Kink's Way

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Kink's Way Page 8

by Jenika Snow

  “Then be inside of me.” She panted, held onto the sheets, and silently begged him to just take her already. She swore the air cracked and popped with the energy that came from him. He moved up her body, grabbed her hair in a tight, unforgiving hold, and kissed her hard. She tasted herself on his lips and tongue, and groaned against him. She could feel his length against her, and felt the tip of his dick press against her opening. Even though she was soaked for him, she felt the wetness of his pre-cum from his cock on her inner thigh. He pumped against her, over and over again, but never hard enough to penetrate her. She should tell him to get a condom, that although she was clean, she still wanted to be safe. Besides, it seemed like the right thing to do, the smart thing. But she couldn’t form the words, and grew lost and heated from his kiss.

  “Bailey.” He groaned her name, and held her tighter. “I just want to slip inside of you, feel your hot wetness envelop me.” He moved his mouth over her cheek, along her jaw, and sucked at the shell of her ear. “Will you let me, baby? Just let me be with you without anything between us?” He panted against her ear, and she swore lights danced in front of her vision. “I’m clean, baby, and always used protection.” He pumped harder and faster against her pussy, but still didn’t penetrate her. “I’ll be careful, Bailey, pull out even, but I fucking need to be with you this way.”

  The smart part of her said this was a bad idea, that she should tell him to get a condom because that was the safe and smart thing to do, regardless of what he said. But God, she wanted this, too. She had an implant that prevented her from getting pregnant thanks to Morris, but she knew nothing of Kink’s past, or how safe he had really been. He pulled back, and looking into his face showed her a truth and vulnerability, a need and a desperation, that she had never seen before.

  “It’s up to you, but you see what you do to me?” He kissed her ear, and took hold of her hand without moving away from her neck. He placed it between their bodies … right on his dick. He was slick with her need and his pre-cum, and then she found herself nodding and begging him to put it in.

  “I’ve always been safe, Cookie, always protected myself,” he said again, seeming to murmur to himself.

  “I want this. I trust you.” And she did. God, did she ever. Maybe it was foolish, but she felt that trust deep in her bones.

  He grunted, and while using his hand to force her to curl her fingers around this thick, huge length, he thrust forward. She felt where their bodies were connected, and a wave of arousal filled her.

  “I’m so fucking hard for you, that if I’m not careful I’ll come before I even get you off again.” And then he thrust all of his length into her until his balls slapped her ass, and she was forced to bit her lip hard enough she felt the flesh open up. Blood filled her mouth, but she didn’t care. In fact, she wanted more, a hell of a lot more.

  Chapter Nine

  Motherfucker. Kink closed his eyes and gritted his teeth. Cookie was so damn tight, hot, and wet for him. It was nearing painful just being inside of her, especially when she kept clenching and unclenching around his cock. It was taking a hell of a lot for him not to start thrusting into her like some kind of frantic, crazed beast. She clenched around him again and again, and he curled his hand in her hair even tighter. He had his other hand on her hip, keeping her right where he wanted her. This was his woman, whether she knew it or not, and whether he had verbally claimed her as his.

  She. Was. His.

  This wasn’t even the best time to want an old lady, and he sure as hell didn’t need one with all the shit happening right now, but he couldn’t help himself. He had seen her when she first entered the club doors, trailing behind Lucien and looking scared shitless. He had wanted to protect her, but he had pushed those feelings away, telling himself that he didn’t want a woman, and she didn’t need a man like him in her life.

  Well, it looked like his hard-won control was slipping when it concerned this woman. He was taking her for himself.

  Trying to deny himself was pointless, because being inside of her felt like the most perfect fucking thing in the world. He pulled out slowly, just enough so that the head of his dick was lodged inside, and then thrust back in. Each pump and retreat was making it harder for him to keep this easy pace, not that he wanted to go slow. Her soft pleas for more, for him to claim her harder and faster, chipped away at his resistance.

