Vycon (Zenkian Warriors) (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance)

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Vycon (Zenkian Warriors) (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) Page 133

by Maia Starr

  Whoosh! Whoosh!

  I felt the wind change around me. I looked up at the sky and turned in a circle, wondering where the sound was coming from. Then I saw it. As I stared at the ledge of the building, Prince Jarith rose up from behind the wall like a majestic creature. He was shifted into dragon form.

  My mouth fell open at his silver wings and the silver dragon scales on his body. It was a sight to see, and one that had me frozen, partly in fear and partly in excitement. He was a fierce sight. His dragon form was unlike any other that I had ever seen photos or video of. It wasn't the color that was different; it was the size of him, with a massive wingspan unlike any other I had seen. It was the confidence and skill of his flying.

  He hovered at the edge of the building, staring down at me. I tilted my head back, looking up at the magnificent creature that he was. Then, in a flash, he darted straight up into the sky faster than I could actually see. Then… boom! He landed on his feet, his boots making an echoing sound on the roof as he stood in front of me. His wings were spread out to their full length and flapped forward, making a gust wind hit me, and then they flapped back and he folded them behind him.

  "Holy shit," I said, completely stunned by the show of alpha dominance by this weredragon.

  He stomped toward me. He looked angry, but I was not going to cower at him, even though I was scared.

  "What are you doing up here? Don't you know it's dangerous?" he said sternly. His sudden protective demeanor toward me confused me. What had happened to the flirty playboy I ran into in the courtyard?

  "What is that to you? I will do what I like, when I like," I spit the words back at him. He picked the wrong time to mess with me. I was in a rage after the board meeting that I had where those men were telling me what to do, and now this weredragon was trying to do the same thing. There was no respect for women.

  "I am to deliver you to my father! That is what it is to me, human female. What good would you do the human and Drackon negotiations if you are to die before then by recklessly playing on the roof like a child!"

  "How dare you speak to me like that! Just because you are a prince you think you can speak to me like that? Well I got news for you! You might be a prince, but you are not my prince! I don't have to listen to what you say. You are nothing to me," I said, turning my back to him and stomping back toward the elevator.

  Whoosh! Boom!

  The wind swirled around me, blowing my hair and my skirt wildly. Jarith had flown around me and landed directly in front of me. Now he was facing me, only a foot away; my lip trembled as I tried not to be frightened, but was still very angry.

  "How dare you turn your back on me! Drackon that turn their back on their prince or on their king on my planet are severely punished."

  "Sucks for them then. Now get out of my way, or else," I said.

  "Or else what?" He raised an eyebrow at me and crossed his strong arms over his chest, amused by my useless threat.

  "Or else…or else…" was all I could say.

  "Yes? Or else what, human?" he said.

  "Or else I won't go on your stupid trip to your stupid planet," I said angrily.

  "So that you can stay here and straddle the human male in your bed like last night?" he said.

  I gasped in shock. "How the hell do you know that?"

  "I have my ways. I can't exactly bring a foreign human to learn the knowledge of our technology without knowing more about that human, now can I?"

  "You spied on me? How dare you!" I said as I stepped toward him and slapped him across the face.

  His face turned with my slap. But as it turned back toward me, he let out a very low and intimidating growl. My heart dropped to my stomach in fear. He was going to pick me up and snap me in two. I regretted slapping him… kind of. He did deserve it for spying on me in an intimate moment. Then I suddenly felt very flushed as I realized that he had spied on me while I was having sex. My body responded and I felt my nipples get harder and grew wetter between my thighs. Then just when I thought he was going to devour me, he put his arm around my lower back, pulled me toward him, and planted a firm kiss on my lips. It was shocking. It was thrilling.

  It was hot as fuck.

  I could feel the hardness of his cock pressed against my stomach. I wanted to put my hands on it. I wanted to run my hands through his long hair. I wanted so many things in that moment. His kiss was so overwhelming, flooding me with all kinds of emotions that confused my mind.

  I could barely decide what I should do in that moment. It was as if his kiss was hypnotizing me and paralyzing me, all at the same time. I opened my mouth and his tongue explored and swirled with mine. It was a soft and delicious kiss and my body betrayed me by letting out a very seductive moan that I did not want to give him. I did not want him to know what he was doing to me. It was frustrating but so good.

  Finally, he pulled away from me and I stared at him with wide eyes; his sea-green eyes were full of lust and desire. His chest moved up and down rapidly, breathing in the air as though his lungs were twice the size of any human's lungs. Then he acquired a look of anger as he pushed away from me. Then... whoosh! He took off, straight up into the sky and disappeared out of sight in a flash.

  I was breathless. I was speechless. I was extremely confused, dumbfounded, and turned on.

  "What the hell was that?" I said aloud to myself. I ran to the edge of the roof and put my hands on the wall, looking over the edge of the building. He was nowhere in sight. This just got extremely complicated.


