In It to Win It

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In It to Win It Page 14

by Ella Jade

  When the half-time whistle blew she was sweating profusely and her labored breathing sounded an awful lot like her Great Aunt Helen, who’d smoked a pack a day since she was sixteen. As the team gathered, she apologized for being such a hopeless player.

  “Maggie, please stop.” Leo’s voice held an edge of irritation. “We’re a team. No one is better or worse than anyone else. You’re new. Give yourself a break.”

  “Yeah,” puffed Kate, who Maggie didn’t recognize at first without the colorful beanie. “No need to feel bad. We’re hopeless, we’ve never even won a game.”

  Several people shrugged, as though offering an apology on behalf of the team.

  Leo’s lips flattened into a grim line. “It’s a fresh season, and we can easily improve. Come on, people, let’s focus!”

  The second half began in much the same way—her tummy on fire with nerves. Leo had swapped their positions, so this time she was a ‘forward’, whatever that meant. The whistle blew and there was a scurry for the ball, with the thud of hard kicks coming off soccer boots thundering in the cold night air. Maggie looked down at her own boots, grateful that she shared the same size as Patrick and had only needed to fork out for one new pair instead of two.

  There was a lot of action down the other end of the field, and she watched Leo defend off yet another goal attempt. His feet moved effortlessly around the ball, almost dancing as he maneuvered it from left to right, fully in control. He kicked it to someone, clearing the red players with ease. That pass was followed up with another, and yet another, and then—oh dear God—the ball headed toward her.

  By some miracle there was no defender hovering nearby and she received the ball cleanly, stopping it with her foot the way Patrick had shown her at home. She took her time, turning to face the goal, clearly hearing Leo’s shouts of go for it! Her leg swung back, almost instinctively, and the loud crack of the ball leaving her boot rivaled the screams of her excited teammates.

  There was a moment of silence as everyone waited. Then a collective groan as it missed the goal completely, sailing way over the top into the depths of an unlit car park.

  Maggie squeezed her eyes shut, not wanting to see any of her teammates’ angry scowls. She could picture Leo, his shoulders slumped in frustration, and the thought of disappointing him almost made her cry. But she was a grown-up. What would she tell Patrick if he was in this situation? Chin up, better luck next time, that’s what.

  She opened her eyes, scanning tentatively for an angry mob wanting to attack her with blunt objects. But no one paid her any attention. In fact, they’d secured a new ball and were ready to start play. The reds were entitled to a goal kick.

  An overwhelming weariness settled within Maggie as she halfheartedly watched a player from the other team take position nearby. Surely the game would be over soon, and she could go home and slide into a luxurious, warm bath.

  She could practically feel the water soothing her aching bones, when she noticed the ball coming her way, traveling quickly at head height. There was no time to react, and it landed directly on her face. The pain was extraordinary—burning heat mixed with pure coldness—and Maggie gasped, covering her eye with her hand, certain that blood must be pouring out profusely.

  No one came dashing over to offer first aid. They probably thought she’d tried one of those fancy head-butt passes and were now all preoccupied with the ball hurtling down the field. By the cheer that emanated, it went straight into the opposition’s goal. She sighed, taking her hand away from her face, surprised to find no blood at all. Just a hideous throb accompanied with an urge to vomit.

  Finally the whistle blew and Maggie scurried off the field, escaping to her car before anyone had even realized she’d gone.

  Chapter 4

  Maggie stood in front of the bathroom mirror, turning her face to every conceivable angle under the overhead light. Still nothing. No sign of the black eye she’d felt certain would be there this morning, and then when it wasn’t, she’d figured most definitely by this evening. But no. What was the point of getting so spectacularly injured if there was nothing to show for it? Stupid soccer.

  She slipped off the towel and dressed in her favorite flannel pajamas. It was only eight o’clock at night, but there was no point in putting clothes back on after a shower. Comfy PJs were her best friend.

