Montana Guardian: A Guardian Security Novella (The Kings of Guardian)

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Montana Guardian: A Guardian Security Novella (The Kings of Guardian) Page 8

by Kris Michaels

  "I'd like to believe that, Van." Cassie felt the tears falling and did nothing to hide them.

  "I know." His hand reached out slowly. She closed her eyes and tried not to flinch. His fingertips pushed her hair away from her face. "I'll spend a lifetime proving it to you, if that is what it takes."

  Van patted the saddle blankets next to him. "Take Samuel and rest while you can. Travis is watching over us, and I won't sleep until I know you're safe." Cassie looked longingly at the padded ground. She glanced at Samuel and the blankets. "Here, let me help. You lay down and get comfortable, I'll give him to you when you're ready."

  Van moved away from the blankets giving Cassie the confidence to move toward them. She carefully lowered herself to the ground and accepted Samuel when Van lowered him.

  "I'm here, and you're safe." Van's finger traced Samuel's face before his gaze slid to Cassie. "I promise."

  Chapter 11

  Travis never asked to be relieved, and Van appreciated the gesture. They checked in occasionally, a few quiet words between warriors. Van checked on Cassie's uncle numerous times, making sure the son of a bitch's hands were bound and that he hadn't somehow managed to loosen the rope.

  The sun was starting to crest the last time he left Cassie and Samuel and headed over to check on the uncle. The older man's eyes lifted heavenward at the distant whop of a copter's approach.

  A sneer spread across Van’s face. "Oh, that's not for you. That's for us. You get to go down the mountain on horseback with the local police. I’m sure they will give you something for the pain...eventually."

  The man rolled his eyes toward Van. "She's evil. She sees answers in puzzles that don't exist. She killed her mother. When I tell the authorities, she'll be behind bars. Not me."

  "The assault I witnessed, the marks and bruises all over her body, those things will put you away for a good long time."

  "I don't know what you think you saw, but I never hit that girl."

  "Right, and the clear impression on her ribs of the boot you’re wearing is just decoration?"

  The older man's eyes narrowed, and he snapped his mouth shut. The helicopter cleared the mountains, and Van smiled. He'd never been so happy to see a shiny black gunship bearing his company's logo. He shook his head. Damn, he wondered how the bosses got approval for a privately-owned UH-60A Black Hawk, although the upgrades he could see were considerable. He yanked on the old man's ropes one more time and headed back across the clearing.

  Cassie was awake, nursing Samuel. She squinted at the helicopter as it neared. Van saw Travis exit the woods and head toward their prisoner. Van grabbed one of the shirts that he'd used as a blanket for Cassie last night and approached her. "Things are going to get windy and noisy. Let me drape this over you?" He held up the shirt, having to yell the last portion of his request.

  She nodded and curved over their son in a protective pose. He draped the shirt over them and quickly and efficiently tucked it under her legs. He could feel her flinch at his touch and damned the man across the clearing again.

  He could hear Samuel crying as the helicopter set down close to the face of the mountain, but far enough out into the large meadow to allow the blades to rotate without issue. The pilots remained with the aircraft, but five others spilled out.

  He watched as they crouched and ran toward where he stood. He recognized Isiah Reichs and Sampson Waters. The badge and uniform of the third man explained his presence. Van turned his attention to the other two. One carried a black bag and wore an eye patch and the other, well, the other looked like a walking mountain.

  "Wheeler?" The man with the bag stuck out his hand. "Doctor Adam Cassidy. I understand Ms. Valentine is in need of some attention?"

  Van nodded and shook the man's hand. He glanced back over his shoulder but held the doctor before he could head her direction. "Doc, she's been physically abused for a long time. She might not let you look at her."

  The doctor's face steeled, and he nodded. "Unfortunately, I've dealt with these types of cases before. Let me see if I can get her to let me take a look." He shouldered past Van and headed to where Cassie sat with his shirt draped around her shoulders.

  Van turned his attention to the man in front of him.

