Patriots United

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Patriots United Page 11

by Robert Boren

  Jules smiled. “I like idea. Might have to remove armaments.”

  “Wouldn’t that be weird? Not having to worry about Islamists or the UN trying to kill us all the time?”

  “Life go back to normal after while,” he said. “Hope your captivity not too harmful over the years.”

  “It’s just something bad that happened,” she said. “Look at all the Jews who were in concentration camps, but went on to normal lives after the war. People can be strong.”

  “True, and you strong,” he said. “If ever bother you, we work. Professional help or whatever you need. Understand?”

  “Of course, honey. It’s not bothering me now. Will it in the future? I don’t know. We’ll see.”

  “Checked apps lately?”

  Shelley shook her head no. “I’d better, been a while.” She picked her phone off the center console and loaded the app.

  “Where are we?” Sparky asked, stretching in the dinette.

  “We just passed Turk,” Shelley said. “We’re going to switch drivers when we get to Buttonwillow.”

  “How long?”

  “Hour and a half, give or take,” Shelley said. “We should get fuel there too.”

  “Okay, I’m gonna try to doze a little longer, then.”

  “Use bedroom if like,” Jules said.

  “Nah, I can sleep okay here,” he said. “Thanks.”

  “No enemy hits along our route at all,” Shelley said. “Still seeing a few to the east, but I think they’re going to link up with the group heading to Utah.”

  “Where east?” Jules asked.

  “They’re on Highway 395, heading for I-15,” she said.

  “Where’s rest of enemy group?”

  “The closest are already past Vegas. The furthest are almost to St. George.”

  “That Utah?” Jules asked.

  “Yep,” Shelley said. “We’re looking good.”

  “How about south?”

  Shelley moved her fingers on the screen, getting to the border area. “There’s way more enemy fighters down there than I like to see.”

  “How far from border?”

  “Hard to tell with this app. Maybe forty miles.”

  Jules glanced at her, looking worried. “They slow down. Waiting for more forces, perhaps. How many hits south of their position?”

  Shelley looked. “Lots more. Thousands. Coming from Mazatlán, but they’re way south. They’re actually closer to the Texas border than they are to the California border.”

  “But they head for California, no?”

  “That’s what it looks like to me,” Shelley said. “They’re on Mexican Highway 18, which hugs the coast until it goes east into Hermosillo. The rest of the roads to the California border look pretty bad.”

  “It Mexico,” Jules said. “They be on foot eventually. They plan to have vehicles ready for Old Highway 80. We aren’t going to make that easy for them.”

  “Didn’t Ivan say they’d overrun our forces at the border?”

  “Yes, but we have large buildup of forces at best spot,” Jules said. “We slow down while other forces are brought up, and then Naval Aviators show up. Blast to kingdom come.”

  “There’s a lot that can go wrong with that plan.”

  Jules nodded. “Tell me.”

  “Well, if they get vehicles on Old Highway 80, they can go to I-8, then head either west into San Diego or east and up further into California. They could also take Old Highway 80 to Highway 94 and roll right up to where we’ll be.”

  “You mention only three roads they can use,” Jules said. “Two are tiny and easy to attack. One is bigger but also easy to attack. Old Highway 80, Highway 94, and I-8.”

  “There’s a lot more if they go east on I-8,” Shelley said.

  “They only go that way if they flee to Arizona,” Jules said. “If they go further up into California, we whittle troops down to nothing. Only chance to make difference is San Diego. They will take out Naval Base or die trying. We make sure they die trying.”


  The Wire

  S id, Yvonne, and Clem rolled into the back parking area, a block outside of Dodge City’s main street.

  “What now?” Yvonne asked.

  “I could use a snort and some conversation about what just happened,” Clem said. “Going to the saloon.”

  “Sounds kinda good to me,” Sid said.

  “Mind if I go back to our rig?” Yvonne asked. “I’m tired.”

  “Sure, no problem,” Sid said. “I’ll walk you there, change my clothes, and meet Clem back in town. That okay?”

  “Sure, but don’t get too trashed. We’re seeing too much enemy activity around here.”

