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Romani Armada (Beloved Bloody Time)

Page 30

by Tracy Cooper-Posey

  She looked at herself in the mirror, at first to check her makeup and appearance. Then she really looked at herself. Was she really going to do this?

  Finally, she took a breath and stepped out into the apartment.

  Adán was sitting on the chair, his shirt open, as he dried his hair with the towel. He looked up as she entered and gave her a small smile.

  Justin stood by the window, shirtless, his jeans showing dark patches where the rain had soaked through. As Deonne closed the bathroom door, he turned to look at her. He held out his arm and she went to him.

  “Are you sure?” he asked gently. His gaze was steady, completely lacking hostility or anger, but she thought she could see hope there. Or perhaps a repressed anticipation. So she gave him the answer she had just given herself, looking into the mirror, knowing that Adán would hear every word.

  “It feels right, Justin. It feels…correct. I want to be with you and as much as you wish you were not, you’re vampire. I need to look at us and think about us the vampire way. That’s what was tripping us both up until now. You were trying to deal with us like a human, too. It doesn’t work. This does. You want him and perhaps you have for the hundreds of years since you parted. This way, I can let myself want him, too.”

  Justin cupped her face, his thumb brushing the corner of her mouth. “I didn’t want this. I thought I wanted just you.”

  “You wanted a nice, happy, human romance.” She smiled, trying to take any offence out of her words. “It was never going to work, especially not with me.”

  “I love you,” Justin breathed. “That remains. That works.”

  “It’s only the key to everything.”

  Justin turned her around, so that her back was leaning against his chest. His arms came around her waist, heavy and comforting. “Adán, come here,” he said.

  Adán got to his feet and padded toward them. He was barefoot, too. His chest beneath the open shirt gleamed in the low light in the room.

  Deonne realized she was holding her breath, her body tightening as subliminal images flipped through her thoughts. She had been subconsciously playing with the idea of making love to Adán for days, but repressing it so that only wicked, stimulating images has seeped through, too fast for her to consciously be shocked or push them from her thoughts.

  He was a beautiful man.

  He stopped a foot away from her.

  “Closer,” Justin insisted.

  Adán’s lips curled up in a small smile. “Any closer and I will be pressing up against Deonne.”

  “Exactly,” Justin replied.

  Adán’s gaze shifted to Deonne and she saw hot, raw hunger in his eyes. “If you insist.” He moved slowly, his body making contact with hers in protracted stages. First his thighs, then his hips, which forced her breath from her in a rush. The contact with his hips emphasized the state of his arousal. His cock was a rigid shaft between them. His abdomen pushed against hers and Deonne felt the muscles in his belly ripple at the touch.

  He let out a slow, shaky breath as the tips of her breasts, still covered in the silk gown, brushed his chest. “Santa Maria,” he breathed.

  He was trembling.

  Deonne’s breath was hurried and unsteady. She stood between the two of them, trying to absorb all the myriad impressions and sensations. “This is…heavenly,” she breathed.

  “I think we can do better than that,” Justin murmured, his voice rumbling against her back. His weight shifted and she felt him lean forward, over her shoulder and looked up as his lips met Adán’s.

  Deonne’s body seemed to blaze with energy and the most powerful wanting she’d ever experienced, as she watched the two men kiss. She could feel the tension building in Justin’s body, where he leaned against her. She could feel his heart thudding against her back.

  Adán’s hands curled around her waist and his fingers flexed and pressed inwards as his pleasure built.

  Justin tore his mouth from Adán’s and drew in a rough breath. “I never thought having someone between us would make it better.”

  “Because the someone is Deonne, it is incomparable.” Adán smiled at her. “Your turn,” he murmured and kissed her.

  The torrential rain had nullified most of the effect of their first kiss, yet that kiss had been electrifying. This one seemed to start fireworks in her mind and steal all her thoughts. It left her feeling drugged and floating in a sea of pleasure.

  Adán’s grip around her waist grew firmer and he lifted his mouth from hers. “She is melting against me,” he said, sounding both pleased and surprised.

