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The Gallows at Midnight

Page 15

by Courtney Lynn Rose

  “Take her in the house and tie her to a chair until I can talk without killing her,” Lily says keeping her eyes on Blake’s face.

  Rhett and Vlad take her away. Once she’s in the house, Blake lets Lily up. She studies her hands, the blood still sticky covering them. Glancing over her shoulder, she blanches taking in her handy work. She didn’t mean to lose control, but it doesn’t change the aftermath.

  “You need to finish him off, Lily. You can’t let him bleed to death and suffer,” I whisper.

  She begins to shake so hard it’s as if she’s having a seizure. Blake leans down and grabs the hunting knife off the ground.

  “No. She’s not killing any more people right now.” He takes determined steps to the hitman and before I can protest, shoves the hunting knife into the top of the man’s skull, twists and pulls it back out. Swiftly, he throws the knife at Lily’s feet, grabs her hand and drags her toward the house.

  Following them, I finally see the message she left on his chest.

  You’re next.

  — The Viper



  My teeth chatter as the freezing water runs over my body. That’s the third time in my life I’ve lost control and given into the darkness lurking in the depths of my heart. It’s the first time anyone’s pulled me out of it so quickly. Usually, it takes a few days before the lust for blood and revenge subsides with any level of normalcy returning.

  Blake’s eyes did it though— almost immediately. As soon as I realized it was him holding me down, it was like the world tilted and boomeranged back into place. It proves he’s my rock, my center. Eleven years with my team and none of them would’ve stopped me from gutting Sammi in that field, but Blake did. I’m glad too. As angry as I am with her, I need to hear what she has to say.

  I close my eyes and let the cold clear the rest of my head. The guilt from my actions will stick with me for a while. It always does. Fuck, if Sorina saw any of that, I’ll never forgive myself. So many aspects of myself I still hide from her and Blake. How can I be the mother and wife they deserve if my impulses get the best of me?


  I jump out of my skin at the sound of Blake’s deep, pained voice. He moves to step into the shower, still fully clothed, but I shake my head, stopping him in the doorway.

  “Don’t. The last thing I want is you touching me right now.”

  It hurts to say those words to him, but it’s the truth. I need his touch, crave it, like a starving man craves food. But I don’t deserve it.

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I can’t believe you’d even want to touch me after what you saw.”

  He steps into the shower and closes the door, leaning against the back wall and crossing his arms across his chest. “Have you forgotten I shoved your hunting knife through that guy’s head?”

  A lump forms in my throat and I swallow it down, irrational and sadistic desire making me wet in the worse way. “No, baby, I haven’t. God, this is going to sound sick, but that might be the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen you do.”

  His eyebrows shoot up, surprise coloring his face. “What?”

  I turn to face him, his eyes darkening as they travel down my naked body. He bites his bottom lip and all my willpower is spent on not touching him. Not pulling him to me and biting that fucking lip myself.

  “As much as it burns my ass to admit it, Blake, I’m a sadist in my own way. Tonight was my euphoria. Letting go like that, torturing and killing. It’s why I joined Jax when he found me. It’s what he trained me for. Only one thing in twenty years has ever beaten that high.”

  “What thing?”

  My breathing quickens, taking in the toned contour of his muscles, knowing how they move and ripple when we make love. “You. You’re the best high I’ve ever had. Even killing doesn’t beat that.”

  He pushes off the wall, closing the space between us, putting his body flush against mine. Every nerve ending in my body is at attention, calling to him, my hands shaking with the need to touch him. He doesn’t shiver in the cold water, but his black t-shirt clings to his abs like a second skin making me damn near bounce with desire.

  “Do you want me to touch you now, Lily?” His voice is commanding, deep, and sexy as fuck.

  The air moves so damn fast through my lungs, I’m on the verge of a panic attack. This feeling hasn’t come with this intensity since the first time we made love. He moves closer still, his hands at his side.

  “Answer me, baby.” He leans forward, his face next to mine, but still not touching me. “You smell so good.”