  “I think we ought to have the battle wagons in siege mode,” Clem said.

  “Me too,” Yvonne said. “You gonna take one of the new rigs we got?”

  Clem shook his head. “Nope. I kinda like living in the Dodge City Hotel. Reminds me of a vacation in Westworld.”

  Sid chuckled. “Oh, really? Got any robot dance hall girls, I wonder?”

  “Stop,” Yvonne said. “You’ve been spending a lot of time with Sarah, Clem.”

  “Nothing romantic about that. We’re old friends, that’s all.”

  “You just do whatever makes you happy,” Yvonne said. She turned to Sid. “Let’s go, honey.”

  He nodded, and they walked down a couple more blocks, to where there were widely-spaced rows of battle wagons, most already in siege mode, lights on in about half of them.

  “I think Sarah wants to be more than just friends,” Yvonne whispered when they got out of earshot.

  “I doubt it, frankly,” Sid said. “He’s older, you know. By more than a few years. He’s had problems, too.”


  “The usual older man problems,” Sid said. “Do I have to spell it out for you?”

  “You look nervous mentioning that. Worried? You still do fine.”

  “I do, but I’m not looking forward to the time that I won’t anymore,” he said. “Clem’s twelve years older than me.”

  “That just puts him at seventy-five,” she said. “Not that old. I actually thought he was older.”

  Sid unlocked the coach and opened the door for Yvonne. After he followed, she turned and hugged him, giving him a kiss which grew passionate.

  “Wow, maybe I ought to stay here,” he said.

  “No, go and find out what you can, but just remember that I’ll be here waiting.”

  Sid laughed. “You don’t want me to drink too much.”

  “Yep, and I don’t want you to be out too late either. Might as well use the tools I’ve been given.”

  “Oh, brother,” Sid said. “I’m being worked.”

  She kissed him again, then whispered in his ear. “I want you. Be ready.”

  He smiled as she broke the embrace and walked to the fridge, looking inside.

  “You’re something,” he said, shaking his head. “I’ll be back sooner than you expect.”

  She waved, and he walked out the door. The evening was cooling down fast, Sid taking his time as he strolled back to Main Street. He could hear people. The population of the town had already swelled by a few hundred, most of the newcomers camped in tents to the east. The voices grew louder as he made it to the wooden sidewalk. Light flooded out of the saloon and the lobby of the hotel. Sid pushed through the swinging doors of the saloon. Clem was at the bar with Ed, Sam, and Garrett, Willard behind the bar.

  “There he is,” Clem said, smiling as Sid sat on the stool next to him.

  “What’ll you have?” Willard asked. “Some of that good stuff?”

  “Sure, on the rocks,” Sid said, putting his elbows on the bar. He turned to look at the room, all the tables full. Seth and Kaitlyn were in the back, at the same table as always, staring into the laptop screen, Trevor and Kaylee sitting next to them.

  “Jumpin place,” Clem said, taking a sip of his whiskey. Willard slid Sid’s to him.

bsp; “Thanks,” Sid said, putting the glass to his lips. “Damn fine liquor.”

  “We’re flush, after that last bit that Elmer and I found,” Willard said. “It don’t come out for everybody.”

  Garrett laughed. “I’d put it away if my crazy sister shows up.”

  “I saw Elmer go over there half an hour ago,” Willard said. “She’s either down for the night, or she’ll stomp over here shortly, ready for a squall.”

  Ed laughed, shaking his head. “And I thought the tribe was a soap opera.”

  “Mine was,” Sid said. “Where’s Ji-Ho?”

  “He wasn’t feeling well,” Sam said. “Hit the sack. I think he wants to be fresh when his friends arrive.”

  “When are they due?” Sid asked.

  “Couple hours, if they don’t run into problems.”

  “They’re coming all the way from Sacramento in one day, with the roads how they are now?”

  “The roads aren’t bad further north,” Sam said. “Things have settled down nicely thanks to Ivan’s efforts up there.”

