Code Name: Kayla's Fire (A Warrior's Challenge)

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Code Name: Kayla's Fire (A Warrior's Challenge) Page 20

by Natasza Waters

  Kayla nodded her thanks. She scanned the hall looking for a familiar face. Two men in suits, obviously a security detail, stood next to a door.

  One of the guards held his hand up. “This is Captain Austen’s room, isn’t it?

  “You can’t go in with the Princess in there unless you’re cleared.”

  She gazed around. “Cleared by who, and what’s she doing in there?” Jet black eyes stared vacantly down from an olive complexion.

  “She’s cleared,” a voice said gruffly from behind her.


  “Hi, Snow White.” He gave her a quick hug. “He’s pretty out of it.” Nathan looked over at the guard. “Get your royal out of there, the Captain’s family is here.”

  The guard gave him a narrowing look. “The princess leaves when she wants to,” but he stepped aside so she could enter.

  “Come find me afterwards, Kayla. We need to talk, okay?”

  She nodded pushing against the door.

  A cove box sprayed indirect light up the wall situated above Thane’s bed. With eyes closed, he rested peacefully. Numerous tubes stretched from the metal prongs of a stand beside his bed to him. Then she noticed the woman who sat beside him. She was extraordinarily beautiful. Her coal-colored, straight black hair shone in the light and striking hazel eyes turned to her.

  “He needs morphine. I know he’s in pain. Get it quickly,” she ordered. Her voice was thick and low, and a wave of deep concern crested her words. “Don’t stand there, get it.”

  Kayla took another step toward the bed, and then another. “I’m not a nurse,” she said finding her voice and herself on the other side of the bed.

  “Then you shouldn’t be in here. Who are you?”

  Kayla pulled her gaze from Thane. The woman’s skin was a deep olive and flawless. She was an extraordinarily beautiful woman, tall, and even though she sat, she sat regally clutching Thane’s hand in both of hers.

  “I’m…my name’s Kayla.”

  “Is that supposed to mean something?” Her voice withdrew from its monarchial temperature and swayed to wary.

  “I…ah…work with the Captain.”

  The woman stiffened. “You’re not a SEAL.”


  The woman’s gaze turned from wary to unfriendly. “I’m having him transferred tomorrow. Our hospital in Cairo is state of the art. He’ll have all the necessary therapy and care under my direction.”

  Just looking at this woman made her feel subservient and inadequate. It wasn’t a stretch to know who she was. “Are you the woman the team rescued?”

  She nodded. “I’m Zara, second cousin to Prince Hamuudaah of Egypt. She brought Thane’s hand to her cheek. “He saved my life more than once. He held me when I was scared. He reassured me with his words and his strength, and he stood in front of me and protected me when this happened to him.”

  Kayla’s insides twisted, at the same time as she felt a bloom of pride knowing he would do all of that to save someone.

  “He fought valiantly. Those sick bastards wanted to humiliate and torture me, but Thane stopped them. He is so brave.” Her eyes fell to him with more than hero worship glowing in them. “His determination was unwavering to me while we were held in Kaleeg’s mansion. It’s nothing but a bug-infested, filthy hole, and depraved men surround him. Kaleeg’s mind is twisted with sickness. Thane remained with me, reassuring me that he would find a way to escape. We became close in a short time. Intimately close, and I will never forget what he did to save my life.”

  Kayla’s head began to buzz with the woman’s words. Intimately close? “What…do you mean, intimately close?”

  “There was an immediate and intense attraction between us. He’s a warrior, the strongest I’ve ever known.” Her eyes swayed to Thane and her fingers grazed his jaw, following the contour of his lips. “I have never been loved before like that. He is such an amazing man, and an amazing lover.”

  Kayla swallowed, her eyes closing to steady herself.

  “Are you here to make reports?” Zara asked, her accent making her more exotic and alluring. “He cannot do that, and I will not leave his side. You’ll just have to wait, but you can do it outside.”

  “They—they can wait,” she whispered. She realized then, Thane’s hand was in hers. Everything inside her began to crumble, but she took hold of the raw and unfathomable hurt, and controlled it.

