Mates Since Birth (Half-breed Shifter Series)

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Mates Since Birth (Half-breed Shifter Series) Page 4

by Stowe, Miranda`

  Eyes enlarging, Knox roared, “You. How dare you enter my home?”

  Before anyone could gainsay him, he morphed into his wolf form and leapt, snarling and intent to kill as he dove for Dane’s jugular.

  Chapter Three

  Ari gasped, frozen with shock, while her father attacked the stranger calling himself Dane Griffin.

  Though Dane had been so particular about his outfit only minutes ago, not wanting to damage his precious twelve hundred-dollar suit when he morphed into his jaguar, he shredded it now, immediately bursting into his animal to defend himself, teeth snapping, claws flashing. She could only gape as his tattered clothes dripped off his speckled fur while he leapt onto his hind legs to meet her father’s attack.

  The two males roared when they collided, fur flying, paws swinging, and jaws gaping. The reverberation of their powerful impact seemed to send a shockwave of energy through the air, echoing through Ari’s chest. Growling and hissing in the middle of the carpeted floor, neither beast held back as he pounced. They slashed at each other with sharp fangs, batted with deadly claws.

  When her mother jumped to her feet, eyes wide with alarm, Ari finally broke from of her amazed stupor.

  “Mom!” She grasped Jaycee around the middle, yanking her back before Jaycee could try to jump between the two wild animals and get hurt in the crossfire. But Jaycee must’ve realized she couldn’t intervene because she twisted into Ari, pressing her face against her daughter’s shoulder with a sob. “Make them stop, Ari. Make them stop. One of them’s going to get hurt.”

  Her desperation shocked Ari. Jaycee had always been one hundred percent devoted to Knox Fallow—er, Roland. Ari had never seen her worry about another male, but she looked shattered at the idea that either of these two might bring harm to the other. She loved them both.

  Rattled, Ari wasn’t sure what she could do to stop them, but she knew she could do more than her powerless, human mother. Setting Jaycee safely out of the way from the snarling, warring animals, she turned to watch them a moment, entranced by their beauty and savagery.

  She always thought her father was one of the strongest shifters alive, but the jaguar was certainly keeping up with him as he dodged a slashing paw and in return sank his teeth into the wolf’s shoulder. She knew she should be worried about her father, but there was something about the jungle cat that instilled a certain pride in her, amazed he wasn’t cowed by Knox. He actually gave her dad a good fight.

  Her body grew restless with energy; it made her want to attack Dane next…but in an entirely different, sexual way. By the looks of him, he could handle a wild ride from her—something none of her human partners in the past could accomplish.

  She blamed the excited carnal interest on her animals. The brutal, primal critters inside her were always drawn to brave, gutsy alphas who used both strength and intellect to get what they wanted. And any male who fought her father needed a sharp, savvy brain as well as a powerful physique.

  Before she could come up with a plan to intervene, her father scraped his paw down the jaguar’s spine. With a very human-sounding shout of pain, Dane flickered from his animal to his human a few times before the animal melted away and he stumbled backward on two bare feet, a bloody, naked man.

  Ari realized Dane must’ve been hurt badly, since all shifters reverted to their natural shape when in distress, and he was undoubtedly human in his natural shape.

  She jumped forward, dodging between him and her father when Knox went to attack Dane with a final death blow. Though Dane had already twisted around to defend himself, she knew he wouldn’t stand a chance against an enraged wolf while he was trapped in his injured human body.

  “Daddy!” she gasped, opening her arms wide to block as much of Dane as she could. “Stop.”

  The wolf skidded to a halt on all fours and flashed his teeth at her, telling her with his body language to get out his way.

  She stood her ground, glaring. “No. Are you insane? How dare you attack a peaceful visitor in the middle of your own living room?”

  He huffed out a sound of impatience. She could see the frustration brewing in his brown eyes. He probably wanted to turn human so he could explain himself, but he didn’t want to reveal his naked body to her.

  Rolling her eyes, she reeled away, muttering under her breath, “Stubborn, hotheaded wolf.”

