Vycon (Zenkian Warriors) (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance)

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Vycon (Zenkian Warriors) (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) Page 126

by Maia Starr

  I could feel every hard muscle underneath my fingertips as I pressed them into his blue skin. He moaned loudly in response to my enthusiasm. Then I felt the entire weight of his long body pressed on top of me between my thighs. I lifted my feet in the air and allowed the soles of my feet to brush against his large calf muscles. I wrapped my body around him, completely arching at my pelvis to meet his.

  It was then that I felt the large bulge of his long, thick cock brush against my center slit. I was getting wet there in my secret spot. His bulge rubbed back and forth on my clitoris and I shouted out in ecstasy. My hands moved down Ankon’s back to his waist and pulled up the kilt like skirt higher and higher. Now his bare cock was brushing against my naked center.

  I was naked? I didn't remember going to bed naked. There was no time to think about that, though. I reached my head up, tilting it back so that I could look at his beautiful face. He looked down at me with his dark strands of hair falling over his eyes. Those beautiful, blue eyes that stared right through me. I reached my head back, begging for him to kiss me. He smiled and his lips pressed against mine once more and he took my mouth possessively and passionately.

  I was going to burst with an explosion of sexual delights unlike any other that I had felt. I had never felt this turned on before. I pressed my hands against his hard chest as he kissed me and then I remembered something. I pushed his chest so that he could stop kissing me and I could get a better look. He lifted up his body just the way he did when he was doing push-ups, hovering above me. And I tilted my chin to my chest and looked down the length of his hard torso and allowed my hand to move down to his bellybutton where I ran my fingers over the spiral tattoo. He grabbed my hand in his and I looked at his face as he said, "Don't. It is an atrocity."

  "No, it is beautiful. You are so special. There is no other like you in the universe. I am honored to be under you," I said as I moved my lips to his, pushing myself off the bed in order to reach him.

  He moaned loudly and kissed me back. His large hand ran down my neck and over my chest to my breasts where he cupped them. His fingers pinched my nipples softly. He pulled a little and I let out a soft moan of pleasure. Then his hand moved down further over my belly. Then down between my thighs. I gasped as his thumb moved over my clitoris and pressed against it while two, long fingers moved inside of me. The small of my back arched up off the bed and I opened wider to receive his massage. His tongue licked my neck. Then he allowed his tongue to trail down further and further over my breast until his mouth was closed over my nipple where he sucked lightly. He flicked it with his tongue over and over while his thumb flicked my clitoris. It was too much to handle. "Oh, God! Oh, god! Ankon! Yes! I'm cumming!" I shouted.

  He moved his mouth from my breasts to my center and let his tongue take over from his hand massage. His tongue was long and he wielded it with such skill. Then I felt the pulsations of my body converge into one, big convulsion as I released. I shouted loudly as I did so. Ankon attached his mouth to my center and drank of my nectar. I ran my hands into his blue-black hair and held on. Then I whispered, "Take me, Kalazaron warrior. Put your hard cock inside of me, please. I beg you."

  Ankon moved from my thighs back up my body. His enormous body dwarfed mine. He stared at me with my face still showing the signs that I was in orgasmic pleasure. He kissed me and said, "Come to me. Come to me now and I will fuck you hard. Like a true warrior."

  "What?" I whispered. His words did not make sense to me. He was already with me. Then he said, "Wake up, Avery." My eyes opened and I sat up in bed. I was alone in my living quarters in the spaceship. How could this be? I was just underneath the powerful Kalazaron warrior. Now I was alone. My body still pulsed with orgasmic pleasure. I looked down and inspected my body. I had, in fact, had an orgasm; my wetness between my thighs proved it. How was this possible? Then I became angry. He had done this! I didn't know how he did it. I demanded answers. I pulled on my space suit and moved down the quiet hallway. Almost everyone except for those on the watch would be asleep. I was going to go see Ankon and ask him how he had visited me in my sleep.

  Chapter 8


  After speaking with the human female known as Avery, I knew that I needed to find a way out of this. I was being taken to the planet Earth. Although a part of me, the human part, longed to see the planet and to experience it, I knew that I could not. I was unlike anything that the humans or the Kalazaron had ever known.

  The Kalazaron, however, had accepted me as one of their own. The humans would be curious and would want to study me. They would want to dissect me. I had studied enough about Earth to know about its voracious appetite for science.

  I was glad that I had studied Earth, because now I knew how to escape it. I knew which coordinates to put into a system to remove me from Earth and be on the safe passage back to Kaethon. I had studied the ships that we had commandeered from the humans and I knew how to fly them.

  However, escaping with twenty Kalazaron warriors would not be an easy feat. I would need an insider. I would need someone on the human side to help me. When the human female ambassador continued to visit me, I knew that she was the one. I would make her fall in love with me as so many human females had done over the decades. The stories had all made it seem so easy; the human females seemed to just melt into the hands of a Kalazaron warrior.

