Vycon (Zenkian Warriors) (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance)

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Vycon (Zenkian Warriors) (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) Page 129

by Maia Starr

  "My mother hated my father for it for a very long time. Then eventually, they fell in love. It is a complicated story. But I have been a hybrid all my life and it has not been easy for me. I am accepted amongst the rebel Kalazaron, but I am always seen as weaker because I am half human. It has plagued me. Because of this, I had vowed to myself that I would never fall in love with a human female. That I would never have an offspring with a human female that would be more human than Kalazaron. Then the offspring would have to go through everything that I went through.”

  “My god, Ankon. This is so hard for me to hear. What can I do with myself?” she said as she began to shake with sorrow. I could not take it anymore. I pulled her into my arms. I kissed her shaking lips. I pressed my hands against her lower back and pulled her toward me. Damn, what was I doing to this human? I wanted her. I wanted her even against the vow that I had made to myself never to fall for a human female. But I was gone. I was a captured Kalazaron and she had me, this smart human female named Avery Jones.

  Chapter 12


  His hands moved over my body and I began to have flashbacks of the dreams that he gave me. His words hurt me, yet I still wanted him. It made me want him more than ever. It made him forbidden fruit. The fact that he was struggling on the inside, not wanting to desire me, only made this much more intense than just making love. It was going to happen; it needed to happen.

  His hands moved down the zipper of my spacesuit that I had put on shortly after we took off. Now he was unzipping it down my back. His strong hands moved across my bare skin as he exposed it. He slowly peeled off the suit and I was now topless. He moved back a little and looked at my breasts as he moaned. "You are beautiful, Avery." His large hands moved over my breasts as he massaged them and I moaned in response.

  "Take the rest of it off me," I whispered and he followed my orders. He pulled the rest of the suit over my hips and down to my feet. I stepped out of it and stood in front of him naked. He bit his lower lip as he looked at me up-and-down.

  "I never had a chance," he whispered as he looked at me. "I knew the moment I first saw you I would have to make you mine. It was as though it was already decided for us."

  "I feel the same way," I said to him. "Now your turn,," I said referring to the kilt that he wore around his waist. He smiled and unbuckled the belt and let it drop to his feet. My mouth fell open at the astonishing sight in front of me. His toned chest and abs I had seen many times, and memorized. But they gave way further down to strong thighs and a chiseled pelvis where a very large, long and thick cock was standing straight up. It was smooth and beautiful, and slightly tinted blue.

  "Like what you see, Avery?" he asked me.

  "I have seen it in my dreams. Yet I'm still shocked."

  He laughed at my response and it felt good to have a lightness between us; we needed it. He moved toward me and his smile change to determination. I felt frightened and excited at the same time. This, after all, was still an alien hybrid stranger to me. I did not know what this would be like. It was unexplored territory for me.

  He put his arms around me and pulled my naked body against his naked body. I let out a breath in satisfaction of the moment. It was a moment that I had waited very long for. I tilted my head back and he kissed me firmly on the lips. His long tongue opened my mouth and explored my tongue. His kiss was deep. His kiss had meaning.

  "I want you, Avery. I want to taste you. Will you give me permission, Ambassador?" he said playfully.

  "Yes, Captain, I grant you permission," I said to him. He picked me up and placed me in the seat. Then he kissed my lips as he lowered himself to his knees in front of the chair. He kissed down my chest over my breasts, lightly sucking on each nipple. Then he moved over my belly, sliding his tongue slowly down and further down until he was in my center between my thighs.

  "Yes, oh, yes, Ankon," I whispered out the words.

  He licked long and slowly, as though we had all the time in the world. I guess we did. It was a few months before we would reach the planet of Kaethon. Yet I wanted all the experiences right then, one on top of the other, because I had waited so long for him.

  His tongue was long and skillful, just like in the dreams. His tongue slid inside of me and then out. I opened my thighs wider and ran my fingers through his blue-black hair with the blond streak. He kissed my thighs and then moved back to my center again. He pressed his tongue firmly on my clitoris, with rapid pulsations that were driving me mad. I felt the building tension; he was going to make me come.

  "Oh! Ankon! Yes! I'm cumming! I've waited so long! Don't stop, please."

  He moved faster and before I knew it, I was releasing into orgasmic pleasure that felt like I was on the brink of a black abyss. I can only assume that I was near fainting. It was that intense.

  He drank of my juices as I released into his mouth. He moaned and licked up and down as he did so. It was erotic. It was hot. It was messy. It was perfect. He tilted his head up and looked at me with those blue eyes. The human blue eyes on the alien male form. It was so unique. He stood up and slid his hands under my bottom and back and lifted me into his strong arms and against his chest.

  "I have waited months for you. I can wait no longer," he said as he carried me to the bed at the back of the ship.