  “That other SEAL, Nathan—he was with us. Ask him, but don’t bother Thane.” Zara watched her with sharp eyes.

  “Get well soon, Captain,” she whispered.

  Thane moaned.

  “No, no darling, sleep—it’s all right,” Zara said soothing him.

  Thane’s eyes fluttered. “Kayla?”

  “Leave now,” Zara said tightly.

  “Just a dream, Captain. I’m just a dream.” She brushed his forehead with a kiss. “Don’t stay in the darkness. You’ll get lost there.”

  “I’m coming home, sweetheart,” he mumbled.

  “He’s hallucinating,” Zara said. Please let him rest. Please leave.”

  It’s odd—when faced with a terrible truth, the mind doesn’t fold into a little ball, but strives to make sense of it, accept it. Over the ten years it took to heal herself, she was able to lock away the pain. Being human meant dealing with the bad and dwelling in the good. She’d shared both with Thane. She thought being nearly beaten to death was hard. Walking away from this man would be harder. “Make sure he has everything he needs.”

  Zara’s glare softened. “I will,” She paused. “Are you leaving?”


  “No,” Thane breathed. He was struggling to wake up.

  She and Zara gazed at one another for a long moment. Thane was always meant for better. This woman with royal blood and a graceful presence, fit perfectly. Her nobility matched his. “He’s everything you think he is.” Leaning close to his ear, biting back the tightness in her throat, she whispered. “I will always remember.”

  Kayla headed straight for the elevator. With every step, the gaping hole in her heart widened, but she had to see Mace, and then she would leave. Nathan and Tony stood outside the room with their arms crossed looking damn unhappy. When they saw her, they began walking toward her. “How is he?”

  “Being an ass,” Tinman blurted. She could hear voices and they were none too quiet. At least Mace’s wasn’t. He sounded angry although she couldn’t make out the words.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Doc. Kayla, this is Doctor Hineman.”

  Dr. Hineman’s ruby cheeks and white hair, trimmed neatly with a pair of spectacles on his long nose, reminded her of Santa. “How’s Mace?”

  “Doing very well considering. He’s stable, and it’s going to take plenty of therapy, but he’ll recover.”

  “He was in critical condition?” she said, looking between Nathan and Tinman.

  “That was due to the blood loss. His strength is returning. Now it’s about convincing. I’ve treated these SEALs before. Hard-headed bunch. They don’t like lying on their back. Once he’s transferred back to America, he’s going to need psychological therapy as well. These men went through hell and back.”

  A sharp “No,” came from the room. “I wouldn’t go in there, Kayla,” Tinman warned. “Like I said, he’s being an ass. Nina’s doing a good job of not running for the hills.”

  Kayla eyed Tony sensing he wasn’t offering the full picture. “I don’t understand.”

  “Well it’s more than just ligaments; it’s about where he was injured.” Tony said and bent his head giving her a look from a crooked brow.

  “Ohhh,” she said, starting to get the picture.

  “Let’s just say he took a direct hit in a place a guy doesn’t want one,” Nathan added.

  “Oh, dear.”

  “Doc here says it’s not a permanent injury. Things will—swing the right way. It’s just gonna take time.”

  She pushed her own worries aside and entered Mace�
�s room. Nina stood beside the bed, her eyes firing an exasperated look at Mace. “Nina, do you mind if I talk to Mace for a second.” Kayla looked down at Mace, who stared at the far wall with his arms crossed tightly on his chest.

  Nina swung her willowy arms to her sides, and huffed as she left the room. When the door shut behind her, Mace sighed and hugged Kayla back when she wrapped her arms around him. “How’s our captain?” he asked.

  “He’s being looked after.”

  Mace bowed his head and his mouth tightened to a thin line.

  “Not good to piss her off. That red hair means she can get seriously ornery.” She leaned over kissing Mace on the forehead, and gripped his hand before sitting in a chair beside the bed. “Now, tell me why you’re giving a woman who was so worried about you, after only knowing you for a couple of days, and flew almost six thousand miles to see for herself that you’re alive, a hard time?”