  “Please, Kink, more. God, I want more.” She had her hands on his biceps now and curled her nails into his flesh. He started thrusting faster into her, feeling his flesh become slicked with sweat, and loving every fucking minute of it. He had never felt this way with a woman, never had this deep rooted need to mark her, claim her, and make it known she was his. It had always been about getting off, using the club girls because that was what they wanted, too, and because they wanted to get it on with a member.

  “It is so fucking good.” He looked at her face, feeling the need to just close his eyes and get lost in the feeling, but he couldn’t. He wanted to watch the ecstasy cover her face when she came, and that would be real damn soon. “I could watch you all fucking night while I was buried balls deep inside of you. I could look at your face all day long and never get enough.” The look of euphoria on her face, of her reddened cheeks and parted mouth, was like a visual orgasm all in itself.

  “I’m so close again,” she said breathlessly, like she couldn’t get any air into her lungs.

  Yeah, he knew she was, could feel her tight little pussy muscles clenching around his dick. He thrust into her hard enough that he heard their slicked skin slapping together. He fucking loved hearing that sound, and loved feeling his body connect with hers right before he pulled out of her and repeated the action all over again.

  “Oh. God. I’m going to come again.” She cried out, tilted her head back, and bit her lip.

  Before she exploded around his cock he pulled out, grabbed the base of his cock, and started stroking himself while he stared at her spread pussy. He jerked himself off, looking at the tiny hole he had just been buried inside of, and trailed his gaze up her cleft, and stopped at her clit. “Touch yourself for me. Rub that little clit.” He knew she’d be sensitive after coming, but he wanted this, and wanted to see her touching that pink, wet pussy of hers.

  She moved her hand down her belly, and although she looked tired she did as he asked. His balls ached that she obeyed him so readily. This low sound left his throat. He watched as she circled the little nub, moved her finger back and forth over it, and made a small noise every time she did it. “You’re mine, baby.”

  She didn’t stop touching herself, and he loved watching her do this for him.

  “I want you, Cookie, and I know you want me, too.” He looked at her face, right into her eyes, and willed her to see what he was saying. “I want you as more than a piece of ass.”

  She licked her lips and nodded slowly. “I don’t want this one night either, Kink, but anything more scares me.”

  Yeah, he could relate, but life right now was royally screwed up, and despite bringing her close to him, which was the wrong damn move, he wanted her by his side.

  “Do you understand what that means?” He knew she did, but this had to be her decision.

  She didn’t answer right away, but then slowly nodded. “I think so.” She never stopped rubbing herself, and he never stopped jerking off.

  “It means you’re mine, no one else’s, Cookie, and that I claim you as my old lady.”

  “God.” She gasped out and started rubbing herself faster.

  “Say you’re mine,” he said almost demonically.

  Sweat beaded along her forehead. “I want that, Kink, but I also want my own life. I want to experience things, not be stuck in one place, and being with a man scares me.”

  He could also understand that, especially with what she had gone through. “I still want you, and would never hold you back from anything.”

  She blinked slowly, her breath came out faster, and he knew she was about to come.

  “Say you’re mine, and we can take this one day at a time.”

  It took her a few seconds, but finally she whispered, “I’m yours, Kink.” She tilted her head back and arched her neck.

  He stroked himself faster, harder, and felt his balls swing from the force of his actions. His orgasm raced up his spine, down the length of his cock, and shot forward with so much force he had to brace a hand on the bed beside her head to keep stable. He came long and hard, and he watched in this haze of dirty pleasure as he covered the top of her mound with cum. His seed covered her trimmed, red hair on her pussy, her lower belly, which was curved just slightly, and her belly button. Just when he thought he was done coming, a wave of pleasure came forth again as he stared at her big, full breasts with the light pink nipples. When he finally collapsed beside her, he forced himself to keep his eyes open, and stared at her. She was still on her back, his seed covering her and making him feel this primal desire to rub it in. It was like she was his now, in the most basic of ways, but his nonetheless.

  He rolled over onto his side, smoothed his finger between her breasts, and loved how the corners of her mouth lifted in a sleepy smile.