  “I’m worried I’ll hurt you right now. It usually takes me a few days to get back to normal when I lose it like that.”

  “Worried about hurting me says the woman with bruises in the shape of my hands on her hips.”

  His eyes are hooded, dark, and hungry, but he still doesn’t touch me. He’s waiting for me to ask him to. Any other woman might think he’s being a tease, but he’s not. He’s giving me a choice, letting me make the decision on what I can handle right now. Blake knows how far to push me and has gotten very good at knowing when I’m at my limit. Rarely, in the time he’s known me, has he pushed me past my limit.

  “Blake just be careful. If I get too forceful or hurt you in any way, stop and walk away.”

  His hands move slowly toward me, softly gripping my sides and pulling me tight against his body, his erection pressing through his jeans into the lower part of my belly. His lips press against mine, lightly, asking for acceptance. With shaking hands, I trace the ripples of his abs and chest, finally wrapping my arms around his neck as my lips part for him.

  His tongue is slow and controlled, consuming my mouth. He’s the only person I give complete control to, and happily. Slanting his lips over mine, the kiss deepens, igniting flames in my sex and blood, pulling me to the high only he gives me.

  Everything blanks. It’s just him and me. Tonight doesn’t matter, the cold water, the aftermath awaiting me, Sammi’s betrayal . . . nothing. Dropping my hands, I grip the bottom of his shirt and yank it over his head, moving right for his jeans. In seconds, he is kissing me again, glorious, naked, with an erection that could make other men die from envy.

  “Fuck me, Blake. Now.”

  Thankfully, I don’t have to tell him twice. He grabs the back of my thighs and lifts me into the air, filling me as my back hits the wall. He groans, throwing his head back, holding me steady as we grind into each other.

  He bites my neck hard, sucking on my skin. The pain shoots right to my pulsing clit damn near sending me over the edge and I dig my nails into his shoulder blades, the skin giving under the pressure.

  “Ah, Lily, damn it!”

  His lips, tongue, and teeth move back to my neck, nipping and sucking the same spot as before. He shifts, bracing his right foot on the shower seat behind me, pounding into me harder as his hand slides up my body, roughly teasing my nipples before he grasps the front of my neck, tilting my head to give him better access to my neck.

  The pleasure is blinding and before I can stop it, I grab his hair, yanking his head back, screaming his name, his hand tightening on my neck as I come around him, all the tension and apprehension of the day flowing onto him with my slick wetness. He follows me into bliss, gasping my name.

  Blake lets go of my neck, resting his forehead against mine until our breathing settles.

  “What are you going to do, Lily?”

  I sigh, untangling my body from his and shutting off the shower. My heads clear, my body finally relaxed. I step from the shower and wrap a towel around myself. Blake follows me, his energy tense, waiting for my answer.

  “I’m going to do what I do best, Blake. I’m going to question, Sammi. Then I’m going to find the man after us, kill him, and with any luck retire from Interpol.”

  He gasps, going rigid. “You want to retire?”

  I take two steps and close the gap between us. “I’m tired of this life, Blake. I want a n
ormal life with you. Eleven years is long enough. I want to know what it’s like to wake up in the morning and the only thing I have to do is love you.”

  “Oh, baby.” It’s almost a sob from his lips as he kisses me, sweet and adoringly. “I don’t want you giving up what makes you happy. This is your job.”

  I laugh. “You make me happy. That’s all I need.”

  He crushes me to his body, and I kiss his chest, letting the warmth wash over me.


  My stomach and chest tighten. Vlad and Rhett stand on either side of the chair Sammi’s tied to. Ropes bind her around her chest and legs, not that she’d run if given the chance. She’s not stupid and we’d catch her regardless.

  Dresden’s hand presses firmly against my lower back, giving me the strength and confidence needed to handle this. Hayato’s betrayal hit us all hard, but this . . . knowing Sammi is also a double agent, it’s almost too much. So many puzzle pieces fall into place as her eyes widen, boring into mine.

