Vycon (Zenkian Warriors) (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance)

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Vycon (Zenkian Warriors) (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) Page 79

by Maia Starr

  Melinda smiled down at me, cry glittering in her eyes, and I found myself captivated wholly by her beauty.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” Melinda whispered, kissing my forehead gently. “I already thought I was going to lose you twice. I never want to lose you again.”

  I studied her, reluctant to believe my ears.

  “Really,” Melinda said seriously, looking deeply into my eyes. “I want to stay with you.”

  I swallowed hard, overcome with joy. I held Melinda close to my body and laughed, kissing her sweet-smelling hair. I had my mate, and my people were safe. For the first time in my life, I felt truly happy.


  Recovery seemed to take ages, but within a few revolutions my arm was nearly back to normal, and the Old One had cleared me to return back to the palace.

  Peko and the rest of the staff hovered about me obnoxiously, worried about my injuries, but Melinda was able to gently steer them to more useful tasks.

  “Is it good to be home?” she asked after she had helped me change into my sleeping clothes and settle into bed.

  “I’m not sure yet,” I admitted with a small laugh. “I don’t enjoy all this attention.”

  Melinda grinned and climbed into bed with me, laying her head on my good shoulder. “Not all attention is good.”

  “Indeed not,” I said, turning to study her beautiful face. She smiled at me, and I kissed her tenderly. We had been through so much, but soon, the ceremony was to take place, officially declaring her as my bride.

  I was shocked by the sudden pulse of heat that woke within my loins, and Melinda closed her eyes as if basking in my body. It intensified my longing for her, and I held her close, my hands exploring every inch of her soft, supple body.

  Melinda gasped softly against me, climbing on top of me carefully so that I could feel the heat of her middle press gently against the hard mound of my groin. Shots of bliss electrified me deeply, and I held her close to my body, basking in the pleasure of her nearness.

  Melinda’s clear eyes bore into mine, and she kissed me suddenly, her soft, supple lips tugging my own and her beautiful body moving on top of me with gentle deliberation, rousing my desire and sending a rush of blood to my already stimulated member.

  She smiled at me when she felt my body reacting to her movements, and carefully pulled her shirt off from over her head and untied the rope that held my bedclothes closed.

  Melinda gasped quietly at the sight of my body, breathless and ready for her. Her soft hands roamed up and down my torso, and I closed my eyes as the pleasure engulfed me.

  The heat of her middle suddenly overwhelmed me, and I moaned deeply, tendrils of pleasure creeping up through my abdomen. Melinda’s soft body pressed gently against me as our mouths met again and again, each time with more passion than the last. Her hands gripped mine, and I began to rock my hips gently, pushing myself deeper inside her.

  Melinda gasped softly, a deep red flush coloring her cheeks attractively. She lowered long-lashed eyelids over her eyes and allowed me to hold her in place as I began to thrust gently inside of her, a hot surge of ecstasy filling us both with every slight movement. I caught one of her soft breasts in my mouth as we continued our dance, my tongue massaging it until I could feel her trembling with pleasure against me.

  I closed my eyes, overwhelmed with rapture as I disappeared inside of Melinda’s body again and again. She moaned softly as I massaged her to the brink of climax, our bodies entwined and writhing as the pleasure overpowered us.

  Melinda lowered her lips onto my neck and massaged it with her tongue, sending deep thrills down my body and igniting a deep fire within my abdomen. I was beginning to feel an urgent desire to release myself, to plant a seed within her and truly begin the revitalization of the Thressl’n race. But we were not wed yet. Would it be wise?

  I gazed into Melinda’s eyes and gripped her hair, bringing her lips to mine. When we pulled apart, both of us panting as our bodies continued to gratify themselves, I smiled at her.

  “I want us to have children,” I said. “It is the only way to continue the race of people. You gave me the will to live. To fight this. Even with all the distractions of your body. You should be the first to birth a child of the new realm. You are going to be my bride. Do you accept?”

  Melinda’s flushed face broke out into a gentle, beautiful smile. “I accept.”

  Her lips fell against mine, and a gasp of pleasure escaped them. I roared softly as a shocking wave of desire began to animate my body. Despite my injury, I flipped Melinda onto her back and climbed on top of her. Melinda’s breasts rose and fell as she panted in surprise and anticipation, and soon I plunged deep inside of her once again.

  Melinda’s soft voice groaned as again and again I brought her to the brink of pleasure, only to pull away just when I knew I could cause her to overflow. I wanted to soak in every moment of her beautiful body beneath me, the moments before she was officially my wife and the mother of the first child of the new realm.

  Suddenly, her eyes met mine, and a serious look of need crossed her face. It was cruel to make her wait, and knowing of her desperation was enough to send a jolt of longing, electrifying my entire body.

  I unleashed my full strength upon her then, my hips powerful against Melinda’s as I indulged her desires, until finally I could feel her begin to quake and contract around me. The blissful friction of our bodies brought me to a deep state of rapture, and I growled as our orgasms began to synch up. A sudden, powerful wave of hot desire rushed out of me, exploding inside of Melinda. She gripped my shoulders, bracing herself against the power of her own orgasm, and we held each other tightly as Fate decreed the siring of the first born child of the New Realm.