  “She does that,” Justin said. “It’s one of life’s greatest sensations.”

  Adán picked her up, his hands still around her waist. “I need more of it, but not while you are distracted with the need to stay on your feet.” He carried her to the bed and laid her on top of the cover, then settled himself next to her. Justin arranged himself on her other side, his long length pressed up against her flank.

  Deonne thought she might burst into flames. Her body was pounding, made worse as she considered the possibilities to come. “Kiss me,” she asked Justin, her hand resting against his bare chest. She felt the odd sensation of body heat under her fingers and stroked them across his flesh, enjoying it.

  Justin shook his head. “I like watching you two. I want to see more.”

  Adán slid his hand across Deonne’ belly, then tucked it under the back of her hip. “I do not need a second directive for that.” He kissed her once more, his lips hard and demanding.

  She seemed to grow even hotter with this kiss. Even as Adán seemed to be stealing all her attention, she was physically and mentally aware of Justin, pressed up against her, watching them kiss. She could almost feel his reaction.

  Fingers pressed against her belly, then she felt the belt of her gown loosen. Justin was undressing her as Adán kissed her.

  Deonne moaned, coherent thought drifting away. She was drunk with pleasure, her body tight with longing.

  Her gown was pulled aside, revealing her body and Deonne sighed into Adán’s mouth.

  “Let me taste her,” Justin murmured.

  Adán shifted, moving to one side. His lips moved away from her mouth and slid down her throat to the soft tissue of her upper breast.

  At the same time, Justin’s mouth closed over her nipple and his teeth and tongue played with the tip.

  Deonne arched on the bed. She felt locks of hair beneath her hand and realized that she had thrust her fingers into Adán’s hair and was encouraging him to slide his mouth down to the other unattended breast.

  He chuckled and complied, sucking the highly sensitive tip into his mouth and working his tongue across it in hard strokes.

  A wordless cry erupted from her lips. Deonne closed her eyes and let herself sink into the mindless pleasure the two men were delivering. It was delicious. Addictive. How had she not thought of this before? Why had she been depriving herself?

  Adán pulled away from her breast, and she opened her eyes to see him kneel up, and shrug out of his shirt. He reached for the fastenings on his trousers.

  “No,” Deonne said quickly.

  Adán smiled, his eyes sleepy and hot. “You wish to do this?”

  “I want Justin to.” Her voice was hoarse, husky with desire.

  Adán let his hands drop to his sides and looked at Justin. “The lady speaks,” he murmured.

  “We’ve unleashed a monster,” Justin said, sitting up. “Just when I thought your mind could not possibly deal with one more challenge. You’re a constant amazement, Deonne.”

  “Good,” she said. “This mere human needs to keep you on your toes.”

  “There is nothing ‘mere’ about you,” Adán told her and drew in his breath in a quick inhalation as Justin’s hands brushed against the front of his trousers.

  “I’ve almost forgotten how these old style fastenings work,” Justin murmured.

  “You’re just teasing,” Deonne told him as he slowly drew the zi
pper downwards.

  “He does it well, the teasing,” Adán said. His voice was thick with pleasure, too. He was watching the progress Justin was making with his trousers, his attention riveted on Justin’s fingers.

  Justin ran his fingers over his lower abdomen, just above the sagging opening of his trousers and Adán’s hips jerked, thrusting. Adán gave a soft sound that might have been a groan.

  Deonne found she was stroking her own hip, close to the junction of her thighs, as she watched the two play. She had an almost overwhelming urge to slide her fingers between her thighs. Her clit was throbbing and her pussy squeezing, eager to be filled.

  “Take his pants off,” she told Justin, letting her fingers wander closer to her mound.

  Adán swallowed, the sound audible even to Deonne. His hands tightened into fists. He was looking down at her hip, watching her fingers. “Dear sweet heaven….” he breathed.

  Justin grinned and shifted on the bed. With Adán’s cooperation, he stripped his trousers from him, one leg at a time, until Adán knelt on the bed, naked. His cock was flagrantly erect and red with blood, which was amazing for a vampire.