  The next three days, I spent every hour in a crash course on space travel. Although the ship would have gravity, it would not be like Earth, so I had to acclimate to a lesser gravity environment. I brushed up on my study of the Drackon race and their planet.

  But most importantly, I met with the board and they drilled into me how important it was for me to accomplish their agenda in secret. It would not be an easy one, but I would do my best to get the intel. I did not dare tell anyone about my rendezvous with the prince on the roof. I didn't even know what it was if anything other than a heated moment. I would keep that our secret, even though if the board found out they would consider it complex enough to replace me on the journey. I thought about using it to get out of the situation, but then I thought they might think I was lying just to get out of the situation.

  And after much thought, I knew that Archer Payne was right: the opportunity to go to Mooreah was the opportunity of a lifetime and I should not pass it up. Even though there was an arrogant and infuriating prince that was driving me mad with frustration.

  The night before my departure from Earth, I called my one-night stand from the bar, David, and invited him over. We had drinks in my apartment and then I moved him to the bedroom, leaving the drapes open. I did it on purpose. If I was going to be spied on, then I would give him a show to remember. Would serve him right for spying on me, but I did not want to admit to myself that I was doing it because I liked it.

  The thought of the prince hovering in dragon form outside my window, watching me as I let David fuck me hard was very hot. It made my time with David even better than the first time when I only felt like I was being watched; now I knew. It felt good. It made me feel desirable. After the prince had pulled me into his arms and kissed me, I knew that there was some sort of attraction between us, and he felt it too. This would be a very interesting trip indeed.

  The next day, our departure was met with a lot of fanfare. The Drackon spaceship was massive and it reminded me of a space station hotel. It was based at the government bass port station protected by the Earth army.

  As Archer Payne led me down to the ship, I felt panic form in my throat. I was really going through with this. I was leaving Earth for the first time in my life. Even though I knew that many human females had made the trip and now lived on Mooreah, it still made me very nervous to be doing this.

  Then I saw the prince. The same, four warriors that I saw in the office were leading him. There were
many human females adoring his every move as he walked past them through the crowds. I rolled my eyes at them. He was practically a rock star and I found the adoration he was getting annoying.

  As I was led to the ship, he turned and saw me, as though he sensed my presence before actually seeing me. He narrowed his eyes at me in anger. Was he still mad about the slap? Or was he angry about the show I gave him last night? I smiled a devious smile as though I had won a fight between us.

  "Enjoy yourself, Marissa. But don't forget why you are really there," Archer Payne said to me quietly. I nodded my head and then handed my traveling trunk over to one of the warriors outside of the spaceship. He pulled it aside and began to go through it. I rolled my eyes at the lack of privacy. We all waited for the prince to board first and then the rest of us boarded as well.

  "Marissa Volander. I am Axon. I am the lieutenant on this ship and I will show you to your quarters. Your trunk will follow once it has been cleared. Follow me," a very attractive and charming weredragon said to me. He had blond hair and blue eyes and he was already friendlier than the prince. Perhaps we would even be friends, as this long voyage could get very lonely.

  Chapter 4


  Following the scent of the human female up the building to the roof was a mistake. As soon as I saw her standing there as the wind whipped her hair and skirt, I knew this was going to be a problem. I should have flown away right then and there instead of what I ended up doing. As I hovered over her and let the wind from my wings hit her, I could tell that she was standing there in anger. She was pissed off.

  I was pissed off too. As soon as I saw her, I remembered her with the human male the night before and it made me angry. There was something about this human female, as though I had already claimed her just by inhaling her scent. Her lips trembled in anger and then her face changed into surprise, and awe, as I got closer to her. I enjoyed seeing the look of surprise on her face as she looked at me with admiration and fear. Good; she should fear me. I was something to be feared.

  We argued. I don't know why either of us was so angry, but we were and did not have a right to be. I was angry with her for what I saw the night before, her with the human male. But there was something else that I was not admitting to myself about why I was angry. It wasn't until she slapped me after I told her that I had watched her through the window that I knew: her aggressive move was unlike any that I had seen a female do. No female had dared strike me before, or even turned their back on me while I was talking to them. This was all very new to me and very enticing.

  Why did my father have to pick the one, feisty and spirited female human on Earth? As soon as she slapped me ,I could no longer hold back and I pulled her close to me and kissed her. I lost myself in that kiss. But as soon as I came to my senses, I remembered that she did not belong to me. She belonged to my father, like a human toy. The thought made me so angry that I could no longer stay in her presence. I had to leave quickly. I flew straight up into the sky, trying to disappear from her and her delicious scent as quickly as I could.