  “That was … intense.” She turned her head and cracked her eyes open. “But so totally worth pushing my insecurities and fears away.” She rolled onto her side, and now was the one to smooth a finger between his eyes.

  For a moment Kink was speechless and couldn’t even move. He had never had a woman look at him the way she was, or touch him so gently like he was something more than a dick to ride on. It sounded so coarse even thinking about it, but that was the truth.

  “Is it weird that I wish we could stay like this forever?” She chuckled, and went to shift away, but he wasn’t about to have any of that. He wasn’t about to let her get away, not when he was feeling pretty damn strong for her. He wrapped his arm around her waist, and pulled her closer so that she was half on him.

  “It’s not weird, baby.” He leaned down and kissed her on the top of the head. “I’m not used to this either, and I’m sure there were be a hell of a lot of bumps along the way especially with this massive fuck-up happening to the club right now, but I’m not about to leave you behind.”

  She smoothed her hand along his chest, and he felt the light puffs of her breath move along his chest. “I should head back to my bed, well, my pallet.” She chuckled softly, and went to move away from him, but he stopped her. What he loved was that she didn’t even care that she was still covered in his cum. It was almost like she liked having it on her, and maybe that was fucked-up to some, but to him it was some pretty deep shit.

  He pulled her closer, stopping her from moving away from him. “No, baby, stay here with me tonight.” He was getting hard again, and all it took was the smell of her floral scented hair.

  “People will start talking,” she said in a sleepy tone, but relaxed against him.

  “I don’t care if people talk, but I can guarantee they won’t.” If anyone thought to open their mouth about them being together, or give him shit about anything, he’d beat their ass. They stayed silent for a moment, and he allowed himself to not think about all the crap going on in his life, and just enjoy holding her.

  “Are you scared?” she asked softly several minutes later.

  He didn’t know if she meant because of everything going on with the club, or because of being with her, but he wasn’t going to lie. “Yeah, baby, I am, but I’m not the type of man that backs down either.” He answered truthfully, and meant it because being with her both exhilarated and scared the hell out of him.


  “Can you speak English?” Kink asked, leaned back in his seat, and crossed his hands behind his head. He stared at the lawyer that was working on his custody battle with Sarah, and waited for the spindly little man to finish speaking. He looked like the stereotypical attorney: thin, wearing a designer suit, hair perfectly styled, and thin-rimmed glasses perched on his beak-like nose. But Kink didn’t care what the man looked like as long as he made it so that bitch didn’t take his kid.

  “Well, since Callie will be eighteen in about a month, even if she did try to take her, the minor could leave of her own free will anyway—”

  “I don’t fucking care when she turns eighteen, or if she is only in California for a month. Sarah isn’t going to take her to another state, that much I’ll fucking make sure of.”

  The lawyer shook his head. “Mr. Roberts, your ex…” Sheldon, the attorney, looked down at his paperwork, like he was searching for the right term to call Sarah.

  Manipulative bitch. Sadistic asshole. Unsympathetic wench.

  Those were all names Kink had called Sarah to himself, or to his brothers, and although it probably wasn’t the right thing to do, calling his daughter’s mother those names, the truth was she was all those things and more. She used Callie against him, had her entire life, and those couple of weeks that he tried a relationship with her after he found out she was pregnant had been pure hell. It had been because of Sarah that he had stayed away from a relationship and claiming a woman as an old lady … until now that was. He hadn’t talked to anyone aside from Cookie about wanting her as an old lady, and although he knew the other members would back him up, he also knew now was not the time to get into it with them. They had to talk to the hacker in a few, so he needed this problem with Sarah solved and behind him. He only had the weekend with Callie, per the custody agreement, but because of the lockdown he wasn’t going to send Callie back. That would probably cause a whole new shit storm with Sarah.

  “Just calling her my ex is sufficient.” Kink lowered his arm back on the table and drummed his fingers on the table as he stared at Sheldon.