  “And thanks to the citizens, let’s not forget,” Clem said. “Californians have exceeded my expectations.”

  “True that,” Sid said. “Where’s Sarah?”

  “Stop that,” Clem said, smiling. “There’s nothing there. Really. Besides, she’s still mourning. John hasn’t been gone for that long.”

  “I miss that man so much,” Sam said, raising his glass. “Here’s to him.”

  The others joined the toast.

  “Clem told you guys what happened out there, right?” Sid asked.

  “Yep,” Sam said.

  “Sorry about your men,” Sid said to Garrett.

  “Thanks,” he said. “That was tough. Wish we had a better way to track them. Maybe those cameras will help.”

  “There’s a bunch of armed off-roaders coming with Jules,” Sam said. “We ought to enlist them to join the patrols.”

  “How safe do you guys think we are here?” Sid asked.

  “We’re getting thousands more people, and a lot of them have military weapons,” Garrett said. “It’ll be an armed camp. I don’t think the enemy will continue to hit us. We’ll kill too many of them.”

  “The enemy forces in Mexico are moving north again,” Seth said in a loud voice. “I think it’s because those forces from the south are almost with them.”

  “Dammit, I knew that’s why they were waiting,” Sam said. “Thanks, Seth.”

  “No problem. We’re gonna hit the rack pretty soon. Want me to leave the laptop?”

  “Nah, all of us have phones,” Sam said.

  “Okay,” Seth said, unplugging his power supply. He got ready to leave with Kaitlyn, Trevor, and Kaylee.

  “Seth’s a lucky kid,” Clem said. “His woman is a looker.”

  “You got that right,” Willard said. “Makes me wish I was about sixty years younger.”

  The men laughed.

  “You guys hear any more about the forces in San Diego?” Sid asked. “The air support?”

  Clem chuckled. “You’re here to find out the latest, then you’re going back home, aren’t you? Yvonne wants to get a report, I’ll bet.”

  Sid snickered. “How’d you guess? We’re both interested.”

  “I tried to talk Anna into coming over, but she decided to hang out at the ranch house instead,” Garrett said.

  Sam smiled. “Erica wanted to stay at home with Mia, but she wants info too. We’re all in the same boat.”

  Clem laughed. “Good reason to be single. I’ll have another drink, bar keep. Should I open a tab?”

  “You guys can drink for free,” Willard said. “In fact, everybody can drink for free, as far as I’m concerned.”

  Garrett eyed him. “I don’t want no drunken brawls in town, though, okay Willard? Take it easy with folks we don’t know.”

  “Of course,” Willard said, sliding a fresh drink to Clem.

  “Thank you kindly,” Clem said, a twinkle in his eye.

  “In the morning we should go follow the tracks, and figure out where those UN Peacekeepers came in,” Sid said.

  “I second that,” Garrett said. “Hell, I’ll probably go with you if Anna doesn’t have plans for me.”

  “Plans?” Sam asked.

  Ed chuckled. “Moving right in, is she?”

  Garrett shrugged. “She’s the woman of the house already. What can I say. I wanted it.”

  “What time tomorrow?” Sid asked, downing his drink.

  “Not too early,” Garrett said. “I’m gonna drink a tad more. Things are gonna get way too busy around here when we get the large influx of recruits.”

  “Sounds like you’re thinking more than a tad,” Willard said. “Think I’ll join you.”

  “Yeah, until Susanne shows up,” Clem said.

  “She can only pull that crap with Elmer,” Willard said.

  “That’s a true statement,” Garrett said. “I love my sister and all, but I don’t understand how he can put up with that.”

  “You probably don’t want to know,” Clem quipped. The others cracked up.

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right about that,” Garrett said.

  “How about nine, Garrett?” Sid asked, getting off the stool.

  “Nine thirty, okay?”

  “Done,” Sid said. “See you guys in the morning.”

  Sid left the bar, heading back out onto the wooden sidewalk, re-tracing his steps. He caught Sarah out of the corner of his eye. She rushed across the street from the boarding house.

  “Clem in the saloon?” she asked.

