The Trans Ultra Collection Vol 3

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The Trans Ultra Collection Vol 3 Page 14

by Ursula Lovelace

  After she was out of earshot, I asked my coach “So, she’s good as you say?”

  Coach Smith nodded. “Claire mostly teaches kids since she’s balancing schoolwork and a TA job. The athletic board asked her to do us a favor. We should count ourselves lucky. A lot of competitive figure skaters go to her for advice.”

  I sighed. “My teammates are going to give me hell over this.”

  “Don’t worry about what they think,” he said sternly. I didn’t hold it against him. The man was putting the team and my best interests above everything else. I wanted to mend my speed just as much he did. “Focus on improving your skating skills. You’ll go far once you get these issues fixed. The playoffs are fast approaching. I want you to be ready for them.”

  I wasn’t as convinced. The whole scenario made me feel like a kid learning his first skating lessons. “You think she’ll be able to help? Hockey and figure skating are like Roman-Greco wrestling and ballet. I’m not sure Claire will able to keep up with me.”

  He chuckled. “Son, I’ve seen her in action. You’re the one who’ll need to keep up with her. Now, I want you to take this seriously. Claire has the same authority that I do. She’ll report to me how you’re doing.”

  It seemed like a simple enough arrangement. I probably had to do a few figure eights like I did as a kid. This was going to be easy. I could even sweet talk Claire into using her connections with the NHL on my behalf. “Yes, Coach!”

  He nodded. “Dismissed Thompson.”

  I left the office with mixed feelings. It wasn’t unusual for hockey players to get trained by figure skaters. However, you needed to be a real problem case for it to get that bad. It made me feel like my wins were a fluke.

  Claire didn’t look like she had been an elite athlete who had attended the Olympics. Sure, she had a nice body but she dressed up like rookie professor on her first year of tenure. My coach made it sound like she was some hard-nosed drill instructor.

  Just how bad could she be?

  Chapter 2

  “Faster, Jeremy!”

  That wasn’t me fucking a college girl.

  That was me trying to catch Claire in the ice rink.

  My knees were burning but I wasn’t anywhere close to catching her. I wanted to lie down and massage my knees. I couldn’t remember the last time I had been so exhausted by practice. Usually, I had a bottomless amount of stamina.

  She skated as if she had rockets strapped to her skates. I didn’t know how Claire was able to generate so much speed. It wasn’t like I was weighed down with heavy hockey gear either. I only wore some light street clothes. Her skating skills simply far outclassed mine.

  “Good but you can be better,” Claire chided. It only added to my mounting frustration. “We could always be better. You might never make it as an ice dancer but you have it in you to be a decent skater.”

  I doubled over and gasped for breath. “How are you moving so fast?”

  “The real question is how you’re moving so slowly,” she giggled. Claire had a way of adding insult to injury. “Your stroking is pedestrian. Like I said, use the edge of the blade and allow the momentum to carry you. The way you’re doing it now just tires you out.”

  I took another lungful of air. “We’re just doing crossovers around the rink. How long before you teach me something new?”

  “When you master the basics, Jeremy,” she said smugly. “Although, that might take a while.”

  I’d rather get hit in the face with a puck than continue this torture session. My coach never managed to wear me down this badly with his drills. It wasn’t like I was doing complex exercises with Claire. The simple task of catching up to the young woman was exhausting.

  “Remember to work the blade,” Claire said, going off at top speed with a single stroke of her skate. “Come on, try to catch me. Faster Jeremy!”

  I raced after her but she slipped away even further. “I’m trying!”

  “Your stroking is a bit better,” she continued, not slowing down the slightest bit. “But your shoulders are too stiff. Have them move with the best of your body. It has to be one fluid motion.”

  I felt like I had been reduced down to a child. I never felt so emasculated in my life. Before today, I thought of myself as the best athlete in the world. I was a naturally gifted hockey player with a ticket to the NHL. Now, Claire was running literal circles around me and I couldn’t so much as touch her.

  She skated backwards and spoke to me like it was the easiest thing in the world. “Don’t go down on your heel. It’s slowing you down.”

  I chased after her like a man possessed. I wanted to prove to her that I was a damn fine athlete. However, she just kept slipping away further and further. I stopped in my tracks as the pent-up anger exploded.

  “Fuck this sissy sport!” I roared at a stunned Claire. “None of this is working!

  I immediately regretted my words the moment they left my mouth. I instantly remembered what my coach had told me earlier. Claire had his authority during these training sessions. I could end up in a lot of trouble if I displeased her.

  “Sissy sport?” Claire asked rhetorically with venom. I saw fire in her eyes that was in sharp contrast to the surrounding ice. “Is that what you think of this?”

  I gulped as I struggled for words. “I-I didn’t-”

  “I could have you kicked off the team, Jeremy,” she threatened. It sent my heart racing like a trip hammer. Getting kicked off the team for a season would torpedo my NHL dreams. “I’m evaluating your skills and your behavior. Coach Smith takes my opinion seriously.”