  I had to admit that this particular task was not exactly hard work for me because I was extremely attracted to the human female ambassador. Now locked up in a cell, I thought of little else except how to escape, and her beautiful lips and breasts. But something else was happening. We were bonding. This is how the humans bonded: through conversation and expressing their past through words and emotions. I could do that. I was half human; I would get the human ambassador to lust me. I would get her to fall in love with me. Then I would get her to help me escape Earth. That was the plan for now as I did not know what to really expect when we finally arrived on Earth.

  I had never tried a projection on a human female captive on Kaethon before, but I knew that it was possible. But since I was only half Kalazaron, I did not know if I was able to do it. I had to try. It was the first movement of seduction on the human female. I had to make her want me as much as I wanted her. After our conversation one day where she asked me about a subject that I would never speak of, my human female mother, I shut her out. I did not speak to the ambassador again. It wasn't simply because I did not want speak of that subject; it was because I had another plan in motion. I wanted her to go to bed to rest and sleep. The deeper the sleep that she was in, the easier to project on her.

  When it seemed that the humans had gone to sleep, I concentrated very hard and used the Kalazaron side of me and began to project. I was surprised that as soon as the projection began, Avery was very accepting of it. She opened herself to me immediately. I thought that there would be more persuasion involved, but she seemed to be turned on and aroused immediately. It was not what I expected.

  But what was most unexpected was how real it would feel. I got lost in the moment as well. I completely forgot in the moment that I was trying to seduce her with a purpose in mind. I forgot that this was part of a plan that would later lead to my escape. I was in the moment, and I was very much involved in giving her the ultimate pleasure. I found myself wanting to please her as she moaned my name. I was enjoying touching every part of her body, kissing and licking her. I could taste her between her thighs as though it were really happening.

  It was intense. It was real. I had to restrain myself from entering her because it would spoil the last part of my plan. I was trying to draw her to me. I wanted her to beg for me to push my hard cock into her in real life. But in order to do so, I needed her to realize that she was dreaming. It was all part of the plan, but what was not part of the plan was how much I would want her. It was a struggle to restrain myself. Now that the projection had ended, I only had to wait for her to come to me.

  "What the hell was that?!" she s
houted as she walked into the hall on the other side of my glass cell.

  "Hello, Avery; what do you speak of?" I smiled as I got up from my bed and moved to the glass.

  She put her hands on her hips and said, "You know damn well what I'm talking about!"

  "Your nipples are hard, Avery," I said, staring at the rosebuds that protruded from her suit. She gasped and crossed her arms in front of her chest. I smiled.

  "How did you get inside my mind like that? I demand to know," she said in anger.

  "I do not know what you speak of. I was asleep until you interrupted my sleep with your shouting."

  "You lie! Tell me how you did it! How did you get inside my mind and make me have a dream like that?"

  "What sort of dream? Why don't you tell me about it? Leave no detail out," I said with a grin, hoping she would speak all the dirty details to me.

  "It was a dream about… well it was a very… it was so real. I know you did it. I don't know how, but at the end of it you asked me to come here. So here I am. Why did you summon me here?"

  "I summoned you? What exactly were my words?" I asked, wanting her to say what I told her. I knew that she would not, but I knew that inside her mind she was repeating the words. Come to me. Come to me now and I will fuck you hard. Like a true warrior.

  "No. I am not going to play your games. Stay out of my mind!" she shouted as she stomped back toward the door and left. I had done it. I was now branded in her mind. The desire for me would build inside of her until she couldn’t handle it any more.

  But as two months wore on, my desire for her built until I couldn’t handle it any more. It was affecting me as well. That was not part of my plan, yet it was happening. I never wanted to desire a human female like this. I had always sworn to myself that I would not harbor such feelings. A fun toss around in bed with a human female was fine, but not love. I had sworn that to myself because I did not want to have an offspring that was more human than Kalazaron. Now, I was coming dangerously close to repeating the same pattern as my father.

  Now, however, there was more to worry about and I had to put my feelings for Avery aside because the day had arrived: we were entering Earth’s atmosphere.

  "Chain him good," the tall captain that stood beside Avery said to the guards. They stood on the other side of the glass. Guns were aimed at me and I did not know what exactly was happening other than we were arriving on Earth and I was being transferred somewhere.

  The guards put my arms behind my back as before and cuffed my wrists and ankles together. Then I was led out of the cell. Avery kept looking at me, but she was very silent. That was a first, I thought. She always had something to say and the last few months had been nothing but her asking me questions. But through these question sessions, I got to know her and she got to know me. I enjoyed and looked forward to her visits. I was always in the mood to see her. What was happening to me?

  I was led through the halls of the ship and I almost thought I was going to be reunited with my Kalazaron warriors. Instead, I was led on to the command deck. I was astonished. Why were they bringing me there? I looked around at the flight console that was familiar, yet different. I could now see how they had captured us. They had made many advancements in their technology.

  "Roll recording," Avery said out loud.