  Mace scowled. “I didn’t ask her to come, Kayla.”

  “No, you didn’t, but she did anyway. Because after only hours, your warmth, your wonderful personality, the man that you are, slipped under her skin, and I’m pretty sure she slipped under yours.”

  “My injuries might mean….”

  “Your injuries,” she cut him off, “have just started to heal. Remember Nina is a doctor’s daughter. She’s heard all the war stories over the years. The miracles, the heartbreak. Nina is not a shallow woman. She feels and thinks deeply.”

  “She shouldn’t think about me. I might not be able to…perform,” he said, looking away quickly and concentrating on the back wall.

  “The doctor disagrees with you.”

  “They say that shit so you don’t jump out a window,” he said crossly.

  “Mace, in about thirty seconds I’m going to put you over my knee. Since you’re in a weakened state, I’m betting I can do it. Look at me,” she said sharply.

  “Kayla, give it up.”

  “SEAL!” she barked at him. Mace turned toward her although his eyes were still lowered. “Look—at—me, Mace.” He did, but very slowly. “I was nearly beaten to death by the man that promised to love, honor and protect me. Instead, he threw me around and broke my bones, then finally decided the world would be a better place if I wasn’t breathing in it.” She squeezed his hand hard. “Try crawling back from that. Try knowing that every smiling face is able to turn on you, not just with disdain, but with brutal force. I crawled first, and then I got to my feet and then I ran. I know I’ll never get over all of it. But for a while,” her voice cracked, and Mace’s brows shot together. “For a while, I felt happy again. I found someone for a short time I could trust. You’re going to recover, but you have to do your physio and keep believing tomorrow and the next day will get better.”

  “What do you mean a short time? Are you talking about the Captain?”

  Men, they hear what they want to hear. “He found his princess, Mace. She’s taking care of him.”

  Mace’s mouth curved tight. “Kayla, you don’t understand.”

  “I do, and I’m happy for him. Listen—you and Nina have a real shot at finding forever. Don’t push her away because of things that haven’t come to pass. You’re going to heal, everything is going to be fine. You have to know Nina like I do. She could have had any guy. Rich men trailed after her like breadcrumbs, but she’s been waiting for something far more important. She’s been waiting for a man who she loves and can also love Gabby.” Kayla rose from the chair and hugged him. “I think you’re that man, Mace.”

  “Kayla where are you going?”

  She stopped at the door. “I’m going home.”

  “Kayla, you’re not walking away from the Captain.”

  “No, he walked away from me, when he made love to Zara, but it’s all right.” She shrugged. She didn’t understand it herself. “For some reason, it’s all right.”

  “Kayla, stop,” but she was already out the door. “Hey, Nina, your turn, girlfriend.”

  A line of chairs sat against the wall. Nina’s face was buried in her hands. She raised her head and stood up slowly. “Are you going for coffee? Maybe I’ll join you.”

  “No, Mace needs you.”

  Nina gave a quick nod. “I’ll try to remember that the next time he wants to throw me out of his room.”

  They fell together in a tight hug. She wasn’t going to be able to hold the tears back for long. “I love you, Nina. Take care of Mace and Gabby.”

  Nina had already started to cry. “Why are you telling me this as if you’re leaving?”

  “It’s going to be hard, Nina, but Mace is worth it.”

  Nina yanked her into her arms again. “Why are you going?”

  She shook her head. “You need to be with Mace. Get moving.”

  She made a quick getaway—almost, a team of doctors and nurses running beside a stretcher and rushing into the elevator made her step back and wait for the next one.

  “Kayla, wait up.” Nathan ran down the hallway. “I need to talk to you.”

  “I’ll see ya, Nathan.”

  Nathan gripped her arm. “Would you just listen for a second. I heard you talkin’ to Mace. You need to know the whole story.”

  “No, I don’t.” The elevator door opened with a rubbery sounding woosh and she got in. “Take care of him and each other. Say goodbye for me, would you?” She swiped a hand against her cheek.