  Jaycee had already rushed to the jaguar’s side. “Dane?” He’d curled in around himself to hide his own nakedness, revealing a foot-long bloody gash marring a diagonal strip across his tanned back.

  He sucked in a breath when his former nanny lightly touched his shoulder. “I’m fine,” he said, grating out the rusty words.

  But, clearly, he wasn’t. Grabbing a throw blanket off the couch, Ari tossed it over him. Gratefully, he clutched it and tried to straighten only to hiss out another strangled breath and bend over double again. Both Ari and her mother surged forward, one woman catching his right arm, the other grasping his left.

  “It’s okay, baby,” Jaycee crooned in a worried, maternal voice. “We’ve got you now. We won’t let him hurt you.”

  Knox sniffed out an indignant wolf sound to gain their attention. When he stepped toward Jaycee, almost hesitantly, she seared him with a glare. “Don’t even come near me right now. What were you thinking, Knox? This is Dane!”

  He whimpered and fell back a step, bowing his head in humble apology.

  Dane straightened again, holding in his grimace, though Ari could clearly see the pain as his face drained of color. Holding the blanket over his shoulders like a king might wear a robe, he turned to arch the wolf a haughty stare.

  “Knox,” he said, his voice rumbling out the name. He gave a slight nod in greeting before dryly adding, “So nice to see you again.”

  Knox growled, snapping his teeth and dove forward, ready to attack once more.

  Ari stomped her foot at him. “Daddy,” she scolded. “Behave.”

  Next to her, Dane had started to shiver, though he managed to snicker derisively. “Bad dog.”

  Knox growled at him again but remained motionless, his body vibrating furiously.

  “This way,” Jaycee instructed as she steered Dane around and led him down a hall, deeper into the house.

  Though she wanted to bat her mother away and take care of Dane herself, Ari let go of his arm, letting Jaycee lead him off. She watched them a moment as her mother flipped on the light to Ari’s old bedroom and ushered him inside.

  Once they both disappeared from view, she turned back to her father. She’d see to Dane later. First, she wanted some answers, and she had a feeling Knox could supply them.

  Grasping a pair of emergency clothes her dad kept stashed behind the couch, she flung the shirt and pants at his furry paws. Then, turning her back to allow him privacy, she folded her arms across her chest and tapped her foot. “Who is he? And why did you try to kill him?”

  Behind her, she heard clothes rustle before her father let out a tired human sigh.

  Unwilling to wait a moment longer, she whirled around to find he’d already pulled his pants on and was fastening the fly. “Well?”

  His gaze was weary and ancient as he eyed her. “What did he tell you?” Narrowing his eyes with suspicion, he demanded, “What did he do to you?”

  “Nothing.” She frowned, irritated he wasn’t immediately explaining himself. “He showed up in my yard, rescued my cat stuck in my tree, and claimed I was his mate.” With a shrug, she added, “It was a bit of a shock since I don’t even remember him.”

  “He’s a menace,” Knox said with a sneer. “From the moment you were born, I’ve wanted to slaughter the little cocksucker, and then slaughter him again for good measure.”

  That, she could already tell. But… “Why?”

  “He marked you, Ari, bonded with you, stole all your choices. My God, the bastard took your entire future.”

  The impact of his words struck hard. It was true then. Dane Griffin was truly her mate.

father was right, the jaguar had stolen her life. She should’ve been able to choose her own mate, or even chosen not to bond with anyone if she so desired. She should’ve been able to go anywhere and do anything she wanted. But with a mate, she’d be tethered to him, unable to stray too far without constantly feeling the need to return to him. She sank down in the chair, a cold chill consuming her.

  “And you just let him?” she croaked the words.

  Knox looked devastated as he sat next to her. “I’m sorry. My God, Ari. I’m so sorry. I had no idea he would…it all happened so fast. One minute, Jaycee was screaming and writhing in pain, the next minute you were born, and she…Jaycee wasn’t moving. We were worried about her. He…Dane volunteered to take you to the nursery, so we let him and…”

  He shook his head, looking lost. “You were alone with him only a few moments. When Jaycee woke and asked for you, I went to get you, except it was already too late. I could smell the bond he’d already created.”