  "Recording," another responded.

  She looked at me and said, "Captain, we are now entering Earth’s atmosphere. You will be able to see Earth for the first time through this window view. I would really like to get your first response to the planet and what you see in the recording. It is of interest to me," she said.

  I did not answer her to say that I would give her any sort of response to what I saw, but when it came into view, I could not stop the words from leaving my mouth. As we entered, the sky was blue. I began to speak, "The blue of your sky reminds me of my planet. There are more clouds here. The color of blue is different, but this is beautiful as well." I was speaking directly to Avery as though we were the only ones in the room.

  The ship continued to move through the clouds and as they parted, I could see the land below and it is not what I was expecting. I had seen projections of Earth in my data, but nothing prepared me for the real thing. It was stunning.

  "Beautiful. The trees. The mountains. The ocean. Your planet is alive. It looks like it is breathing. It is a living organism."

  My planet of Kaethon was also beautiful, the trees and mountains, but there was more desert and rock and dirt, especially where I grew up and lived. Earth was green and blue.

  "Thank you," Avery said as she looked at me and locked eyes with me. As she did so, her captain moved between us and shouted orders. "Prepare to transfer the prisoners to United Planets Building. Block C."

  Moments later, I was being escorted off the ship and I could see my twenty warriors ahead of me under heavy gun guard as they were escorted across the grounds. I took in every sight as I was led down the bridge of the ship onto the ground. Then it hit me: the sweet smell of Earth. It was a wet smell, humid and warm. It was alive. It was different than the cold air of my planet. I took in a deep breath; half of me was at home here, and the other half was a stranger.

  "Move!" the captain shouted at me as he pushed on my back. It was all I could do to restrain myself from turning and punching him. Instead, I took that anger and memorized every last thing that I saw along the way from the ship to the building. This way I knew where to go when I was escaping. That ship had landed in a port of sorts, just like on planet Kaethon. The ships were kept in the same area together. We moved along and I could see Avery to the left side of me. I felt better with her presence.

  I was led inside a grand building and into another cell where I waited. I took the opportunity to take a water shower and rest. It was good to be off the ship.

  "You are to come with me. You are to come with me to the council now," Avery said to me as she stood outside my cell.

  "The council? They are to decide what is to be done with me?" I asked her.

  "I would not think of it in that way. Think of it as they want to be meet and know you, for now. Come."

  The guard opened the cell and let me out with Avery. I walked through the halls without chains for the first time and was led into a grand room where there were five human males and two human females sitting at a table.

  "Captain Ankon, it is an honor. I am Vice President Thompson of the United Planets Association. I must apologize for keeping you captive. It is for our own safety, I assure you. We have had no other way of communicating with the Kalazaron. Your warriors have left us no other choice than to capture and bring you here in order to open communication. We believe that we can live in peace. Please, will you sit down?" the older human male said to me.

  I could see where they were going with this. They thought that I was someone that could change the ways of the Kalazaron. I was not. They did not know who I was. They did not know anything about what it was truly like on Kaethon. If they did, they knew that I could not help them and their cause for peace. I sat down and listened to them speak about their demands. They did not want the Kalazaron to capture their supply ships of weapons any longer. They did not want the Kalazaron to capture their silver cargo ships from the mining planet of Merton Loy. They did not want the Kalazaron to take the human females from the ships full of brides for the miners.

  "What incentive would you give for the Kalazaron to stop doing these things? So far, you were only asking for the Kalazaron to stop these things. Why would we?" I asked.

  "We offer no incentive, only peace. In return, if these actions are stopped, then we will not send ships to capture your ships. Just as we have done with the ship that you were on and your warriors. We are now capable of doing this. If the Kalazaron continue to take our ships, then we will take yours in return. Call it a war if you like, but we are prepared."

  The human side of me felt proud that the humans had finally had enough and were fighting back. Being a hybrid, I was teased on Kaethon and
called weak because I was half human. We had always thought of the humans as weaker than us. Now they were showing me that they could be strong, smart, and a conquering race. Part of me was proud of that and wanted the Kalazaron to know it too, simply for my own ego.

  But, there was nothing I could do to help their demands. I had no power. I did not live in the capital city, nor did I speak with anyone in the government. But what I was about to say was going to shock these humans, because they knew nothing. Now they would know that having me, and my warriors in captivity, would do nothing for their new talk of peace.

  "I understand your demands. I understand you want a peace. I cannot help you."

  "Cannot? Or will not? Are you refusing?" the vice president said.

  I could see Avery moving uneasily in her seat because of the tension. She was not going to like this either, but how could she know?

  "I cannot. The Kalazaron that can grant you peace are the Kalazaron that live in the capital city of Konthos. I do not belong to that band of Kalazaron. I am a rebel. There is a faction of Kalazaron that split off from the capital city decades ago and have not returned. In fact, we are constantly at war with the capital city. We live in a military warrior outpost deep inside a mountain as outsiders."


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