  “You’re ex doesn’t have any legal right to take your daughter out of the state without speaking to a judge, and having you in agreement. Since you are in the picture, to put it in laymen’s terms, she would have to go through a lengthy processing situation, in which her attorney would need to bring this up with the judge.”

  “She said she is having her lawyer look through it, but I don’t know if she really is, or is just hopeful I’ll back down. I know she can’t afford to go through a big court hearing, so it’s probably bullshit.”

  Sheldon nodded and started organizing the papers. “Well, I can start filing for a hearing right away, whereas we can bring the threats she has been telling you to the judge’s attention, and the fact she is planning to flee to California without notifying anyone legally.”

  “You think that we can get this done quickly?” Kink asked and leaned forward to rest his arms on the table.

  “Honestly?” Sheldon didn’t wait for Kink to respond. “Things like this can take months, but I’m going to expedite it because of the situation with her trying to take the minor out of the state. All we can hope is that it gets pushed through quickly.” He grabbed his briefcase, stood, and held his hand out to Kink.

  Kink looked at the offered hand, exhaled, and grabbed it. He shook it, exerted pressure, and stared into the man’s eyes. Sheldon winced but plastered on a smile and took his hand back. Kink stood, cracked his knuckles, and rolled his head on his neck.

  “I’ll let you know as soon as I hear anything.” Sheldon went to move past him, but Kink reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder. Sheldon was tense, but glanced over at him and smiled. He looked nervous as hell.

  “Thanks for helping me out with this,” Kink said, and let go of his shoulder. “I know this is a lot of shit, and I’m pressuring you to get this done quickly, but that’s my little girl in the other room.”

  “I understand, Mr. Roberts. I have a daughter, and if I was in your situation I’d be taking the same actions as you.” Sheldon nodded, and Kink took a step back so the man could leave. For a few minutes he stayed in the meeting room, leaning against the table, and staring out the window into the main room. Lockdown had only been enforced for the last twelve hours, and he didn’t know how long it would stay intact. They still had to find out w
here the cult was, take them down, and only then they would feel safe in letting their loved ones leave the safety of the club. He didn’t even know how he was going to work this out with Sarah, because he was sure there would be serious problems. She may know about the whole lockdown routine from hanging around MCs—hell, she had even been unofficial club pussy, sleeping with several club members at one point in time—but she was still a selfish bitch.

  He saw Callie sitting on the couch with a book in her hand. God, she had grown up so damn fast. She had already graduated high school a few months ago, and he wasn’t ashamed to say he had gotten choked up seeing his little girl walking across the stage. The whole club had shown up to show their support. She was as much their family as she was his. He smiled as she read up on some college information he had all but forced her to get. She might not know what she wanted to do, or even if she wanted to go to college, but he at least wanted her to look at the information. He was pleased she wasn’t giving him a hard time about it, too. He watched Lucien walk up to the couch, and something in the back of his mind stood up and took notice. Lucien sat in the seat across from Callie, and although neither spoke to each other, he noticed Callie glance up at Lucien with just her eyes. She shifted on the couch, and then Lucien leaned forward and braced his elbows on his thighs. Whatever he was saying to Callie had her cheeks turning red, had her nodding, and finally had her getting off the couch and leaving the main room. Lucien leaned back, scrubbed a hand over his face, and Kink saw the way the President of the club tightened his hands on his thighs.

  Kink stood, about to go see what that was all about, but when he left the meeting room and headed toward Lucien, their hacker stepped through the front doors. All of the members moved forward, and everyone else was ushered into their rooms. Malcolm looked like he hadn’t slept all night, judging by the dark circles under his eyes and the mussed clothing he wore. Kink glanced around the room and made sure everyone was gone. Cookie had still been sleeping when he got up, but it was early, and he had kept her up pretty late last night. That thought had him grinning and had his dick stiffening despite the fact they were about to get into club business. He put her out of his mind and focused on what was at hand right now. Stepping beside Lucien, he glanced at the other man. Lucien stared at him, and this strange expression crossed his face.


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