  I flew dangerously and rough, trying to relieve my senses. Trying to erase her from my mind. I flew into the woods and was pleased to get one last flight of this planet that I had learned to actually like. Though I despised the humans, I loved the natural beauty of Earth. I let myself indulge in the tall trees of the forest, in the cold snow on the mountaintops, and in the fast wind currents. I spent the rest of the day out in the wilderness, letting myself be the dragon.

  But when I returned to the city, I could not help myself. I found myself again hovering outside of Marissa's window in the dark of the night. I wanted to watch her. But I was not expecting that she was waiting for me. No, she did not open her windows to me, but she was once again with the human male. Now that I had told her that I had watched her the night before, she was doing this on purpose.

  The long drapes on her window were wide open and every light in the room was on. She was performing for me. I watched as she moved slowly, licking up the man’s chest. She was on all fours hovering over his body. She was completely naked and her gorgeous body was petite but ample in the hips and tits. They jiggled with every moment. Then she moved down over the man’s cock and took it into her mouth.

  I snarled with envy as I watched. I did not want her doing that to anyone but me, yet I had no claim over this human female. Her mouth moved up and down on his cock as the man squirmed under her, letting me know that she was good at what she was doing. She licked and sucked and made a show of it. Then she stopped and said something to the man. He smiled. He got up on his knees and she moved her body so that she was facing the window, but she was still on all fours. The man moved behind her and placed his cock inside of her. She stared directly at the window. I knew that she could not see me, but she sensed that I was there.

  The man entered her and she arched her head back in ecstasy. He grabbed her waist and began to move in and out of her over and over. I wanted to be in his place. I grew hard watching her. My cock was very rigid as I watched her tits bounce up and down as he hammered her from behind. Finally, I could not take anymore of this. If I watched any longer, I would break down the glass, fly in, and take her myself. I flew straight up into the sky toward the moon of Earth.

  It was a beautiful sight, and I was hoping the cold air of the night would cool off my loins. She was a feisty and sexy human female, this Marissa Volander. She must be extremely smart as well to head a corporation. The females on my planet did not hold such positions and were more docile. They were mothers and cared for the offspring. Their skills did not go beyond that. The females of the Drackon were not shifters, only the men. We were the dragons and they were the mothers; it had always been that way. Now I was taking a feisty female whose scent drove me crazy on a long journey to my planet where none of the females were like her, except for the few human females that already lived there.

  Being near her would be too much for me. How the hell was I going to spend four weeks on the ship with her? I would have to have as little contact with her as possible. I would have to order Lieutenant Axon to oversee her needs and watch her. This seemed like a very good plan, until it wasn't.

  "Prince Jarith, the human female has been taken to her quarters and shown how to adapt to our ship systems," Axon reported to me as I sat on the flight deck with the captain of the ship and the rest of the crew.

  "Good. I hope that she will stay to that part of the ship. I do not need a whiny female human around making this journey feel longer than it already is. Report to me if anything changes in her health, but other than that, do not disturb me with her and her needs."

  "Yes, prince," he said as he left the deck.

  There; everything was set in motion. I had done what my father asked. Now I would return to Mooreah and go back to the life that I had become accustomed to. It was my right as a prince to not have to deal with these sorts of absurd and petty assignments. These are the assignments that should be assigned to Traydon, and not I. My father expected I was going to learn something. The only thing that I truly learned on this trip was that Earth was a beautiful planet out in the wilderness, without the humans. If anything, it made me want to get rid of the humans. That would be best for their entire planet, since they were ruining it.

  Days passed aboard the ship; I was growing concerned because I had not heard a word from the saucy human female. I thought she would have complained by now. There must be something wrong with her. I took it upon myself to search for her in the part of the ship where her quarters were located. I rarely went to that part of the ship. Mostly because her scent was so strong that I could not be anywhere in that part of the ship without inhaling her. If I were to be able to not give a shit about her being given to my father, then I was going to have to distance myself from her. It was the only way.

  "Now this is how we keep the oxygen levels in correct balance. It is a self-sustaining system. It practically runs itself, and with no energy," I heard a famil
iar voice say as I walked down the hall.

  "That is absolutely amazing. We have nothing like this on Earth. Please show me more, Axon," I heard Marissa say.

  As soon as I heard her voice, I knew that Axon and Marissa were spending time together. Jealousy moved throughout my body. I knew that I had ordered him to take charge of our guest, but I did not think that included him showing her around and intriguing her mind with the science of the ship. She was a science-based human that worked for a science corporation; of course learning the technology of the ship and the ways of the Drackon was a way to interest and keep her attention. Perhaps it was even a way to her heart. I grew angrier by the second with these thoughts moving in my mind as I moved into the room.

  "What are you doing in here?" I said sternly. I looked to see that the two of them were only inches from each other and Marissa had been staring up at him with admiration in her eyes. I wanted to grab him and slam him against the wall. I wanted to grab him and throw him off the ship into space where he would implode. They quickly moved away from each other when they heard the interruption of my voice.


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