  "I'm Jason King." The massive man extended his hand toward Van. Oh shit. The boss. The top of the heap. He had at least three levels of command between him and the man standing in front of him.

  "Sir." Van shook his hand.

  "I need a SitRep. Imagine my surprise when I'm talking with my people and hear an emergency broadcast from a team I didn't know was deployed to Montana." The big guy crossed his arms over his chest and looked down at Van.

  "Sir, I was directed here. Orders from Starling and Jewell King." Van couldn't keep his gaze from wandering to where the doctor sat talking to Cassie.

  "My sister sent you out here? Why?" The gravelly voice refocused Van's attention on Jason King.

  "To find Cassie, give her a message, and bring her out." Van gestured toward where Doctor Cassidy was holding his son. Thankfully, it seemed Cassie was cooperating.

  "You have a previous acquaintance with Ms. Valentine if my memory serves correctly."

  Van dipped his head in acknowledgment. Jason King took off his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose for a few moments. "The child is...?"

  Van turned and faced the CEO of Guardian International. "He's my son. I didn't know she was pregnant. She came back to take care of her mom." Van wasn't willing to tell any more of Cassie's story without her permission.

  "And I take it my sister had some type of knowledge of this situation?"

  Van nodded as his gaze swung to the far side of the pasture. Cassie's uncle was up on his feet, handcuffed and sandwiched between Sampson and the local sheriff they’d coptered in. Reichs and Travis were talking as they followed.

  "Mr. King, I'll be taking this one down with me. Sampson will ride shotgun. I appreciate the ride up." The sheriff turned to Van. "We'll need to talk to Ms. Valentine when she's able. Guardian has requested we hold her uncle until they determine jurisdiction." The sheriff shook his head. "Not sure why there are any jurisdiction issues, but we'll hold him until we get clarification." He motioned towards Sampson who fell into step heading toward the horses.

  Isiah Reichs stood next to Jason King and crossed his arms over his chest. The two could have been molded out of the same clay. Van glanced over his shoulder again. "Sir? Do you mind?"

  Jason nodded his approval, and Van double-timed it back to where Cassie cowered watching the doctor examine Samuel.

  "Oh, he is a happy baby, isn't he?" Doctor Cassidy put his stethoscope away as he spoke. "He'll need to have his inoculations, and I'd love to get measurements so we can monitor his growth, but overall, he looks healthy, if a little underweight."

  "I tried." Cassie's voice rang with fear as she offered her apology. Damn it, Van wouldn't let her be traumatized any further. He slowed his approach as he drew closer.

  "I'm sure you did, but when momma doesn't get proper nutrition, the baby doesn't either. You did nothing wrong. Now, can I take a look at that arm?"

  Cassie cradled her injured arm against her stomach and shook. She radiated fear. Van crouched down near her, not close enough to scare her. "Doc, would you happen to know of any women in the local area who could do the examination?"

  Cassie's eyes swung up to him, her thanks clearly written in her expression.

  "As a matter of fact, I do. I was told we were going to be heading straight back to the complex in South Dakota. We have a female doctor on staff. Her name is Ember, and she a a fantastic physician."

  Van took the baby from the doctor and sat down beside Cassie. He lowered his voice. "Maybe just let him look at your arm? The helicopter ride will be jarring. I'll be right here. I've got Samuel, and I promise, nobody will hurt either of you."

  Cassie glanced at him from under her eyelashes and then looked at the doctor. It took several long moments before she nodded in agreement
. Van paced near where the doctor examined her, lightly bouncing Samuel as he moved. Cassie's eyes tracked them. He smiled and winked at her. Her eyes widened, her face flushed red, and she lowered her eyes shyly. Van turned and hid a smile. That expression was the gold he'd been digging for. There was hope.

  Chapter 12

  Cassie sat on the long wrap around porch of the bed and breakfast in Buckskin Junction. Four months had gone by since Van had rescued her and Samuel from certain death—four months of living a dream. Van had never once left her side. He'd taken a leave of absence from Guardian, and they'd grown closer. Cassie had held herself back. She had needed to close the nightmare chapters of her past before she could allow herself to move forward with Van.