  “I’m so sorry,” I begged her. I even got on my knees down on the ice. Her words put the fear of God in me. “Please, I didn’t mean it that way!”

  Claire paused for a moment. “Let’s work out a deal, Jeremy.”

  I got off the ice when I heard that. “A deal?”

  “It’s obvious this method isn’t working,” she sighed, rubbing her forehead. The woman seemed to be in deep thought. In any case, I needed to stay on her good side. “I’ll need to resort to more… desperate measures. I’ll need you to meet with me again tomorrow for a different kind of training. Otherwise, I’ll have to tell your coach about your behavior.”

  “Oh, that’s okay,” I replied breathlessly. I needed this stay of execution. “I’ll do anything you want, Claire!”

  She smirked. “You’ve picked up a few bad habits on and off the ice. You need to apply yourself, Jeremy. This ego of yours is a mental block preventing you from achieving greatness. I’ll need you to come see me at the ice rink tomorrow morning at six for some very special training. Come meet up with me outside the men’s locker room.”

  I raised an eyebrow. I usually slept in since I had afternoon classes. For that matter, the rink was supposed to be closed during that time. “That early? Isn’t the rink going to be closed?”

  “There are always exceptions,” she answered. “If you can’t make it, I could always tell your coach about your inflexible schedule…”

  I nodded away. I needed to stay in Claire’s good graces. She could end my aspirations with a phone call. “No problem. I’ll show up on time.”

  “If you do well,” she teased with a half-smile. “Then maybe I’ll tell my relatives at the NHL about the young hockey superstar I’m training.”

  “Oh, wow!” I replied, my eyes brightening up at that. A good word from her could seal the deal. “Thanks a lot, Claire!”

  “Thank me when you’ve made an improvement,” she giggled. “It won’t be easy to earn my praise. You’ll have to work hard for it. For now, get a good night’s rest so that you’re refreshed for tomorrow.”

  I beamed a smile at her. “I won’t be a minute late, Claire.”

  “Good, Jeremy,” she replied. “This isn’t just an opportunity to improve your skating skills. I can help you improve as a person as well. I don’t go around giving special lessons like this. Consider yourself very lucky.”

  “What will I have to
do?” I asked. “Jumps? Spins? Ice Dancing?”

  “You’ll have to come on time to find out,” Claire answered. Maybe I would learn the secret of how she won a medal at the Olympics. “And don’t tell your coach. I don’t think he’ll like it if I went off the script with you.”

  I nodded and followed her outside the ice rink. “Right, I can keep a secret.”

  We began taking off our skates. “Don’t be late, Jeremy.”

  With that, our practice session ended. I wondered what Claire had planned for me since doing crossovers and laps weren’t working out. I figured she would make me do spins and other silly skating exercises. In any case, I needed to watch my mouth. She could have me kicked off the team if I started losing my temper again.

  I just needed to endure whatever she threw my way before I got my ticket to the NHL. I just needed to be on my best behavior. Good connections went a long way when trying to make it in the big leagues.

  I took Claire’s advice and went to sleep. As a star athlete, it was easy to get distracted. Hot girls invited you to their beds. The press wanted to talk to you about your aspirations. A few companies came to you with a sponsorship deal once you got out of college.

  Nonetheless, I needed to get down to brass tacks. I couldn’t afford distractions at this critical time in my career. NHL scouts were watching me in and out of the ice rink. I knew they weren’t afraid to drop me at the first sign of trouble.

  I had seen a lot of star hockey players crash and burn before even reaching the NHL. Sometimes, a bad injury did them in. Other times, they slumped and had to sit on the bench. If I showed weakness, then I knew plenty of players were dying to take my spot as the team’s center.

  For now, I had to focus on improving my skating skills. I didn’t have the slightest clue what Claire had planned for me. I didn’t have the dainty body needed for figure skating. I couldn’t imagine pulling off jumps or spins. I was build more like a Humvee rather than a scooter.

  Hockey was all I had. I didn’t have the brains for schools. I was coasting by with a gentleman’s C for a grade. It was just enough to fulfill my academic requirements as a student athlete. All I did in class was daydream about being back on ice.

  The next morning, I got up an hour early to shower, shave, and eat. I wanted to put my best foot forward for my teacher. It was almost like preparing for a date.

  I was dying to know what Claire had planned for me. The woman had a way of breaking me down unlike my other coaches. I knew it wasn’t exactly going to be a cakewalk. She had me on the ropes trying to simply chase after her.

  She had booked a super early appointment in the ice rink. It was so early that you needed a special key to get into the rink. Even the custodians weren’t up that early. No one would be bothering us.

  It was strange walking into the familiar ice rink in the early hours of the day. It was oddly silent and dark. Usually, this place was bustling with activity between hockey practice and our local synchronized skating team.

  As I walked to our rendezvous point, I heard the sound of my footsteps in the empty arena. I knew these halls by heart but I felt like a stranger here. Hopefully, this special training session wouldn’t last too long. I wanted to go home and get some sleep.