  THE END (P.S. See next page for more bonus books!)

  Kalazaron (Blue Planet Warriors) BOX SET(1-6)

  By Maia Starr

  BOOK 1: Kalazaron Dalik

  (Blue Planet Warriors)

  By Maia Starr

  Chapter 1


  “They’re coming aboard!” Captain White shouted, as our ship was in the midst of being captured by the alien race known as the Kalazaron. They were a race of alien dominant warrior men and docile females from the distant galaxy M823, or that’s what we scientists called it on Earth.

  I knew exactly how we got into this troubling spot with the Kalazaron race, but I didn’t know what lay ahead of me. I thought I was in for the scientific research expedition of my life, but what I got instead was a strange experience as the captive of the most interesting and attractive alien being I had ever met, Dalik Moscurn of the Kalazaron elite. I should have hated him for what he did to me, but deep down I could not. It had all began that day that our ship was overcome by a warrior battleship of the Kalazaron.

  “You humans have been warned before! You are not to travel your ships in this area of restricted space!” the Commander of the Kalazaron ship shouted as he paced back and forth on our deck. He was a very fierce looking being. In most capacities the Kalazaron looked like we did, like humans, but with a few differences. For one, all of them were seven feet tall, if not taller. They’re muscular bodies were advanced in many ways over the human and I found it fascinating. They were like human men stretched tall and built like Olympic swimmers with extreme strength. Parts of their silky tight skin were tinted blue, which we always assumed was because of their cold planet, Kaethon. Though that was always just a scientific theory because no human had ever gone to Kaethon and returned. That mystery was partly why I was here. I had studied the Kalazaron and the planet Kaethon at University, and now I was a scientist that had begged her way onto this expedition. I had to admit, I didn’t have the best track record kissing up to the right people that could sponsor me on such an expedition because I was too damn sassy and always spoke my mind. So when I finally met Jocelyn Teren, I knew that she was the elite millionaire that could sponsor me because she was exactly like me.

  “Don’t let them tell you tha
t you can’t be a good scientist because of your looks,” she said on our first meeting together. She was an attractive sexy woman in her fifties and I knew that she understood my struggle. I was a blonde with blue eyes, an ample chest, tiny waist, and a curvy bottom. This meant that the male dominated world of scientists could not take me seriously and I often fought with many of them because of it. I soon had a reputation for being feisty, but my work spoke for itself. I was just as accomplished as the males. Jocelyn Teren saw this in me and I think saw a bit of her in me. Therefore she agreed to sponsor my scientific experiments and spot on the space ship.

  So now I was on this mission to prove I was just as good as the males. Only now, there was a problem, a very big problem. We had accidently gone off course and couldn’t correct it in time before the Kalazaron ship was upon us.

  “It was a mistake. If you will look at our logs you will see that…” I started to say.

  “Dr. Roberts! Hold your tongue!” Captain White cut me off.

  The deck of the ship was tense as the armed alien beings held their guns on us. The Commander looked at me. He seemed intrigued as he walked over to me and I suddenly felt terrified. I stood up straight and tall as though to show him that I was not scared of him, even though I was. As he stood directly in front of me, he towered over me. His large form seemed to dwarf me. My face was directly aligned on his six-pack abs that were a shiny blue. I turned my nose up in the air to stare directly into his dark black eyes. Then he grinned a menacing grin at me.

  “Do you know who I am female human?” he asked.

  “No.” I said bluntly trying to keep my lips from trembling.

  “Of course not. Your inferior race is too dumb to have such intelligence on who commands our fleet of warships. I am Nankor Yun, the commander of the largest warship of the Kalazaron,” he said with pride.

  I could sense that he wanted me to show fear, but out of my own stubborn defiance I said, “And?”

  His grin faded. There was silence and then he said, “Kill them.”

  My eyes grew wide as I could hear the panic and cries of my crewmates. “No!” I shouted.

  “Kill them all, except for this one. Put her in the cages,” Commander Nankor Yun said pointing at me. I should have been relieved to be spared but I was not. I was worried about everyone else. I had to stop this madness! I had to stop them from taking the ship and me. “How dare you…”

  I started to yell but was cut off when I was thrown over the shoulder of one of the large alien men. I kicked and screamed as they carried me down the hall.

  “Let me go! You cannot just take me! This is wrong!” I shouted.

  “Boom! Boom!” the guns began to go off behind me. I was panicked and crazed. I began to kick and scream more.

  “Dialent 10!” the alien man shouted who held me on his shoulder. I didn’t know what it meant until I saw another coming toward me with a syringe. A glowing blue liquid was inside of it. “No! No! What is that?!” I shouted as the sting of the needle hit my arm. Then, everything went hazy and I drifted off into a deep sleep.

