by Gloria Bevan
‘I love you, Tracy,’ his lips brushed hers. ‘I’d better warn you what you’re coming back to. Bill, Lucie—’
‘Lucie!’ She straightened in his arms. ‘I didn’t even leave a message for her! She’ll be in a tizzy, wondering what’s happened—’
His look was unfathomable as his arms pinned her close. ‘She’s got a good idea.’
‘What do you mean?’ Tracy inquired faintly.
‘Well, the last I saw of her she was down in the cellars with Bill, sorting out the last bottle of vintage champagne.’
‘Whatever,’ Tracy asked innocently, ‘would she be doing that for?’
‘Can’t you guess?’
She could scarcely think for the thud-thud of her heart and the wild happiness surging through her.
‘If she’ll say “yes”, I mean?’
Then once again his lips sought hers and her senses went flying into ecstasy.
‘We’ll get married right away—’
‘Just as soon as you like—’
‘That’s what I hoped you’d say.’ His soft triumphant laugh sent her trembling.
They had returned to retrace their steps along the winding path beneath overhanging palms when Tracy paused. ‘Heavens, I’ve just remembered! Glenn! I should have told him I was leaving, but I forgot all about him.’
‘He didn’t forget you, unfortunately. He’s kept the phone busy at the house ever since you left, ringing every hour on the hour.’
Tracy giggled. ‘He’ll be all right with Pam. She’s madly in love with him.’
‘But does he—’
‘Not yet, but he will! All Pam needs is time, and a clear field.’
‘I’m doing my best for her in that direction! There’s something I’ve remembered too. The house in the valley—we’ll have to make some improvements to the place. It was okay for a couple of bachelors, but,’ he carried her fingers to his lips, ‘when it comes to Mrs. Stephen Crane—’
‘Forget about the house!’ She smiled up at him, blue eyes alight. ‘Do you know what would please me a lot more? I’d like you to get started on switching over to those new classical whites in the vineyard!’
‘Hey!’ He eyed her with delight. ‘You really mean it, don’t you?’ Once again he took her in his arms and the urgency of his kiss swept everything else from her mind. At length he released her, then cupped her face in his hands. ‘I hope you know what you’re letting yourself in for. A house in the bush, Lucie, Bill. You’re not just taking on a husband, you’re taking on a vineyard as well. You know that, don’t you?’ Gently he brushed her lips with his own.
‘Oh, I do! I do! Ever since the beginning I’ve known how you felt about it. All that tradition—’
‘It’s a bit more than that,’ he said softly, ‘a sort of father- and-son thing.’
‘I know,’ Tracy agreed happily, relaxing in his arms. After a moment she murmured contentedly, ‘Myself, I’m a great believer in families. Only children often are, you know. Besides,’ she whispered, ‘isn’t there a saying in the valley that anything you do with wine should be done with love?’
‘That,’ said Stephen, ‘is what I’ve been trying to tell you.’ And this time his kiss was far from gentle.