Her Broken Hero Billionaire (Billionaire Bachelor Mountain Cove Book 8)

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Her Broken Hero Billionaire (Billionaire Bachelor Mountain Cove Book 8) Page 16

by Stephanie Fowers

  Hannah beamed with pride, wiping the sweat from her forehead. It was a hot August day. They stared up at the sheer Green Goblin cliffside at Horseshoe Canyon ranch, waiting for the HeatWave to be finished. It had been four days of climbing sandstone, meeting top-notch professionals in the industry, and courting media attention for Jett’s new prosthetics. Jett Eastwood was the name on everyone’s lips.

  “I’m just happy that something good came out of everything that’s happened,” Hannah said.

  “Yes, yes.” Lily’s face sobered. “I wish you’d said something before. Julie can’t stop talking about how she wished she could corner that horrible man next to a big vat of hot fudge!”

  Hannah shuddered at the thought of the sweetest ladies in the world crossing paths with Ryan. He was in Eureka Springs Jail, awaiting trial for attempted murder and aggravated kidnapping. Jett had hired his best lawyers and investigators, and so far her father’s autopsy report had come clean. All of Ryan’s allegations against her had no evidence whatsoever. Ryan had lied about everything, and he was going to get what was coming to him.

  She pressed her aunt’s wrinkled hand. “I’m sorry, Lily, that I didn’t tell you. I didn’t know what to do.” Ryan had gotten into her head, but somehow she’d still been able to gather up the broken pieces of herself and heal. No, she wasn’t the same woman she was before, but that was okay. She was someone stronger, better.

  The jeweled butterfly against her neck glinted under the bright Arkansas sun. She might’ve helped Jett learn how to climb again, but he’d shown her how to find her courage. After Ryan, she’d never thought she could trust a man enough to open her heart until Jett used his strength to build her up. What they had together was special.

  They belonged with each other and to each other—their strengths, their failures, and their successes. She already joined his team of physicians and researchers to push his new prosthetics into the market. Prototypes were expensive, but they were beginning to implement 3D printing to make it more affordable. Of course, the proceeds from Jett’s everyday climbing equipment would supplement the price for those who couldn’t afford it. They’d already been nominated for a Schartz Technology award.

  “Here they are!” Someone in the crowd pointed up at the wall as they watched the figures descend. Jett was with the first group, laughing and joking. Hannah clasped her hands, holding them to her mouth. All she wanted was for him to enjoy this moment. This particular leg attachment sprang against the wall as he easily made his way down with the others.

  He reached the bottom, his body glistening with sweat, the muscles of his good leg flexing. Harry’s family was there—Ellie with her sweet baby and Lacy and Charlie.

  Jett leaned over Charlie and ruffled his hair. He pulled out a rock from his pack. “Hey, Charlie.” Jett leaned down, meeting the boy’s bright eyes. “Your dad wanted me to give you this rock. It’s called the heart of the mountain.”

  Charlie took it in his small grip and studied it. A grin lit up his face. “I remember. Dad said he would bring me a rock!”

  Ellie’s eyes glistened, and she smoothed down her son’s hair. “Daddy’s always going to be with us in our hearts, honey. He loved you very, very much.”

  Jett stood. “I do too, buddy.” He lightly chucked Charlie’s chin, and the boy surprised them all by running forward, tightly hugging Jett’s legs, and catching the prosthetic in there too.

  Hannah sniffed, her heart swelling with joy. Two months. Had it only been two months that had brought such a change in them all? Jett’s eyes sought Hannah through the milling group, and he squeezed the boy and left him to get to Hannah, turning his ball cap backwards. He was ready for his kiss. She ran to him, and Jett gave a grunt when she jumped into his arms, ignoring that he was her big sweaty monster, to give him the love he deserved.

  He clutched her back, bringing his nose close to hers. “I climb better than I did before,” he said. “You did that.”

  She shook her head, but she knew he’d insist it was true almost as much as she credited him for helping her feel so free. She threw her hands up and shouted out in victory. “We did it!”

  Everyone joined in the fun. All of their closest friends had come to cheer: Aunt Lily, Julie Ward, Rosabel and her fiancée Duncan, Sheriff Price … and Aaron. He stepped through the crowd, taking turns clapping his friend’s back and his hands. “Well done, Jett. I guess she won the bet. Does that mean you’ll actually pay her?”

  “Oh yeah, the bet.” Jett met Hannah’s eyes, setting her back on her feet. “How do you want me to pay you?”

