn’t just a case of leaving his heart with her while he disappeared on a mission. If he left, and the Shark got to Kayla, he’d never be the same again. Leaving her in Lapierre’s care was not an option. It might be his imagination, but Kayla seemed to be swaying back and forth between them. He ran a hand through his hair. “It’s not just her any more,” he said, glancing at the message the Shark left on the mirror. “Now it’s the two of them.”

  Manchester’s phone bleeped with an incoming text. He scanned the message while asking, “The redhead I saw coming in?”

  Thane nodded. “She used to work with Kayla, and she just interviewed for us.”

  “She’s from Canada?” Manchester asked.


  “Then she can go home.”

  “I agree,” Lapierre stated. “I’ll take them both home.”

  “No,” Thane said firmly. “If they leave now, they’re wide open, and I have no doubt the Shark would follow them. Nina stays.” He glared at Lapierre, “So does Kayla. We’ll keep them together until this is

  Mace and Tony joined the circle. “I’ll stay too,” Mace said, dropping into the conversation. “I’ll watch her.”

  He hadn’t missed the look on Mace’s face when he laid eyes on Nina. There was immediate heat between them. A man only looks at a woman that way for one reason; instant possessiveness. “They’ll both be safe, Mace. I need you on this mission.”

  “I know, but—”

  He shook his head. “Nina’ll be here when you get back, Petty Officer Callahan.”

  Mace’s shoulders tightened. Instead of a lippy retort, he said, “You don’t think Kayla’s going to convince you to go?” Ramming his hands in his pockets was a sign Mace was pissed. He didn’t have many. “She will. We’re all going, and they’ll be left here without us, no insult intended, Lieutenant Law.”

  Cobbs nodded as well. “Mace ain’t firing blanks, Thane. Kayla is going to put a complete airdrop on you the second she gets a chance, and she’s not going to run out of ammo until you get on that plane with us. She was pissed off when she found out you weren’t deploying.”

  Manchester produced a pair of plastic booties and covered his feet. Slipping gloves on his hands, he wandered into the bathroom. “I don’t give a shit how much resistance she throws at me. If I leave now, I’ll be getting a goddamn text saying they found her body. She needs me more than you do.”

  They all rallied in Kayla’s living room. He listened while Kayla brought Nina up to date.

  “I’m a target now,” Nina said harshly. “Well fine, put me out there, I’ll reel the stupid prick in.”

  Great! Who were these Canadian women? They could bring a SEAL down with one look, and they had balls bigger than most guys he knew.

  “Why haven’t you tried to set him up yet?” She turned the question on Mace who’d crouched down next to her.

  “We don’t use women as bait, Ms. Samson,” Thane stated firmly.

  “He doesn’t want to use me as bait,” Kayla added. “Which he bloody well should.”

  Mace winced at her words.

  “Oh, don’t worry, Mace, she doesn’t waiver with the word, just the sight of it.”

  Nina’s eyes flashed as if ticked with herself. Tony had said Nina passed out after seeing Kayla’s bathroom. After assessing her carefully in the interview, Nina appeared to be sure of herself and stable. Obviously, blood wasn’t her favorite thing, but they all had an Achilles heel and he looked over at his. Kayla was still pinning a harsh look on him. “The discussion is closed, understood, Ms. Banks?”

  “Then use me,” Nina spouted.

  “Not a chance,” Mace piped up, attracting an interested eye from Nina with his response.

  “I agree, not a chance,” Kayla said, laying a hand on her leg. “What about Gabby?”

  Nina’s expression morphed to concern. “She’s safe.”

  “Who’s that?” Mace asked.

  “My daughter.” Lowering the glass to the table, she said, “Gabby’s with mom and dad. If something happens to me, I’ve willed them as her guardians.”

  “There must be a hearing impairment when it comes to Canadian women,” Thane grumbled.

  “My hearing is above average.” Nina pinned her don’t fuck with me Alpha guy look on her face. “This lunatic is roaming around waiting for his opportunity. I know Kayla, she’d want to take this head-on. It’s worse dodging shadows than facing the nightmare. I’m fresh meat and obviously, you’ve got an opportunity here. Take it,” she said harshly, but her eyes softened looking at Mace. “Do it now. Isn’t that what you SEALs do? You catch terrorists, Tangos, bad guys, whatever it is you call them.”

  Mace’s forehead rippled with humor. “Been doing some homework on the jargon, huh?”

  “I know you don’t want to hear it, Captain, but she’s right,” Law agreed. “If Nina runs for it, the Shark might follow, and we’ll have him.”

  “No, Captain,” Mace said, pushing himself up. “We’re not taking a chance with either of them.”

  Thane wasn’t going to take the chance with Kayla, but they weren’t getting anywhere on the leads. Kayla saw him considering.

  “Just me, Captain. Put Nina on a plane home,” Kayla demanded.

  Lapierre sat down next to Kayla and slid a protective arm around her. “Mon amour, viens à la maison avec moi.” My love, come home with me. He grasped her chin, his gaze caressing her lips. Instantly, she blushed. Ungluing his lustful hold on Kayla, Lapierre turned his attention on Thane. “She isn’t safe here anymore, Captain. Even with your men watching, she’s too close, too accessible. I understand why you’re doing it, but you’re being selfish, and Kayla will pay the price. I won’t let that happen again. Do you understand?”