  Chapter 2


  “Bam!” the blow to my side nearly knocked me off my feet. I recovered quickly and threw my fist in an upper cut motion to Orgun’s chin. He flew in the air backward and landed flat on his back. He did not get back up. The crowd was silent and then they cheered. They began to shout my name “Dalik! Dalik!”

  I stood up tall. I had done it. It was the last competition of the Stanit Trials, and I had won.

  “Dalik Moscurn!” the master and ruler of our Kalazaron Empire shouted.

  “Master Gorgeen Bresh,” I said kneeling down on one knee and bowed my head to him.

  He continued, “You have proven yourself worthy of being my second in command. You have beaten three of the elite who were well versed as warriors and as leaders of our systems. You passed all the tests, both of the mind and of the body. I now declare you my second and the new Kalazaron Consulate!”

  The crowd cheered as I was named the new second in command with a heavy metallic blue long medallion chain that draped over my shoulders and low on my chest. It was the highest ranking you could get besides being the supreme master. I was born for this. I had been trained and sculpted for this by my father who held the same position before he died five years before. I had now accomplished my highest accomplishment.

  “I am most grateful Master Gorgeen Bresh. I hold this in the highest of hearts and mind and will do my duty to the Kalazaron for my eternity life,” I said humbly.

  “Rise, the new Kalazaron Consulate, and lead your brothers and sisters of Kaethon,” he said.

  I stood up on my feet and turned in a slow circle to the crowd as I raised my hands in a high V over my head. The crowd cheered and I grinned.

  I spent the entire night in an orgy of celebration ceremonies. The Kalazaron females threw themselves at me, but I was not interested. I was not ready to begin a family. I had just gained my new position and I meant to throw myself deep into the responsibilities of being a leader. There were many systems that I thought were out of date and I wanted to lead my race into a more progressive direction that was long over due. I would not let anything distract me from that mission. That was until I met her, a human. I would never expect what happened between us, or that it would change everything forever.

  “These are your new quarters Consulate. Please do not hesitate to ask for anything. Your apartments are high over the capital city so that you may see everything you rule,” the habitat coordinant said to me as he showed me my new home in the Buildings of Order. This was where the elite leaders lived in a gathering of towers that were high above the capital city of Konthos.

  “Yes, it will do well to see how the city is run from this vantage point,” I said as I looked out the glass walls. Behind me movers were bringing in my possessions from my former home and I was anxious to get started with meetings.

  “Now if you will follow me. Master Bresh has a gift for you?” he moved toward the door.

  “For me? But I really would prefer to get started on the day’s orders and meetings,” I moved over to a large table.

  “Yes, of course, but I must advise that the Master may see it as an insult that you do not wish to receive his gift of congratulations for your new position.”

  I sighed. He was right. No use getting off on the wrong foot now. “Yes, you are right. How careless of me. Please lead the way,” I feigned interest in whatever gift of precious metals he would have for me. My mind was filled with plans of what I wanted to implement on my first day that I was in a daze when we arrived at the slave cages.

  “What are we doing here?” I looked around at the long halls of cages. Each one held a creature from a different planet or galaxy. Some were closely like us, whom we took as household slaves, and others were animalistic.

  “Master Bresh learned of a new female captive from the race of humans of Earth. He wants this to be your gift. You will need a slave to keep your house, as you will be busy. He did not want to give you a standard Kalazaron slave, so he wanted you to have this,” he stopped in front of a cage.

  There in the corner was a small creature of a human sitting in a bundle hugging her knees. As she lifted her head she shot anger with her blue eyes at me. I thought she would be shaking with fear but she was not. There was defiance and hate in those eyes. Good, I thought. I could not have a whimpering human in my home. I had seen that before with a few of the other human females we had gathered over the years, and I was not impressed. But this one seemed different. I could learn from this one. “Stand up,” I said.

  “No,” she said with anger.

  “What are you doing?!” a voice boomed.

  “That one is mine. I am taking her now,” Commander Nankor Yun shouted at me.

  “Commander, back from shooting your load at innocents in space I see…” I said with a mocking tone that I knew he would hate. I enjoyed playing with him because I hated him. Kalazarons like him we
re going to bring the downfall of our race and I meant to do away with him as soon as I could, but these things took time.

  “How dare you speak to me like that you imbecile,” he got in my face.

  “Have you not heard? This is the new Consulate,” my companion said to the commander.

  I could see the anger in his eyes and his veins popping out of his forehead as he bit his lip and dropped down to one knee and said, “Consulate.”

  “This captive has been given to the Consulate by Master Bresh as a gift for his triumph.”

  “Master Bresh must not have known that I had claimed this captive for myself,” Commander Nankor Yun said with a restrained tone of anger as he rose up to his feet.

  “Yes, he is aware. I have the order right here,” the habitant coordinate pulled out a holopointer. He pressed the button and displayed the image of the order on the wall for all to see. Commander Yun let out a low guttural growl before saying, “Yes so it is. My apologies to Master Bresh and to you Consulate. I was not aware of the changes in the order and the transfer of goods.”


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