  There was the adrenaline of knowing that we were probably being chased. There was the adrenaline of knowing that I was going to a foreign planet that I had studied all my life. The adrenaline of not knowing if this alien warrior that I had come to love would suddenly cast me off when we arrived on his planet—all of these combined to give me a feeling unlike anything I had ever experienced. I was practically shaking from the unknown of all those factors combined with the erotic ecstasy. It was almost too much for my small frame to handle as he laid me down on the bed.

  I opened my thighs wide, inviting him to lay on top of my body. His blue-black hair fell over his eyes as he hovered over me, climbing up my body as he got on top of the bed. I reached up and moved it out of his eyes. He was beautiful. He was strong and firm. He moved his hips between my thighs and aligned the tip of his hard cock with my center. He looked at me and slid himself in. I arched my back, letting him in further.

  "That feels so good. My cock inside of you feels so good," he whispered.

  I agreed with the statement, though I could not put it into words. I had never felt anything like it. It was hard to describe. He went deep in me and the feeling of him being a foreign body, yet half human, gave me a rush unlike any other. He moved his hips back-and-forth, allowing himself to slide in and out, in and out. I was so wet from the orgasm he gave me that he slid in easily. I pressed my hands against his strong back, feeling every muscle just as I had done in the dream. He was so strong. I felt so safe with him. I did not know what the future held for me, but in that moment, I was his. And he was mine.

  As he moved within me, I felt the buildup of tension once more. "I'm there again, Ankon. I'm cumming!"

  He moved faster and kissed me deeply. His hand massaged my breast and pinched my nipples. His cock was jackhammering against me, harder and faster. Then I released all over him. I opened my eyes and he hovered above me with his black hair over his face. He was so damn hot. He was an alien warrior and he was inside of me. He moved harder and faster and then he shouted, "Avery! I'm releasing! You feel so damn good!”

  With that, he released. He slowly let his body lie on top of mine. The weight of his muscular figure pressed me into the bed. I wrapped my legs around him and my arms around his back. I knew that I had experienced something extremely special. I was in the middle of space with an alien warrior inside of me. This was worth it. It was worth everything, and I had always known. I had always known that I would end up there. I had devoted my entire life to knowing everything that I could about this alien Kalazaron race. I had fallen in love with these warriors long ago and had become obsessed with them. It only made sense to find myself in this situation where I was now. />
  "Avery," he whispered to me as he pulled himself up from my body.

  "Yes, Ankon?” I whispered back.

  "Forget what I said earlier. I should not have said such things to you. That is my inner struggle. But I cannot fight this any longer. I have to break my vow to myself to be with you, even though you are a human female. It is what I want. It is what I want forever. It is you."

  "I understand why you made that vow to yourself. It makes sense to me. We will take it one step at a time. I want to be with you for as long as we can be. Everything else will fall into place," I said to him.

  He smiled and kissed me. We fell asleep.

  Chapter 13


  I found myself in an unbelievable position. I was in love with a human female. After spending my entire life vowing to not do this very thing, I had attracted it to myself. Being with Avery on the ship, I knew that I could no longer restrain my desire for her. It was overwhelming. Being alone with her meant that I could not take my hands off her. Once I knew that we were in a stretch of safety in space, I had to tell her about where I came from. Once I did so, I felt a weight lifted off me. I needed her to understand why I would make such a vow and why I had to tell her even though I knew it would hurt her. But the information about my parents did not stop the chemistry that had built between us over the months. It was more powerful than both of us. It consumed us.

  Once I was inside of her and claiming her, I knew that this was exactly where I was meant to be. I was in love with her. I knew then that my vow did not matter any longer. I would be with this human female no matter what happened. Lying beside her and apologizing to her after I coupled with her felt right. She was so understanding; she made everything easy for me.

  Months went by on our space journey and we were in a vortex of sex, love, and enjoying each other's company. A part of me wanted to run away with her in real terms. Meaning we would run away from our past. We would not go back to Kaethon. We would not go back to Earth.

  "What are you thinking about, my love?" Avery said to me as I stared out the window of the ship as I sat behind the steering device.

  "I was thinking about the choice," I said to her.

  "What choice is that?" she asked.

  "I enjoy being with you. I'm in love with you. What if we were not to go to Kaethon? What if we were to leave Kaethon and Earth behind us and find a new place where no one knows of us so that we can be together?" I said to her.

  She was silent and she looked at me. Then she said, "I have thought about the same thing. But I think that we would both become restless because we have a responsibility."

  The responsibility she spoke of was the twenty warriors that I had left behind on Earth. The responsibility she spoke of was still delivering the message to the Kalazaron race about the human’s demands. She was right. A part of me wanted to run away from it all; the other part of me knew that I had responsibilities as a Kalazaron warrior.

  "You're right, Avery. We are only a few days away from landing on Kaethon. I wish there was more I could tell you to prepare you for what you will see and experience. But you will just have to see it for yourself."

