Kink's Way

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Kink's Way Page 2

by Jenika Snow

  Chapter Two

  Kink brought the beer to his mouth, took a long pull from the bottle, and glanced at Malice. The other man was speaking to Tuck, and Kink felt pretty shitty since he had gotten all up in the man’s business when he’d first brought his old lady to River Run from Fairview. Kink had his own shit going on, but that wasn’t an excuse to take it out on a member of the club. Malice and Tuck clapped each other on the back, and moved away, but before Malice could move past Kink and over to the bar Kink called out. Malice stopped and faced him but didn’t say anything. They might get things done in the club, and leave their personal drama outside, but it was time for Kink to make things right. He stood, took one more hit from his cigarette, and snubbed it out in the ashtray on the table. He straightened, looked the other man right in the eye, and just said what he needed to say. “Listen, man, about getting in your face about Adrianna when you first brought her back to the club—”

  Malice took a step closer, cutting off Kink. They were matched in height and muscle mass, but even if Malice took a swing at Kink, he’d accept it. When Malice had brought the abused and scared Adrianna back to River Run from Fairview, Utah, Kink had been in a bad place. Not only did they have a handful of women they had brought back from Denver, ones that had been beaten by their pimp, but they had also brought back club pussy from the Fairview charter. Now they were deep with women that were in trouble, ones that needed rehabilitation from their pasts, and others that just needed out of Utah because of some fucking crazed cult that needed their dicks ripped off for messing with the club.

  “Listen, I know that you got a lot on your plate with Callie and Sarah and shit, and despite you being totally off the mark, and crossing that line about Adrianna when we had the meeting, I understand that your head was elsewhere.” Malice placed a hand on his shoulder. “Let’s just move on, okay?”

  Just hearing his ex old lady pissed him off. But he pushed it aside because that wasn’t what needed to be said right now. Kink nodded. “Yeah, brother.”

  Malice nodded. “Let’s just keep the anger and violence for the ones that deserve it.”

  Kink nodded. “Yeah, man, definitely.”

  Malice grinned. “Good, now I need to see my woman.” He turned and left, and immediately Kink looked at Cookie. Since she had come into the club’s life, he had wanted her, but he had kept his distance and put her from his mind. He had drowned himself in alcohol, pot, and easy club women, and he had never felt as dirty as he did now as he stared at her. But nothing could change what he had or hadn’t done, and despite wanting her, Kink knew that he couldn’t be with her, not in the way Malice was with Adrianna. Cookie was a damaged female, had probably lived a horrendous life, and him getting involved with her would mean bringing her into the dangers of the club as his woman. He didn’t know her personal background, but he had a vivid imagination.

  He looked at her again and forced himself to sit back down. The thing he didn’t know was if she had been prostituting herself like the other women they brought back from Denver. He knew that some of the women hadn’t gotten that deep into the “business” yet, so maybe she was one of them? But he wasn’t meant to have a woman of any caliber in his life. Kink had done the old lady route, albeit for a short fucking time, but he had tried. And now he had a seventeen-year-old daughter to show for the few weeks of trying to be a good man and settle down. He loved Callie more than anything else, but recently he had found out her bitch of a mother had been trying to move out of state with his kid. That was also another reason he didn’t need any women in his life permanently. He had too much shit going on right now, and he couldn’t devote any kind of meaningful time or emotions to an old lady, especially one that could be damaged in a way that he couldn’t bring her back.

  Aside from this club and the members that he thought of as family, Kink had nothing else good in his life besides his little girl. Okay, so she wasn’t so little anymore, even had some punk-ass boyfriend that he had heard about, but in his eyes she would always be his baby. Callie was the only light in the otherwise darkness that consumed him in the life he led. He’d protect her no matter what, make sure she didn’t make the same mistakes he had, and also steer her away from bastards like him. He might have kept her in his life despite the fact he ran with an outlaw MC, and had done a lot of bad shit in his life, but that had been his choice. Not having a decent old man when he was growing up, Kink was not about to let Callie be fatherless.

  He scrubbed his hand over his face and stared at the ceiling for a second, trying to get his shit in order. But he was stressed the fuck out because of Sarah and her bullshit of moving to California with her deadbeat boyfriend. Talking with her hadn’t done shit, and her threats of leaving because she had full custody were a load of shit, too. He had a guy that worked with the club looking into it all, and Kink was pretty damn sure that the bitch had no legal standings to just up and leave the state. Besides, his guy was good, and Sarah didn’t have shit to her name. If she wanted a fucking battle, he’d give her a war.

  The woman that was grinding her cunt and ass on him was named Lolly, or Lilly, or something like that. He couldn’t remember, and frankly didn’t care. He just needed to get off. The bare-knuckle underground fights had done a little bit of good in getting his anger out. Not much, but he was hoping a good session of dirty sex would remedy that. They didn’t call him Kink because it was a cute name. He was about to show this willing woman what he liked, and all the filthy damn things he wanted to do.