  Stopping into Patrick’s room, she gave him a goodnight kiss and cuddle before heading downstairs. Her parents had left an hour ago for their weekly book club meeting, and she was looking forward to a quiet night alone. Slumping wearily onto the lounge, she flicked through various television channels, opting for the Audrey Hepburn classic Roman Holiday.

  Pulling a blanket over her lap, she snuggled deeper into the couch, taking a sip of the merlot she’d poured herself before the shower. Her eyes were heavy, and she was just beginning to contemplate an early night when the doorbell rang. Bugger. She wasn’t expecting anyone and didn’t overly want to answer it wearing her duckling pajamas and fluffy socks. It could be the police. Her parents had drilled that piece of advice into her from an early age, and Maggie groaned, unable to ignore it now.

  She snuck a peek outside through a tiny gap in the closed curtains. It was the police! Her heart started to beat uncomfortably. Had something happened to her parents?

  Racing to the door, she flung it open to find Leo in full police attire. It took a moment for her brain to process. “You’re a policeman?”

  He nodded.

  “Is something wrong?”

  “No. God, sorry, no. I just popped over to see if you’re okay.”

  Her exhale was full of relief, and with the worry out of the way she was able to take in every gorgeous detail of the man in uniform. Blue really was his color. Navy pants with a crisp, light blue shirt, and black, leather jacket, full of official looking stripes and badges. His hair was ruffled, as though he’d run his hands through it after catching the bad guys. Maybe that was his signature move following an arrest. We’ve caught the scumbag. Book him, Danno, while I run my hands through my hair and look sexy.

  “So, are you okay?”


  “You left in such a rush after the match last night. I just wondered if you were…unhappy with me.”

  Maggie leaned a shoulder against the doorframe, crossing her arms to keep warm as the chilly air reached inside. “Why would I be?”

  She took slight satisfaction at the way his cheeks darkened. The calm, suave police officer suddenly blushing and defenseless. “Well, here’s the thing, I— Wait, you’re getting cold. Can I come in?”

  “Are you going to arrest me for drinking wine?”

  “Not unless you become a public nuisance. Anyway, I’m off duty.”

  “So you just enjoy wearing that around all the time?”

  Leo laughed, closing the door behind him. “I came here on my way home.”

  “Is the police car yours then?” Maggie gestured for Leo to sit while she went into the kitchen. “Wine?”

  “Yes, and yes. I’m allowed to use the police vehicle for personal use.”

  She returned to the lounge room, handing Leo a glass of red. As he took it, their fingers brushed and Maggie held her breath, releasing it in slow bursts for no reason other than she couldn’t think straight. She sat down at the opposite end of the couch, bringing one leg beneath her.

  “What happened to your eye?”

  She stared at him.

  “What happened, Maggie? Did somebody hit you?” Leo leaned forward for a closer inspection.

  “The bloody soccer ball hit me last night, but I can’t see any sign of a bruise. How can you tell?”

  Placing his wine on the coffee table, he scooted down the couch. Using two thumbs he gently pressed the area around her left eye, and then along the length of her nose. “It’s a slight tinge of purple, but there doesn’t seem to be too much damage. Is it sore?”

  “Just a little.” Maggie had to close her eyes. It was the closest she’d ever been to
Leo’s face and the proximity to his mouth was distracting, even with his fingers doing all sorts of weird things.

  “I didn’t see you get hit. Is that why you left so quickly?”

  She nodded, eyes still closed.

  He ran a hand over her hair, still damp from the shower. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Why would I?”

  “Because I’m the coach and it’s my job to look out for you. Plus…”

  When he didn’t finish, Maggie opened her eyes. Leo’s elbow was perched on the back of the lounge, his head resting in his hand, with an element of confusion in those dark brown eyes.

  He swallowed. “I hope I’m not getting this wrong, but I feel like there’s something between us.”

  It was more of a question than anything, and his willingness to be so vulnerable tugged at something deep inside Maggie. She nodded, unable to deny it. Whatever the something was, it had left her feeling like a giddy teenager since they’d first met.