  He did understand, and Lapierre could go fuck himself halfway to Sunday.

  “No,” Nina said sharply. “Deal with this. We’re not running away. Use both of us, Captain. With us together, he won’t be able to resist.”

  Clay, their communications specialist, leaned over and whispered in his ear. “Captain, we’re talking openly in a room that hasn’t been checked. This guy could be listening to us.”

  He nodded. “The answers the same as before,” he said loudly. “No.” He saw Mace’s tension subside a little. “Kayla and Nina, I want you out of here, now.”

  If they put a plan together tonight, he could deploy with the men, but he wasn’t leaving Kayla with the Shark still free to hunt or Lapierre hanging around. Fuck, how the hell was he supposed to protect Kayla and do his job at the same time? One of them would suffer, and he knew damn well he would never sacrifice Kayla, even though she’d be willing to do it herself.

  “Captain…” Kayla jumped to her feet.

  “Enough,” he said hotly. He gave his squad the signal to follow and remain silent. Kayla caught on immediately. She quickly grabbed Nina’s hand, and pulled her to her feet. Greg not far behind.

  They followed him into the landing. “All right.” All faces stared up at him. “This is how it’s going to play out, and if either of you go rogue I’ll end it, do you understand?” Both Kayla and Nina nodded. “Nina, you’re going to make a run for it. We’re going to let today settle, and then we’ll put it into play. Until then, status quo.” He spent ten minutes explaining the plan, and then they headed into the restaurant, although no one was hungry.

  Chapter Nine


  “Quoi, mon amour?” What, my love?

  “Casey Burton nommé le Requin Sanguinaire. Je ne crois pas que ce soit une coincidence.” Casey Burton named the Blood Shark. I don’t think that’s a coincidence.

  “Tu crois qu’il sait quelque chose?” You think he knows something?

  “Oui, nous avons besoin de lui parler.” Yes, we need to speak with him.

  Nina interjected. “Je pensais la même chose. Le Requin collecte le sang. Qu’elle sont les chances?” I was thinking the same thing. The Shark collects blood. What are the chances?

  Tony leaned into Mace. “Wish I would have taken French,” he muttered, the corners of his lips lifting with a quirk.

  Mace’s lids slid to half-mast. “Still wouldn’t get you in her pants,” he stated.

  Nina winked at Mace, and he suppressed a grin.

  The Captain swiped a hand around his jaw. “I think you might be right, Kayla. It can’t be coincidence. That journalist, Casey Burton, he’s been weaving a tight story, trying to tie the Shark to one of us. Finding out this guy collects blood as a trophy is too suspect.”

  She felt her brows pop to the middle of her forehead, and craned her neck to look at Greg.

  Greg cleared his throat, then nodded. “You understand French, Captain.”

  “Oui, et chaque mot que tu as dit essayant de convaincre la femme avec qui je fais l’amour, de me laisser,” Yes, and every word you said trying to convince the woman I make love to, to leave me, Thane said, pasting a dangerous smile on his face.

  She, Greg and Nina shared a look. “Oh,” she uttered, gulping deeply.

nbsp; “Qu’est-ce qui ne va pas mon amour? Tu as l’air un peu pâle,” What’s wrong my love? You look a little pale. The Captain leaned back and shot a look at Lieutenant Cobbs.

  In perfect French, Cobbs said, “Sa prononciation est parfois un peu.” Her pronunciation is a little off sometimes. Raising a brow, he stuck his tongue deep into his cheek.


  The Captain barked out a laugh. He and Cobbs fisted each other.

  “Mon Français est parfaitement Franco-Canadien.” My French is perfect French-Canadian.

  Law, Cobbs and Thane threw around a few bantering sentences.

  She banged the table with her palm, and they stopped, grinned, crossed their arms at exactly the same moment, and gave her a dry look.

  “Bloody Americans!” she shouted.

  Greg guffawed. “Well done, gentlemen.”

  Nina looked stunned.

  Mace leaned toward Nina, curling his finger. As if tied to it with a string, she leaned forward. “Qu’est-ce qui ne va pas, beauté ? La plupart des SEAL connaissent au moins trois langues.” What’s wrong, beautiful? Most SEALs know at least three languages.

  Her eyes glittered with an impish look. “What other languages can you speak?”

  Mace’s lips quirked. “Je suis pas mal à passer le message avec mes mains.” I’m pretty good at getting the message across with my hands.

  The flush that ran up Nina’s cheeks to her forehead made everyone at the table laugh.

  Greg chuckled with a deep resonance beside her. When she turned her gaze to him, he leaned in and whispered in her ear, “These guys aren’t half-bad. Except for maybe the big one there who thinks you’re going to be his wife one day.”

  Greg kissed her slowly on the cheek, and gave her a full, head-on Greg Lapierre smile. The one most women couldn’t resist, and would immediately lie on their backs to see again. All women except her. She was used to that family trait.

  “Since he hasn’t attacked me yet, I’m guessing you haven’t told him.”

  The Captain’s expression darkened.


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