  He leaned back on the couch, and looked over at Lucien when his President stood from beside him. Kink grabbed the woman that had been giving him a lap dance, pulled her close, and kissed her hard. He pulled back and focused on the tits that were currently being thrust in his face, and then leaned down to take a stiff nipple into his mouth. She had a ring pierced right through the tip, and he felt his cock stir slightly. Despite being in need of a hot, wet cunt to slip his dick into, this woman was just not doing it for him. System of a Down’s “Lost in Hollywood” played overhead, and the club pussy continued to rub herself on him. But Kink’s focus was on the woman behind the bar, the one that was trying to look like she was busy and unaffected. He could still see her glancing at him. He didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable, because he knew she had probably been through some horrid shit, but there was something about her that drew him in. Even with all the things he was going through in his life right now, he actually found a moment of peace in looking at her, which even to him sounded crazy as hell.

  She wasn’t skinny like the other girls that walked around here, the ones that were desperate to be claimed by a Brother. He honestly didn’t know what the attraction to the lifestyle was for a woman. A Brother’s life was far from ideal. It was dangerous, violent, and they tended to make a lot of enemies. The only Brother that was tied down was Malice, but Kink knew the other man didn’t see his old lady or his kid as much as he wanted to. The club took a lot of time and effort to keep things running smoothly, and with Kink being the VP he had a lot on his plate. He stared at Cookie, watched as she bent over to get something out of the lower shelf, and felt like a sick fucking bastard for checking out her ass. The jeans she wore tightened around the big globes. He liked that she was curvy and that her body was made to take a man like Kink, but then he felt like a prick for wanting to do the things that he did, and for having the images of her naked and spread out before him crashing through his mind. He wasn’t easy during sex, liked it rough and hard, and of course threw a little kink in there, but he knew she wouldn’t be down for all that. Given what her life was probably like, and the kind of fucking he liked, he would scare the hell out of her. But she needed to be scared, because he was far from a good man, and a woman like Cookie needed a good man in her life. Hell, what the fuck did he know about what women wanted? All he knew was the ones he kept company with liked to get a big, stiff cock pounded into them.

  “Come on, baby, how about you take me back to your room like last time?”
The woman grinding on him spoke against his ear.

  He pulled back and looked at her face. How sad was it he didn’t even remember having her in his bed? The way she was moving over him, trying to entice him and get him hard, should have had his dick standing at attention. But he was barely semi-hard as it was, and he didn’t know if it was because of all the shit that was going on with Sarah and Callie, or the fact he really wanted Cookie in his bed. He glanced at her again, saw that she was talking to Pierce, and felt this totally misplaced feeling move inside of him.

  Jealousy. He felt jealous that Pierce was talking to her, and the way he was leaning over the bar and rubbing the pads of his fingers on the bar top and close to her hands told Kink the prospect was trying to get her to give it up. And then Cookie smiled at something Pierce said, and even from the distance and with the piss poor lighting he could see that Cookie’s cheeks turned pink.

  That pissed him off even further, and his jealousy roared up like some kind of feral animal. Kink pushed the stripper off of him and moved toward the bar. Cookie looked up at him and took a step back. Her eyes widened, and she glanced at Pierce, and then back at Kink. He knew his expression was probably pretty damn fierce, because he felt like slamming his fist into a man that would most likely be a member of this MC in the very near future.

  Pierce turned and glanced at Kink over his shoulder, and then slowly rose to his full six and a half foot height and faced him. “What’s up, man? You look ready to kick someone’s ass.”

  He was, and that man was Pierce.

  Kink stopped right in front of him, stared the other man right in the damn eyes, and tried to control his breathing. He shouldn’t have been acting like a fool, but he and felt this anger the likes of which he had never felt before, and all because Pierce was hitting on a woman that wasn’t even Kink’s. “Yeah, I am ready to beat someone’s ass.” There couldn’t have been any mistake that Kink was talking about Pierce, and when the other man flared his nostrils Kink knew he had picked up on the fact.

  “What the fuck is the problem?” Pierce said, and the heat from his body came at Kink like a shot to the face.

  “You’re my problem, boy,” Kink gritted out, knowing that the way he was acting was totally unjustifiable and misplaced, but unable to stop himself from acting on his raw emotions. They stared at each other, neither moving nor breathing, but their testosterone bouncing off between them.

  “Hey, what in the fuck is going on here?” Lucien said and stepped up beside Kink. The scent of marijuana filled the small space that surrounded them.

  “Ain’t no fuckin’ problem with me. The VP came up on me like I was pissing on his territory or something,” Pierce said, and then his nostrils flared once more. He turned and glanced at what Kink assumed was Cookie. When he looked back at Kink there was a smirk on his face. “Oh, I see how it is.”

  “Do you now?” Kink said with barely restrained anger.

  Pierce held up his hands. “I didn’t know you called dibs. The barmaid is all yours, brother.”

  Before Kink could say anything in return Pierce moved past him and moved over to where Kink had just been sitting. The stripper took up residence right on Pierce’s lap, and started grinding her shit like she hadn’t just been propositioning him for some deep dicking.

  “Kink, man, come talk with me,” Lucien said.