  The corners of his mouth lifted into a smile. “Well, that’s good news.”

  “What do you think it means?”

  “I hope it means I can stop fantasizing about kissing you, and actually do the real thing.”

  Her jaw dropped, and an embarrassed giggle escaped her mouth. “You just used the word fantasize in a sentence about me.”

  Leo ran a thumb over her bottom lip. “I sure did.”

  Maggie bit her lip, tingling from Leo’s touch. It felt strange to hear such honest words from a man. Felix had lied to her for so long, she’d lost track of what was real. But even when things were good between them, he never would have admitted to something so intimate.

  Her gaze wandered slowly over Leo’s face, taking in every individual feature—warm brown eyes, enhanced by lines that showed off life experience in the most sexy way, mouth resting in an easy smile, slightly crooked nose, as though it had been broken at some point in his life—all together made a masterpiece.

  He blinked, watching with pure patience, silently urging her to trust him. And she did. There was just something about him that screamed no bullshit.

  She mirrored his position—elbow resting on the back of the couch, head in hand. “Been fantasizing about anything else?”

  His gaze traveled down her torso and back up to lock on hers. “Yes.”

  An acrobat troop began performing in her belly. “Good answer.”

  His mouth was still smiling as it connected with hers, but quickly molded against her lips, strong and certain. Maggie brought her hands to the sides of his face, circling over the rough facial hair beginning to set in. His top lip prickled deliciously against hers and it was quite possibly the sexiest thing she’d ever experienced.

  “Were you really a Socceroo?” Her words fumbled out against his mouth.

  Leo chuckled, obviously amused by the random question, but answered anyway, keeping his lips against hers. “I was, but only for one season.”

  “How come?” Oh, the man had outstanding lips. It was like kissing perfect marshmallows, but more delicious.

  “Well…” He left her mouth, trailing kisses down her neck, softly biting against her pulse. “I hurt my knee and had to give it away.”

  “Oh no.”


  She fell silent, unable to think about anything except the heavenly feeling of Leo kissing the underside of her jaw, somehow channeling all the parts of her body that liked to flutter.

  “How’s your knee now?” Her voice came out in breathy waves.

  Brushing over her lips, he made his way to the other side of her neck. “All better.”

  “I’m glad.”

  He brought his face to hers. “Are you always this chatty when you make out?”

  “Um…I don’t know, it’s been a while. I’ll try to stop.”

  His head cocked to one side, while he used his thumb to outline her cheek. “No, don’t stop. I like it.”

  Maggie sighed contently, trying to work out when she last felt so happy. “It’s good for us to get to know each other, at the same time as getting to know each other.”

  Leo’s laugh created more lines around his eyes, and she put her lips to them, kissing one side and then the other.

  “How old are you, Leo?”

  “The big four-oh.”

  She pulled away, resting her hands on the base of his neck. “Did you have a birthday party?”

  He shifted more comfortably into the lounge, inching closer toward her. “I did actually. The guys from work put together a surprise one. Got me a beauty, I had no idea!”

  Maggie’s eyes widened with delight, picturing the local police station with balloons and streamers, full of people wearing uniforms, dancing up a storm. “Who else was there?”

  His thumb traced her smiling lips. “I wish I’d known you then, and you could have been there. But your parents came, and so did half the town it seemed like.”

  “So you’re Mr. Popular?”

  “That’s Senior Sargent Popular to you, thanks.”

  Her laugh escaped easily, and she pushed playfully against his chest. “You pullin’ rank with me? Holy crap, you’re muscly.” She hadn’t expected such toned glory, and she ran her hands more fully over his chest, delighted by the hard pecs and firm six-pack that greeted her. She eyed him, almost accusingly, and he stared back with an amused smirk on those delectable lips.

  Unable to stop herself, Maggie slid the shoulders back on Leo’s leather jacket. He shrugged it off the rest of the way, laying it on the floor, and without saying anything, watched as one by one she undid the buttons of his crisp police shirt. The only sound was the low volume of the television, and then Leo’s inhale as she placed her hands against his bare chest.