  “Yeah,” Sid said, stopping on the sidewalk, leaning against a hitching post. “Why? Problems?”

  “I heard he almost got killed today,” she said.

  “Now where’d you hear a thing like that?” Sid asked.

  “Garrett told Susanne. Clem is too smart to lose. Was he doing something stupid?”

  “No more than the rest of us,” Sid said. “Hell, Yvonne helped us a lot. Killed two of the snipers. Clem did well out there, too. He got those cameras placed. They’ll give us at least some view of that area.”

  “I don’t think you guys should be taking him out there,” she said softly.

  “He’s younger than he looks, you know.”

  “How old is he?”

  “He’s never told you that?” Sid asked.

  “I know he’s older than you and John.”

  “He’s only seventy-five,” Sid said.

  “Really? I thought he was in his eighties.”

  “I’ll tell him you said that,” Sid said with a wicked grin.

  “Don’t you dare. He’s still in there, huh?”

  “Garrett, Clem, Ed, and Willard are gonna drink a little more. It’ll be too crazy to do that after all the additional people show up.”

  “Thanks,” she said, turning towards the saloon.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Maybe I’d like a few drinks too,” she said. “Go home to Yvonne.”

  Sid chuckled, and headed back to the coach. It was dark, except for the reading light in the bedroom.

  “Sid?” Yvonne called from the back.

  “It’s me,” he said, shuffling along in the dark. He bumped into the kitchen counter.

  “Turn on a light, silly.”

  “I’m coming straight there,” he said, walking to the back. She was under the covers with a book in her hand.

  “Well, what do you have to report?”

  “Lots more people arriving tomorrow. Sam and Ji-Ho’s buddies should be here later tonight.”

  “They’re driving straight through?”

  “Apparently,” he said, pulling off his shirt. “We’re going back out to follow the trails of the UN Peacekeepers tomorrow morning.”

  “Who’s we?”

  “Garrett’s interested. Not sure who else.”

  “I’m going,” she said. “What else?”

  “Seth said that the lower group of enemy fighters has c
aught up with the big group, and they started moving again.”

  “Oh, God,” she said. “That all?”

  Sid pulled off his pants and climbed into bed, laying on his back. “Yeah, that’s pretty much it. We teased Clem a little bit about Sarah, and teased Garrett a little bit about Anna.”

  “It’s not nice to tease,” Yvonne said, rolling over the top of him and settling in.

  “You’re naked.”

  “So are you, I’ve noticed,” Yvonne said, kissing him gently. “I like it.” Their hands roamed on each other, the conversation slowing. Then Sid laughed.

  “What?” Yvonne asked, stopping her movement for a moment.

  “Sarah met me on the sidewalk while I was on my way here.”

  “Oh, really,” Yvonne asked, looking him in the eyes. “Why?”

  “She wanted to know where Clem was. Susanne told her what happened.”

  Yvonne snickered, then went back to kissing Sid, on his mouth, then on his neck and chest. He was kissing her back now, focused on the nape of her neck.

  “I’m liking this,” he whispered.

  “Did she go home?” Yvonne asked, moving her head closer to his.


  “Duh,” she said.

  “Oh, Sarah. You’re not helping my concentration.”

  “So deal with it,” she said. “Tell me.”

  He sighed. “She went to the saloon, said she was gonna drink with the others.”

  Yvonne stopped, backing up to see his face. “No way.”

  “I’m serious,” he said. “Get back down here.”

  “You know what she wants, don’t you?” Yvonne whispered.

  “She wants to tell him to be more careful, I expect.”

  She shook her head, getting up higher, then sinking herself onto him, moaning. “She wants this.” Sid watched as she shuddered over him, moving faster, already out of control, crying out as the passion took them over.


  The bobtail truck and several vans were lined up on the dark street in an industrial area, just south of Sacramento. A handful of college-aged men and women were loading the back with computer and audio equipment. Ben Dover walked out the door of the rented office suite, which stood between two larger spaces for manufacturing and storage.

  “That everything?” Ben Dover asked, looking in the back of the truck at the equipment packed inside.


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