  She kissed him, feeling his rough cheek against her skin. He steadied her and took his time kissing her in return. Thrills of happiness jolted through her every time he held her like this. Wow! She adored this man.

  “Yeah, you can go ahead and save your kisses for Hannah,” Aaron interrupted. “You already know how you’re paying me back.”

  Jett rolled his eyes at his friend, though he still didn’t let her go. “I forgot to ask you, Hannah. Will you come with me to Aaron’s barefoot ball in a few weeks?”

  She felt a rush of excitement at discovering this new side of Jett. “A ball? Yes! I can hardly wait to dance with you.”

  He laughed. “Well, there’s no reason to wait.” He glowed with sweat, the ends of his hair glistening against his neck in all his bronze man glory. “We can dance now.” He twirled her around so that her back landed against his drenched chest.

  She squealed, holding him back with her hand. He was much too sweaty to dance. “Yeah, let’s wait to get you cleaned up,” she said.

  “Aaron!” Veronica called out to him. The woman never dressed down. Her long nails curled around her phone as she tromped through the dirt in high-heeled sandals. She’d somehow secured a job with Aaron, though strangely enough, she fit perfectly among his entourage of misfit friends.

  Aaron straightened to attention. “Veronica’s putting the last details together for the charity.” He stuffed his hands into the pockets of his linen board shorts, looking exhausted but content. “I told you she’d be fast friends with my PR guy. She and Mikey are inseparable, trying to manage my life.”

  Veronica lowered the phone. “Autumn Molinero is designing jewelry for the event. Do you want diamonds or red beryl or benitoite?”

  “I don’t know.” He sounded overwhelmed.

  She let out a deep breath “These men are impossible,” she told the person on the other end of the line. “I’ll sort it out myself.” She flounced away, making more plans.

  “She’s insufferable.” A pleased smile played over Aaron’s lips, contradicting his words. Clearly, he didn’t mind as much as Jett had that she was taking over his life. Part of his laid-back attitude stemmed from laziness.

  Hannah felt Jett’s hand tugging her away from his friend as he led her away from the crowd celebrating each returning climber. “I found something on top of the mountain for you.” He slipped something out of his backpack.

  Somehow it had turned into a tradition to grab mementos from the top of the mountain to give to those waiting below. “What is it?” she asked. “A rock?”

  He grumbled out a laugh. “Yeah, actually, the heart of the mountain … or maybe just my heart.” He pulled out a pink sapphire ring that was the same design of her butterfly necklace. “I considered getting a pomegranate on it.”

  A smile flirted with her lips as he slipped it onto her finger, his eyes questioning. She stared at it, her heart expanding with joy.

  “Marry me, Hannah, and make me the happiest man that ever walked this earth.”

  “Or climbed and danced and did whatever he put his mind to,” she added. She sucked in her breath with a giggle. “Yes, Jett! I’ll take your heart! Your grin, your clever, clever mind! Your perfect broken body. If you’ll have all of me, then yes, I’ll take all of you! I love you!”

  He kissed her then, ending her words for the moment while they got lost in the beauty of their broken souls.

your copy of the next book in the Billionaire Bachelor Mountain Cove Romance Series now by clicking here.

  About the Author

  Stephanie Fowers loves bringing stories to life, and depending on her latest madcap ideas will do it through written word, song, and/ or film. She absolutely adores Bollywood and bonnet movies (BBC). Presently, she lives in Salt Lake where she's living the life of the starving artist. She's an avid hiker and hammocker, and at times, an intrepid dogwalker. For her upcoming new releases, fantastic deals and giveaways, sign up for her newsletter: http://eepurl.com/dL6XR2. Check out her website here http://www.fowersbooks.com/

  Also by Stephanie Fowers

  Hopeless Romantics Collection (Contemporary Romance, RomCom, Romantic Suspense, Clean and Wholesome)

  Jane and Austen (2014)

  Out of the Mouth of Babes (2018)

  In the Pursuit of Eden (2019)

  Robin and Marian (2019)

  Billionaire Bachelor Cove Series

  A Princess and Her Billionaire Scoundrel at Sea (2019)

  Pirates of the Cove (TBA 2019)

  Romantic comedies (LatterDaySaint/ Chick Lit/ Inspirational Christian)

  Rules of Engagement (2005)

  Meet Your Match (2007)

  Prank Wars (2012)

  Twisted Tales Series (Young Adult, Fairy Tale Retellings)

  With a Kiss (book one) (2013)

  At Midnight (book two) (2013)

  As the Sun Sets (book three) (2013)


  8Stories (2016)

  For info on new releases: http://eepurl.com/dL6XR2




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