  “Lily, please—”

  My fist connects with the right side of her face. “Don’t say a fucking word unless you’re answering my questions.”

  She nods and bows her head, keeping her eyes on her feet.

  “How long?”

  Tears slide down her cheeks, glistening in the dim light of the tech office. “Eight years.”

  “What!” My stomach drops as anger surges through my veins like a tidal wave on the shore. “Eight fucking years. You’ve got to be kidding me. Why, Sammi?”

  She shakes her head, her hair falling around her face in disarray.

  I lean forward, yanking her head back with a fist full of hair so she’s forced to look at me. “Answer me. You killed Hayato. Not because he was a double agent. You shot him so he wouldn’t give you up. How could you do this to us, Sammi? We are supposed to be fucking family!”

  “They have my daughter, Lily,” she cries.

  Pushing away from her, my thoughts jumble in my head, making it hard to form a coherent thought. Dresden snakes his arms around my waist, pulling my back flush against his chest. His lips gently press against my shoulder.

  “Breath, Lil. You can’t handle this the way you do everything else.”

  The steady rise and fall of his chest against my body calms me, coaxing my breathing to match his. Running my fingers down his arm, I peel his hands from my waist and kneel in front of Sammi. It takes only a few seconds for me to untie the knots, the ropes falling to the ground around the bottom of the chair.

  She rubs her palms across her thighs, letting out a loud exhale.

  “Why didn’t you tell us when they took her, Sammi? The team was young back then, but we could’ve gotten her back.”

  “I’m sorry, Lily. It’s more complicated than you know. They’ll kill her or worse. I tried to stay loyal and help us even though I have to help them. Ja— “

  The door flies open, Hastin storming into the room holding a piece of paper. He thrusts it into my hands as I stand to face him. “This fax just came into my office.”

  Agent Williams,

  I’m on my way. We need to talk.

  I can explain about Agent Krezner. Don’t do anything harsh.

  --S.A. C.M.

  “Lily, what it is?” Vlad’s voice is tight, full of pain and something darker.

  I reread the letter several times. S.A. is an FBI term. Special Agent. Feds official title. No one in the FBI should know Dresden and I are alive. Hyde and Monroe assured us the nature of our mission was told to a very small, need to know only group. Small as in, Hyde, Bates, Dresden, and me. That’s it.

  It hits me like a freight train, and I gasp, my hand flying to cover my mouth.

  C.M.— Caleb Masterson.

  Fuck me. Blake’s best friend is FBI.



  After shredding the fax, I gather everyone in the living room, informing them there was an important guest on the way. They’ve been asking non-stop about it for the last fifteen minutes. All I can do is smile. I like Caleb and at the moment, I’m inclined to like him even more. Blake had protection long before we ever showed up.

  It’s obvious Blake has no idea about Caleb’s true profession. He would’ve shared that secret by now. He’s sitting on the sofa, fiddling with his wedding band. I skim my thumb over the engagement ring, smiling to myself. Shannon and Sorina have a secured internet connection so they can speak with Carmen about planning the wedding, but it’s limited to two hours a day for extra safety.

  All heads snap toward the door as the clunk of boots echoes from the porch. The knock is heavy and firm.

  I chuckle to myself. “Come in.”

  Caleb is better looking than I remember, but probably because he’s dressed differently— all blonde hair, blue eyes, and tan; wearing a perfect navy blue suit, shiny dress shoes, and a black tie. Had he dressed like this before, I probably would’ve pegged him for a Fed.

  “Caleb!” Blake darts off the couch, and they embrace each other in a hug. “Holy shit, man. How the hell? What the hell is going on?”

  Caleb’s laugh is infectious— deep and knowing. “It’s good to see you again, bro. You remember Carson, right?”

  A young boy steps from behind him. A few inches shorter, dressed well, in jeans and a dress shirt, blonde hair and blue eyes to match Caleb’s.

  “Hey, kid. How you been?”