  She rocked on the porch and watched through hanging baskets of pink flowers as he walked from the diner back toward the bed and breakfast. They were waiting to hear the verdict of the trial. Both her father and uncle had been arrested. Her uncle for attempted murder, felonious assault, and kidnapping. Her father as an accomplice to all of her uncle's crimes. They couldn't prove her uncle had anything to do with her mother's death, but there was no statute of limitations on murder. She'd testified for two days and endured the public defender's attempts to paint her as the villain.

  To say it had been an ordeal would have been an understatement. She left the courthouse this afternoon feeling like an exposed nerve. Everything hurt. Physically, she'd been ill both before and after testifying. Mentally, she’d been pushed to her emotional breaking point as both the defense and the prosecutor made her recount the events of the year she was held by her family. The pictures taken of her injuries after Van rescued her were shown in vivid detail. She'd lived through the shame of her decisions over and over. She'd cried until she couldn't, but she never once asked for a break. She never once told a lie and she never once stopped counting on Van for support.

  His testimony was the last of the trial. The prosecution said his credentials and the reputation of his agency were the golden nails in her family's coffin. She agreed. Van was clear, professional and wielded his agency's authority like a weapon. When he was dismissed from the witness stand, he walked straight to her, extended his hand and they left the courtroom.

  She smiled at the small Styrofoam container he held up and waggled. He'd been extolling the virtues of the banana cream pie since they turned west out of Butte. He dropped into the rocking chair next to her and held out a plastic fork before he popped the top and groaned. "Oh, yes."

  Cassie dipped the fork through the creamy filling. It was as good as he'd said. She leaned back in the chair and closed her eyes, enjoying the quiet with Van. Samuel was safe with Jewell and her new husband. Her friend had flown out to see her within days of her being brought down from the mountain. Jewell had been a steadfast and semi-permanent fixture in their lives since then.

  Van cleared his throat and took a deep breath. "I got a call from the District Attorney’s office while I was at the diner. The jury lost no time in returning a verdict.” She stopped rocking and gave him her undivided attention. “Your uncle was found guilty of first-degree attempted murder, aggravated assault and aggravated kidnapping. He’ll spend the rest of his life in the Montana State Prison. Your father was found guilty of accessory to first-degree attempted murder, and aggravated kidnapping and sentenced to fifty-years in the state prison. He’ll be a very old man before he gets out.” His eyes held hers until she looked away, closed her eyes and rested her head on the back of the rocker.

  Silence settled around them and she was shocked to realize she felt very little emotion at hearing the fate of her uncle and father. They no longer had any power to hurt her.

  “Hey…are you going to be okay?" Van's soft baritone caressed her senses.

  She smiled faintly and opened her eyes, rolling her head toward him. "As much as I want to say I hated having to relive those days, it...I don't know…it was like telling the judge and jury what happened released the power my uncle and my father had over me. Does that make sense?"

  Van nodded and licked the fork he was holding. "It was cathartic."

  Cassie glanced at him, and he shrugged. "That means cleansing. You were able to wring it out of your system."

  "Cathartic." Cassie nodded her head. Yeah, that was a word she would remember. She reached out and intertwined her fingers with his. Van glanced over and smiled. He'd never pushed her for more. He accepted what she could give when she could give it, and he was the best daddy to Samuel. Cassie kept waiting for the bough to break, but he proved to her day in and day out that he adored his son. He also proved he loved her in countless little ways, like the flowers or small treats and trinkets he'd bring back with him after periodic meetings he still had with Guardian. He'd pitch in doing laundry, cooking or dishes. Laughter and happiness replaced the fear and loneliness in which she used to exist. Van never raised his voice or snapped when she'd ask questions. His eyes held his love for her, and she witnessed it every time she looked at him.

  She tugged on his hand bringing his eyes back to her. "I love you."

  He smiled and leaned over for a kiss. "I love you, too." He let her initiate the kiss, let her determine when to pull away. It was always like that with him. He never assumed. He always let her lead at her pace.