  Finally, I saw Claire waiting for me outside the locker room. She was busy going through the contents of a large bag she had. The young woman wore a large coat over her body. I didn’t think it was too cool here but I didn’t want to judge her attire.

  Nonetheless, the stilettos she wore caught my attention. I knew you could walk on ice with heels but they didn’t seem appropriate for training. I guessed she would change into her skates later. It was still a strange set of footwear, especially with the dark stockings she wore underneath.

  Not that I planned on mentioning that out loud.

  Claire was so obsessed with her bag that she didn’t notice me. I cleared my throat and got her attention. “Claire?”

  The young woman turned to face me. She flashed me a sinister smile. “You’re just in time, Jeremy.”

  I nervously returned her smile. She seemed a little too happy for my comfort. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  Chapter 3

  “Follow me into the ice rink, Jeremy,” Claire commanded, carrying her large bag with both hands. It seemed rather heavy. I wondered if there was some special figure skating equipment in there. “I want to start as soon as possible. We don’t have much time.”

  I pointed my thumb at the locker room. “I thought you needed me to change into my hockey gear?”

  She patted her bag. “I have all the gear we need right here.”

  That bag looked as large as a suitcase. “Do you need help with that?”

  “I’m okay,” she replied. Indeed, Claire didn’t struggle to carry it. The woman was much stronger than she looked. “Did you bring your skates?”

  I held up my carrying case. “I got them sharpened last night.”

  “Good, I’ll need you to be at your best for this practice session.”

  I silently followed her into the ice rink. It looked like the Zamboni had paved it with a fresh batch of ice last night. We would have the best quality ice during practice. Sometimes, it paid to get up early.

  Finally, we reached the edge of the rink. I wondered what kind of exercises she had planned for me. “So Claire, what kind of training are we doing?”

  She smirked and placed the bag down. “It’s a surprise. I just need to know if you’re up for anything.”

  I couldn’t back down now. Coach Smith expected me to improve my skating skills with Claire’s help. Besides, she was offering to help get on the fast track to the NHL. I couldn’t refuse an offer like that. “I’m ready, Claire.”

  The former figure skater folded her arms. “This isn’t going to be as simple as practicing your slap shot. I’m going to challenge you mentally so that you can improve your physical skating.”

  I had a hard time following what she was saying. A part of me wondered if she was a philosophy major. “Mentally?”

  The woman laughed. “Yes, mentally.”

  She punctuated her statement by taking off her coat and revealing a sexy one-piece dress. It had a low cut that revealed her cleavage. Not to be outdone, her miniskirt highlighted her stocking-clad legs. I could see the lean musculature of her athletic legs.

  “Wow,” I said, looking slack-jawed. I was getting a little hot under the collar. “Is that one of your figure skating costumes?”

  “Well, I did dress up as a showgirl once,” she answered seductively. The woman had transformed from a prim and proper lady to a total vixen. “But you should worry about what type of dress you’ll be wearing.”

  Nearly dropping my skates, I pointed to myself. “Wait, me?”

  Claire knelt down and unzipped her heavy bag. I was too stunned to get a good look at what was inside. I didn’t expect a training session where my teacher had dressed like a stripper.

  Soon, she began taking out items from her mysterious bag. At first, it was fairly ordinary stuff. I saw a hair brush and a large makeup kit. A large girly outfit followed. I guessed it was a dress for a female figure skater. I wondered why Claire had brought a spare set of clothing.

  Then, a peculiar set of items followed. I saw her take out a pair of bra and panties. They were silky and embroidered like a Valentine’s Day present to a lucky lady. That would’ve been weird enough on its own. Then, Claire took out a brunette wig.

  I did a double-take. “What is that stuff?”

  Claire ignored me and continued digging out of the bag. That’s when she got to the really kinky stuff. The young woman pulled out a massive dildo. My eyes nearly fell out of their sockets when I saw that large monstrosity. I almost didn’t see her take out a harness for it as well. Finally, she took out a riding crop and a set of butt plugs.

  She shook the colossal sized dildo in her hands before attaching it to a harness. I couldn’t believe how thick it was. The size of that thing would make
male porn stars blush. Then, Claire turned to me and asked. “Ready for practice, Jeremy?”

  I pointed at the dildo. “What the hell is that thing?”

  “Why this is a strap-on dildo,” Claire answered nonchalantly. “If this is making you uncomfortable, then you can go home. Of course, I’ll have to give your coach a bad report. A no-show athlete isn’t what he’s looking for when deciding who gets to play.”

  My ears perked up at that threat. Coach Smith would take her word over mine. “You’re blackmailing me?”

  “More like extortion,” she replied, trying to look innocent. “The ‘x’ makes it sound more sinister. You’ll have to follow my commands if you want your coach to get a good report. For that matter, you’ll need to impress me if you want me to put in a good work for your aspiring NHL career. In case you’ve forgotten, my uncle is a director for the NHL. So, will you do everything that I’ll ask you to do?”


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