  “You know me, Blake. Following in my brother’s shadow as always.”

  Caleb’s eyes meet mine and his grin widens. “Excuse me for a sec, bro.”

  I meet him in the middle of the room. He squeezes me around the waist as I throw my arms around his neck. I’ve never been so happy to see someone from Blake’s past. After a minute, he holds me at arm’s length, his hands resting lightly on my waist.

  “You are one crazy, beautiful, sadistic, and amazing bitch, you know that?”

  I feign embarrassment. “Aw, Caleb. That’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me.”

  “It’s good to see you, Lily. We need to talk, though. In private.”

  “I know. We got time. I’m not planning on killing Sammi. Just not letting her near a computer.”

  Blake clears his throat, breaking the private conversation. “Either of you mind explaining what the hell is going on because I don’t particularly like watching my best friend feel up my wife.”

  “Wife?” Caleb’s eyes dart from me to Blake.

  “Not legally, yet. But soon enough,” I say with pride.

  “Well, glad I came around then. That’s something I don’t want to miss.”

  “And to explain love, Caleb here is actually, Special Agent Masterson of the FBI.”

  Caleb straightens his posture, giving me a quick glance and smile.

  “What?” Blake looks as if someone just punched him in the gut.

  Caleb moves to his side, clasping Blake on the shoulder. “You remember when I was 21 and told you I was going to visit family for a few months?”


  “I was in Quantico at the Academy. I wanted to tell you, but I knew I wanted to do undercover work. My recruiter said the fewer people who knew, the better. They stationed me at the Baltimore Field Office so I could still take care of Carson without having to move.”

  “Damn it, man. All this time, you’ve been FBI.”

  “Yep. Been assigned to your ass for the last four years, too.”

  “Assigned to me? For what?”

  “When Shannon went missing and you contacted Interpol, they didn’t have a team to handle it. Lily’s team was somewhere in Africa at the time, if I remember correctly. Word got around. Agencies talk sometimes. They found out I knew you and told me to keep an eye on you and the situation.”

  “I’m not sure if I should thank you or punch you in the balls for lying to me,” Blake says shaking his head.

  Caleb laughs. “Not that you need me now. Your wife is rather respected and not just by Interpol agents.”

  He gives me
a pointed look and my cheeks actually heat. Other than with Interpol agents, my skills aren’t usually discussed.

  “Alright, enough about how awesome I am. I think Caleb and I need to have a word. In private.”

  Blake’s face falls, his jealousy getting the better of him. He should know better. Dresden was a rebound. Though Blake says he forgives me, he’ll never forget. The same way I’ll never forget his affair with Maria, but come hell or high water, we’re going to push past it because losing him again isn’t an option.

  “We’ll be right back, babe,” I say, striding to him and planting a hard kiss on his lips.

  He grabs my hand as I take a step back, yanking hard to slam my body flush against his. His hands weave into my hair, his mouth slanting over mine, as he possesses me, making a public claim. Not that it’s even necessary. Blake owns me— body and soul, but after everything we’ve been through lately, if this is what he needs to feel secure then its fine with me.

  “What was that for?”

  He kisses my cheek this time, a crooked smile pulling up the right side of his mouth. “No reason.”

  Chuckling to myself, I step back and run my fingers through my hair. I can’t afford to get distracted right now.

  “Caleb and Sammi, my office.”

  “Lily take one of our agents with you,” Vlad says eyeing Sammi with contempt.

  “Come on then, Vlad. Let’s find out what the good Fed knows.”

  Caleb lets out a howl of laughter, following us into my office and shutting the door. Sammi sits in an armchair in front of the desk, Caleb taking the seat next to her. Vlad joins me behind my desk but remains standing, tension radiating off him in waves.

  “Alright, Agent Masterson. You said you could explain this for her, and I didn’t kill her. So, explain.”

  “The FBI, and certain people working for Interpol, believe those helping your team are working as double agents for the Taurus. Hayato was, obviously. Sammi is as well. But we believe there are others.”


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