  Cassie stood still holding his hand. "I think it's time."

  Van looked at his watch, a scowl pushed his brows together. "For what?"

  "For you to make love to me." She studied his reaction of shock and then concern.

  "You don't have to do this. We have all the time in the world." He still held her hand and gazed into her eyes.

  "I know, but I want to." Cassie tugged lightly on his hand. He stood and followed her up to her bedroom. He'd booked a separate one for himself. Always the gentleman.

  He closed the door behind him but didn't come toward her. "Cassie, I wasn't expecting this. I don't have any birth control with me."

  "But I do." She went to the bed and pulled down the covers before she turned and started to unbutton her shirt. "I'm on the pill. I have been since my exam after..."

  Van watched her as she disrobed. He held at the door, yet she could see the desire in his eyes when he looked at her. Cassie dropped the last of her clothes and walked forward, unbuttoning his shirt and pulling the tail out of his jeans. She pushed his shirt over his shoulders and kissed a crescent-shaped scar she found there. He shrugged the shirt off and continued to watch her as if he were enthralled. She undid his belt buckle, unhooked his button and lowered his zipper. Slowly she pushed his jeans and boxers down his hips, over his ass and freed his erection. She took his cock in her hand, and that seemed to break the spell. Van slowly slipped his arms around her and brought her to his chest.

  "You have to promise me you'll tell me if I do anything that scares you." He lowered and kissed her, taking the lead for the first time since he'd rescued her.

  Cassie breathed a sigh of relief. This was how she longed for things to be. She trusted Van. She always had, but the abuse had clouded that trust. Not his fault, or hers, yet it was an issue she’d had to work through. Van suddenly chuckled against her lips. She pulled away and blinked up at him in surprise.

  "You've got me hobbled." He shot his eyes to his feet. His jeans pooled around his cowboy boots. Cassie started giggling and then laughed. She backed up and sat on the bed while he did a dance getting his boots off without falling on his face. He stepped out of his jeans and flicked off his socks before coming for her. The smile on her face broadened as she backed up onto the middle of the bed.

  Van soon hovered over her. His smile was as wide as hers. "You make me happy."

  His words found another dark spot in her heart and illuminated it with warmth and love. She reached up to him and pulled him down on top of her. She wanted to feel his weight. She needed to feel secure and protected and being held in his arms while they made love was the haven she remembered when the nights were hopeless. Cassie lost herself in his kiss.

His hands made slow, torturous paths across her skin. His lips followed, and Cassie let herself drown in the sensation of his skin against hers. He licked, kissed and touched every inch of her skin, driving her to a level of need she hadn't realized she was capable of reaching. He lifted up and centered himself between her legs. He closed his eyes and swallowed before he asked, "Are you sure?"

  She could see what it cost him to stop and ask. The strain of his muscles sent a vibration through him, but he opened his eyes and looked down at her, and she knew, without a shadow of a doubt—she was sure. The love that radiated from him was as real as the touch of his hands. "I'm sure."

  He closed his eyes and slowly, carefully, moved forward breaching her, making them one. She grasped him tightly and held him to her.

  "I love you."

  His words acted as a key that unlocked the explosion building within. Her body clenched tight, and she rocked against his thrusts, taking her own pleasure. He buried his face against her neck and groaned as he thrust through his own release.

  Cassie held him while they both calmed. She relaxed in the glow of their intimacy. Van rolled them to their sides, so they were facing each other. He pushed her hair back out of her face, and she ran her fingers through his beard. He smiled and caught her hand, kissing each finger. He leaned up on his elbow and looked down at her. His finger traced her jawline. "When you're ready, I want to marry you."

  "Is that a proposal?" Cassie searched his eyes as they smiled down at her.

  "No, our love, our family, and our lives aren’t a proposal to me. They are our destiny."

  The End

  For Now

  Also by Kris Michaels

  Titles in the Kings of Guardian Series:

  Jacob, The Kings of Guardian - Book One

  Joseph, The Kings of Guardian - Book Two

  Adam, The Kings of Guardian - Book Three


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