  Ari gulped, trying to control her erratic breathing. “Mom doesn’t know,” she said instead of asked. It was obvious Jaycee had no clue about any this mating, bonding business. She never would’ve kept something like this from Ari. Her father, on the other hand…oh, she could definitely see him thinking to protect her by telling her nothing.

  He lowered his face in shame even as he shook his head. “I couldn’t tell her. She loved those Griffin cubs. If she knew he’d…” He closed his eyes and let out a bitter laugh. “Hell, she probably would’ve been ecstatic, even reassured, to think you were going to end up with him.” He snorted. “Humans have no idea of the intensity that goes into a mating bond.”

  Ari frowned. “But you’re mated to Mom. Are you saying what you feel for her is stronger than what she feels for you simply because you’re a bonded shifter and she’s a simple human?”

  He frowned, looking insulted by the mere idea. “Of course not. But your mother is a special case. When I bit and bonded to her, she couldn’t return the favor, yet that didn’t seem to matter. We love stronger than any pair of mates I know.”

  With a sigh, Ari patted his knee. “Then she should understand the intensity of shifter bond perfectly.”

  Brow furrowed, Knox debated her answer a moment before his shoulders slumped in defeat. “Shit,” he mumbled. “She’s never going to forgive me for not telling her about this, is she?”

  Ari smiled softly. “I’ve never known her not to forgive you for anything, Dad. But if I were her, I’d probably stay pissed for quite a while. She seems to care for…for…” she couldn’t say his name aloud, so she adlibbed, “…these Griffins very much.”

  “She did,” he agreed sadly. “Before you and I came into her life, they were her entire world.” Lifting his face, he cringed. “Are you pissed at me too, then?”

  Ari shrugged. “For what? Separating me from my mate, knowing it would deplete a part of my soul—my very life source—to be far away from him?” She made a face. “Actually, no, I’m not that mad. I don’t remember him at all or how vivacious I must’ve felt around him, so I had no idea what I left behind. As for what you just did…I appreciate your protective concern. But I’m an adult now, Dad. I’ll take care of this situation myself. Don’t touch him again.”

  The mere idea of anyone trying to hurt Dane made her want to break out into her fur and start snapping necks with her big-bad wolf teeth.

  Knox didn’t answer as he watched her with an unreadable expression. But when he gave a single nod, she decided their problems were resolved. Sending him a smile, she pushed to her feet. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I guess I have a mate to tend to.”

  Knox scowled but didn’t respond to that. “Ari?” he murmured when she turned from him. When she paused and glanced back, his eyes crinkled with worry. “Did…did being apart from him really…deplete your life source?”

  She smiled softly. “Yesterday, I would’ve said no, I don’t feel as if anything has been depleted. But now that he’s here, close…” She swallowed, unable to lie. “I’ve never felt so alive, Daddy. I already feel compelled to get closer to him, so when he leaves, I’ll probably follow if for no other reason but to feel this animated.”

  He closed his eyes and nodded. “Then…I’m sorry for that, at least. I never meant to take anything from you.”

  Realizing he wouldn’t apologize for anything else, Ari followed the smell of fresh blood back to her old childhood bedroom and to the source of her energy jolt. Her mate.

  * * * *

  “This used to be Ari’s room,” Jaycee said as she instructed Dane to lay belly-first on the full-sized bed.

  His nostrils flared as he settled down onto the soft mattress, inhaling scents he’d long since ingested into his brain. The scent of his mate.

  “I can tell,” he murmured, and flicked a finger toward the wall shelf where a menagerie of stuffed animals sat. “I remember buying her that jaguar.”

  She’d always loved petting him when he was in his cat form, stroking his fur for hours. Dane hated being treated like an animal, but with Ari, it wasn’t so bad. Felt nice, actually. He had lounged with her and purred, relishing the swipe of her gentle fingers through his mane.

  There’d been nothing sexual about it, but her loving ministrations had endeared her to him in ways he’d never felt toward another human or shifter. He remembered buying the stuffed jag for her to pet for those times they couldn’t be together.