  Justin was looking at her expectantly.

  “Stroke him,” Deonne ordered, her voice nearly strangled to silence by the thick excitement coursing through her.

  Adán sighed.

  Justin leaned over Deonne and pressed the flat of his hand against Adán’s thigh, right next to his jutting cock. He spread his fingers, the tips stroking and moving restlessly. He wore a small smile, which proved that he was teasing as mercilessly as Adán had accused him of doing.

  The tendons in Adán’s forearms flexed, telling Deonne that he was clenching his fists even tighter. When Justin finally curled his hand around his cock and slid it along the length of him, Adán threw his head back and groaned heavily.

  Justin stroked with a light, delicate hand.

  Adán’s hand snapped out and snagged Justin’s wrist. “Jesus. Enough.” He glanced at Deonne and licked his lips. “You must stop that, too.”

  Deonne dipped her fingertips into her folds, just below her clit. She was sopping wet and slick with excitement. “Why must I stop?” She closed her eyes and let her fingers push deeper. She moved restlessly, spreading her thighs, so they could see exactly what she was doing.

  “Take her,” Justin murmured. His voice was just as strained as Adán’s.

  “Ah, Gods!” Adán grabbed Deonne’s hand and plucked her fingers away from her cleft. He pushed her thighs further apart with his knee, still holding her hands to one side.

  Then he leaned over her with one arm propping himself up, the muscles bunching and bulging as they took the strain. He gripped her hip with the other, settling between her thighs.

  His eyes sought hers as the tip of his cock pressed between her pussy lips. “I have imagined this moment many times, querido,” he whispered and slid into her in one smooth stroke. Deonne drew in a hard breath as the need to have a cock inside her was finally satisfied.

  Adán stayed still, savoring the moment. “Better than I imagined,” he said hoarsely.

  Justin stepped to the side of the bed. He was naked and his thick, heavy cock was jutting upward, signaling his approval. “I could come just from watching you together,” he said. “But there’s something better than that.”

  Adán gave Deonne a small smile as he rested over her. “Justin has a wicked mind, if I have guessed right what he intends.”

  The bed dipped as Justin settled on it once more.

  Deonne caught her breath as Justin stroked the inside of her thigh, up high, near where Adán’s hip pressed against her. She could see Justin over Adán’s shoulder, behind him.

  Adán closed his eyes.

  “Is he…?” she asked.

  “Yes,” Adán whispered. “You are not the only one to be taken, right now.”

  Deonne let out a hurried, shaky breath. “I wish I could see it.”

  “You will, soon enough,” Justin assured her. His hand curled over Adán’s shoulder, the long fingers gripping hard.

  Adán groaned and his cock shifted inside Deonne, giving a small thrust that made her catch her breath once more.

  “I can’t wait,” Deonne warned them as her climax leapt from nothing to nearly overwhelming, inside the space of a few heartbeats. “Oh god, I’m going to come.” Then she had no more breath for speaking. Her climax gathered and swelled, stealing her attention and the oxygen in her lungs. She panted as it came closer, writhing on the bed.

  “María me libre,” Adán gasped. He was thrusting in hard, short movements, his hips flexing hard. “You will make me come, too, if you keep clenching me like that.”

  But she couldn’t help it. She gave over all her control and attention to the demands of her climax, which rushed at her like a freight train. It burst over her like fireworks and an operatic crescendo, both.

  She screamed, clenching the abused bed cover and pulling at it desperately. Dimly, she heard Adán groan and felt his cock quivering and slipping inside her as he came, too.

  It seemed like many long minutes passed before the fizzing pleasure of her climax faded completely and when she swallowed dryly and opened her eyes, Justin was lying next to her once more, a small smile on his face, while Adán still propped himself up, lying over her. His cock was still inside her.

  Perfect contentment settled over her, and Deonne found herself laughing. No, it wasn’t a laugh. It was a giggle, a venting of the pleasure she felt.

  “There, that is the sound that makes it all worthwhile,” Justin said, his smile growing.