  "If I am with you, I am all right," she said as she gave me a hug and a kiss.

  A few days later, we landed at the Blue Mountain base. I had radioed in to let them know it was me in an Earth ship. All were surprised and anxious for information about what had happened to us.

  "Captain Ankon Brakin, tell us what has happened. We thought you and your ship lost," the rebel leader said to me as we sat in a private council. I had Avery at my side.

  "The ship is lost. Soon after setting out on our mission to commandeer supplies from other ships, we were set upon by an Earth ship that captured us. They not only captured our warriors, but they captured the entire ship. The humans have grown more advanced. They captured me and the twenty warriors I set out with. They took us to Earth. There they made me sit with their leaders and asked that I bring a message to the capital city. After explaining that I was a rebel, they still gave me the message," I said to them.

  I continued to tell them about the humans’ proposition that if we continue to steal their ships, they would hunt down our ships. There was much commotion and arguing amongst the rebel leaders. It was to be expected. It was change.

  "I would like to make a motion that communications are open with the humans on Earth. I want to do all that I can to get the twenty warriors back to Kaethon. The only way to do that is to open communication," I said to them. Then I introduced Avery properly. They assumed that she was a human female slave that I had absconded with and now they would know the truth.

  "This human female is Ambassador Avery Jones. She is to be my wife here on Kaethon. She helped me escape. I am grateful to her. I love her. She put herself at great risk to help me escape. But on Earth, she was in a position of leadership and she can help us create peace with the humans if the council decides to go in that direction. I leave it to you."

  Chapter 14


  When we entered the atmosphere of Kaethon, it took my breath away. I was high on adrenaline as fear over took me. I was about to meet with the Kalazaron rebel warriors. It was a lot to take in. As I looked out the window of the ship while Ankon focused on flying, I was immediately enamored with the sights. It was beautiful. Everything was blue. The dirt was blue, and the sky was blue, the mountains were blue. It was a beautiful color to look at, and unlike anything that I could ever possibly see on Earth.

  "This is beautiful, Ankon. I did not expect it to be so stunning," I said to him with my mouth wide open as I took it all in.

  "I'm glad you approve," he said as he continued to fly the ship. It was a very dangerous situation to be in. We were in an Earth ship flying over a Kalazaron atmosphere. He had to pay close attention to his maneuvers. I focused all my attention on the sights of the blue planet. It was Earth-like, in a sense, but so otherworldly. I felt privileged to be able to see it.

  I knew that I was going to like it on the planet as far as the environment went. It was a natural beauty, just like Earth. I could see that I could call it home. But getting along with others at the rebel base might be another story. I was worried that they would not like me. In a sense, I was glad that I knew that there were other human females living there. But I was different. I was coming to them of my own free will. It made me nervous. They would have every right to be suspicious of me.

  Finally, we were at the rebel base, and I was relieved to know that Ankon had in fact told the United Planets Association the truth about where he was from and that there was indeed a rebel faction buried deep in the Blue Mountains. It was all there, just as he had described. Now Ankon was in front of his leaders’ council, just as he had been in front of mine months before. He recounted to them what had happened and introduced me in a way that shocked me.

  "This human female is Ambassador Avery Jones. She is to be my wife here on Kaethon. She helped me escape. I am grateful to her. I love her," he said.

  I turned to him as he spoke with my mouth open. I did not know that marriage was on his mind. I assumed that he was still struggling in some way to not be with me. I had worried about it for months on the trip to Kaethon. I still did not know when we arrived if he would keep his word to be with me. Or keep his word to himself that he had made long ago to not be with a human female. I never really knew with him, what was going on in his head. It was frightening.

  But hearing those words, that he wanted to make me his wife, was a relief. I felt excitement flood my mind and my heart. He wanted me to be his wife, to make it official in front of his Kalazaron warriors on the Blue Mountain. No one seemed to have any objections to this. Everyone was more concerned with the new status of the humans and their ability to capture their ships. It was a relief to me. I was almost not given any attention at all, and I liked that. I wanted to fit in with my new race of beings. It was already so hard to understand and fitting in would make it easier.

  I could tell that this was a new era for the Kalazaron race. It was a new era for the humans as well. I was glad that I had come to Kaethon with Ankon. I knew that I would be needed. I knew that I could be essential in the work ahead for peace, after I found my place and settled in with them. I would have to build trust with this new race.

  After Ankon had spoken to his counsel, he led me around the Blue Mountain base and showed me around. Many were staring at me. I saw a few human females here and there and was glad for the company. Then Ankon showed me to his living quarters.

  "Did you mean what you said to the council about me? I am to be your wife? Did you just say that so that they would accept me? Or do you mean it, Ankon?" I asked as he led me up a flight of outdoor stairs toward his home, toward my new home. They were apartment-like dwellings stacked on top of each other and carved into the mountain. It was a sight to see. We climbed high, to the eighth floor.


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