  When he bought it, he had no idea they’d be separated for twenty years.

  Jaycee chuckled as she seated herself by his hip and carefully began to tug the blanket off his shoulders and down his back to bare his wound. “Did you buy that old thing? I couldn’t remember where it came from, but I do remember after we moved here, she used to carry it around everywhere. I can’t tell you how many times I had to sew its tail back on.”

  “Are you talking about my stuffed animals again?” Ari’s voice rose from the doorway in a teasing scold. “I swear, Mother, if I didn’t have such a healthy self-esteem you’d reduce me to timid jitters with all your tales about what I used to do with that stuffed cat.”

  Dane jerked his face around to look at her. Back in Locks Hollow, he’d never produced one inappropriate thought concerning Ari, not even when puberty hit. She’d been like a beloved little sister to him. But all these years later, halfway across the country, and with so much time between them, every thought was loaded with sex. She was so sensuous, beautiful, feminine.


  He shuddered with longing at the same moment Jaycee pressed two fingers to his wound. She cooed in sympathy and snapped her hand back, probably assuming his tremble came from pain instead of desire. “Oh, you poor thing. This looks nasty. Ari, get my medical kit from the bathroom, will you?”

  When his mate disappeared from the doorway, he almost whimpered with want, needing her to return to his presence. He felt so much better with her near. More alive, more settled, more content.

  More aroused.

  Beside him, Jaycee pushed to her feet and followed her daughter out the door, calling to him over her shoulder, “I’m going to get a wet cloth to clean you up. Be right back.”

  Left alone in the room, Dane closed his eyes and soaked in Ari’s lingering essence. His wounds would be fine after a while; all shifters healed fast. If he wanted to be a big boy, he’d heft his ass up and take himself off. But the cat in him so loved to be fussed over and pampered. Stroked and caressed.

  Besides, he liked to be surrounded by Ari’s things. Dangerous as that might prove, her scent was too intoxicating to abandon. A balm that banished everything bad.

  He winced, reminding himself that was not why was he was here. He would not fall into the rut of needing to be with her all the time. Never again. And with all the sexual heat brewing between them added on top of all those old feelings of compassion, the need would only be a millions times stronger if he let her back into his life this time around.

  No. He couldn’t do it.

��You wanted to tell me…what?”

  He sucked in a breath and lobbed his head on her pillow toward the voice.

  “Ari,” he rasped. She stepped into the room, hugging Jaycee’s old medical kit to her breasts, a kit even he remembered. Her black hair swept over her shoulders as she approached him, her gaze straying to his exposed naked back.

  He grew hard—or rather harder—watching the interest in her gaze. But shit, it didn’t matter if she wanted him as much as he wanted her. He was never going to sink his dick into the delectable Ari Roland—Fallow’s—precious cunt. Not if he wanted his freedom.

  The injustice of it made him gnash his teeth.

  She sat next to him, right where her mother had settled herself a second ago. But he hadn’t been aware of every follicle in Jaycee’s being the way he was aware of Ari’s heat and smell. And arousal.

  “Before my father pummeled you, you told me you weren’t done talking to me,” she reminded him. “So what else did you need to say?”

  He stared up at her a moment, craning his neck to keep eye contact before he murmured, “I won’t hold you.”

  She frowned. “What?”

  Closing his eyes on a soft sigh, he let his face drop back to her pillow. “That’s what I came to tell you. Despite the bond, I won’t hold you to it. What I did in my innocent youth wasn’t fair…for either of us. I didn’t even know what I was doing, really. I just knew you were hungry and marking you was the only way I could honestly supply you with any kind of sustenance. I had no idea it would bind us as it did. So, I’m here to break it. And grant us some freedom, grant you freedom.”

  Idly, she caught of dribble of blood slipping down the crack in his spine with her index finger and wiped it away. “I’m not stupid, Dane. I know you can’t just break a bond. It’s not like getting a divorce. There is no release, no freedom.”

  He shook his head, and tried not to think about how nice her touch felt. “That’s shifter talk. And we’re half human; we don’t have to follow every inclination our animals make.”


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