  Adán nodded. “It is a reward more precious than any queens’ riches. I would gladly hear it again.” His lips touched hers. “I will hear it again, I swear.”

  Chapter Thirty

  Liping Village, East Yunnan Province, China, 2054 A.D.: Justin’s lips on hers were a soft, debilitating drug. Deonne sighed into his mouth, then gasped as Adán’s fingers stroked her cleft.

  She pulled away from Justin’s mouth, just far enough to look over her shoulder. Adán was studying her backside, his fingers circling over her ass cheeks and thighs, and dipping down between them. “You’re tireless, mi querido corazón,” she told him.

  “You should not present such perfection at every turn, if you do not wish for me to investigate.” He threw himself down on the bed beside them.

  Deonne looked down at Justin, for she lay on top of him. “No comment? You’ve been the pacemaster, so far.”

  Justin smiled. “Pacing had nothing to do with it. I was simply trying to keep up with you. You’ve barely moved from this bed for three days, you realize? If you weren’t bringing Adán to his knees, you were having your wicked way with me.”

  “Or both,” Deonne agreed, recalling those moments when Justin and Adán had shared her. They would be forever enshrined in her memory. “Has it really been three days? I don’t remember sleeping much.”

  “What about your cat naps?” Justin replied. “Usually curled up around Adán or me.”

  She grinned. “You snore, did you know?” she accused him.

  Justin laughed. “Very romantic,” he declared.

  Adán stroked Justin’s cheek with one big finger. “She speaks truly. You snore very frankly. It is…endearing.” He smiled, too. “It has been a long time since I lay beside anyone who snored. I think it was around the campfire, the last time I heard it.”

  “You didn’t hear it on your ship. In the Armada?” Deonne asked. “Didn’t you sleep right next to everyone else?”

  “If you can call it sleeping. On those ships, no one slept well. It was too rough.” Adán’s expression clouded over. “We all knew where we were going, too. We knew success would come with high risk. It makes a man want to appreciate every waking moment, you know?”

  “Is that when you died?” Justin asked. “Because I know you weren’t made in Iceland, like you first told me.”

  Adán was still stroking Deonne’s back and her thighs, his
fingers teasing, making her quiver and clench. “The ship I was on was wrecked off the coast of Belgium. I made it ashore. Many didn’t. Many couldn’t swim like I could. But suddenly, I was free. They thought I was dead, or would assume that I was if I didn’t go back. So I began to travel and I didn’t return to Spain for two hundred and seventy-three years. I did die in Iceland and I was made there. But it was three hundred years before the date I told you when we first met.”

  “Why did you lie?” Justin asked.

  Adán took a long time to answer. “You were so angry. So bitter toward anyone who had even the slightest taint of authority. I thought you might find the idea of me being so much older than you…intimidating.”

  “That’s a vampire thing,” Deonne murmured. “I’ve heard Nayara rant about how stupid it is to judge a vampire superior just because they’ve outlasted everyone they know.”

  Justin stroked Deonne’s cheek. “I would have minded, back then. Now, I don’t care. I think Nayara has rubbed off on me, in that regard.”

  “I like this Nayara of yours,” Adán declared. He picked up Deonne’s hips and lifted her, so that her legs slipped down on either side of Justin, straddling him.

  Justin smiled, gripping her thighs and guiding her into position.

  Deonne drew in a slow breath as his cock drove up into her. He was hard, hot and quite ready.

  Adán’s hands returned to the back of her hips, then stroked downwards to cup her ass. The tips slipped into her crevasse, making her moan. One broad finger pressed against her ass.

  “Agh, you squeezed!” Justin told her. “You’re like a fist around me.”

  “I can improve on that,” Adán said.

  Deonne rested her hand on Justin’s chest and leaned forward as Adán’s hand on the back of her shoulder encouraged her to bend.

  His other fingers stroked around her anus and she felt the slickness of lubricant on them and on her skin as he spread it. He slipped his finger inside and Deonne let out a moan. This was a part of sharing herself with them that she had grown to love in the last few days. Both of them inside her at once…there was nothing better.


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