  The flight home wasn’t fully booked which gave her a line of seats to herself. The long flight gave her time to think. She really wasn’t pondering three steps ahead any more. Asking for a blanket, she curled up under it, and allowed herself fall into a light sleep. When she closed her eyes, she saw Zara and Thane together, embracing, him making love to her. Her heart tied itself into a cold hard knot, and she let it stay that way.

  * * * *

  The constant, but irritating beep of a machine close by filtered into his conscious brought Thane around.

  “Ready to join the rest of us in the real world?” Pat Cobbs asked.

  His sense of smell kicked in, and without opening his eyes, Thane knew he was in a medical facility of some kind. A spasm of pain shot through him when he coughed. “Ah, man.” He raised his hands to his head, the headache pounding like a full-on seven day bender. Pushing himself up, the pain in his back bit its teeth in deep and he gave up, grasping the control lying beside his hand. “How ya doin’, old friend?” he croaked out.

  “Better now. Said hi to Jesus and then got the hell outta there.”

  Pat handed him a water bottle with a straw, relishing the cool liquid on his parched throat. He chuckled. “Yeah, I know what you mean. We took a bad one up the ass this time.”

  “Mission accomplished, though,” Pat said.

  His friend sat in a thin hospital gown, looking about as bad as he felt. “Got her out, didn’t we?”

  Pat chewed his lip and nodded. “Yup, not without a lot of casualties.”

  “Guess we’re outta action for a while. How is everyone?”

  Pat grabbed the extra water sitting on his side table, and took a long drink, screwing the cap back on slowly. “On the mend. Mace took it the worst, almost lost his nuts in the process, literally. Can’t wait to see what kinda therapy they’ve got for that, but Nina’s close by, and although he’s tried everything to shove her out the door, she’s still here.”

  “Nina? Really?” He stilled. “Did she…”

  “Did she come alone? No.”

  Pat shifted, and then jerked with a flinch of discomfort, grabbing his hip. No need to ask where he took a hit. “Where’s Kayla?” He scanned the room as if he hadn’t already three times. He’d sensed her, but relegated the feeling to desire instead of reality.

  Pat cleared his throat. “Zara’s outside.”

  “What’s she doin’ here?”

  “Standing watch over you.” Pat scratched his chin and settled a look on him. “I got part of the story from Nathan. Sounds a little crazy to me. Why don’t you tell me what happened.”

  “I want to see Kayla. Is she outside?” He tilted his head to peer through the blinds, but only Zara stood there talking on the phone. “Where is she?”

  “She’s gone, Thane.”


  “Zara was here when she came in to see you, and told her about what happened, at least her side of it.”

  “Side of it,” he repeated. “You’re not making sense, man.”

  “Zara told Kayla you saved her life and became very…close during the escape. Apparently, Zara explained you’ve got it bad for each other, and consummated it in the middle of a mission.”

  “Shit,” he flung the covers and nearly blacked out. “Pat you gotta stop Kayla, stop her before she gets on that plane. I have to explain.”

  “Too late, old friend, and you’re being transferred to a hospital in Cairo.”

  “What? What the hell are you talking about?” Just then, the door swung open and Zara glided in.

  “Darling, you’re awake.”

  “What did you tell Kayla?” he boomed. From first contact, he knew this royal was going to be a pain in the ass, but he did his job, and kept her alive.

  “I told her the truth. Now lay back and rest. I’ve made all the arrangements. Cairo has one of the best facilities in the world, and my family has funded much of it. They are so grateful and honored for what you did. You will have the best care.”

  “I did my job, that’s it.” Zara didn’t waver with his anger, and he was damn angry. “We did what we had to do to stay alive while Kaleeg had us nailed down. That’s it.”

  “Darling, please relax.”

  “You’re getting on your royal jet, and flying back to Cairo, but it won’t be with me. I have a woman I love more than life itself, and you knew that.”

  “You made love to me.”

  “No,” he ground out, reaching the end of his patience. “I fucked your ass off with a gun held to both our heads because that syphilitic bastard Keegan doesn’t get the porn channel. He would have killed us both. We bought time.”

  Zara leaned forward, her hazel eyes refusing to accept what he was telling her. “I know it meant something to you.”


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