  Kink turned and looked at the President of the club. Lucien stared at him, inhaled deeply from his joint, and then slowly exhaled. The sweet smelling white cloud floated around them, and finally Kink nodded and scrubbed a hand over his face. He was fucking losing it. The stubble on his cheeks scraped along his palm, and the humiliation of what he had almost done filled him. He turned and stared at Cookie. She watched him with her eyes wide. The color was this startling blue that stood out against her pale skin and the light smattering of freckles along her cheeks and the bridge of her nose.

  “Fucking hell,” he gritted out.

  She flinched after he spoke, and he felt like a motherfucker. He turned and stormed away, but sensed Lucien close behind. Instead of heading to his room that he had in the back, he turned and made his way toward the back hallway where a spare office was. Kink pushed the door open and turned to see Lucien step in behind him and shut the door.

  “What the fuck was that back there, Kink?” Lucien said and leaned against the door. He crossed his big arms over his chest, and his leather cut stretched wide over his muscles.

  “Shit.” Kink shook his head and gritted his teeth. “I don’t know.” That was a lie, and when he lifted his gaze to Lucien he saw the expression on his President’s face he knew that Lucien wasn’t buying that bullshit line.

  “How about you be straight with me, and don’t tell me it is all because of Sarah and her crazy ass.”

  Kink shook his head. “It is mainly about Sarah and her bitch ass, but it’s also about…” He stared at the door over Lucien’s shoulder, and then shook his head again. “I don’t know, man. I shouldn’t have acted that way with Pierce, but I snapped. I have a lot of fucking brutal anger inside of me right now. I didn’t want him hitting on Cookie when it is clear she isn’t like the pussy that hangs at the clubhouse. In fact,” he scrubbed his hand over his hair, “she shouldn’t even be working here, Lucien.”

  His President didn’t speak for a moment, but finally he exhaled and moved over to one of the busted ass chairs pushed against the wall. He gestured for Kink to take the other, and when they sat across from each other Kink leaned back. The chair squeaked from his weight, and the dust wafted from the old material and filled the room.

  “I already talked to her about it, and she knew what happened in here even before she started.” Lucien leaned back in his chair, too. “She is a tough girl.” He grinned. “She’s a tough Cookie, man, and insisted on being here. She needs to get her mind off shit, and who in the fuck am I to tell her otherwise?” Lucien stared at him with his eerie as hell grayish eyes, and Kink nodded.

  “Yeah, I know, and I get that, but I still don’t think having her see all this crap after what she has been through is such a great idea.”

  Lucien shrugged again. “Her call, and I’m okay with it. Besides, you didn’t have a fucking problem when we voted that she was cool to be here.”

  He shook his head and stared at the ceiling. “Yeah, you’re right. Let’s move on.” He didn’t want to talk about Cookie anymore, and he sure as hell had no business caring what she did or didn’t do. She was a grown ass woman and clearly knew what she wanted.

  “So you don’t want Cookie?”

  He stared at Lucien, not knowing how to answer, because he sure as hell didn’t know how to even put what he did feel into words. “I don’t know what I want anymore, Lucien, but what I do know is that getting involved with a woman in a way that doesn’t consist of me sticking my dick inside of her for more than a few hours is not what I need right now.” He stared at Lucien, knowing his words were coarse and unjust, but he wasn’t about to mince what he said. Lucien looked at him with this flat expression on his face.

  “And a woman like Cookie sure as fuck doesn’t need a man like me in her life.”

  Lucien was silent for a moment and then nodded. “I’ll agree with you there. I think she’s been through a lot of bad stuff, although I am not about to ask her if she wants to talk about it. I’m no therapist, and the last person a woman should be unloading her problems on.” Lucien shifted on the chair. “Change of subject, brother.”

  Kink breathed out. “Yeah, I’d say that’s a good fucking idea.”

  “But I don’t think you’ll like talking about Sarah either.”

  Kink shrugged “What the fuck does it matter? Aside from giving me Callie, she’s ruined my life this far.”

  Lucien chuckled, but he knew it wasn’t a jab at Kink’s life. “You talk to that attorney I told you about?” Lucien asked.

  “Yeah. The dude knows his custody laws.”

  Lucien grunted and nodded. “Yeah. Got his name from Molly a

  That surprised Kink. “Yeah? Well, I’ll have to thank her, because the lawyer told me Sarah doesn’t have shit to stand on when it comes to trying to take Callie out of state.”

  “That’s good. That’s really fucking good actually.”

  Now it was Kink’s turn to grunt. “Well, just because she isn’t legally allowed to take my kid like that, doesn’t mean she isn’t a crazy bitch and won’t try and leave anyway.”

  “You know the club has your back, and there isn’t anyone that is going to take away what’s yours,” Lucien said with this hard bite in his voice. He stood, and Kink did the same.

  “Thanks, brother.” They clapped each other on the back, and Kink saw this serious look come over Lucien’s face.

  “You’re my VP, and I have your back, but get it together, man. I need you level headed to keep this club running smoothly. I know you have a lot on your plate, and if you need time away to get it sorted just say the word.”

  Kink shook his head before Lucien finished. “I don’t need time away. What I need is to get my daughter from that bitch, and everything will be good.”


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