  It was impossible not to gape at the perfection of his torso. A smattering of dark hair covered his pectorals, and her gaze followed the seductive trail leading down into his belted trousers. His abdominals were like an advertisement in a magazine. Washboard abs was the only fair way to describe it.

  An overwhelming urge to kiss them hit Maggie with full force. She scrambled to her knees, pushing Leo backward to lie on the couch, before crawling her way over his legs, running her nose along the smooth skin of his belly.

  “Oh, Maggie.” His words held a satisfying wobble and she smiled, running her lips along the hair of his chest, planting soft kisses.

  His hands found their way to her head, fingers spreading wide through her hair. Leo tugged gently, urging her face higher, and she obliged without hesitation, planting her mouth against his.

  Gone were the slow, well-mannered kisses of earlier. Heat soared through her entire body as Leo’s tongue found hers, eager and exploratory. One hand remained in her hair, while the other slipped under her pajamas, rubbing over the bare skin of her back before wrapping tightly around her waist.

  They lay locked together on the couch, kissing, while Leo’s hands skillfully toured her back, and then traveled downward, through the elastic waist of her pants over her naked behind. Maggie pressed herself tightly against Leo, loving the feel of him beneath her, clearly as turned on as she was. They breathed in unison, short and shallow, without any thought to keeping quiet. Maggie was panting so loudly she could no longer hear the sound of the television.

  “—we must have been robbed. Where’s Maggie?”

  Leo’s hands went still, and Maggie pulled away from his mouth, her hair falling onto his face. She rose off his chest, peeking over the back of the couch that hid them both. Her parents were looking around the room in confusion, and on spotting their daughter, the bewilderment increased.

  “Why is there a police car in our driveway, Maggie? Have we been robbed?”

  “No, Mum, it’s nothing like that.” She sat up all the way, finding a spot between Leo’s legs so as to not accidently knee him in the groin.

  He followed her lead. “It’s my car. Sorry to alarm you, Mary, Anthony.”

  Maggie cringed as her parents absorbed the scenario—Leo’s shirt u
ndone, her hair a mess, both their faces flushed. It didn’t take a genius to figure it out. She stood up—unsteadily, thanks to wobbly legs—and was consumed by guilt as her mother’s jaw dropped open. Her father averted his eyes, which was probably for the best given the way Leo was tenting his trousers.

  Scooping up his jacket from the floor, he glanced at Maggie and she could see only too well the effort it was taking not to laugh. He hid it with a cough. “I’d better be going. Sorry again to cause you any concern.”

  “I’ll walk you out.”

  They practically ran to the door. Maggie closed it behind her as quietly as she could manage, standing outside with Leo on the porch.

  His lips twitched, and he chuckled softly. “I feel as though I just got you into trouble.”

  It was too much for Maggie, and she laughed until her stomach hurt. “Did you see their faces? It’s like being a teenager all over again. What are they going to do? Ground me?”

  Leo’s forehead scrunched with a cringe, and he wrapped his arms around her before planting a kiss on the top of her head. “Do you want me to stay while you talk to them?”

  She snuggled into him, stealing his warmth. “God, no. They probably want to kill you right now.”

  “Jeez. Well, good luck. I’ll see you in the morning at the kids’ game.”

  Chapter 5

  The grounds of Katoomba oval were white with frost, and as Patrick ran to join his teammates he left a trail of footsteps through the icy grass. Maggie was better prepared for the weather than she’d been last week, with newly purchased thermals under her clothes, along with her coat and scarf, and a new red, woolen beanie her mother had knitted.

  Things between her parents had been a little tense this morning, and they’d reverted back to calling her Margaret, which was always a sign she was in trouble. Her mother had taken her aside and given a lecture on the ethics of getting involved with someone while she was still technically married. Although in the end she’d admitted that Leo was lovely and considered around town to be quite the catch. Her father had yet to look her in the eye.


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